As I am a programmer with solely experience with production environments in the cloud that run with a cloud-based secret manager, I was wondering: How are secrets managed in an on-premise instance? I bet they are not just written in the application settings or the OS environment variables?
• There is no equivalent of azure key vault in on premises environment though you can use ADCS (Active directory certificate services) for certificate shared secret management in on premises infrastructure for authorizing and authenticating resources, service principal names and other identity attributes.
• Though for the handling of the cryptographic keys used by the cloud apps and services hosted on premises, we can setup app key vaults for business central on-premises server as well. Please refer the below official documentation for your reference: -
This document articulates the steps and processes to undertake for integrating the functionality of Azure key vault in your on-premises environment.
• Though, if you want to directly use the Azure key vault’s functionality in your on-premises infrastructure environment, you can provide internet access to your on-premises resources and use client certificate authentication and IP restrictions with key vault through a VPN tunnel for additional security.
Please refer the below links for more information: -
secret management in on premise application
I have an AKS (Kubernetes cluster) created with a managed identity in Azure portal.
I want to automate deployment in the cluster using bitbucket pipelines. For this, it seems I need a service principal.
- pipe: microsoft/azure-aks-deploy:1.0.2
Is there a way to get this from the managed identity? Do I need to delete the cluster and re-create it with service principal? Are there any other alternatives?
Unfortunately, the managed identity can only be used inside the Azure Resources. And it seems the bitbucket pipeline should have the service principal with enough permissions first to access the Azure, then it can manage the Azure resources. And for AKS, you can't change the managed identity that you enable it at the creation into service principal.
So finally, you need to delete the existing AKS cluster and recreate a new cluster with a service principal. Then you can use the same service principal to access Azure and manage the AKS cluster.
I wanted to post this for anyone looking.
The OP asked here about retrieving the service principal details for a managed identity. While it is possible to retrieve the azure resource ID and also the "username" of the service principal, as #charles-xu mentioned using a managed identity for anything outside of Azure is not possible, and this is because there is no method to access the password (also known as client secret)
That being said, you can find the command necessary to retrieve your Managed Identity's SP name in case you need it, for example in order to insert it into another azure resource being created by Terraform. The command is documented here:
I have a .NET Core service running on Azure Kubernetes Service and a Linux Docker image. It needs to connect to an on-premise database with Integrated Security. One of the service accounts in my on-premise AD has access to this database.
My question is - is it possible to run a pod under a specific service account so the service can connect to the database? (Other approach I took was to impersonate the call with WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated, however that requires the DLL "advapi32.dll" and I couldn't find a way to deploy it to the Linux container and make it run.)
A pod can run with the permissions of an Azure Active Directory service account if you install and implement AAD Pod Identity components in your cluster.
You'll need to set up an AzureIdentity and an AzureIdentityBinding resource in your cluster then add a label to the pod(s) that will use permissions associated with the service account.
Please note that this approach relies on the managed identity or service principal associated with your cluster having the role "Managed Identity Operator" granted against the service account used to access SQL Server (service account must exist in Azure Active Directory).
I suspect you may have a requirement for the pods to take on the identity of a "group managed service account" which exists in your local AD only. I don't think this is supported in Linux containers (Recently, Windows nodes support GMSAs as a GA feature).
We have a solution that uses Certificate-based Authentication with Azure Service Principals on Windows. It's documented in the following article:'
Building Daemon or Service Apps with Office 365 Mail, Calendar, and Contacts APIs (OAuth2 client credential flow)
We need a solution similar to the one above that will work on Linux Servers.
The below WIKI by the Azure Identity SDK team has the conceptual documentation here:
The dotnet core sample:
works on Linux however the part of the sample generating the cert will not work as powershell on Linux is based on .net core which doesn't yet support the cert modules required.
we have the following situation. A Open Source Cloud Foundry installation and an independent Gitlab installation. I would like to use the Gitlab Token to identify User in the CF UAA, means everybody registered at the Gitlab is able to use CF.
Is there a possibility to combine this two system?
This is currently not supported by UAA.
We have plans to add supports for Generic OAuth 2.0 based external identity providers in the future.
We want to migrate our custom steps from XAML build to new build task in TFS2015 on-premise. I installed NodeJS and tfx-cli but when tfx-cli want to connect to TFS I need to provide pat (personal access token) but I cannot find where I can get it. All samples is for VSO but not for on-premise TFS2015. Is it possible to get PAT from on-premise TFS2015?
TFS 2015 doesn't support Personal Access Tokens, this feature was introduced with TFS 2017. In the mean time you'll either need to configure basic auth and use that (only enable basic auth if your TFS server is running over SSL), Or use the trick below to trick the command lien tools to authenticate by lettign an NTLM proxy (like Fiddler) handle the auth for you.
If you do not want to configure Basic Authentication on your TFS server (which many people don't want due to security concerns), then you can use a neat trick to let Fiddler handle your authentication:
Then enter:
C:\>set http_proxy=http://localhost:8888
C:\>tfx login --auth-type basic --service-url http://jessehouwing:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
You'll be prompted for a username and a password, it doesn't really matter what you enter, fiddler will handle the authentication for you in the background:
More detailed steps outlined on my blog.
If you're battling self-signed certificates, which is also a common problem when using tfx against a on-premise TFS server, make sure you're using a recent enough version of Node and point it to an aditional cert store using environment variables:
As of Node.js 7.3.0 (and the LTS versions 6.10.0 and 4.8.0) it is now possible to add extra well-known certificates to Node.js with an environment variable. This can be useful in cloud or other deployment environments to add trusted certificates as a matter of policy (as opposed to explicit coding), or on personal machines, for example, to add the CAs for proxy servers.
See the CLI documentation for more information on using NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS, as well as the original pull-request.
Added in: v7.3.0
When set, the well known "root" CAs (like VeriSign) will be extended with the extra certificates in file. The file should consist of one or more trusted certificates in PEM format. A message will be emitted (once) with process.emitWarning() if the file is missing or malformed, but any errors are otherwise ignored.
Note that neither the well known nor extra certificates are used when the ca options property is explicitly specified for a TLS or HTTPS client or server.
There's another option for tfx-cli to connect to the TFS instance, and it is basic authentication. Just use the following format:
tfx login --auth-type basic --username myuser --password mypassword --service-url http://tfscollectionurl
Here is the quote from Github:
You can alternatively use basic auth by passing --auth-type basic
(read Configuring Basic Auth). NTLM will come soon.
Note: Using this feature will store your login credentials on disk in
plain text.