Delphi 11 Alexandria PaintBox flicker in RDP - delphi

I've just upgraded to Delphi 11 Alexandria from Delphi 10.4.2. I use RDP a lot so I noticed flicker when a TPaintBox is invalidated. The weird thing is that it doesn't flicker if the form with the TPaintBox is the first one created. Also it doesn't flicker if run on local machine. Only in RDP. If I compile same project in Delphi 10.4.2 it doesn't flicker in RDP.
Can anyone figure this one out? Is it "simply" a bug in Delphi 11?
Edit: Demoproject
Simple project with two forms. One has an TImage so it is quite large.
If run as is, when you click the picture and move the mouse it flickers. If you change so that Form23 is created first (or even if it is created before it doesn't flicker. Note it onlyt flickers in RDP.
Edit2: After some looking I find the following in TApplication.Run:
procedure TApplication.Run;
FRunning := True;
RemoteSessionCheck; // This has been added since Delphi 10.4.2
if FMainForm <> nil then
If I comment out RemoteSessionCheck; and recompile (you have to add Your Source\vcl dir to Library path) it works with no flicker.

Per a private communication with Embarcadero:
fyi: This issue seems related to:
TRemoteSessionChangedEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var InRemoteSession) of object;
which should have been:
TRemoteSessionChangedEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var InRemoteSession: Boolean) of object;
Our Support team tracked down the issue; explained why it does not affect auto-created forms, and how this will mess up C++ (where the untyped parameter will be exposed as Variant).
A bug ticket was filed, but it is private to their internal system only.

You can check the TApplication.SingleBufferingInRemoteSessions property and set it to False.


Property "ofOverwritePrompt" for TSaveDialog does not work when VCL Styles are used in Delphi 10.1 Berlin

Create a new VCL Forms application
On the main form add a Tbutton and a TSaveDialog
Set "ofOverwritePrompt" to True in properties for the SaveDialog1
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Run the app. Press the button to execute the save dialog. Try to save to a file that already exists.
A message box appears if you want to replace the file. Press cancel. All fine so far. Close the app.
Go to Project/Options/Application/Appearance and select a Custom style (e.g. Amakrits). Set Amakrits as the default style.
Run the app as in #5 above. Only a small bit of the message box will be shown. You will have to press Enter to be able to continue.
(Using a TFileSaveDialog will give the same result)
If I compile and run the app using Delphi XE8 it will be ok since the save dialog window seems to use the default windows style even if another style is chosen.
I have Windows 10 pro. Source compiled as win32 with Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
The replace message box is partly hidden. Only a small top left part is shown, see figure.
And here it is compiled with XE8 win32:
Ps. I am using the default 100% scale factor.
Compiling with win64 (Delphi 10.1 Berlin) seems to be ok:
So, compiling to win32 does not work for me, but 64-bit will. Any clues?
Edit: Trying with "GetSaveFileName(OFN)" will also not work for me in win32 (win 64 is ok):
You can avoid this issue using the dialog styling code of the VCL Styles Utils project.
Just Add these units to your project.
Vcl.Styles.Utils.Menus, //Popup and Shell Menus (class #32768)
Vcl.Styles.Utils.Forms, //dialogs box (class #32770)
Vcl.Styles.Utils.StdCtrls, //buttons, static, and so on
Vcl.Styles.Utils.ComCtrls, //SysTreeView32, SysListView32
Vcl.Styles.Utils.ScreenTips, //tooltips_class32 class
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm26.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
UseLatestCommonDialogs := false;
I cannot confirm the problem, and all looks well here, (32 bit executalbe, themed with Amakrits, compiled with 10.1 Berlin, on Windows 7, 100% scaling) but you could try this:
uses ... Winapi.CommDlg;
OFN: TOpenFileName;
FillChar(OFN, SizeOf(OFN), 0);
OFN.lStructSize := SizeOf(OFN);
OFN.nMaxFile := MAX_PATH;
The result is an Amakrits-themed, new Explorer-like save dialog, which works fine (for me). Only the two round, blue "back" and "forth" (<- and ->) buttons at the top left of the dialog look a little weird.
But I did not try this with custom scaling settings (e.g. Medium 125% in the Control Panel -> Display panel, etc.). I think this could influence such things.
I just tried to use SaveDialog1 (commenting out the OFN code above) with custom Display scaling (125%). All looked fine, so that is not it. Also when I use the OFN code, all looks fine (actually, better, i.e. no XP style dialog, but a real Explorer-like dialog instead).
If I set "Enable High-DPI" to true in Project/Options/Application it will work (replace box properly displayed). Disabling it will cause the problem (both in win32 and win64).
For the record, I had exactly the same problem (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, compiling on Windows 10 64 bit, 100% screen settings, compiled for 32 bit target). Enabling or disabling High-DPMI awareness didn't help.
A workaround is to disable styles for dialog boxes before executing the TSaveDialog (or TOpenDialog) like this:
TStyleManager.SystemHooks := TStyleManager.SystemHooks - [shDialogs];
The file dialog itself will still be themed. You will get standard Windows-style message boxes in case an overwrite prompt (or create prompt) pops up, but they will be large enough for the user to read and click them. After the file dialog has finished, you can enable styled dialogs again by re-adding shDialogs to SystemHooks if needed.

Delphi ActiveX MSTSCLib

I'm trying to play around with some Delphi ActiveX library for MS-RDP (mstscax.dll), so I imported the library into my project, and started looking for some codes snippets on the web. On a first look, it's pretty obvious, but the lack of examples makes it a little complex.
First the library gives an error on Delphi Seattle, on this line:
property ConnectWithEndpoint: POleVariant1 write Set_ConnectWithEndpoint;
Ok, I commented this line out (not the best solution, I know), but it compiled. Later I tried to change POleVariant1 to OleVariant only, and still compiling.
Ok, after compiled, I tried this code:
Form1: TForm1;
RDP: TMsRdpClient8NotSafeForScripting;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
RDP:= TMsRdpClient8NotSafeForScripting.Create(Nil);
RDP.Server:= 'xxxx';
RDP.AdvancedSettings8.RDPPort:= 3389;
RDP.UserName:= 'terminal';
RDP.AdvancedSettings8.ClearTextPassword:= '123456';
if RDP.Connected.ToBoolean = true then
I tried some different types for the var RDP, like TMsRdpClient8 only, but still the same problem:
It don't even try to connect! While looking on the sniffer, no tcp connections are made, just nothing happens and the "error" message appears. Any idea about how to work with this guy?
This question intrigued me so I tried to import that ActiveX control and try it myself. It seems to work for me, so I'll explain what I did.
I imported the mstscax.dll ActiveX control then added it to a new package in order to install components onto the tool palette. I immediately ran into the error you did with the ConnectWithEndpoint property. I changed the type in the declaration to OleVariant because the Set_ConnectWithEnpoint property setter function takes an OleVariant. There is clearly something about the type information that our ActiveX importer code is getting confused by. Either way, that change got the file to compile and install the component package. There are now a bunch of TMsRdpClientXXXX components.
Created a new VCL Forms project, then dropped the TMsRdpClient9 component into the form. Added a TButton and then added this code into the button's OnClick handler:
MsRdpClient91.Server := '<some remote server>';
MsRdpClient91.Domain := '';
MsRdpClient91.UserName := 'abauer';
Once I ran the app, and pressed the button, it connected and the content of the ActiveX control showed the remote server login screen just fine.
I'm running Windows 10, build 10565.
Here's what I'm seeing on my little app I wrote:

Otaining bug fixes for Delphi

Does anyone know how (if) I can obtain bug fixes for Delphi for known, fixed bugs (specifically QC report #125506 relating to indexes in Clientdatasets)
I understand that it has been fixed in XE7 but I object(!!!) to paying £1,000+ to update from XE6 to XE7 when I have only had XE6 for a matter of months, I have spent the time identifying the bug and the ONLY reason I have for moving from XE6 to XE7 is to fix the bug (rant over)!
Apologies for posting this as an "answer" but there are a few things worth mentioning that won't fit comfortably in a comment (or two).
As you've probably gathered, the "Resolution comments" on QC #125506 don't say anything useful, in particular about what was changed or where e.g. in DBClient.Pas or Midas.Dll. I've just run Beyond Compare on the sources of DBClient.Pas in XE6 & XE7, and the changes are minimal: The declaration of TCustomClientDataSet has had a local class declaration of "TPersistDataPacket" added to it and there are a few consequential changes, but whether they bear on QC #125506 is impossible to say. I wondered about quoting the changes here, but decided not to in view of possible copyright or T&C problems.
The versions of MidasLib.Pas in XE6 and XE7 are identical, but the size of the 32-bit release build of MidasLib.Dcu has increased marginally, from 241447 to 241646 bytes. Oddly, Midas.Dll has actually reduced in size, from 451960 to 437632 bytes.
A couple of obvious suggestions:
I'm not sure if the trial version of XE7 includes the Datasnap stuff, but in view of the expense, it would definitely be worth "trying before you buy" if you can manage it. If it doesn't include Datasnap, you might nevertheless see if you can get hold of a copy of the XE7 Midas.Dll - once upon a time Borland-as-was was quite liberal in allowing the latest Midas.Dll to be used with earlier versions. Might be worthwhile asking about both these points on the EMBA newgroups.
In QC #125506, the reporter seems to have run into the problem when using the CDS IndexFieldNames property. If that's how your getting it, have you tried defining a persistent IndexDef instead? The following code works for me (tested on the Authors table of the Sql Server Pubs demo database).
Dynamically adding/using an IndexDef.
procedure TDefaultForm.AddIndex(AFieldName: String; CaseInsensitive: Boolean);
AIndexDef : TIndexDef;
AIndexName : String;
Options : TIndexOptions;
BM : TBookmark;
if CDS1.IndexDefs.GetIndexForFields(AFieldName, CaseInsensitive) = Nil then begin
BM := CDS1.GetBookmark;
AIndexName := 'By' + AFieldName;
Options := [];
if CaseInsensitive then
Options := Options + [ixCaseInsensitive];
AIndexDef := TIndexDef.Create(CDS1.IndexDefs, AIndexName, AFieldName, Options);
CDS1.IndexName := AIndexName;
procedure TDefaultForm.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
AddIndex('au_lname', True);

Why SendToBack is not working with Delphi XE4

I'm using Delphi XE4 and trying to create 2nd form and set it as a background while the first form is transparent (AlphaBlend = true; AlphaBlendValue = 220)
uses Unit2;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
The codes above are working with Delphi 7, but not with Delphi XE4 (Form2 still over on the Form1). Can anyone tell me why the codes are not working with XE4? And how to make it working?
Thanks in advance.
Check the setting of Form2's PopupMode property. It is likely set in a way that cause's Form1's window to become the parent of Form2's window, which would prevent Form2 from moving behind Form1. The PopupMode (and PopupParent) property did not exist in D7, it was introduced in a later version to address z-order bugs that the VCL suffered from in earlier versions.
Read the following blob article for more details:
PopupMode and PopupParent

Delphi MainFormOnTaskBar Modal windows bug

I'm using Delphi 2007 and have set the MainFormOnTaskBar property to true.
The issue that I'm having is this.
If you open a child window from the main form and then you show a message dialog from the child window you just opened. When you close the message dialog and then close the child window, the main form will be sent to the back of any other application you have on the screen.
This happens under windows Vista and Windows 7. Does anyone know why this is happens and how can I fix it?
I guess that would be QC66892-Closing forms deactivates the application, which appears to have been fixed with Delphi 2009 according to the report. At the bottom of the QC report you'll find a comment by Andreas Hausladen including a link to his fix of the bug. But you'd really want to utilize his VCL Fix Pack which includes many other fixes as well.
I've fixed this in two ways.
Firstly by adding stdcall to the end of DoFindWindow in Forms.pas as described by Andreas Hausladen. This handles when a child form is hidden (CloseAction = caHide) instead of released when closing the form.
Secondly - copied the code from TCustomForm.CMShowingChanged that calls FindTopMostWindow and then activates the window that was returned into TCustomForm.CMRelease.
(Edit: code block needs to be indented by 4 spaces)
procedure TCustomForm.CMRelease;
NewActiveWindow: LongInt;
if Application.MainFormOnTaskbar then
NewActiveWindow := 0;
if (GetActiveWindow = Handle) and not IsIconic(Handle) then
NewActiveWindow := FindTopMostWindow(Handle);
if NewActiveWindow <> 0 then
This seems to have done it, I'll continue testing to make sure.
The PopupMode and PopupParent properties were added specifically to TForm to address this issue. Before showing the child form, set it's PopupParent to the main form, and it's PopupMode to pmAuto.
PopupParent specifically affects the Z-order of windows when other windows are shown.
The Delphi 2007 help has some documentation on these two properties, but you have to go through TForm to get to them. Use 'TForm,Pop' as your search topic (w/o the quotes, obviously ) to get there. The docs are a little confusing about PopupParent, because it discusses the effect that PopupMode has on the automatic assignment of PopupParent. A little experimentation after reading the docs should pay off, though.
