Time Skipping in VLC media player - vlc

I want something in VLC media player like subtitles file we add if we want to use it. But instead of subtitles i want to add time.
jump from-jump to
If we add into video just like subtitles VLC media player jump from those times.
I really need this for children while watching movies. I can put time of some adult scenes to skip them.
I really appreciate for your help.


How to add trick play to custom iOS video player build on top of AVPlayer to play .m3u8 files?

To add youtube like preview feature when user seeks manually using the player seek bar.
From what I understand so far is that I will have to add "I-Frame only playlist" to my stream to enable trick play but I am not able to figure out how I will be using this to show the preview view on the video player?
Other solutions I considered:
AVAssetImageGenerator: It does not work on streams. Explained here.
This says if my .m3u8 file contains "I-Frame only playlist", AVAssetImageGenerator will start returning the snapshot, but even if it does, generating thumbnails of a complete 1 hour video upfront is just not optimal.
AVPlayerItemVideoOutput This also seems like a very brut force way to approach the problem as I need thumbnails of almost complete video.
Current player implementation:
I have added AVPlayerLayer as a sublayer to my view controller's view and added custom controls on top of it.
I am thinking of using something like this https://github.com/pbs/iframe-playlist-generator to add the I-Frame playlist.
PS: I am new to this, so if I have made any wrong assumption, please let me know.
Also, any links or references to some reading material I can use to dive in deeper are appreciated. Thanks.

FSAudioController music transitions

I'm using FSAudioController to play mp3's from my service. I have a URL list and I'm playing songs by shuffling the list.
What I want to do is, 5 seconds before the current song ends, next song will start playing and there will be a soft transition between songs. But I couldn't find anything about how to play 2 songs at the same time.
I thought about using 2 different FSAudioController objects, but I wanted to ask if there is smarter way to do it first.
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately FSAudioController does not support crossfade option so you will have to use 2 different FSAudioController objects.

Play a list of media (video/audio) items on iOS

I'm developing an iPhone App and I need to implement a player to play a list of media (video/audio) items.
Following is a screenshot of player I have captured from an another iPhone app, I found many apps playing video/audio using a player has similar UI like this.
Can this player (including UI) can be implement by official API? Or just implement manually?
How can I implement a same player like this?
To Play audio follow this blog
And to play video, either you can use CustomMovieplayer or go with UIWebView with embedded html.
Movie Player sample code from here
To play video as embedded html in UIWebView, check this..
As per the file type, you can modify the source type.

How to control FLV Playback in flash with Action Script?

How to control FLV Playback in flash with Action Script? I want to play Video in my webpage similar to YouTube. I have done it with automatic play but I want it when you press play button, then play and pause, volume, next & back as well.
There are tons of tutorials on this subject on the web (example: gotoAndLearn)
Basically you just create a Video object to which you attach a NetStream then you perform your play, pause, stop and seek operations on the NetStream which is really straightforward.
Take a look at the AS3 documentation on the videoclass also, it helped me a lot.

Creating video from scratch in iOS

I've got an app where the user shoots some video, enters a title for it, and picks a music track. I've got the music dubbing working with AVMutableComposition, but the titling is a bad hack -- just a view overlaid on the MPMoviePlayerViewController. And while the user can upload the dubbed video to YouTube, the title of course isn't included.
Are there iOS APIs that will let me access or create raw video frames, so I can either overlay the title on the video, or splice in new frames with the title before the start of the video proper?
For anyone coming along later: see, e.g., How do I export UIImage array as a movie?
