Connect Google Sheet into Photoshop - google-sheets

I am hardly finding a way to connect or live-import data from Google Sheet in Photoshop.
There are several way to edit or replace some text layers, or even upload the PSD file into online real time editors, or using Adobe API, but is not exactly what I am looking for or at least I am struggling with.
This is the scenario:
here my Photoshop Artboard
and here my Google Sheet
what I want to do is to connect each layer from artboards' Photoshop with a defined cell/position in Google Sheet in order to get a live update when sorting or updating those cells. The cells and columns could be more than 10.000 in what I want to do.
And perhaps.. the struggling things is that I want to keep this flow in the Adobe/Photoshop application.
Do you have anything that I need to check or have knowledge to clearify this situation?
Many thanks!

Yes, in principle...
Yes, it's possible to load in a .CSV into photoshop and modify layer data, such as text.
Doing it live? This post has more info.
"connect each layer from artboards' Photoshop with a defined
Have you created a Photoshop document with 10,000 layers? You haven't really explained what you will be doing with the Google Sheet, so I can't help you further.
Try a prototype with smaller data sizes first - see if you can get that to work.


How to upload image into the cell of spreadsheet using PHPSpreadSheet?

I'm working on a project for my customer who requested an ability to generate Excel spreadsheets containing images. Not links to the images, but full-sized images implemented directly in the spreadsheet.
Is PHPSpreadSheet capable of doing this? I have read the documentation, but the closest match I found is - though I'm not sure if in such case drawing = image.

Google Spreadsheet: Parsing .PDF from Google Drive

I'm still getting into google spreadsheets, recently understood how to format a .txt to be able to use =ImportData properly thanks to Tanaike's assitance, now tackling a -slightly- more challenging task.
Automatically extracting specific data from .pdf files hosted inside of a google drive folder and arranging the information into specific cells
Being able to decode the blobs of information, as just the raw data obtained with =ImportData is useless
Truly learning how to use google-apps-script for something useful (that's on my own)
Instructing a single extraction of information rather than constant online status as with =ImportData
[Second Priority] Stop Depending on an add-on (Drive Direct Links) to get the URL of the files
To my understanding, I'll need to do some parsing. I know .pdf is not always straight forward, all the files will come from the same place and have the exact same format, so understanding how to do it once should be enough.
I already know how to get the real/permanent link to the files automatically and how to arrange information segregated into cells using =Index, =Extract and others.
Hope I'm being clear enough. Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards,

Adding many custom markers and many custom info windows in Google Maps SDK

I am really just looking for the best way to accomplish this. I've seen the code how to do these individually, but is there a away to do it for say, 100 points? Or do i need to set the custom image and custom info for every point I create?
Also, is there a backend, say SQLite, that i could incorporate the help accomplish more efficiently?
The app I'm building could have 1000's of points, and I REALLY wouldn't want to code everyone of those...but i would!
Consider using Google Fusion Tables - they support 100,000 points per layer and 5 layers, for 500,000 points altogether. You access them via an SQL-type language that runs on Google's servers - exactly where your data will be when you upload it and that makes them very fast.
The infowindows are programmable too.
You load your CSV into a Fusion Table (like an Excel spreadsheet) in your Google drive and get a key to that table and you then use the key in your Javascript.
I created the following website with Fusion Tables and I don't have a clue about Javascript! See Skyscan website here. I won't mind if you click View Page Source :-) By the way, if you click on Modern Collections on that page, you are actually turning on/off 25,000 markers and it is almost instantaneous. There is also Marker Clustering available which lets you de-clutter maps with massive numbers of markers and automagically replace them with a single "fatter" marker.
There is a good tutorial here.

What is the best way to edit google docs using the API?

I'd like to be able to edit any kind of Google docs using the API from Google App Engine.
My goal is to lose as little information as possible when editing the document. The edits are fairly simple like replacing some words.
To edit them, I'm doing an export in HTML and importing it again. But we are loosing some information like notes. There is also an issue with the title, the size before each title increase at every new update, so I have to reset some css. Is there is a better way of editing docs ?
There is the spreadsheet API, so I think I'm covered.
I did not find a format that I could export and import again. The only one seems to be powerpoint. But powerpoint files cannot be easily edited.
I did not find a format that can be both exported and imported. I tried with SVG, but svg cannot be imported back.
PDF offers you the best fidelity in and out of Google Docs, without the hassle of proprietary or complicated formats like MS Word files.
Only proprietary or complicated formats guarantee fidelity here of things like cell color. The Spreadsheets API only allows data to be updated, but not formatting.
You are correct, PPTX is the only format that can go both in and out of Google Presentations.
You are correct, there is no import format that can go both in and out of Google Drawings.

creating an highlight image map

I am working on a project in which i have a database created using mysql and php. I want to advance it by connecting an image to it. every object in my database is going to be linked to a certain part of the image that will be highlighted.
I am not really sure how to do this.
As of right now, i have a search feature on my database that gives me the result.
I am willing to try any programming language that would make this easier.
My database has about maybe 1000 entries. They are all numbers that correspond to a certain location on my image.
My image is basically a map.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do, but if you want to plot a graph you can use the HTML 5 canvas as some JavaScript. Or better yet, use tool that already exists like Google Charts. Maybe a scatter plot is what you're looking for?
