Rebuild Docker container service after local changes in service code - docker

My docker-compose.yml looks as follows:
entrypoint: [bin/start]
image: myimage:release-v5
env_file: .env
Recreate the container for that service as follows:
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build application
docker-compose restart
The problem is that, my local changes don't seem to be there at all, no changes after container service has been deployed!
What am I missing ?

To fix the update problem, I did the modifications in the container itself using the vi-command not in outside of it.
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash
and then I exited the container. Lastly I just restarted the container and my changes were there now:
docker restart <CONTAINER_ID>
But I'm still not happy with this way of doing it.
(<CONTAINER_ID> is hereby the CONTAINER ID as returned by docker ps or docker ps -a).


Docker containers won't start again after being stopped

I'm trying to launch a GitLab or Gitea docker container in my QNAP NAS (Container Station) and, for some reason, when I restart the container, it won't start back up because files are lost (it seems).
For example, for GitLab it gives me errors saying runsvdir-start and gitlab-ctl don't exist. For Gitea it's the s6-supervise file.
Now I am launching the container like this, just to keep it simple:
docker run -d --privileged --restart always gitea/gitea:latest
A simple docker stop .... and docker start .... breaks it. How do I troubleshoot something like this?
QNAP has sent this issue to R&D and they were able to replicate it. It's a bug and will probably be fixed in a new Container Station update.
It's now fixed in QTS and later.
Normal to lose you data if you launch just :
docker run -d --privileged --restart always gitea/gitea:latest
You should use VOLUME to sharing folder between your host and docker host for example :
docker run -d --privileged -v ./gitea:/data -p 3000:3000 -p 222:22 --restart always gitea/gitea:latest
Or use docker-compose.yml (see the official docs).

Can't access webserver of airflow after run the container

I pulled the latest version of airflow image from docker hub.
And I tried to run a container base on this image.
docker run -d -p apache/airflow webserver
The container is running and the status of port is fine. But I still can't access the airflow webserver from my browser.
This site can’t be reached. refused to connect.
After few minutes, the container will stop automatically.
Is there anyone could advise?
I don't have experience with airflow, but this is how you fix this image to run:
First of all you have to overwrite the entrypoint because the existing one doesn't help a lot. From what I understand this image needs 2 steps in order to run: initdb and webserver. For this reason the existing entrypoint is not useful.
docker run -p 5000:8080 --entrypoint /bin/bash -ti apache/airflow
This will open a shell inside a running container. Also note that I mapped port 8080 inside the container.
Then inside the container run:
airflow db init
airflow webserver -p 8080
Note that in older versions of airflow, the command to initialize the database is airflow initdb, instead of airflow db init.
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000
When you close the container your work is gone thou ;)
Another thing you can do is put the 2 airflow commands in a bash script and map that script inside the container and use it as entrypoint. Something like this:
docker run -p 5000:8080 -v $(pwd)/ --entrypoint /opt/airflow/ -d --name airflow apache/airflow
You should make executable before running this.
Let me know if you run into issues.

'docker ps' and 'docker-compose ps' commands give different result

docker ps is giving me a different output compared to docker-compose ps.
For example
docker ps
is not showing the same containers as
docker-compose ps
and vice-versa.
What is the reason for this?
I was thinking docker-compose is working on top of docker.
docker ps lists all running containers in docker engine. docker-compose ps lists containers related to images declared in docker-compose file.
The result of docker-compose ps is a subset of the result of docker ps.
docker ps - lists all running containers in Docker engine.
docker-compose ps - lists containers for the given docker compose configuration. The result will depend on configuration and parameters passed to docker-compose command.
Start the containers with the following command:
docker-compose -p prod up -d
(-p in the command above defines the project name)
Running docker-compose ps won't list containers since the project name parameters is not passed:
docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
Running docker-compose -p prod ps will list all containers:
Name Command State Ports
dev_app_1 sh -c exec java ${JAVA_OPT ... Up>5005/tcp,>9000/tcp
dev_database_1 postgres Up>5432/tcp
dev_nginx_1 / ngin ... Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
dev_pgadmin_1 / Up 443/tcp,>80/tcp
The same goes if you define for example docker compose files with -f parameter.

Share and update docker data containers across containers

I have the following containers:
Data container which is build directly in from a github repo, basically is a website.
FPM container
NGINX container
The three of them are linked together and working just fine. BUT the problem is that every time I change something in the website (Data container) it is rebuilt (of course) and I have to remove that container and also the FPM and NGINX and recreate them all to be able to read the new content.
I started with a "backup approach" for what I'm copying the data from the container to a host directory and mounting that into the FPM and NGINX containers, this way I can update the data without restarting/removing any service.
But the idea of moving the data from the data container into the host, really doesn't like me. So wondering if there a "docker way" or a better way of doing it.
UPDATE: Adding more context
Dockerfile d`ata container definition
FROM debian
ADD data/* /home/mustela/
VOLUME /home/mustela/
Where data only has 2 files: hello.1 and hello.2
Compiling the image:
docker build -t="mustela/data" .
Running the data container:
docker run --name mustela-data mustela/data
Creating another container to link to the previous one:
docker run -d -it --name nginx --volumes-from mustela-data ubuntu bash
Listing the mounted files:
docker exec -it nginx ls /mustela/home
hello.1 hello.2
Now, lets rebuild the data container image, but first adding some new files, so now inside data we have hello.1 hello.2 hello.3 hello.4
docker rm mustela-data
docker build -t="mustela/data" .
docker run --name mustela-data mustela/data
If I ls /home/mustela from the running container, the files aren't being updated:
docker exec -it nginx ls /mustela/home
hello.1 hello.2
But if I run a new container I can see the files
docker run -it --name nginx2 --volumes-from mustela-data ubuntu ls /home/mustela
Result: hello.1 hello.2 hello.3 hello.4

docker-compose up not adding code to remote container

I've run through the initial Overview of Docker Compose exactly as written and it works just fine locally with boot2docker. However, if I try to do a docker-compose up on a remote host, it does not add the code to the remote container.
To reproduce:
Run through the initial Overview of Docker Compose exactly as written.
Install Docker Machine and start a Dockerized VM on any cloud provider.
docker-machine create --driver my-favourite-cloud composetest
eval "$(docker-machine env composetest)"
Now that you're working with a remote host, run docker-compose up on the original code.
composetest $ docker-compose up
Redis runs fine but the Flask app does not.
composetest $ docker ps -a
794c90928b97 composetest_web "/bin/sh -c 'python About a minute ago Exited (2) About a minute ago composetest_web_1
2c70bd687dfc redis "/ redi About a minute ago Up About a minute 6379/tcp composetest_redis_1
What went wrong?
composetest $ docker logs 794c90928b97
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Can we confirm it?
composetest $ docker-compose run -d web sleep 60
Starting composetest_redis_1...
composetest $ docker exec -it a4 /bin/bash
root#a4a73c6dd159:/code# ls -a
. ..
Nothing there. Can we fix it?
Comment out volumes in docker-compose.yml
build: .
- "5000:5000"
# volumes:
# - .:/code
- redis
image: redis
Then just docker-compose up and it works!
Let's try again on boot2docker.
composetest $ eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)"
composetest $ docker-compose up
Recreating composetest_redis_1...
Recreating composetest_web_1...
Attaching to composetest_redis_1, composetest_web_1
The Flask app does work but it has a serious problem. If you change, the Flask dev server doesn't reload and those changes aren't automatically seen. Even if you stop the container and docker-compose up again, the changes still aren't seen. I realize we lose this essential feature because the volume is no longer mounted. But not mounting the volume is the only way I've been able to get docker-compose to work with a remote host. We should be able to get both local and remote hosts to work using the same docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile.
How do I develop interactively with a local VM and deploy to a remote VM without having to change the Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml?
Docker 1.7.0
Docker Compose 1.3.0
Docker Machine 0.3.0
Compose just does pretty much the same thing as you can do with the regular command line interface under the hood. So your command is roughly equivalent to:
$ docker run --name web -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd):/code --link redis:redis web
The issue is that the volume is relative to the docker host, not the client. So it will mount the working directory on the remote VM, not the client. In your case, this directory is empty.
If you want to develop interactively with a remote VM, you will have to check out the source and edit the files on the VM.
UPDATE: It seems that you actually want to develop and test locally, then deploy a production version to a remote VM. (Apologies if I still misunderstand). To do this, I suggest you have a separate Compose file for development where you mount the local volume, then rebuild and deploy the image for production. By rebuilding the image, it will pick up the latest version of the code. Mounting a volume in production breaks because you've hidden the code in the image with an empty directory.
It's also worth pointing out that Docker don't advise using Compose in production currently.
What I'm really looking for is found in this Using Compose in production doc. By Extending services in Compose you're able to develop interactively with a local VM and deploy to a remote VM without having to change the Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml.
I ran into this "can't open file ''" problem following the Getting Started tutorials, for me it was because I'm running Docker in Windows. I needed to make sure that I'd shared the drive containing my project directory in Docker settings.
Source: see the "Shared Drive" section of Docker Settings in the docs
