How do multiple containers access the directory in other container - docker

How do multiple containers(create from same image) access the directory(packaged in the image) in other container? There are some ways not elegant:
Mount directory into a shared volume or host path. When a container changed files in the directory, other containers will perceive it. Is there any idea to make shared volume working like copy-on-write?
Create a volume for each container, and copy directory into the volume. In this way, the directory have to save multiple copies in disk.
I've browsed this problem [], I don't want containers to run in privileged mode. Is there a better idea?

Per design one container cannot access the files inside another container.
You will need to store the data outside of a container, then mount it via volume mount or bind mount. Alternatively you could try to perform some NFS/SMB/... mount of shared storage inside the container.
This is completely independent from running a container in host mode.


How does volume mount from container to host and vice versa work?

docker run -ti --rm -v DataVolume3:/var ubuntu
Lets say I have a volume DataVolume 3 which pulls the contents of /var in the ubuntu container
even after killing this ubuntu container the volume remains and I can use this volume DataVolume3 to mount it to other containers.
This means with the deletion of container the volume mounts are not deleted.
How does this work ?
Does that volume mount mean that it copies the contents of /var into some local directory because this does not look like a symbolic link ?
If I have the container running and I create a file in the container then the same file gets copied to the host path ?
How does this whole process of volume mount from container to host and host to container work ?
Volumes are used for persistent storage and the volumes persists independent of the lifecycle of the container.
We can go through a demo to understand it clearly.
First, let's create a container using the named volumes approach as:
docker run -ti --rm -v DataVolume3:/var ubuntu
This will create a docker volume named DataVolume3 and it can be viewed in the output of docker volume ls:
docker volume ls
local DataVolume3
Docker stores the information about these named volumes in the directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/ (*):
ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/
1617af4bce3a647a0b93ed980d64d97746878564b141f30b6110d0818bf32b76 DataVolume3
Next, let's write some data from the ubuntu container at the mounted path var:
echo "hello" > var/file1
root#2b67a89a0050:/# cat /var/file1
We can see this data with cat even after deleting the container:
cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/DataVolume3/_data/file1
Note: Although, we are able to access the volumes like shown above but it not a recommended practice to access volumes data like this.
Now, next time when another container uses the same volume then the data from the volume gets mounted at the container directory specified as part of -v flag.
(*) The location may vary based on OS as pointed by David and probably can be seen by the docker volume inspect command.
Docker has a concept of a named volume. By default the storage for this lives somewhere on your host system and you can't directly access it from outside Docker (*). A named volume has its own lifecycle, it can be independently docker volume rm'd, and if you start another container mounting the same volume, it will have the same persistent content.
The docker run -v option takes some unit of storage, either a named volume or a specific host directory, and mounts it (as in the mount(8) command) in a specific place in the container filesystem. This will hide what was originally in the image and replace it with the volume content.
As you note, if the thing you mount is an empty named volume, it will get populated from the image content at container initialization time. There are some really important caveats on this functionality:
Named volume initialization happens only if the volume is totally empty.
The contents of the named volume never automatically update.
If the volume isn't empty, the volume contents completely replace what's in the image, even if it's changed.
The initialization happens only on native Docker, and not for example in Kubernetes.
The initialization happens only on named volumes, and not for bind-mounted host directories.
With all of these caveats, I'd avoid relying on this functionality.
If you need to mount a volume into a container, assume it will be empty when your entrypoint or the main container command starts. If you need a particular directory layout or file structure there, an entrypoint script can create it; if you're expecting it to hold particular data, keep a copy of it somewhere else in your image and copy it in if it's not already there (or, perhaps, always).
(*) On native Linux you can find a filesystem location for it, but accessing this isn't a best practice. On other OSes this will be hidden inside a virtual machine or other opaque storage. If you need to directly access the data (or inject config files, or read log files) a docker run -v /host/path:/container/path bind mount is a better choice.
Volumes are part of neither the container nor the host. Well, technically everything resides in the host machine. But the docker directories are only accessible by users in "docker" group. The files in these directories are separately managed by docker.
"Volumes are stored in a part of the host filesystem which is managed by Docker (/var/lib/docker/volumes/ on Linux)."
Hence volumes are like the union of files under the docker container and the host itself. Any addition on either end will be added to the volume(/var/lib/docker/volumes), not hard copy, rather something like symbol link
As volumes can be shared across different containers, deleting a container does not cascade to the volumes associated with it.
To remove unused volumes:
docker volume prune .

How to write files to a docker container's temporary directory?

I am trying to write content(backup files) into a temporary directory inside a running Docker container.
Is there a way to create a temporary directory inside the container and write content to it?
You can bind this folder to the docker container directly using volumes.
As you do not want them changed I assume you could mount them as a read-only volume.
In that case you do not have to copy them around as you will have them accessible already in the container :)

Give Docker access to host directory but discard changes later

I want to achieve the following with Docker: I want to give a container access to a host directory, such that the container can make changes, but the changes are discarded once the container is exiting/removed (pretty much like an overlayfs).
Simply mounting the directory as a volume for the docker container seems like the wrong way to me, since changes made to a volume persist and I don't want that.
How do I tackle this problem?
The only way for a container to modify the host is to mount a directory between the host and the container. But the changes made by host or container will persist.
You could try the other way: COPY the files you want from host to container using a Dockerfile. The files will be only on the container. When you remove and launch another one, the new container will start with the original files.

What's the point of data-only docker containers?

Instead of using a data-only container, I can ...
create a directory on the host (say /opt/shared_data)
Run every container with -v /opt/shared_data:/some/mount/point_inside/container
voila, now /opt/shared_data is effectively shared amongst all containers , correct?
If my understanding is correct, if I create a data-only container and then use "--volumes-from" when running other containers, I am stuck mounting them in the same location they were mounted, whereas, this way I get to choose which directory they are mounted as in my containers.
So why do I need "data-only" containers? Besides, the volume just points to somewhere on the host (/var/lib/docker/volumes?) which is functionally equivalent to my /opt/shared_data anyway right? Whats the advantage of the former?
Data containers have been largely deprecated in favor of named volumes. There's really no advantage to using a data container over a named volume, and includes the disadvantage of being stuck with the mount points.
To compare named volumes with host volumes (aka bind mounts), you have have a few differences:
Host volumes include permission issues, users inside the container will differ from those outside the container and files may not be easily accessed from both environments
Named volumes add the ability to use any volume driver so you can mount your data from remote locations.
Named volumes are initialized to the contents of the image at that path, including all files and any directory permissions.
The latter point is a big one for me, it means you can create an initial default value for a data folder in your image, but update it using the container and keep those changes in a named volume. With bind mounts, if the directory is empty or doesn't exist, that's also what you get when you mount it in your container.

How can I have shared assets (pictures, text documents, etc) between my Docker container and host system?

I have a Docker container and I am trying to make it so that all of the files in /var/www/ on the container will be saved on the host system at a location (/home/me), and vise-versa. Is it possible to have this shared space between the two?
Would you accomplish this with mount points, or is there a better method?
You can use volumes for sharing between container and host.
docker run -v /home/me:/var/www <image>
If you have a fixed files/data, you can add to the image using dockerfile or committing after copying into container. If you want to share rw dir between host and container, you need to use the volumes. Your data will also be persisted even if you remove and recreate a new container.
There are three ways that you can do this
Use volumes. Official docs
Burn the files in your image. Basically include the creation of the files inside the Dockerfile. This means every container container from that image will have an initial state of sorts.
Use data-only containers. These are containers without a running process that contain the data that you need. This also uses volumes. But instead of mounting to the host, your containers mount on the data-only container (which in turn mounts on the host if you want to). This answer will be useful
