Broadcasting to Members of a Database Using Twilio Messaging Services - twilio

fine people of Stack Overflow.
I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having involving twilio functions, messaging services, and databases.
What I'm attempting to do is send a message to all members of a database at once.
My code is a mess, as Javascript isn't my native language and I'm rather new to twilio.
The problem I believe I'm having is with the async/await feature of javascript.
Here is my code so far:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last){
res = await db.fetch({}, {last: res.last});
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
// Function to get total number of contacts.
async function ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems) {
number_of_contacts = allItems.length;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message) {
allItems.forEach(contact => {
let users_name =
body: `Hey ${users_name}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messaging_service,
to: contact.key
// Function to submit response to broadcaster.
async function SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts) {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${number_of_contacts} contacts.`
"listen": true
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for number of contacts
let number_of_contacts;
// Place holder for object from database of all contacts
let allItems;
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
// Placeholder for response to user
let responseObject;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messaging_service = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
await FetchDB(db, allItems).then(ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems));
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message = memory.twilio.collected_data.broadcast_message.answers.message_input.answer;
// Check if verified and set name.
const current_user = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let user_name = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`
"listen": false
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, responseObject);
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(message, client, messaging_service)
.then(SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts))
return callback(null, responseObject);
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
"actions": [
"say": "You are not authorized to broadcast."
"listen": false
So when the Fetch() function is triggered, I want the database to load a list of everyone and have twilio send them the desired message saved in the message variable. I have the code working so that I can read from the database and get the proper values, and send a single text message with the desired message, but the problem I'm having now is integrating it all together.
Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction here.
Again, I'm new to javascript and more specifically asynchronous programming.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
The issue from the error says that allItems is undefined when you call ReturnNumberOfContacts.
I think the issue comes from trying to use allItems as a sort of global variable, same for number_of_contacts. It would be better for FetchDB to resolve with the list of items and ReturnNumberOfContacts to resolve with the number of the items.
You also have some arguments missing when you call SendMessages in your function. I've updated it to the point that I think it will work:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService) {
return Promise.all( => {
let usersName =;
return client.messages.create({
body: `Hey ${usersName}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messagingService,
to: contact.key,
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function (context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require("twilio")(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messagingService = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message =
// Check if verified and set name.
const currentUser = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let userName = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`,
listen: false,
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService);
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${numberOfContacts} contacts.`,
listen: true,
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: "You are not authorized to broadcast.",
listen: false,
What I did here was change FetchDB to only take the db as an argument, then to create a local allItems variable that collects all the contacts and then returns them.
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
This is then called in the main body of the function to assign a local variable. I also replaced the ReturnNumberOfContacts function with a simple assignment.
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
One thing you may want to consider is how many contacts you are trying to send messages to during this function. There are a few limits you need to be aware of.
Firstly, Function execution time is limited to 10 seconds so you need to make sure you can load and send all your messages within that amount of time if you want to use a Twilio Function for this.
Also, there are limits for the number of concurrent connections you can make to the Twilio API. That limit used to be 100 connections per account, but it may vary these days. When sending asynchronous API requests as you do in JavaScript, the platform will attempt to create as many connections to the API that it can in order to trigger all the requests asynchronously. If you have more than 100 contacts you are trying to send messages to here, that will quickly exhaust your available concurrent connections and you will receive 429 errors. You may choose to use a queue, like p-queue, to ensure your concurrent connections never get too high. The issue in this case is that it will then take longer to process the queue which brings me back to the original limit of 10 seconds of function execution.
So, I think the above code may work in theory now, but using it in practice may have other issues that you will need to consider.


Dart Socket one at a time

Hi i am building a blockchain and am trying to sync a list of connected peers,
but if the following code is called twice from different nodes the first call is still busy while the second call kicks in does anyone know how i could wait for the first message to be complete
class Peer {
required this.peers,
required this.allPeers,
required this.myPeers});
String us;
Map<String, int> peers;
Map<String, List<Online>> allPeers;
Map<String, List<Online>> myPeers;
List<String>? keep;
Map<String, List<NewNodePeerMessage>> nnpms = {};
//listen should never trigger a response to connect we will give the address / ip
// so your ndoe two will only sync when a thrid node joins the network
Future listen() async {
ServerSocket ss =
await ServerSocket.bind(us.split(':')[0], int.parse(us.split(':')[1]));
print('listening on ${us.split(':')[1]}');
// List<ReceivePort> lrp = [];
ss.listen((client) {
// ReceivePort rp = ReceivePort();
utf8.decoder.bind(client).listen((data) async {
final PeerMessage pm =
PeerMessage.fromJson(json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>);
print('recieved msg from ${pm.from}');
switch (pm.type) {
case 'new-node':
// rp.listen((_) async {
final NewNodePeerMessage nnpm = NewNodePeerMessage.fromJson(
json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>);
peers[pm.code] ??= 3;
allPeers[pm.code] ??= [];
final List<Online> news = [];
print('apl ${allPeers[pm.code]!.length}');
// ,maby a list would let me know
// maby we should have a simple check to the loop bool that it doesnt start looping when it is adjusting the peers
'allpeers before looping ${allPeers[pm.code]!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList()}');
for (Online one in allPeers[pm.code]!.where((element) =>
element.address != pm.from &&
element.address != us &&
!nnpm.recieved.contains(element.address))) {
'i am still loopin current one ${one.toJson()} current from ${pm.from}');
try {
final Socket ones = await Socket.connect(
// if we would only move ones out of the for loop maby the program wont work at the same point in time
// we could have a bool that keeeps track of the msg is working on printstatement you inside off the msg
// so 8787 trigger 5442 because it has him in the list
// mabe a bool can be added to list if you is inished with listening
// isbusy knows iff its stuck in the loop if we write from here we are
// if we write ffrom connect we arent or this write could know if it is busy
// is busy shoudl be from down
// because if we wirte from here or we write from you is busy is true and false
// so if we write from below can isbusy stop us
// is isusy is true herewe can go into listen but on you we can not
isBusy: false,
max: peers[pm.code]!,
peer: nnpm.peer,
type: 'new-node',
from: us,
code: pm.code,
recieved: nnpm.recieved)
print('propablywrote ${one.toJson()} from ${nnpm.from}');
ones.listen((ppmru) async {
print('listentedtoppmru ${one.toJson()}');
final PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr =
'abouttoaddnewonlines ${ => e.toJson())} and from ${ppmr.from}');
// news.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
await ones.close();
} catch (err) { = false;
// break;
print('abouttoloopagain ${one.toJson()} from ${nnpm.from}');
print('gothereagainactuallydonelooping ${pm.from}');
// its actually that new node only should write to the client again only if its the first time maby
allPeers[pm.code]!.removeWhere((element) => !;
print(allPeers[pm.code]!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList());
/// the problem occurs because of client clients response will shut down base or we could wrap it inside o try an catch
/// we need to know if this message will send the code up here or down to printstatement you to ones.listen or to s that listen
/// one global bool could say like will go down maby even when it goes up herte to printstatement abouttoaddnewonlines
/// how do we know here below that it will go to the you printstatement or down
/// so we need a message from up
allPeers[pm.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: nnpm.peer));
// print('abouttowriteto ${client.address.address} ${client.port}');
print('abouttorespondto ${pm.from}');
isBusy: true,
peer: nnpm.peer,
onlines: allPeers[pm.code]!
.where((element) => element.address != pm.from)
code: pm.code,
from: us)
// await client.close();
// rp.sendPort.send(null);
// });
case 'new-node-through':
case 'is-online':
case 'is-test':
// client.destroy();
}, onDone: () {});
bool loop = false;
// Future connect(List<dynamic> args) async {
// is busy shoudl bee ffrom down
Future connect(String bootnode, String code) async {
final Socket s = await Socket.connect(
"${bootnode.split(':')[0]}", int.parse(bootnode.split(':')[1]));
print('connected to ${bootnode}');
isBusy: true,
max: 3,
peer: us,
type: 'new-node',
code: code,
from: us,
recieved: []).toJson()));
s.listen((pmmru) async {
print('whatwas first');
PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr = peersPeerMessageResponse(pmmru);
allPeers[ppmr.code] ??= [];
allPeers[ppmr.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
await s.close();
}, onDone: () {
//because off up being triggered ffrom this msg we know it will go down because off client that write
// and client that write is up their and it m
// final somekindloop;
//if we would just never listen here would it relay on up might solve problem because up might be busy we could also ssst the isolate
// s.listen((ppmru) async {
// loop = true;
// // whenever we recieve here the ppmru could have the isbusy instead
// // print('you');
// // isBusy
// // while (!loop) {}
// PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr = peersPeerMessageResponse(ppmru);
// print(ppmr.toJson());
// allPeers[ppmr.code] ??= [];
// allPeers[ppmr.code]!.addAll(ppmr.onlines);
// allPeers[ppmr.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
// print(allPeers);
// await s.close();
// });
PeersPeerMessageResponse peersPeerMessageResponse(Uint8List resp) {
final PeersPeerMessageResponse ppm = PeersPeerMessageResponse.fromJson(
json.decode(String.fromCharCodes(resp).trim()) as Map<String, dynamic>);
return ppm;
// Future isOnline(String code) async {
// for (Online p in allPeers[code] ??= []) {
// try {
// final Socket peer = await Socket.connect(
// p.address.split(':')[0], int.parse(p.address.split(':')[1]));
// await peer.close();
// } catch (err) {
// p.ischis = false;
// }
// }
// }
its about the new node function inside of the switch statement while the first call is inside off the for loop the second call does not loop but increments the allPeers with new peers which because off the first call evolves into
Unhandled exception:
Concurrent modification during iteration: Instance(length:3) of '_GrowableList'.
#0 ListIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:336:7)
#1 WhereIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:438:22)
#2 Peer.listen.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:gov/peer/peer.dart:180:53)
<asynchronous suspension>
how can is use the on done event to wait or the first call to be complete?

Why aren't my messages sending using Twilio Messaging Service and Twilio Functions? [duplicate]

fine people of Stack Overflow.
I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having involving twilio functions, messaging services, and databases.
What I'm attempting to do is send a message to all members of a database at once.
My code is a mess, as Javascript isn't my native language and I'm rather new to twilio.
The problem I believe I'm having is with the async/await feature of javascript.
Here is my code so far:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last){
res = await db.fetch({}, {last: res.last});
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
// Function to get total number of contacts.
async function ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems) {
number_of_contacts = allItems.length;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message) {
allItems.forEach(contact => {
let users_name =
body: `Hey ${users_name}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messaging_service,
to: contact.key
// Function to submit response to broadcaster.
async function SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts) {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${number_of_contacts} contacts.`
"listen": true
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for number of contacts
let number_of_contacts;
// Place holder for object from database of all contacts
let allItems;
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
// Placeholder for response to user
let responseObject;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messaging_service = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
await FetchDB(db, allItems).then(ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems));
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message = memory.twilio.collected_data.broadcast_message.answers.message_input.answer;
// Check if verified and set name.
const current_user = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let user_name = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`
"listen": false
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, responseObject);
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(message, client, messaging_service)
.then(SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts))
return callback(null, responseObject);
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
"actions": [
"say": "You are not authorized to broadcast."
"listen": false
So when the Fetch() function is triggered, I want the database to load a list of everyone and have twilio send them the desired message saved in the message variable. I have the code working so that I can read from the database and get the proper values, and send a single text message with the desired message, but the problem I'm having now is integrating it all together.
Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction here.
Again, I'm new to javascript and more specifically asynchronous programming.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The issue from the error says that allItems is undefined when you call ReturnNumberOfContacts.
I think the issue comes from trying to use allItems as a sort of global variable, same for number_of_contacts. It would be better for FetchDB to resolve with the list of items and ReturnNumberOfContacts to resolve with the number of the items.
You also have some arguments missing when you call SendMessages in your function. I've updated it to the point that I think it will work:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService) {
return Promise.all( => {
let usersName =;
return client.messages.create({
body: `Hey ${usersName}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messagingService,
to: contact.key,
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function (context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require("twilio")(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messagingService = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message =
// Check if verified and set name.
const currentUser = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let userName = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`,
listen: false,
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService);
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${numberOfContacts} contacts.`,
listen: true,
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: "You are not authorized to broadcast.",
listen: false,
What I did here was change FetchDB to only take the db as an argument, then to create a local allItems variable that collects all the contacts and then returns them.
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
This is then called in the main body of the function to assign a local variable. I also replaced the ReturnNumberOfContacts function with a simple assignment.
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
One thing you may want to consider is how many contacts you are trying to send messages to during this function. There are a few limits you need to be aware of.
Firstly, Function execution time is limited to 10 seconds so you need to make sure you can load and send all your messages within that amount of time if you want to use a Twilio Function for this.
Also, there are limits for the number of concurrent connections you can make to the Twilio API. That limit used to be 100 connections per account, but it may vary these days. When sending asynchronous API requests as you do in JavaScript, the platform will attempt to create as many connections to the API that it can in order to trigger all the requests asynchronously. If you have more than 100 contacts you are trying to send messages to here, that will quickly exhaust your available concurrent connections and you will receive 429 errors. You may choose to use a queue, like p-queue, to ensure your concurrent connections never get too high. The issue in this case is that it will then take longer to process the queue which brings me back to the original limit of 10 seconds of function execution.
So, I think the above code may work in theory now, but using it in practice may have other issues that you will need to consider.

Getting Drive ID from Teams returning Error

I'm having an issue getting a Drive ID when making a GET request.
First I'm creating the Team using "". The request returns no response but a Status 202 accepted, the new Team is listed on Teams. I then extract the Team ID from Response Headers "Location".
Here is the failure, I make a request to{{TeamsID}}/drive
Here is my response back
{"error":{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"Resource is not found.","innerError":{"date":"2021-05-03T19:17:03","request-id":"75b4888d-de91-41aa-89ef-d983fcb5238d","client-request-id":"75b4888d-de91-41aa-89ef-d983fcb5238d"}}}
I make the same request on via postman and it works fine.
Here is my code
try {
let crt = await createTeam(msalData, data);
crt.headers.forEach( async (val, key) => {
if (key === "location") {
let id = val.split("/teams('")[1].split("')/operations")[0];
let gdd = await getDocumentDrive(msalData, id);
} catch (err) {
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Apparently the error (ResourceNotFound) occurs since the moment when Get Drive request is submitted the Group is not yet completely provisioned, documentations says the following in this regard:
If the group was created less than 15 minutes ago, it's possible for
the Create team call to fail with a 404 error code due to replication
delays. The recommended pattern is to retry the Create team call three
times, with a 10 second delay between calls.
Since you haven't revealed how exactly createTeam function is implemented, retry pattern come to the rescue here, for example:
async function withRetry(fn, maxRetry = 5, ms = 1000) {
try {
const val = await fn();
return val;
} catch (error) {
if (maxRetry) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms));
return withRetry(fn, maxRetry - 1, ms);
} else throw new Error(`Max retries reached for function ${}`);
and now Teams could be created like this (note, in retry logic Get Group endpoint request is submitted to ensure it has been provisioned):
async function ensureTeam(client, teamName, defaultOwnerId) {
const teamResp = await createTeam(client, teamName, defaultOwnerId);
const teamloc = teamResp.headers.get("Content-Location");
return await withRetry(
async () => {
const groupUrl = teamloc.replace("teams", "groups");
return await client.api(groupUrl).get();
where createTeam could look like this:
async function createTeam(client, teamName, defaultOwnerId) {
const team = {
displayName: teamName,
description: teamName,
members: [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
roles: ["owner"],
"user#odata.bind": `'${defaultOwnerId}')`,
return await client.api("/teams").responseType(ResponseType.RAW).post(team);
const graphClient = Client.initWithMiddleware({ authProvider });
const group = await ensureTeam(graphClient,"Demo team",ownerId);
const driveUrl = `/groups/${}/drive`;
const drive = await graphClient.api(driveUrl).get();

App Store Server Notifications and Firebase Cloud Functions

When I explored different options for my lockdown-development project, I considered using App Store Server Notifications to inform my Firebase data base about subscriptions purchased in the App. Cloud Functions were supposed to receive the notification JSONs from Apple, interpret them, update the data base, and to respond to Apple. Apple and Google provide a lot of information about App Store Server Notifications and Cloud Functions, but linking them together can still be time consuming. Both companies describe well how to set their services up, and you will find an example of my code below. I ended up not using it, and Google migrated Cloud Functions to Node.js 10 in the meantime, but my code might still be useful to somebody:
// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to create Cloud Functions and setup triggers.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access the Firebase Realtime Database.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// The Express Functions to create an Express application.
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Add a generic JSON and URL-encoded parser as top-level middleware.
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
// Parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
// Parse application/json.
// Empty function for Timeout
function wait(ms) {
var d = new Date();
var d2 = null;
do { d2 = new Date(); }
while(d2-d < ms);
// Parse JSON and return relevant notification data.
function parseJSON(request) {
// returnValue[0] = environment
// returnValue[1] = notification_type
// returnValue[2] = original_transaction_id
// returnValue[3] = transaction_id
// returnValue[4] = latest_expired_receipt
// returnValue[5] = purchase_date_ms
// returnValue[6] = cancellation_date_ms
// returnValue[7] = expires_date
// returnValue[8] = grace_period_expires_date_ms
// returnValue[9] = product_id
// Carefully unwrap JSON
if(request) {
try {
// Declare local variables
const obj = JSON.parse(request.rawBody);
var original_transaction_id = 'Empty';
var transaction_id = 'Empty';
var purchase_date_ms = 'Empty';
var expires_date = 'Empty';
var grace_period_expires_date_ms = 'Empty';
var product_id = 'Empty';
// Unwrap variables in responseBody
var environment = (obj.environment) ? obj.environment : 'Empty';
var notification_type = (obj.notification_type) ? obj.notification_type : 'Empty';
var latest_expired_receipt = (obj.latest_expired_receipt) ? obj.latest_expired_receipt : 'Empty';
var cancellation_date_ms = (obj.cancellation_date_ms) ? obj.cancellation_date_ms : 'Empty';
// Make sure latest_receipt_info is there before unwrapping
if (obj.latest_receipt_info) {
original_transaction_id = (obj.latest_receipt_info.original_transaction_id) ? obj.latest_receipt_info.original_transaction_id : 'Empty';
transaction_id = (obj.latest_receipt_info.transaction_id) ? obj.latest_receipt_info.transaction_id : 'Empty';
purchase_date_ms = (obj.latest_receipt_info.purchase_date_ms) ? obj.latest_receipt_info.purchase_date_ms : 'Empty';
expires_date = (obj.latest_receipt_info.expires_date) ? obj.latest_receipt_info.expires_date : 'Empty';
product_id = (obj.latest_receipt_info.product_id) ? obj.latest_receipt_info.product_id : 'Empty';
// Make sure pending_renewal_info is there before unwrapping
if (obj.pending_renewal_info) {
grace = (obj.pending_renewal_info.grace_period_expires_date_ms) ? obj.pending_renewal_info.grace_period_expires_date_ms : 'Empty';
return returnValue = [environment, notification_type, original_transaction_id, transaction_id, latest_expired_receipt, purchase_date_ms, cancellation_date_ms, expires_date, grace_period_expires_date_ms, product_id];
} catch (error) {
throw (error);
return returnValue = ['Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty', 'Empty'];
// Function passes request to app
exports.iapStatusUpdate = functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
// Constants
const userID = [];
const currentDate = admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
const collectionUsers = 'myData';
const collectionNotifications = 'myNotifications';
// Parse JSON and get relevant notification data.
try {
var parsedJSON = parseJSON(request);
} catch (error) {
// The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error.
// Save relevant notification data.
try {
const writeResult = await admin.firestore().collection(collectionNotifications).add( {"environment": parsedJSON[0],
"notification_type": parsedJSON[1],
"original_transaction_id": parsedJSON[2],
"transaction_id": parsedJSON[3],
"latest_expired_receipt": parsedJSON[4],
"purchase_date_ms": parsedJSON[5],
"cancellation_date_ms": parsedJSON[6],
"expires_date": parsedJSON[7],
"grace_period_expires_date_ms": parsedJSON[8],
"product_id": parsedJSON[9],
"date": currentDate});
} catch (error) {
// A generic error message (Write failed)
// Query document from database
try {
// In the case of an initial buy, pause execution for 3 seconds to allow Firebase to update record first
if (parsedJSON[1].includes("INITIAL_BUY")) {
// Query document from database and write document id in userID array
const snapshot = await admin.firestore().collection(collectionUsers).where("original_transaction_id", '==', parsedJSON[2]).get(); => userID.push(;
} catch (error) {
// This failure does not necessarily mean that a real error occurred
// INITIAL_BUY: The App Store notification could have arrived before Firebase saved the original_transaction_id
// In all other cases: The original_transaction_id should be known and a user with this id should exist
if (parsedJSON[1].includes("INITIAL_BUY")) {
} else {
// Update database
try {
// If the notification type is cancel, downgrade user from premium to free
if (parsedJSON[1].includes("CANCEL")) {
const writeEvent = await admin.firestore().collection(collectionUsers).doc(userID[0]).set( {"canceled": true,
"cancellation_date_ms": parsedJSON[6],
"premium": false}, { merge: true });
} else if (parsedJSON[1].includes("INITIAL_BUY")) {
const writeEvent = await admin.firestore().collection(collectionUsers).doc(userID[0]).set( {"confirmedPurchase": true,
"confirmedPurchaseOn": parsedJSON[5],
"purchase_date_ms": parsedJSON[5],
"expires_date": parsedJSON[7],
"premium": true}, { merge: true });
} else if (parsedJSON[1].includes("INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL") || parsedJSON[1].includes("DID_RECOVER") ) {
const writeEvent = await admin.firestore().collection(collectionUsers).doc(userID[0]).set( {"renewedPurchaseOn": parsedJSON[5],
"billingRetryPeriod": true,
"expires_date": parsedJSON[7],
"premium": true}, { merge: true });
} else if (parsedJSON[1].includes("DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW")) {
const writeEvent = await admin.firestore().collection(collectionUsers).doc(userID[0]).set( {"billingRetryPeriod": true,
"grace_period_expires_date_ms": returnValue[8],
"premium": true}, { merge: true });
} catch (error) {
// A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.
// Send final response
Improvements and suggestions are most welcome.

How do I obtain available worker count in twilio function calling node library?

Im looking to invoke a twilio function and obtain a count of available workers.
I have a feeling it might be related to TaskQueues and the Matching Workers who are available?
Ive come up with the following. However, users are still listed as available when they are interacting with a task, which means this wont work necessarily.
exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
.then(workers => {
data = {
availWorkersCount: Object.keys(workers.filter(x=> x.available === true && x.attributes.includes("sales"))).length
const response = new Twilio.Response();
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS POST GET');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
response.appendHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
callback(null, response);
I know this is a bit late, but this is the chunk of code I use in a twilio function to do just this. We call the function from the studio flow and use the results to decide if I am going to route the call into voicemail or play some IVR options for picking what queue they should be put in. To use it you can pass in an optional skill to filter down the agents even more. We grab all available workers then filter down to only the ones that have the needed skill.
You could then take this and check if any of the agents that are available also have a task assigned to them then remove them from the count.
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let response = new Twilio.Response();
// Set the status code to 200 OK
// Set the Content-Type Header
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, POST, GET');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
response.appendHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
let body = {
TotalAvailable: 0
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
available: 'true',
limit: 50
.then((workers) => {
let agents = [];
let i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < workers.length; i++){
let worker = workers[i];
let item = {};
let attributes = JSON.parse(worker.attributes);
if(attributes && attributes.routing && attributes.routing.skills && attributes.routing.skills.length > 0){
item.skills = attributes.routing.skills;
item.nid = attributes.nid;
item.first_name = attributes.first_name;
item.last_name = attributes.last_name;
// TODO: filter here
body.TotalAvailable = agents.length;
body.Agents = agents;
callback(null, response);
.catch((ex) => {
body.error = true;
body.message = ex;
callback(null, response);
