HLS: Cannot apply array transformation pragma/directive because of pointer selection - xilinx

I am writing some code using Vitis HLS. The code reads as follows:
#include "algo.h"
void find_peaks(ap_uint<14> input[NDATA], bool *peak, ap_uint<14> *start_time, ap_uint<14> *end_time, ap_uint<14> *peak_time, ap_uint<14> *peak_value, ap_uint<14> *sum_value){
ap_uint<14> local_start_time = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_end_time = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_peak_time = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_peak_value = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_sum_value = 0;
ap_uint<14> width = 0;
bool prev_peak = false;
for (ap_uint<14> i = 0; i<NDATA; i++){
prev_peak = *peak;
*peak = input[i]>20;
local_start_time = (*peak && !prev_peak)? i:local_start_time;
local_end_time = *peak? i:local_end_time;
local_peak_time = (*peak && (input[i]>local_peak_value))? i:local_peak_time;
local_peak_value = (*peak && (input[i]>local_peak_value))? input[i]:local_peak_value;
local_sum_value += *peak ? input[i]:ap_uint<14>(0);
width = local_end_time - local_start_time;
*start_time = (!*peak && prev_peak && (width>3))? local_start_time: *start_time ;
*end_time = (!*peak && prev_peak && (width>3))? local_end_time: *end_time ;
*peak_time = (!*peak && prev_peak && (width>3))? local_peak_time: *peak_time ;
*peak_value = (!*peak && prev_peak && (width>3))? local_peak_value: *peak_value ;
*sum_value = (!*peak && prev_peak && (width>3))? local_sum_value: *sum_value ;
Where NDATA is defined in the input file as 64. This works and can get synthesised alright. The problem starts when I try to use #pragmas to optimise it. One of the main requirements is for the code to be pipelined. I tried using the following two:
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1 style=flp
This understandably does not work alone, considering it can't read the input fast enough, and I used the recommended fix which is splitting the input into separate registers using
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=input complete
This is where the problem exists: Vitis stops being able to synthesise it and instead gives the following error:
ERROR: [HLS 214-247] in function 'find_peaks(ap_uint<14>*, bool*, ap_uint<14>*, ap_uint<14>*, ap_uint<14>*, ap_uint<14>*, ap_uint<14>*) (.12)': Cannot apply array transformation pragma/directive because of pointer selection. (src/algo.cpp:21:22)
for which I have yet to find any documentation anywhere. Does anybody have any idea what is causing it or how I can fix it?

First off: where do you apply the pipeline? At function level or at loop level?
In the first case, HLS will unroll the loop and you basically update the output signals/arguments all at once (which maybe is no what you intended).
Otherwise, the output signals/arguments would be updated at each cycle, and maybe require a volatile in front of them (otherwise the compiler might assume that you care only about the last value they will have at the end of the loop)
I'm not entirely sure why the problem arises when you insert pragmas, but you are also dealing with pointers, and pointers (and also pointers arithmetic) don't go along very well with HLS.
My first suggestion would be to replace the pointer arguments with pass-by-reference arguments, like so:
void find_peaks(ap_uint<14> input[NDATA], volatile bool &peak,
volatile ap_uint<14> &start_time, volatile ap_uint<14> &end_time,
volatile ap_uint<14> &peak_time, volatile ap_uint<14> &peak_value,
volatile ap_uint<14> &sum_value) {
ap_uint<14> local_start_time = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_end_time = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_peak_time = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_peak_value = 0;
ap_uint<14> local_sum_value = 0;
ap_uint<14> width = 0;
bool prev_peak = false;
for (int i = 0; i < NDATA; i++){
assert(i < NDATA);
prev_peak = peak;
peak = input[i] > 20;
local_start_time = (peak && !prev_peak)? i:local_start_time;
local_end_time = peak? i : local_end_time;
local_peak_time = (peak && (input[i] > local_peak_value))? i : local_peak_time;
local_peak_value = (peak && (input[i]>local_peak_value))? input[i] : local_peak_value;
local_sum_value += peak ? input[i] : ap_uint<14>(0);
width = local_end_time - local_start_time;
const bool cond = !peak && prev_peak && (width > 3);
start_time = cond ? local_start_time: start_time;
end_time = cond ? local_end_time: end_time;
peak_time = cond ? local_peak_time: peak_time;
peak_value = cond ? local_peak_value: peak_value;
sum_value = cond ? local_sum_value: sum_value;
Which should be equivalent and "less confusing" for the HLS to understand.
You might want to consider using FIFOs or buffers (or better, RTL languages) for notifying the status of your signals to the "external world". Using volatile might not be the best, afterall HLS is more suited for other stuff, not really for time/performance tracking. (But you can still try it of course, here is a reference for doing it in HLS).
p.s. I don't have HLS at hand at the moment, but I might try synthesizing the code later to see if I can insert the pragmas as well.


How to check 3 RSI values against the Bollinger Bands?

There are Bollinger Bands with three RSI running in the basement.
I want to do a check on the signal in such a way that when 3 RSI struck the zone of the upper Bbands, there was a signal down and vice versa:
int start(){
double ma, stdev;
int i, limit, count=IndicatorCounted();
if(count<0) return(0);
if(limit>1) limit=Bars-1;
for(i=limit; i>=0; i--) {
RSI[i] =iRSI(Symbol(),Period(),rsi_period, PRICE_CLOSE,i);
for(i=limit; i>=0; i--) {
ma=iMAOnArray(RSI3,0,bb_period,0,0,i); // midle line
stdev=iStdDevOnArray(RSI3,0,bb_period,0,0,i); // dev
BBUP[i]=ma+bb_dev*stdev; // up line
BBDOWN[i]=ma-bb_dev*stdev; // down line
if(limit<Bars-1) limit++;
for(i=limit; i>0; i--) {
if(RSI[i] <= BBDOWN[i] && RSI[i+1] > BBDOWN[i+1] && RSI2[i] <= BBDOWN[i] && RSI2[i+1] > BBDOWN[i+1] && RSI3[i] <= BBDOWN[i] && RSI3[i+1] > BBDOWN[i+1]){
DOWN[i] = iLow(_Symbol, _Period, i);
if(RSI[i] >= BBUP[i] && RSI[i+1] < BBUP[i+1] &&W RSI2[i] >= BBUP[i] && RSI2[i+1] < BBUP[i+1] && RSI3[i] >= BBUP[i] && RSI3[i+1] < BBUP[i+1]){
UP[i]= iHigh(_Symbol, _Period, i);
The whole problem is that I have very crooked signals.
Appear where they should not be, and there is no where to be.
Step 0: Let's first agree in written WHAT is the actual TARGET:
If the TARGET is to compute & paint on GUI the Bollinger Bands on RSI3[] values, the best way to do this is to use:
UPPER[i] = iBandsOnArray( RSI3, // ArrayAsSeries[]
array_calculation_depth, // reduce overheads
BB_MA_period, // BBands period
BB_StDev_MUL, // how many sigmas
BB_Zero_Shift, // #DEFINE BB_Zero_Shift 0
MODE_UPPER, // BBands upper line
i // shifting operator[i]
This way one may efficiently produce each of the { MODE_UPPER | MODE_MAIN | MODE_LOWER } Bollinger Bands lines here, consistently generated over dimension-less RSI3[] data, thus protecting the sense of any additive operations in signal-composition(s) with other, dimension-less data, as in { RSI2[], RSI[] }.
Step 1: visually check the lines to validate any signal-conditions:
Given the GUI shows lines accordingly, one may try to compose signal-conditions. The "hot"-bar [0] is a live-bar, where novice may encounter tricking signalling situations, if not handled with due professional care.
Step 2: implement signal-conditions in code:
Only after Step 0) & 1) took place and both meet one's own prior expectations, any code starts to make sense to get built.
From MQL4 docs https://docs.mql4.com/indicators/imaonarray
Unlike iMA(...), the iMAOnArray() function does not take data by
symbol name, timeframe, the applied price. The price data must be
previously prepared. The indicator is calculated from left to right.
To access to the array elements as to a series array (i.e., from right
to left), one has to use the ArraySetAsSeries() function.
RSI3 is currently orientated right to left (0 is most recent time point, limit is furthest element).
Same issue with iStdDevOnArray()
Fix those issues and it should work as you want. Whether there is any value in drawing Bollinger bands on RSI is another matter
The function ArraySetAsSeries() can be used to swap the array between left-to-right and right-to-left
When you first initialise the RSI arrays ( in the OnInit() ) tell MetaTrader Terminal that they are timeseries.
Then in main body, add ArraySetAsSeries(RSI3,False); before your second for loop to swap the array orientation. Then ArraySetAsSeries(RSI3,True); after the loop to restore the array orientation.
for(i=limit; i>=0; i--) {
RSI[i ] = iRSI(Symbol(),Period(),rsi_period,PRICE_CLOSE,i);
RSI2[i] = iRSI(Symbol(),Period(),rsi_period_2,PRICE_CLOSE,i);
RSI3[i] = iRSI(Symbol(),Period(),rsi_period_3,PRICE_CLOSE,i);
for(i=limit; i>=0; i--) {
ma=iMAOnArray(RSI3,0,bb_period,0,0,i); // midle line
stdev=iStdDevOnArray(RSI3,0,bb_period,0,0,i); // dev
BBUP[i]=ma+bb_dev*stdev; // up line
BBDOWN[i]=ma-bb_dev*stdev; // down line
if(limit<Bars-1) limit++;
for(i=limit; i>0; i--) {
if( RSI[i] <= BBDOWN[i] &&
RSI[i+1] > BBDOWN[i] &&
RSI2[i] <= BBDOWN[i] &&
RSI2[i+1] > BBDOWN[i] &&
RSI3[i] <= BBDOWN[i] &&
RSI3[i+1] > BBDOWN[i]) {
DOWN[i] = iLow(_Symbol, _Period, i);
if( RSI[i] >= BBUP[i] &&
RSI[i+1] < BBUP[i+1] &&
RSI2[i] >= BBUP[i] &&
RSI2[i+1] < BBUP[i+1] &&
RSI3[i] >= BBUP[i] &&
RSI3[i+1] < BBUP[i+1]) {
UP[i]= iHigh(_Symbol, _Period, i);
Basic indicator structure
You need to go through the MQL4 Documentation and learn the proper structure of an indicator. There needs to be an OnInit() function where you initialise values. Then an OnCalculate() function where you fill the indicator buffers.
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime& time[],
const double& open[],
const double& high[],
const double& low[],
const double& close[],
const long& tick_volume[],
const long& volume[],
const int& spread[])
// Do your calculations here
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
If you use iBandsOnArray() to calculate Bollinger bands you won't need to swap the array direction after it is set in OnInit()
If the indicator is compiling but crashing, you will need to debug it. Simplest way is to look at the errors in the log and add PrintFormat() statements throughout your code so you can see what the indicator is doing at different points and see where it crashes.

Fast implementation of BWT in Lua

local function fShallowCopy(tData)
local tOutput = {}
for k,v in ipairs(tData) do
tOutput[k] = v
return tOutput
local function fLexTblSort(tA,tB) --sorter for tables
for i=1,#tA do
if tA[i]~=tB[i] then
return tA[i]<tB[i]
return false
function fBWT(tData)
local iSize = #tData
local tSolution = {}
local tSolved = {}
--key table--
for n=1,iSize do
tData[iSize] = fRemove(tData,1)
tSolution[n] = fShallowCopy(tData)
--encode output--
for i=1,iSize do
tSolved[i] = tSolution[i][iSize]
for i=1,iSize do
if fIsEqual(tSolution[i],tData) then
return i,tSolved
return false
Above is my current code for achieving BWT encoding in Lua. The issue is because of the size of the tables and lengths of loops it takes a long time to run. For a 1000 character input the average encoding time is about 1.15 seconds. Does anyone have suggestions for making a faster BWT encoding function?
the biggest slowdowns appear to be in fLexTblSort and fShallowCopy. I have included both above the BWT function as well.
If I see right, your algorithm has complexity O(n^2 log n), if the sort is quicksort. The comparator function fLexTblSort takes O(n) itself for each pair of values you compare.
As I checked with my implementation from few years back, I see possible space to improve. You create all the possible rotations of the tData, which takes also a lot of time. I used only single data block and I stored only starting positions of particular rotations. You also use a lot of loops which can shrink into less.
Mine implementation was in C, but the concept can be used also in Lua. The idea in some hybrid pseudocode between your Lua and C.
function fBWT(tData)
local n = #tData
local tSolution = {}
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
tSolution[i] = i;
--table.sort(tSolution, fLexTblSort)
quicksort(tData, n, tSolution, 0, n)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
tSolved[i] = tData[(tSolution[i]+n-1)%n];
if( tSolution[i] == 0 )
I = i;
return I, tSolved
You will also need your own sort function, because the standard does not offer enough flexibility for this magic. Quicksort is a good idea (you might avoid some of the arguments, but I pasted just the C version I was using):
void swap(int array[], int left, int right){
int tmp = array[right];
array[right] = array[left];
array[left] = tmp;
void quicksort(uint8_t data[], int length, int array[], int left, int right){
if(left < right){
int boundary = left;
for(int i = left + 1; i < right; i++){
if( offset_compare(data, length, array, i, left) < 0 ){
swap(array, i, ++boundary);
swap(array, left, boundary);
quicksort(data, length, array, left, boundary);
quicksort(data, length, array, boundary + 1, right);
The last step is your own comparator function (similar to your original, but working on the rotations, again in C):
* compare one string (fixed length) with different rotations.
int offset_compare(uint8_t *data, int length, int *array, int first, int second){
int res;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
res = data[(array[first]+i)%length] - data[(array[second]+i)%length];
if( res != 0 ){
return res;
return 0;
This is the basic idea I came up with few years ago and which worked for me. Let me know if there is something not clear or some mistake.

ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed() Failed

my program is Directx Program that draws a container cube within it smaller cubes....these smaller cubes fall by time i hope you understand what i mean...
The program isn't complete yet ...it should draws the container only ....but it draws nothing ...only the background color is visible... i only included what i think is needed ...
this is the routines that initialize the program
bool Game::init(HINSTANCE hinst,HWND _hw){
Directx11 ::init(hinst , _hw);
return LoadContent();}
bool Directx11::init(HINSTANCE hinst,HWND hw){
RECT rc;
height= rc.bottom - rc.top;
width = rc.right - rc.left;
UINT flags=0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (d3dDevice == 0 || d3dDeviceContext == 0)
return 0;
if (m4xMsaaEnable)
IDXGIDevice *Device=0;
HR(d3dDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice),reinterpret_cast <void**> (&Device)));
HR(Device->GetParent(__uuidof(IDXGIAdapter),reinterpret_cast <void**> (&Ad)));
IDXGIFactory* fac=0;
HR(Ad->GetParent(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory),reinterpret_cast <void**> (&fac)));
ID3D11Texture2D *back = 0;
HR(swapchain->GetBuffer(0,__uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D),reinterpret_cast <void**> (&back)));
Tdesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL;
Tdesc.ArraySize = 1;
Tdesc.Height= height;
Tdesc.Width = width;
Tdesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
if (m4xMsaaEnable)
vp.Width = static_cast <float> (width);
vp.Height= static_cast <float> (height);
vp.MinDepth = 0.0f;
vp.MaxDepth = 1.0f;
d3dDeviceContext -> RSSetViewports(1,&vp);
return true;
SetBuild() Prepare the matrices inside the container for the smaller cubes ....i didnt program it to draw the smaller cubes yet
and this the function that draws the scene
void Game::Render(){
d3dDeviceContext->ClearRenderTargetView(RenderTarget,reinterpret_cast <const float*> (&Colors::LightSteelBlue));
d3dDeviceContext->ClearDepthStencilView(depth,D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL,1.0f,0);
d3dDeviceContext-> IASetInputLayout(_layout);
d3dDeviceContext-> IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST);
UINT strides=sizeof(Vertex),off=0;
Floor * Lookup; /*is a variable to Lookup inside the matrices structure (Floor Contains XMMATRX Piese[9])*/
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4> filled; // saves the matrices of the smaller cubes
XMMATRIX V=XMLoadFloat4x4(&View),P = XMLoadFloat4x4(&Proj);
for (UINT i = 0; i < des.Passes; i++)
wvp = XMLoadFloat4x4(&(B.Memory[0].Pieces[0])) * vp; // Loading The Matrix at translation(0,0,0)
HR(ShadeMat->SetMatrix(reinterpret_cast<float*> ( &wvp)));
UINT r1=B.GetSize(),r2=filled.size();
for (UINT j = 0; j < r1; j++)
Lookup = &B.Memory[j];
for (UINT r = 0; r < Lookup->filledindeces.size(); r++)
for (UINT j = 0; j < r2; j++)
ShadeMat->SetMatrix( reinterpret_cast<const float*> (&filled[i]));
thanks in Advance
One bug in your program appears to be that you're using i, the index of the current pass, as an index into the filled vector, when you should apparently be using j.
Another apparent bug is that in the loop where you are supposed to be iterating over the elements of filled, you're not iterating over all of them. The value r2 is set to the size of filled before you append anything to it during that pass. During the first pass this means that nothing will be drawn by this loop. If your technique only has one pass then this means that the second DrawIndexed call in your code will never be executed.
It also appears you should be only adding matrices to filled once, regardless of the number of the passes the technique has. You should consider if your code is actually meant to work with techniques with multiple passes.

LibSvm add features using the JAVA api

I have a text and I want to train by adding feature using the java API. Looking at the examples the main class to build the training set is the svm_problem. It appear like the svm_node represents a feature (the index is the feature and the value is the weight of the feature).
What I have done is to have a map (just to simplify the problem) that keeps an association between the feature and an index. For each of my weight> example I do create a new node :
svm_node currentNode = new svm_node();
int index = feature.getIndexInMap();
double value = feature.getWeight();
currentNode.index = index;
currentNode.value = value;
Is my intuition correct? What does the svm_problem.y refers to? Does it refer to the index of the label? Is the svm_problem.l just the length of the two vectors?
Your intuition is very close, but svm_node is a pattern not a feature. The variable svm_problem.y is an array that contains the labels of each pattern and svm_problem.l is the size of the training set.
Also, beware that svm_parameter.nr_weight is the weight of each label (useful if you have an unbalanced training set) but if you are not going to use it you must set that value to zero.
Let me show you a simple example in C++:
#include "svm.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
svm_parameter params;
params.svm_type = C_SVC;
params.kernel_type = RBF;
params.C = 1;
params.gamma = 1;
params.nr_weight = 0;
params.p= 0.0001;
svm_problem problem;
problem.l = 4;
problem.y = new double[4]{1,-1,-1,1};
problem.x = new svm_node*[4];
problem.x[0] = new svm_node[3];
problem.x[0][0].index = 1;
problem.x[0][0].value = 0;
problem.x[0][1].index = 2;
problem.x[0][1].value = 0;
problem.x[0][2].index = -1;
problem.x[1] = new svm_node[3];
problem.x[1][0].index = 1;
problem.x[1][0].value = 1;
problem.x[1][1].index = 2;
problem.x[1][1].value = 0;
problem.x[1][2].index = -1;
problem.x[2] = new svm_node[3];
problem.x[2][0].index = 1;
problem.x[2][0].value = 0;
problem.x[2][1].index = 2;
problem.x[2][1].value = 1;
problem.x[2][2].index = -1;
problem.x[3] = new svm_node[3];
problem.x[3][0].index = 1;
problem.x[3][0].value = 1;
problem.x[3][1].index = 2;
problem.x[3][1].value = 1;
problem.x[3][2].index = -1;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
cout << problem.y[i] << endl;
svm_model * model = svm_train(&problem, &params);
svm_save_model("mymodel.svm", model);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
double d = svm_predict(model, problem.x[i]);
cout << "Prediction " << d << endl;
/* We should free the memory at this point.
But this example is large enough already */

undefined values error on values that are defined

I have a for loop like so
for (int i = 0; i < circles->total; i++)
// round the floats to an int
float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(circles, i);
cv::Point center(cvRound(p[0]), cvRound(p[1]));
int radius = cvRound(p[2]);
int num_red = 0;
//uchar* ptr;
//ptr = cvPtr2D(img, center.y, center.x, NULL);
//printf("B: %d G: %d R: %d\n", ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2]);
CvScalar s;
s = cvGet2D(img,center.y, center.x);//colour of circle
printf("B: %f G: %f R: %f\n",s.val[0],s.val[1],s.val[2]);
if (s.val[2]<=255 && s.val[2]>=230 && s.val[1]<=40 && s.val[1]>=0 && s.val[0] <=40 && s.val[0]>=0)
printf("Red Ball\n");
which is working. but later on in my code i tried to use the s.val[] and num_red like this
int count_red = 0;
int red_pot = 0;
if(s.val[2]<=255 && s.val[2]>=230 && s.val[1]<=40 && s.val[1]>=0 && s.val[0] <=40 && s.val[0]>=0)
count_red ++;//count the reds detected
num_red - count_red = red_pot;//originally detected - whats left = whats potted
im getting undeclared identifier error for 's'. Left of .val must have class/struct and 'num_red' : undeclared identifier. I dont understand why the program doesnt can't read these values from above further down. anyone able to help?
You create s inside the for loop. So as soon as the for loop terminates, s goes out of scope. You need to create a variable at a scope that includes every scope in which you intend to access it.
