Should I use my package name for KMM SqlDelight config? - kotlin-multiplatform

I am following this guide and in the first section of this step I have to do the following:
sqldelight {
database("AppDatabase") {
packageName = "com.jetbrains.handson.kmm.shared.cache"
Question is, should I use .handson. or .myPackageName. and why?

As guide from your link says
The packageName parameter specifies the package name for the generated Kotlin sources.
As with any kotlin file, you can specify any package name you want, but a good practice is to put all the files in the same module under the module package.
Let's say your module has the package name You can use the same package name for the generated database or some sub-path such as


Jenkins Shared Library - Importing classes from the /src folder in /vars

I am trying to writing a Jenkins Shared Library for my CI process. I'd like to reference a class that is in the \src folder inside a global function defined in the \vars folder, since it would allow me to put most of the logic in classes instead of in the global functions. I am following the repository structure documented on the official Jenkins documentation:
Jenkins Shared Library structure
Here's a simplified example of what I have:
package com.example
class SrcClass {
def aFunction() {
return "Hello from src folder!"
import com.example.SrcClass
def call(args) {
def sc = new SrcClass()
return sc.aFunction()
#Library('<lib-name>') _
pipeline {
post {
always {
My goal was for the global classes in the /vars folder to act as a sort of public facade and to use it in my Jenkinsfile as a custom step without having to instantiate a class in a script block (making it compatible with declarative pipelines). It all seems pretty straightforward to me, but I am getting this error when running the classFromVars file:
<root>\vars\classFromVars.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class com.example.SrcClass
# line 1, column 1.
import com.example.SrcClass
1 error
I tried running the classFromVars class directly with the groovy CLI locally and on the Jenkins server and I have the same error on both environments. I also tried specifying the classpath when running the /vars script, getting the same error, with the following command:
<root>>groovy -cp <root>\src\com\example vars\classFromVars.groovy
Is what I'm trying to achieve possible? Or should I simply put all of my logic in the /vars class and avoid using the /src folder?
I have found several repositories on GitHub that seem to indicate this is possible, for example this one:, which uses the classes in the /src folder in many of the classes in the /vars folder.
As #Szymon Stepniak pointed out, the -cp parameter in my groovy command was incorrect. It now works locally and on the Jenkins server. I have yet to explain why it wasn't working on the Jenkins server though.
I found that when I wanted to import a class from the shared library I have, to a script step in the /vars I needed to do it like this:
//thanks to '_', the classes are imported automatically.
// MUST have the '#' at the beginning, other wise it will not work.
// when not using "#BRANCH" it will use default branch from git repo.
#Library('my-shared-library#BRANCH') _
// only by calling them you can tell if they exist or not.
def exampleObject = new example.GlobalVars()
// then call methods or attributes from the class.

dart pub build: exclude a file or directory

I am trying to exclude a list of files or directories when building a web application with dart's pub build.
Using this, as suggested by the documentation:
- simple_transformer:
$exclude: "**/CVS"
does not work:
Error on line 10, column 3 of pubspec.yaml: "simple_transformer" is not a dependency.
- simple_transformer:
Is there a way to do it (using SDK 1.10.0) ?
Sadly there is currently no support to mark files as ignored by pub build as Günter already mentioned. The .gitignore feature was removed as it was undocumented and caused more trouble than it solved.
But you can execlude files from the build output. This means that the files are still processed (and still take time to process =/ ) but aren't present in the output directiory. This is useful for generating a deployable copy of your application in one go.
In our application we use a simple ConsumeTransformer to mark assets as consumed so that they are not written to the output folder:
library consume_transformer;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
class ConsumeTransformer extends Transformer implements LazyTransformer {
final List<RegExp> patterns = <RegExp>[];
ConsumeTransformer.asPlugin(BarbackSettings settings) {
if (settings.configuration['patterns'] != null) {
for (var pattern in settings.configuration['patterns']) {
patterns.add(new RegExp(pattern));
bool isPrimary(AssetId inputId) =>
patterns.any((p) => p.hasMatch(inputId.path));
void declareOutputs(DeclaringTransform transform) {}
void apply(Transform transform) => transform.consumePrimary();
The consumer requires a list of regex patterns as an argument an consumes the matched files. You need to add the transformer to you pubspec.yaml file as the last transformer:
- ... # Your other transformers
- packagename/consume_transformer:
patterns: ["\\.psd$"]
The example configuration ignores all files that have the psd extension, but you can add pattern as you need them.
I created a pub package that contains the transformer, take a look here.
simple_transformer is the name of the transformer you want to inform to exclude the files. If you want to apply this to dart2js you need to use the name $dart2js instead of simple_transformer.
For more details about configuring $dart2js see

How to implement a Groovy global AST transformation in a Grails plugin?

I'd like to modify some of my Grails domain classes at compilation time. I initially thought this was a job for Groovy's global ASTTransformation since I don't want to annotate my domain classes (which local transformers require). What's the best way to do this?
I also tried mimicking by creating my own class in the same package, implementing the same interfaces, but I probably just didn't know how to package it up in the right place because I never saw my methods get invoked.
On the other hand I was able to manually create a JAR which contained a compiled AST transformation class, along with the META-INF/services artifacts that plain Groovy global transformations require. I threw that JAR into my project's "lib" dir and visit() was successfully invoked. Obviously this was a sloppy job because I am hoping to have the source code of my AST transformation in a Grails plugin and not require a separate JAR artifact if I don't have to, plus I couldn't get this approach to work by having the JAR in my Grails plugin's "lib" but had to put it into the Grails app's "lib" instead.
This post helped a bit too: Grails 2.1.1 - How to develop a plugin with an AstTransformer?
The thing about global transforms the transform code should be available when the compilation starts. Having the transformer in a jar was what i did first! But as you said it is a sloppy job.
What you want to do is have your ast transforming class compile before others gets to the compilation phase. Here is what you do!
Preparing the transformer
Create a directory called precompiled in src folder! and add the Transformation class and the classes (such as annotations) the transformer uses in this directory with the correct packaging structure.
Then create a file called org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation in called precompiled/META-INF/services and you will have the following structure.
Then write the fully qualified name of the transformer in the org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation file, for the example above the fully qualified name would be amanu.LoggingASTTransformation
package amanu
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.GroovyASTTransformation
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ASTNode
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit
class TeamDomainASTTransformation implements ASTTransformation{
public void visit(ASTNode[] nodes, SourceUnit sourceUnit) {
println ("*********************** VISIT ************")
source.getAST()?.getClasses()?.each { classNode ->
//Class node is a class that is contained in the file being compiled
classNode.addProperty("filed", ClassNode.ACC_PUBLIC, new ClassNode(Class.forName("java.lang.String")), null, null, null)
After implementing this you can go off in two ways! The first approach is to put it in a jar, like you did! and the other is to use a groovy script to compile it before others. To do this in grails, we use _Events.groovy script.
You can do this from a plugin or the main project, it doesn't matter. If it doesn't exist create a file called _Events.groovy and add the following content.
The code is copied from with modifications
eventCompileStart = {target ->
compileAST(pluginBasedir, classesDirPath)
def compileAST(def srcBaseDir, def destDir) {
ant.sequential {
echo "Precompiling AST Transformations ..."
echo "src ${srcBaseDir} ${destDir}"
path id: "grails.compile.classpath", compileClasspath
def classpathId = "grails.compile.classpath"
mkdir dir: destDir
groovyc(destdir: destDir,
srcDir: "$srcBaseDir/src/precompiled",
classpathref: classpathId,
stacktrace: "yes",
encoding: "UTF-8")
echo "done precompiling AST Transformations"
the previous script will compile the transformer before others are compiled! This enable the transformer to be available for transforming your domain classes.
Don't forget
If you use any class other than those added in your classpath, you will have to precompile those too. The above script will compile everything in the precompiled directory and you can also add classes that don't need ast, but are needed for it in that directory!
If you want to use domain classes in transformation, You might want to do the precompilation in evenCompileEnd block! But this will make things slower!
#Douglas Mendes mentioned there is a simple way to cause pre compilation. Which is more concise.
eventCompileStart = {
target -> projectCompiler.srcDirectories.add(0, "./src/precompiled")

Dart accessing the name of a File or Directory

How do I read the name of a File or a Directory?
There is a property 'path' but that returns the entire file path.
Would be nice to have a property like 'name' that just returns the last part of the path.
In Java there is a method called;
You can use the path package to do that :
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
main() {
path.basename('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo.dart'
path.basename('path/to'); // -> 'to'
See the path package documentation for more explanations.
Since Dart Version 2.6 has been announced and it's available for flutter version 1.12 and higher, You can use extension methods. It will provide a more readable and global solution to this problem.
file_extensions.dart :
import 'dart:io';
extension FileExtention on FileSystemEntity{
String get name {
return this?.path?.split("/")?.last;
and name getter is added to all the file objects. You can simply just call name on any file.
main() {
File file = new File("/dev/dart/work/hello/app.dart");
Read the document for more information.
Since extension is a new feature, it's not fully integrated into IDEs yet and it may not be recognized automatically. You have to import your extension manually wherever you need that. Just make sure the extension file is imported:
import 'package:<your_extention_path>/file_extentions.dart';

Is it possible to have a dynamic resource path for import?

I have a Spring.NET program with a configuration file. To smooth the transition from test to prod I'd like to have an environment variable that gives the path to a shared config file, and use that to import a resource, however it appears the <import resource="path"/> is not being resolved. For example if I try to load the file <import resource="\\server\share\${computername}\SpringConfig.xml"/> I get a file not found exception as below:
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Error creating context 'spring.root': file [\server\share\${computername}\SpringConfig.xml] cannot be resolved to local file path - resource does not use 'file:' protocol. ---> Spring.Objects.Factory.ObjectDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from file [\server\share\${computername}\SpringConfig.xml] ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: file [\server\share\${computername}\SpringConfig.xml] cannot be resolved to local file path - resource does not use 'file:' protocol.
Is there a way I can have a dynamic import path in Spring.NET, preferably without writing code?
You can do that anyway with some extra code:
Create your own FileSystemResource that will replace placeholders in the resource name. Start from overriding the existing FileSystemResource (In Spring.Core.IO namespace)
Register your new IResource implementation in the container using your own protocol name (ex: myfile://) See ref docs here for an example :
In .NET configuration file (app.config/web.config)
In Spring configuration files
Use it!
I don't think we can do that with the current version.
Latest Java version supports it, so we can expect this feature in a future version (Using variables environnement by default)
