YADCF Bootstrap Datetimepicker Overflowing from Container - ruby-on-rails

I'm encountering an issue using the YADCF date filter for DataTables with the Bootstrap-Datetimepicker styling option. The issue is that the Months/Years/ are overflowing from the dropdown container. The weird part is that the actual date selection looks fine. I've included some screenshots below.
This is what the month selection looks like, the year selection looks the same way.
However, the date selection looks normal, like this:
I have other date picker drop downs throughout my app that look normal:
Initializing the date filter field as so:
yadcf.init(tableElement.DataTable(), [
{ column_number : 11,
filter_type: "range_date",
datepicker_type: 'bootstrap-datetimepicker',
date_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
filter_container_id: 'yadcfDateDiv'
I just can't seem to figure out what styling property is needed to resolve this. I've tried adjusting the padding/margins (as suggested in other posts I've found) of the months and such but it just makes them closer together, not below each other like the last screenshot. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
YADCF: 0.9.4
DataTables: 1.10.16
Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker 4.7.14

After digging through the Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker documentation, I discovered that the DateTimePicker plugin has a WidgetParent option that can be used to set the parent element in which the widget will reside.
Since I am initializing the DateTimePicker plugin through YADCF and passing in a custom filter_container_id, I found that if I also passed that same element to the WidgetParent property it will display as intended.
I have added the following code to my DataTable initialization function for the page which has resolved this issue:
"widgetParent": '#yadcfDateDiv'
It selects both of the input fields that are generated by the YADCF plugin which the DateTimePicker objects are bound to and sets the appropriate parent element.
Hopefully this helps some future Googler.


Datepicker returning uncaught typeError: undefined 'currentDay'

I've been using jQuery UI with Bootstrap and I seem to run into a problem that I haven't had before. I'm not sure what has changed; I've tried setting back different version of jQuery and I didn't update the jQuery UI in the meanwhile. So I'm not exactly sure what broke.
The error from the console when I click on any date in the datepicker returns:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'currentDay' of undefined
The code is fairly straightforward as one would expect from a datepicker:
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'
With the following HTML:
<input type="text" class="datepicker" />
Is this a bug that should be reported (since no other Google matches turn up) or is it something else I've missed?
I've found the solution. After a long time of debugging I figured out that there was a <div> that had the exact same ID, lying higher than the input field. Therefore the script took the first instance that contained the ID and picked the DIV instead of the input field.
I removed/renamed the DIV and it worked fine again.
The above jQuery datepicker error is generally caused by having a duplicate controls with the same ID, no matter whether you use id or another selector like css class or field name to instantiate it.
I solved this with create new ID for HTML DOM object. There is duplicated Id.
Try to add new ID for HTML DOM object.
I was having this error also. I found that elsewhere on the form I had some label 'for' attributes that did not match ids on the form inputs - seems like this might confuse datepicker too. Once I fixed those up, everything worked fine and the error went away. Take Andreas' advice (+1 for that!) and validate your forms - Chris Pederick's Web Developer Toolbar gives you an easy way to validate as you go.
put a selector.
<script> $("#formID #duplicatedId").datepicker({language: 'he'});
FormID: Id of the form that contains input.
duplicatedId: input element's Id.
In my case I was triggering the datepicker from a div against a hidden input field and getPos(a) was causing an undefined message on the variable "a". I experimented with moving the hidden input field outside of a div and that did the trick. Note that the input field was findable by jQuery no matter where it was, so that was not the problem - it was with positioning. Hope this helps someone else.
Might be two input box having same class without different id and for that you are trying for date picker. If it is there give two different id it will work.
I've ran into this problem too, and i was 100% sure i did not use duplicate id.
After some debugging i found out a reason - i was using DataTables mod, which duplicates contents of tfoot, thus creating exact copy of datepicker elements. And i had this datepicker inputs in tfoot row.
Fixed that issue with:
Which is called AFTER table.DataTable(....)
This removed original, zero height row with all contents;

Issue with jQuery autocomplete 1.9.2 and knockout

I've been using this knockout binding from this jsfiddle (from this initial SO question) for a while and it has been working.
After upgrading to jQuery 1.8.3 and jQuery UI 1.9.2 (jsfiddle), when typing text into the input, after the items list is populated (but not selected!), the input textbox is cleared and you have to restart typing from the beginning. That's annoying as you won't be able to complete your text input because you always have to start from scratch.
If the jqAutoSourceInputValue and the jqAutoSourceValue have the same property name, it works, but then either the id or the input value after the selection are not the desired one.
Looks like the issue is coming from the fact that the binding's update function has a dependency on the observableArray that is being updated. I am not quite sure what has changed in jQuery UI to make the actual behavior change from before, but one fix is to update to Knockout 2.2.1 and access the observableArray via the peek function to avoid a dependency. Something like:
var source = (ko.isObservable(allBindings.jqAutoSource) ? allBindings.jqAutoSource.peek() : allBindings.jqAutoSource) || [];
Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/xXuq6/
If you can't update to KO 2.2.1, then there are some other ways to do it as well. Let me know.

How do I remove the tooltip in Grails 2.0.4?

Does anybody know how to remove the tooltip in Grails 2.0.4? Currently all my mandatory fields shows a tooltip. I am trying to create a UI without the tooltip. I am using jQuery and jQueryUI.
Is there anyway that I could remove the tooltip? I think the tooltip is set by default in Grails 2.0.4.
you could use jQuery to remove the title attribute like so...
$(document).ready(function() {
I think this is html 5 related. Do the fields have "required" in the tags (which I know grails puts in by default when performing scaffolding)? If so, the browser will check that those fields are filled in and prompt the user if they are not before submission. This was driving me bonkers trying to figure out what was going on.

My dropdown is not showing the data

I am having a html dropdown
<select id="ExternalIp" onchange="externalIpchange()"></select>
I bind the data to dropdown through jquery and a I am passing data from controller which is working properly. I want to change the look and feel of the dropdown so I called a function
Now the look and feel of drop down is changed but it is not showing the data which I bind to dropdown. I am not getting what is the problem. Plz help
It appears as if the jQuery plugin you are using resets the values bound to the select list.
Look for a method provided within your jQuery plugin to rebind the data which you earlier attached with jQuery or style your element first and then try binding the values.

Why does jQuery UI's datepicker break with a dynamic DOM?

I'm working with a dynamic DOM here, and have called the jQuery UI datepicker to all inputs with a specific class name, in this case .date
It works great with the first, static, construct but when I clone it the event handlers don't seem to want to move over. I get the Firebug error:
inst is undefined
I tried looking into jQuery's new live() function but couldn't combine the two. Any ideas?
Ah, got it. Right after I append the HTML to the DOM I run this on all the inputs I'd like to have a datepicker pop up with. Datepicker adds a class to elements it has been attached to, so we can filter out existing inputs and only apply it to new ones.
I hope this helps people as I was Googling for days and didn't find anything!
You should also note that it would be faster to check for input.date in the new generated HTML by setting that as a context, rather than the whole page, as it will save time, due to this being a more efficient operation.
I had a similar Issue, I had multiple tables on a page and each had multiple datepickers, also on click of button "AddLine" it added a table row with dynamic HTML and datepicker.
I realized after a lot of search that my input date fields had no "id" defined they looked like this
<input type="text" class="datepicker" name="mDate1" value="" size=8 >
jquery was pointing all the date fields values to the very first date field defined on page, the calendar would popup on all the date fields but the value of 1st date field would change, I made a change to the html like this
<input type="text" class="datepicker" id="Date1" name="mDate1" value="" size=8 >
by adding a "id" and it started working, for the dynamic date fields I change the Id like this
var allColumns = $("#"+$tableId+" tr:last td");
$(allColumns).each(function (i,val) {
You need to use the 'live' event to make it work with dynamic DOM. So, if the class for your datepicker inputs is 'date-input', following code will make it work:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.date-input').live('click', function() {
This might be a little late, but all the suggestions above didn't work for me, I came up with an easy solution for this.
First, what is causing the problem:
JQuery assign datepicker to element id. if you are cloning element, then same id might be cloned as well. which jQuery doesn't like. You might end up with either receiving null reference error or the date being assigned to first input field regardless which input field you click on.
1) destroy datepicker
2) assign new unique ids to all input field
3) assign datepicker for each input
Make sure your input is something like this
<input type="text" name="ndate[]" id="date1" class="n1datepicker">
Before you clone, destroy datepicker
After you clone, add these lines as well
var i = 0;
$('.n1datepicker').each(function () {
$(this).attr("id",'date' + i).datepicker();
and the magic happens
$j(id or class).removeClass('hasDatepicker').datepicker();
It is working
Use jQuery selectors:
Multiple instances of the jquery-ui library on the page will cause this error too. Removing redundant instances work for my case
I experienced the same symptom, in this caused by having a td containing element with the same id attribute as the input,
<td id="fld_xyz"><input id="fld_xyz" class="date" /></td>
I know this isn't ideal anyway, but it's worth knowing that the datepicker component seems to be relying on the uniqueness of the id.
I had this problem. My situation ended up being I had another element with the same ID as the input with the datepicker.
Today I faced the same issue... I am using datetimepicker plugin in my application.
Also using jquery's default datepicker too. When ever I am invoking them both on document ready I am getting the error inst is undefined.
So I changed the code to invoke before document ready like below:
Now every thing is working fine. No problems.
I had a similar problem with data picker not working after a first call. I found an answer to my issue here:
I was cloning sections dynamically from template and inadvertently including the class that datepicker adds once its called:
I placed my first datepicker call after I clone the template and that did it. I then added a datepicker call after each instance of clone:
After trying many of the answers here, this is what worked for me and is showing on the first click/focus
function vincularDatePickers() {
$('.mostrar_calendario').live('click', function () {
$(this).datepicker({ showButtonPanel: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showOn: 'focus' }).focus();
this needs that your input have the class 'mostrar_calendario'
live is for JQuery 1.3+ for newer versions you need to adapt this to "on"
See more about the difference here http://api.jquery.com/live/
If it still doesn't work, it is because of the cloned id. You can completely remove datepicker like this:
