iOS fast image difference comparison - ios

Im looking for a fast way to compare two frames of video, and decide if a lot has changed between them. This will be used to decide if I should send a request to image recognition service over REST, so I don't want to keep sending them, until there might be some different results. Something similar is doing Vuforia SDK. Im starting with a Framebuffer from ARKit, and I have it scaled to 640:480 and converted to RGB888 vBuffer_image. It could compare just few points, but it needs to find out if difference is significant nicely.
I started by calculating difference between few points using vDSP functions, but this has a disadvantage - if I move camera even very slightly to left/right, then the same points have different portions of image, and the calculated difference is high, even if nothing really changed much.
I was thinking about using histograms, but I didn't test this approach yet.
What would be the best solution for this? It needs to be fast, it can compare just smaller version of image, etc.
I have tested another approach using VNFeaturePointObservation from Vision. This works a lot better, but Im afraid it might be more CPU demanding. I need to test this on some older devices. Anyway, this is a part of code that works nicely. If someone could suggest some better approach to test, please let know:
private var lastScanningImageFingerprint: VNFeaturePrintObservation?
// Returns true if these are different enough
private func compareScanningImages(current: VNFeaturePrintObservation, last: VNFeaturePrintObservation?) -> Bool {
guard let last = last else { return true }
var distance = Float(0)
try! last.computeDistance(&distance, to: current)
return distance > 10
// After scanning is done, subclass should prepare suggestedTargets array.
private func performScanningIfNeeded(_ sender: Timer) {
guard !scanningInProgress else { return } // Wait for previous scanning to finish
guard let vImageBuffer = deletate?.currentFrameScalledImage else { return }
guard let image = CGImage.create(from: vImageBuffer) else { return }
func featureprintObservationForImage(image: CGImage) -> VNFeaturePrintObservation? {
let requestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image, options: [:])
let request = VNGenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest()
do {
try requestHandler.perform([request])
return request.results?.first as? VNFeaturePrintObservation
} catch {
print("Vision error: \(error)")
return nil
guard let imageFingerprint = featureprintObservationForImage(image: image) else { return }
guard compareScanningImages(current: imageFingerprint, last: lastScanningImageFingerprint) else { return }
print("SCANN \(Date())")
lastScanningImageFingerprint = featureprintObservationForImage(image: image)
executeScanning(on: image) { [weak self] in
self?.scanningInProgress = false
Tested on older iPhone - as expected this causes some frame drops on camera preview. So I need a faster algorithm


Why is the Vision framework unable to align two images?

I'm trying to take two images using the camera, and align them using the iOS Vision framework:
func align(firstImage: CIImage, secondImage: CIImage) {
let request = VNTranslationalImageRegistrationRequest(
targetedCIImage: firstImage) {
request, error in
if error != nil {
let observation = request.results!.first
as! VNImageTranslationAlignmentObservation
secondImage = secondImage.transformed(
by: observation.alignmentTransform)
let compositedImage = firstImage!.applyingFilter(
parameters: ["inputBackgroundImage": secondImage])
// Save the compositedImage to the photo library.
try! visionHandler.perform([request], on: secondImage)
let visionHandler = VNSequenceRequestHandler()
But this produces grossly mis-aligned images:
You can see that I've tried three different types of scenes — a close-up subject, an indoor scene, and an outdoor scene. I tried more outdoor scenes, and the result is the same in almost every one of them.
I was expecting a slight misalignment at worst, but not such a complete misalignment. What is going wrong?
I'm not passing the orientation of the images into the Vision framework, but that shouldn't be a problem for aligning images. It's a problem only for things like face detection, where a rotated face isn't detected as a face. In any case, the output images have the correct orientation, so orientation is not the problem.
My compositing code is working correctly. It's only the Vision framework that's a problem. If I remove the calls to the Vision framework, put the phone of a tripod, the composition works perfectly. There's no misalignment. So the problem is the Vision framework.
This is on iPhone X.
How do I get Vision framework to work correctly? Can I tell it to use gyroscope, accelerometer and compass data to improve the alignment?
You should set secondImage as targetImage, and perform handler with firstImage.
I use your composite way.
check out this example from MLBoy:
let request = VNTranslationalImageRegistrationRequest(targetedCIImage: image2, options: [:])
let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(ciImage: image1, options: [:])
do {
try handler.perform([request])
} catch let error {
guard let observation = request.results?.first as? VNImageTranslationAlignmentObservation else { return }
let alignmentTransform = observation.alignmentTransform
image2 = image2.transformed(by: alignmentTransform)
let compositedImage = image1.applyingFilter("CIAdditionCompositing", parameters: ["inputBackgroundImage": image2])

iOS - PhotosKit - Troubles identifying modified assets

I'm working with the Photos framework, specifically I'd like to keep track of the current camera roll status, thus updating it every time assets are added, deleted or modified (mainly when a picture is edited by the user - e.g a filter is added, image is cropped).
My first implementation would look something like the following:
private var lastAssetFetchResult : PHFetchResult<PHAsset>?
func photoLibraryDidChange(_ changeInstance: PHChange) {
guard let fetchResult = lastAssetFetchResult,
let details = changeInstance.changeDetails(for: fetchResult) else {return}
let modified = details.changedObjects
let removed = details.removedObjects
let added = details.insertedObjects
// update fetch result
lastAssetFetchResult = details.fetchResultAfterChanges
// do stuff with modified, removed, added
However, I soon found out that details.changedObjects would not contain only the assets that have been modified by the user, so I moved to the following implementation:
let modified = modifiedAssets(changeInstance: changeInstance)
func modifiedAssets(changeInstance: PHChange) -> [PHAsset] {
var modified : [PHAsset] = []
lastAssetFetchResult?.enumerateObjects({ (obj, _, _) in
if let detail = changeInstance.changeDetails(for: obj) {
if detail.assetContentChanged {
if let updatedObj = detail.objectAfterChanges {
return modified
So, relying on the PHObjectChangeDetails.assetContentChanged
property, which, as documentation states indicates whether the asset’s photo or video content has changed.
This brought the results closer to the ones I was expecting, but still, I'm not entirely understanding its behavior.
On some devices (e.g. iPad Mini 3) I get the expected result (assetContentChanged = true) in all the cases that I tested, whereas on others (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7) it's hardly ever matching my expectation (assetContentChanged is false even for assets that I cropped or added filters to).
All the devices share the latest iOS 11.2 version.
Am I getting anything wrong?
Do you think I could achieve my goal some other way?
Thank you in advance.

Save depth images from TrueDepth camera

I am trying to save depth images from the iPhoneX TrueDepth camera. Using the AVCamPhotoFilter sample code, I am able to view the depth, converted to grayscale format, on the screen of the phone in real-time. I cannot figure out how to save the sequence of depth images in the raw (16 bits or more) format.
I have depthData which is an instance of AVDepthData. One of its members is depthDataMap which is an instance of CVPixelBuffer and image format type kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat16. Is there a way to save it to the phone to transfer for offline manipulation?
There's no standard video format for "raw" depth/disparity maps, which might have something to do with AVCapture not really offering a way to record it.
You have a couple of options worth investigating here:
Convert depth maps to grayscale textures (which you can do using the code in the AVCamPhotoFilter sample code), then pass those textures to AVAssetWriter to produce a grayscale video. Depending on the video format and grayscale conversion method you choose, other software you write for reading the video might be able to recover depth/disparity info with sufficient precision for your purposes from the grayscale frames.
Anytime you have a CVPixelBuffer, you can get at the data yourself and do whatever you want with it. Use CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress (with the readOnly flag) to make sure the content won't change while you read it, then copy data from the pointer CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress provides to wherever you want. (Use other pixel buffer functions to see how many bytes to copy, and unlock the buffer when you're done.)
Watch out, though: if you spend too much time copying from buffers, or otherwise retain them, they won't get deallocated as new buffers come in from the capture system, and your capture session will hang. (All told, it's unclear without testing whether a device has the memory & I/O bandwidth for much recording this way.)
You can use Compression library to create a zip file with the raw CVPixelBuffer data.
Few problems with this solution.
It's a lot of data and zip is not a good compression. (the compressed file is 20 times bigger than 32bits per frame video with the same number of frames).
Apple's Compression library creates a file which standard zip program does't open. I use zlib in C code to read it and use inflateInit2(&strm, -15); to make it work.
You'll need to do some work to export the file out of your application
Here is my code (which I limited to 250 frames since it hold it in RAM but you can flush to disk if needed more frames):
// DepthCapture.swift
// AVCamPhotoFilter
// Created by Eyal Fink on 07/04/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 Resonai. All rights reserved.
// Capture the depth pixelBuffer into a compress file.
// This is very hacky and there are lots of TODOs but instead we need to replace
// it with a much better compression (video compression)....
import AVFoundation
import Foundation
import Compression
class DepthCapture {
let kErrorDomain = "DepthCapture"
let maxNumberOfFrame = 250
lazy var bufferSize = 640 * 480 * 2 * maxNumberOfFrame // maxNumberOfFrame frames
var dstBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>?
var frameCount: Int64 = 0
var outputURL: URL?
var compresserPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<compression_stream>?
var file: FileHandle?
// All operations handling the compresser oobjects are done on the
// porcessingQ so they will happen sequentially
var processingQ = DispatchQueue(label: "compression",
qos: .userInteractive)
func reset() {
frameCount = 0
outputURL = nil
if self.compresserPtr != nil {
self.compresserPtr = nil
if self.file != nil {
self.file = nil
func prepareForRecording() {
// Create the output zip file, remove old one if exists
let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as NSString
self.outputURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: documentsPath.appendingPathComponent("Depth"))
FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: self.outputURL!.path, contents: nil, attributes: nil)
self.file = FileHandle(forUpdatingAtPath: self.outputURL!.path)
if self.file == nil {
NSLog("Cannot create file at: \(self.outputURL!.path)")
// Init the compression object
compresserPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<compression_stream>.allocate(capacity: 1)
compression_stream_init(compresserPtr!, COMPRESSION_STREAM_ENCODE, COMPRESSION_ZLIB)
dstBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: bufferSize)
compresserPtr!.pointee.dst_ptr = dstBuffer!
//defer { free(bufferPtr) }
compresserPtr!.pointee.dst_size = bufferSize
func flush() {
//let data = Data(bytesNoCopy: compresserPtr!.pointee.dst_ptr, count: bufferSize, deallocator: .none)
let nBytes = bufferSize - compresserPtr!.pointee.dst_size
print("Writing \(nBytes)")
let data = Data(bytesNoCopy: dstBuffer!, count: nBytes, deallocator: .none)
func startRecording() throws {
processingQ.async {
func addPixelBuffers(pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
processingQ.async {
if self.frameCount >= self.maxNumberOfFrame {
// TODO now!! flush when needed!!!
print("MAXED OUT")
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, .readOnly)
let add : UnsafeMutableRawPointer = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBuffer)!
self.compresserPtr!.pointee.src_ptr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(add.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))
let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer)
self.compresserPtr!.pointee.src_size = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pixelBuffer) * height
let flags = Int32(0)
let compression_status = compression_stream_process(self.compresserPtr!, flags)
if compression_status != COMPRESSION_STATUS_OK {
NSLog("Buffer compression retured: \(compression_status)")
if self.compresserPtr!.pointee.src_size != 0 {
NSLog("Compression lib didn't eat all data: \(compression_status)")
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, .readOnly)
// TODO(eyal): flush when needed!!!
self.frameCount += 1
print("handled \(self.frameCount) buffers")
func finishRecording(success: #escaping ((URL) -> Void)) throws {
processingQ.async {
let flags = Int32(COMPRESSION_STREAM_FINALIZE.rawValue)
self.compresserPtr!.pointee.src_size = 0
//compresserPtr!.pointee.src_ptr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(0)
let compression_status = compression_stream_process(self.compresserPtr!, flags)
if compression_status != COMPRESSION_STATUS_END {
NSLog("ERROR: Finish failed. compression retured: \(compression_status)")
DispatchQueue.main.sync {

Manually set exposure for iOS camera in Swift

I understand that the camera in iOS automatically adjusts exposure continuously when capturing video and photos.
How can I turn off the camera's automatic exposure?
In Swift code, how can I set the exposure for the camera to "zero" so that exposure is completely neutral to the surroundings and not compensating for light?
You can set the exposure mode by setting the "AVCaptureExposureMode" property. Documentation here.
var exposureMode: AVCaptureDevice.ExposureMode { get set }
3 things you gotta take into consideration.
1) Check if the device actually supports this with "isExposureModeSupported"
2) You have to "lock for configuration" before adjusting the exposure. Documentation here.
3) The exposure is adjusted by setting an ISO and a duration. You can't just set it to "0"
This property returns the sensor's sensitivity to light by means of a
gain value applied to the signal. Only exposure duration values
between minISO and maxISO are supported. Higher values will result in
noisier images. The property value can be read at any time, regardless
of exposure mode, but can only be set using the
setExposureModeCustom(duration:iso:completionHandler:) method.
If you need only min, current and max exposure values, then you can use the following:
Swift 5
import AVFoundation
enum Esposure {
case min, normal, max
func value(device: AVCaptureDevice) -> Float {
switch self {
case .min:
return device.activeFormat.minISO
case .normal:
return AVCaptureDevice.currentISO
case .max:
return device.activeFormat.maxISO
func set(exposure: Esposure) {
guard let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: else { return }
if device.isExposureModeSupported(.custom) {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
device.setExposureModeCustom(duration: AVCaptureDevice.currentExposureDuration, iso: exposure.value(device: device)) { (_) in
print("Done Esposure")
print("ERROR: \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")

GPUImageView stop responding to "Filter Change" after two times

I'm probably missing something. I'm trying to change filter to my GPUImageView.It's actually working the first two times(sometimes only one time), and than stop responding to changes. I couldn't find a way to remove the target from my GPUImageView.
for x in filterOperations
let f = filterOperations[randomIntInRange].filter
let media = GPUImagePicture(image: self.largeImage)
media?.addTarget(f as! GPUImageInput)
Any suggestions? * Processing still image from my library
Updated Code
var g_View: GPUImageView!
var media = GPUImagePicture()
override func viewDidLoad() {
media = GPUImagePicture(image: largeImage)
func changeFilter(filterIndex : Int)
let f = returnFilter(indexPath.row) //i.e GPUImageSepiaFilter()
media.addTarget(f as! GPUImageInput)
//second Part
let sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)
let img = f.imageFromCurrentFramebufferWithOrientation(img.imageOrientation)
if img != nil
//Useable - update UI
// Something Went wrong
My primary suggestion would be to not create a new GPUImagePicture every time you want to change the filter or its options that you're applying to an image. This is an expensive operation, because it requires a pass through Core Graphics and a texture upload to the GPU.
Also, since you're not maintaining a reference to your GPUImagePicture beyond the above code, it is being deallocated as soon as you pass out of scope. That tears down the render chain and will lead to a black image or even crashes. processImage() is an asynchronous operation, so it may still be in action at the time you exit your above scope.
Instead, create and maintain a reference to a single GPUImagePicture for your image, swap out filters (or change the options for existing filters) on that, and target the result to your GPUImageView. This will be much faster, churn less memory, and won't leave you open to premature deallocation.
