How can I compare 2 Jenkin slave nodes - jenkins

We have 8 nodes and our tests are getting executed on a particular node and all the other nodes we are not able to find the .sh file
is there any way we can compare our 2 Jenkin nodes(one where the file is executing and others where it is not) and figure out what is missing on other nodes?


Jenkins job always queued with slave node when even when master node is idle

I have setup a Jenkins server on a machine (master node) and have setup one slave node as well.
I have added same label 'test' on both master node as well as slave node. The same label 'test' has also been added to 'Restrict where this project can be run' property of my jenkins project.
The issue is, when I trigger 2 or more builds of this project, all are getting queued to run with one of the nodes only. (even when the other node is idle)
My expectation is if first build is running on slave node, second should run on the master node and vice-versa.
Anything I am missing here ?
NOTE - Tried configuring both the nodes with Usage property values 'Use this node as much as possible' as well as 'Only build jobs matching with label expression' but found the same behavior.
Thanks in Advance..!!
This issue is resolved now.
The 'Execute concurrent builds if necessary' option was NOT checked in my project because of which the executor was waiting for one build to complete before starting other build.
After checking this option, when 2 builds are triggered, they run simultaneously on master as well as slave node.

Select Jenkins Node via command line

All our jenkins nodes have various labels. Jenkins jobs are restricted to some assortment of those labels. From the command line (Jenkins CLI), I want to override that restriction for a specific build which I am kicking off from the command line.
That is, for this one build which I am kicking off from the command line, I want Jenkins to use node ABC even though the build is restricted to a label which does not include node ABC.
We do not use piplines

Jenkins - triggered builds on all Nodes

Currently, we have two machines. One has Jenkins installed and is hosted as master in Jenkins and another one is Slave. Number of executors for both Nodes are set to 1.
I am not exactly sure how Jenkins work behind the scenes but currently when I triggered 2 build jobs simultaneously, it somehow runs only on slave node (and put another build job in queue), if I disconnect the slave and leave only master, then it would run on master(and put another build job in queue).
How to configure Jenkins so that it leverage all my available nodes (master and slave). In other words, I would like to have all available nodes consumes the queue and not just for one of the Nodes.
As I understand, you need to enable Execute concurrent builds if necessary option in your job configuration and then you will be able to run your job simultaneously on all available nodes.
In addition to the above answer. We can also restrict the job to a particular node on which it should run.
For eg
A setup of 3 servers(2 Linux and one windows )
1 Linux server acts as master
1 Linux server acts as node
1 window server as as node
If we have a job that needs to be run on the windows node you can go to the job configuration and restrict the job to run on that node using the node name or label.
Additionally, the no. of executes define the instances of the slave or master node that can be executed parallelly across different jobs.
For running same job you need to check the enable concurrent build option and assign a label having more than 1 nodes in it

Running a build on Jenkins Slave

I have done the following
Create a slave Node
In the Labels field added Test
Save the node configuration
Created a new Job
Selected the options Restrict where this project can run
In the Label expression field added Test
Save the job
When i build the job, i get the error C:\Users\Administrator\Test\src\test\java\test\data\Project Suites.xlsx (The system cannot find the path specified)
Not Sure whats wrong, The folder does not exist in the slave machine but exist in the Master machine.
But if i run it using the master it works fine.
Hmm I dont understand the problem - you said it yourself, the file does not exist in the slave machine, and you're running jenkins on the slave. So of course its not going to find the file?
Just move the file to the slave machine and run the job on the slave?

Jenkins multijob plugin doesn't execute in parallel the same job on different nodes

I configured in MultiJob plugin to have one phase, with the same job running on 2 different nodes.
Download Files for Node LINUXVM
Download Files for Node WINDOWSVM
However, these jobs are not being run in parallel as you can see from the screen shot. the job itself waits for the previous one to finish although it's on different node
Is it possible to call the same jobs, but since it's on different nodes, that they will run in parallel?
You probably want to set the inner job (Download...) to execute current builds if necessary
