How can I apply conditional formatting to a list of values returned by IMPORTRANGE() function based on if the value occurs in another column - google-sheets

I am using Google Sheets and have been able to import a range of values from another sheet into my desired sheet that I am working from. I want to highlight the values in the imported range based on whether they occur in a column of values present within my sheet. I've looked up multiple resources online, but have yet to find a solution. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

For anyone that runs into a similar issue, I found a solution. I applied a custom formula as a conditional formatting rule. Here is the formula I used. =NOT(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,$I:$I,1,FALSE))). For an in-depth explanation, consider this link:


IMPORTRANGE with Blacklist on Google SHeets

I'm quite novice so I apologize if this is obvious. I'm trying to have an import range show names and another value from another google sheet, but exclude those from a blacklist. I have pasted the formula I'm currently working with below. Any ideas?
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("XXXXX", "XXXX!$A:$B"), " skipping != 'Blacklist'!$A:$A")
The import range it pulls from is a Filter already, I've pasted that below. Could it be worked there?
Thanks in advance!
FILTER is my preferred way of removing from a list.
Here is the formula
You can think of it like
=FILTER( list ,NOT(COUNTIF( needle , haystack)))
Usually you use this to whitelist a document (hence why I dedicated this formula to memory in a needle-haystack fashion.) But by throwing in the NOT in the criteria of the filter, it works great for blacklisting too!
As to why it works, I'm not sure, my best guess is when google sheets is running through the COUNTIF for any given cell if it meets the criteria it will return a '1' which is truthy and it includes it in the results. This also allows us to compare un-even amounts of data. ie. B2:B3 rather than B2:B6

Formula parse error with AVERAGEIFS in Google Sheets

I want to calculate averages in a column but only on selected rows, depending on specific values in another column. I see that I should probably use AVERAGEIF or AVERAGEIFS, but somehow it does not work, not even if I copy and paste the example from Google's help. I did experience the same in multiple browsers and with both versions of the function. What can be the problem?
Do you need to adjust the formula for your locale?

How to match format of matching value? *Google Sheets

How to match format of matching value? *Google Sheets
If I understand your question, I think I have an answer for you. See sample sheet here:
Note that this currently requires one formula for each of your due date columns, but these are easily dragged across, from D10, for as many columns as you need. There may be a way to combine them as one, but I haven't figured that out yet.
This conditional formatting rule's formula is applied to include D10:D and across as many columns as you need - D10:I18 in this sample sheet.
which combines the date and the item name, finds them in the initial data, and sees whether the Paid checkbox is ticked. If yes, it formats the text as "strikethrough". For clarity, I've also formatted the cell to gray, but this is easily removed, in the formatting options for that conditional formatting rule.
Conditional Formatting rules

Conditional formatting with data validation + named range from other sheet in google sheets

I'm really struggling with getting my conditional formatting to work. I've seen a couple of posts online plus here around using INDIRECT to reference the desired cell in a different sheet for a custom formula in my conditional format rule, but it's not working. Wondering if someone can review the sheet and see what I am doing wrong.
In my sheet, you will see exactly what I've coded and I've annotated the desired behavior.
you miss equal sign and double quotes.
blue formula:
red formula:

Conditional Formatting based on sum of the 6 cells below

I was Hoping to be fever along before i had to ask for help but.
using Google sheets i am trying to have a range of cells(a row specificity) change there background colour based on the Sum of the 6 cells directly below it in the
I know I am happy using the basic conditional forming and i have a formula witch will return true if the Sum = what i am looking for
and this works if i copy and past it along but if i try to put it in the Custom formula is box i get told
There was a problem while
Cannot save the rule with invalid formula.
so i take it that i am not using the box right
any help would be greatly appreciated
Conditional formatting is ... conditional. There is not normally any need for IF(). Your formula should work as:
but over what range and what cells to format (other then D5) I can't help you, if required, without further details.
Please though do read the [google-spreadsheet] tag wiki.
