jenkins pipeline exposing creds in output - jenkins

So I am running Terraform on Jenkins and I have a jenkins job that runs "terraform-plan".
That job runs a groovy script which picks up the cred using:
if [ "${env.repo_name}" = "repo5" ]; then
export TF_VAR_github_token=${getgithubtokenfortf()["gitHubToken"]};
and the getgithubtokenfortf is actually another script that is called by the terraform plan script:
def call() {
def gitHubToken
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'xxxx', variable: 'GITHUB_TOKEN')]) {
gitHubToken = GITHUB_TOKEN
[gitHubToken: gitHubToken]
and the credentialsId is stored in Jenkins with the token value!
Now the issue is that - when I run the Terraform PLan job in jenkins in the console output I see the value of the token exposed.
[ repo5 = repo5 ]
export TF_VAR_github_token=xxxxx(valuefromtokenbeingexposedhere)
now what I want is that ... I dont want the value being exposed like this^ .. I dont want it to be printing out the value of the token.
how do I fix?


Retrieving secrets from HashiCorp Vault in jenkins pipeline using HashiCorp Vault Plugin

I have setup a connection between my Jenkins and Vault and by using "withVault" method
I am retrieving vault secrets from Vault in my jenkins pipeline. Secret is stored in the environment variable github_token, which is then used to form URL for accessing git in the pipeline. Retrieving secrets works, the problem is, that $github_token variable contains asterisks.
I need it to contain actual value of the the token
def secrets = [
[path: 'ddci/data/test', engineVersion: 2, secretValues: [
[envVar: 'github_token', vaultKey: 'token']
def configuration = [vaultUrl: '',
vaultNamespace: 's4',
vaultCredentialId: 'hashicorp_vault',
skipSslVerification: true,
engineVersion: 2]
pipeline {
agent any
stage('use token to authenticate GITHub') {
steps {
withVault([configuration: configuration, vaultSecrets: secrets]) {
sh 'git_url= https://username:${github_token}'
git url: '$git_url', branch: 'master'
The $github_token variable doesn't contain asterisks, Jenkins displays any Vault secret using asterisks on console, to protect the real value.
if you want to check the $github_token value, write it to a file in the workspace, doing something like this:
echo $github_token > token.txt
Some other problem is preventing you to access the GitHub server (Is the token correct? Is the path correct? Has the Jenkins node access to the GitHub?). Log to the Jenkins node and try to execute the same command manually.

Jenkins - Hide sensitive data from pipeline steps page (flowGraphTable)

I am writing a sensitive data to a .yml file as a string in my Jenkins groovy file. I have attached the .groovy file which would show what I am trying to achieve but it reveals the data in Pipeline steps which is also attached. Nothing shows in the console log. Value from AWS Parameter store is retrieved and passed as a string to a .yml file and this string value is shown in the pipeline steps. I am looking for a way to hide this from being shown in the Pipeline steps. I have tried using set +x but it is not hiding the string value in the pipeline steps. Any thoughts on how this can be achieved would be of great help.Screenshot
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
string(name:'NODE_NAME', defaultValue: 'node', description: 'Node Name')
nodeName = params.NODE_NAME
node("${nodeName}") {
def AWS_REGION = "eu-west-2"
def paramPath = "path"
def paramName = "PASSWORD"
stage("Data from SSM") {
param = sh (script: "aws ssm get-parameter --name ${paramPath} --with-decryption --region ${AWS_REGION} | /var/jenkins_home/tools/jq .Parameter.Value | tr -d '\"'", returnStdout: true).trim()
sh('#!/bin/sh -e\n' + "echo '${paramName}: ${param}' >> vars.yml")
You can make use of credentials in jenkins. Go to Jenkins -> credentials -> global -> add credentials
Select either 'Username with password'/'secret text' depending on your need
This will generate a secret in jenkins
Then in your groovy file you can use the credentials as env variables which will not be printed by jenkins
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'Your-Credential-ID', passwordVariable: 'pwdToken', usernameVariable: 'userToken')]){
//Use pwdToken as a variable here which will not be printed

How to use inject environment variables (Properties File Path) in Jenkins Pipeline

Want to use the below functionality(shown in image link) in Jenkins as code, but i'm failing to do, kindly help me replicate the functionality in the image to groovy script
stage ('Build Instance') {
sh '''
bash ./ -Ddisable-rpm=false
env "/fl/tar/ver.prop"
Jenkins GUI usage of Env Inject
Got a simple workaround :
script {
def props = readProperties file: '/fl/tar/ver.prop' //readProperties is a step in Pipeline Utility Steps plugin
env.WEATHER = props.WEATHER //assuming the key name is WEATHER in properties file

Access Jenkins credential store secrets with env groovy file

I've implemented loading a groovy file for env variables by following this post.
env.DB_USER = 'testuser'
env.DB_PASS = credentials('DB_PASS')
stages {
stage ("print") {
steps {
load "${WORKSPACE}/env.groovy"
echo "${env.DB_USER}"
echo "${env.DB_PASS}"
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] echo
Is accessing the Jenkins credential store possible for DB_PASS when loading a groovy env variable file?
Note: I know I can access the environment variables in the environment { } block of my Jenkinsfile. But since I have so many env variables, I was wondering if I could reference them all in a separate groovy file instead.
For the time being, try to do it like this inside your jenkinsfile.
environment {
DB_PASS = credentials('DB_PASS')
However you still can't echo your DB_PASS environment variable since credentials type variables retain the property of secrecy. And also keep in mind that variables have scope in jenkinsfile.
If you have
environment {
DB_PASS = credentials('DB_PASS')
If you really would like to see the contents of that
you could do
sh """
echo "$DB_PASS" | base64
That will show you the secret, hope this helps.

Load file with environment variables Jenkins Pipeline

I am doing a simple pipeline:
Build -> Staging -> Production
I need different environment variables for staging and production, so i am trying to source variables.
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/'
But it returns Not found
[Stack Test] Running shell script
+ source /var/jenkins_home/.envvars/
/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Stack Test#tmp/durable-bcbe1515/ 2: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Stack Test#tmp/durable-bcbe1515/ source: not found
The path is right, because i run the same command when i log via ssh, and it works fine.
Here is the pipeline idea:
node {
stage name: 'Build'
// git and gradle build OK
echo 'My build stage'
stage name: 'Staging'
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/' // PROBLEM HERE
echo '$DB_URL' // Expects http://production_url/my_db
sh 'gradle flywayMigrate' // To staging
input message: "Does Staging server look good?"
stage name: 'Production'
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/'
echo '$DB_URL' // Expects http://production_url/my_db
sh 'gradle flywayMigrate' // To production
sh './'
What should i do?
I was thinking about not using pipeline (but i will not be able to use my Jenkinsfile).
Or make different jobs for staging and production, using EnvInject Plugin (But i lose my stage view)
Or make withEnv (but the code gets big, because today i am working with 12 env vars)
One way you could load environment variables from a file is to load a Groovy file.
For example:
Let's say you have a groovy file in '$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars' called 'stacktest-staging.groovy'.
Inside this file, you define 2 environment variables you want to load
You can then load this in using
load "$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/stacktest-staging.groovy"
Then you can use them in subsequent echo/shell steps.
For example, here is a short pipeline script:
node {
load "$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/stacktest-staging.groovy"
echo "${env.DB_URL}"
echo "${env.DB_URL2}"
From the comments to the accepted answer
Don't use global 'env' but use 'withEnv' construct, eg see:
issue #9: don't set env vars with global env in top 10 best practices jenkins pipeline plugin
In the following example: VAR1 is a plain java string (no groovy variable expansion), VAR2 is a groovy string (so variable 'someGroovyVar' is expanded).
The passed script is a plain java string, so $VAR1 and $VAR2 are passed literally to the shell, and the echo's are accessing environment variables VAR1 and VAR2.
stage('build') {
def someGroovyVar = 'Hello world'
withEnv(['VAR1=VALUE ONE',
]) {
def result = sh(script: 'echo $VAR1; echo $VAR2', returnStdout: true)
echo result
For secrets / passwords you can use credentials binding plugin
NOTE: CREDENTIALS_ID1 is a registered username/password secret on the Jenkins settings.
stage('Push') {
credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS_ID1',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'USER')]) {
echo "User name: $USER"
echo "Password: $PASSWORD"
The jenkisn console log output hides the real values:
[Pipeline] echo
User name: ****
[Pipeline] echo
Password: ****
Jenkins and credentials is a big issue, probably see: credentials plugin
For completeness: Most of the time, we need the secrets in environment variables, as we use them from shell scripts, so we combine the withCredentials and withEnv like follows:
stage('Push') {
credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS_ID1',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'USER')]) {
]) {
def result = sh(script: 'echo $ENV_USERNAME', returnStdout: true)
echo result
Another way to resolve this install 'Pipeline Utility Steps' plugin that provides us readProperties method ( for reference please go to the link
Here in the example we can see that they are storing the keys into an array and using the keys to retrieve the value.
But in that case the in production the problem will be like if we add any variable later into property file that variable needs to be added into the array of Jenkins file as well.
To get rid of this tight coupling, we can write code in such a way so that the Jenkins build environment can get information automatically about all the existing keys which presents currently in the Property file. Here is an example for the reference
def loadEnvironmentVariables(path){
def props = readProperties file: path
keys= props.keySet()
for(key in keys) {
value = props["${key}"]
env."${key}" = "${value}"
And the client code looks like
path = '\\ABS_Output\\EnvVars\\'
With declarative pipeline, you can do it in one line ( change path by your value):
script {
readProperties(file: path).each {key, value -> env[key] = value }
Using withEnv() to pass environment variables from file splitted by new line and casted to List:
writeFile file: 'version.txt', text: 'version=6.22.0'
withEnv(readFile('version.txt').split('\n') as List) {
sh "echo ${version}"
If you are using Jenkins 2.0 you can load the property file (which consists of all required Environment variables along with their corresponding values) and read all the environment variables listed there automatically and inject it into the Jenkins provided env entity.
Here is a method which performs the above stated action.
def loadProperties(path) {
properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File(path)
Set<Object> keys = properties.keySet();
for(Object k:keys){
String key = (String)k;
String value =(String) properties.getProperty(key)
env."${key}" = "${value}"
To call this method we need to pass the path of property file as a string variable For example, in our Jenkins file using groovy script we can call like
path = "${workspace}/"
Please ask me if you have any doubt
Here is a complete example of externalizing environment variables and loading them in Jenkins pipeline execution. The pipeline is written in a declarative style.
stage('Reading environment variable defined in groovy file') {
steps {
script {
load "./pipeline/basics/extenvvariable/env.groovy"
echo "${env.env_var1}"
echo "${env.env_var2}"
Complete code example:
Where variables are loaded from a groovy file placed with the pipeline code only.
This pattern comes very handy when you are creating a generic pipeline that could be used across teams.
You can externalize the dependent variable in such groovy file and each team can define their values according to their ecosystem.
Another solution is to use a custom method without allowing extra permissions such as for new Properties() which leads to this error before allowing:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use new java.util.Properties
or adding extra plugin methods such as readProperties.
here is a method which reads a simple file named env_vars in this format:
pipeline {
<... skipped lines ...>
script {
echo "show time! ${BAR} ${BAR2}"
<... skipped lines ...>
private void loadEnvironmentVariablesFromFile(String path) {
def file = readFile(path)
file.split('\n').each { envLine ->
def (key, value) = envLine.tokenize('=')
env."${key}" = "${value}"
