How to validate response in one attempt - rest-assured

I want to test the response for POST request to I receive a response, why cannot I validate the body with path "id"? I always got errors, but regex is right and tested.
Test method:
public void postPet() {
Pattern pt = Pattern.compile("<(\\d*)>");
Response response = given()
.body("id", matchesPattern(pt))
java.lang.AssertionError: 1 expectation failed.
JSON path id doesn't match.
Expected: a string matching the pattern '<(\d*)>'
Actual: <9223372000666122518L>
The response body is:
"id": 9223372000666122443,
"category": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"name": "doggie",
"photoUrls": [
"tags": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"status": "available"
And what is the L at the end of the id string? In swagger, there is no L as well as in the Postman. I tried regex without "< , >".

It's kind of clear that
your id is 9223372000666122518L, L means long (data type)
you use regex, but it only works for String
--> type mistmach when comparing long vs String
Convert id to String first then assert
long id = ...log().body()
assertThat(String.valueOf(id), Matchers.matchesPattern("\\d+"));
Write a custom Matcher, to check isLong, like this Is there a way in Hamcrest to test for a value to be a number?


How to indicate that the response body is a List in Swagger UI docs using FastAPI?

I describe the structure of the outgoing JSON in the model class, however I cannot make the output as a list.
My model class:
class versions_info(BaseModel):
""" List of versions """
version : str = Field(..., title="Version",example="2.1.1")
url : str = Field(..., title="Url",example="https://ocpi.wedwe.ww/ocpi/2.1.1/")
And in the documentation I see:
However, I need it to be displayed as:
"version": "2.1.1",
"url": ""
"version": "2.2",
"url": ""
What am I doing wrong?
You can indicate that you're returning a List by wrapping the response_model you've defined in List[<model>].
So in your case it'd be:
#app.get('/foo', response_model=List[versions_info])

Restassured: How Can we compare each element in Json array to one particular Same value in Java using Hemcrest Matchers, not using Foreach loop

Restassured: How Can we compare each element in Json array to one particular Same value in Java using Hemcrest Matchers, not using Foreach loop.
"id": 52352,
"name": "Great Apartments",
"floorplans": [
"id": 5342622,
"name": "THE STUDIO",
"fpCustomAmenities": [
"displaySequence": 2,
"amenityPartnerId": "gadasd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"displaySequence": 13,
"amenityPartnerId": "sdfsfd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"id": 4321020,
"name": "THE First Bed",
"fpCustomAmenities": [
"displaySequence": 4,
"amenityPartnerId": "gadasd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"displaySequence": 15,
"amenityPartnerId": "hsfdsdf",
"display": true,
"leased": true
I want to compare that Leased=true for all the leased nodes at all the levels in the json response...
I have working code...
List<List<Boolean>> displayedvaluesfpStandardAmenities =
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
for (List<Boolean> displayedStandardList : displayedvaluesfpStandardAmenities) {
for (Boolean isDisplayedTrue : displayedStandardList) {
But the issue is I need the code to be in simple format using either Hemcrest Matchers or Restaussred Matchers and try simplistic way like Below, ( which is not working)
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
The error I am getting is
java.lang.AssertionError: 1 expectation failed.
JSON path floorplans.fpCustomAmenities.display doesn't match.
Expected: true
Actual: <[[true, true], [true, true]]>
So what I need is the that all thes 'display' nodes in the json response where ever it is need to compared with "true", so that my test can Pass.
I have an alternate solution like mentioned above, but All I need is working solution using matchers.
Assuming fpCustomAmenities arrays are not empty, you can use the following solution;
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).then()
.body("floorplans.findAll { it }.fpCustomAmenities" + // 1st line
".findAll { it }.leased.each{ a -> println a }" + // 2nd line
".grep{ it.contains(false) }.size()", equalTo(0)); // 3rd line
Here from the 1st line, we return each object in fpCustomAmenities array.
From the 2nd line we get boolean value of leased in each fpCustomAmenities object to a boolean array ([true, true]).
Each boolean array is printed from .each{ a -> println a }. I added it only to explain the answer. It is not relevant to the solution.
From 3rd line we check whether, if there is a false in each boolean array. grep() will return only the arrays which has a false. And then we get the filtered array count. Then we check whether it is equal to 0.
Check groovy documentation for more details.
This solution does not use any Matchers. But this works.
String responseBody = when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
Assert.assertFalse(responseBody.contains("\"leased\": false"));

Select an array member by name with a JSON Pointer

Is there a way to select an array member the value of a key with JSON Pointer? So for this JSON Schema:
"title": "Create",
"href": "/book",
"method": "POST",
"schema": {}
"title": "Get",
"href": "/book",
"method": "GET",
"schema": {}
Instead of:
I would like to be able to do:
The Json Pointer defined in RFC6901 doesn't allow you to select an array member by name. Here is the only mention of Arrays in the RFC:
If the currently referenced value is a JSON array, the reference token MUST contain either:
* characters comprised of digits ..., or
* exactly the single character "-", making the new referenced
value the (nonexistent) member after the last array element.
Apparently not. So I did this:
const links = schema.links;
let ref;
for (const [i, link] of links.entries()) {
if (link.href === req.originalUrl && link.method === req.method) {
ref = `schema.json#/links/${i}/schema`;

Rest Assured Body handling ArrayList

I has a response body like this
enter code here
"applicationName": "Service MyService",
"someData": [
"name": "check1",
"props": [
"name": "check2",
"props": [
Now I can use the following code and the test passes.
.get(contextPath + "/test")
allOf(hasItems("check1", "check2")))
.body("someData.findAll { == 'check1'}.props",
.body("healthReports.findAll { == 'check2'}.props",
However if I then attempt to check the values in the props field it fails I think because a ArrayList is returned and the matchers are checking on String.
.get(contextPath + "/test")
.body("healthReports.findAll { == 'check1'}.props",
I'm not sure how from the findAll ...props I can check the contents of the ArrayList.
The error displayed is:
JSON path someData.findAll { == 'check1'}.props doesn't match.
Expected: (a collection containing a string starting with "AA")
Actual: [[AAaa]]
Any idea's ?
The findall return an Array of Array containing one element which is AA (which is why you have [[AAaa]] instead of [AAaa].
You have to flatten or extract one level of array to solve the problem I think.

Message parameter doesn't allow html, so tried to use message_tags parameter in this format

Message parameter doesn't allow html, so tried to use message_tags parameter in this format, but with real values(format from here
"19": [
"id": 101961456910,
"name": "Marmot",
"offset": 19,
"length": 6
"0": [
"id": 1207059,
"name": "Dhiren Patel",
"offset": 0,
"length": 12
and no result. Tried different values, there are no errors, but no result.
The message_tags parameter isn't one you can set via the API.
Did you find documentation suggesting otherwise? invalid parameters are for the most part silently ignored when you make a POST request
