F# custom operator with 3 parameters - f#

I found the following piece of code in the fantomas library for F#. I am having a hard time understanding this as an F# noob. From what I understand, it's a custom operator that takes 3 arguments, but why would an operator need 3 arguments? And what exactly is happening here?
/// Function composition operator
let internal (+>) (ctx: Context -> Context) (f: _ -> Context) x =
let y = ctx x
match y.WriterModel.Mode with
| ShortExpression infos when
|> Seq.exists (fun x -> x.ConfirmedMultiline)
| _ -> f y
Here's an example of how fantomas uses this operator in ther CodePrinter module.
let short =
genExpr astContext e1
+> sepSpace
+> genInfixOperator "=" operatorExpr
+> sepSpace
+> genExpr astContext e2

Operators behave a lot like function names:
let (++) a b c d =
a + b + c + d
(++) 1 2 3 4
One difference is that operators can be used infix. An operator with more than 2 arguments allows infix only for the first 2 arguments:
// the following is equal:
let f = (++) 1 2 // like a function name
let f = 1 ++ 2 // with infix
f 50 60
I did not find how fantomas uses the operator you mention, would be curious, in particular since fantomas is a high profile f# project.

It might be instructive to compare this to the regular function composition operator, >>. The definition for this is:
let (>>) (f : a' -> b') (g : b' -> c') (x : a') =
g ( f x )
Esentially, it applies f to x, and then applies g to the result.
If we have the following functions:
let plusOne i = i + 1
let timesTwo j = j * 2
And apply it the following way:
let plusOneTimesTwo = plusOne >> timesTwo
What we're really doing is something like this:
let plusOneTimesTwo = (>>) plusOne timesTwo
When you don't supply all of the necessary arguments to a function (in this case, x), what you get is a function that takes the remaining arguments and then returns what the original function would return (this is partial application.) In this case, plusOneTimesTwo's function signature is now x : int -> int.
The example you've listed is essentially the same thing, but it's performing additional logic to determine whether it wants to apply the second function to the result y or to return it as-is.


Confusing anonymous function construct

I'm reading through an F# tutorial, and ran into an example of syntax that I don't understand. The link to the page I'm reading is at the bottom. Here's the example from that page:
let rec quicksort2 = function
| [] -> []
| first::rest ->
let smaller,larger = List.partition ((>=) first) rest
List.concat [quicksort2 smaller; [first]; quicksort2 larger]
// test code
printfn "%A" (quicksort2 [1;5;23;18;9;1;3])
The part I don't understand is this: ((>=) first). What exactly is this? For contrast, this is an example from the MSDN documentation for List.partition:
let list1 = [ 1 .. 10 ]
let listEven, listOdd = List.partition (fun elem -> elem % 2 = 0) list1
printfn "Evens: %A\nOdds: %A" listEven listOdd
The first parameter (is this the right terminology?) to List.partition is obviously an anonymous function. I rewrote the line in question as this:
let smaller,larger = List.partition (fun e -> first >= e) rest
and it works the same as the example above. I just don't understand how this construct accomplishes the same thing: ((>=) first)
That's roughly the same thing as infix notation vs prefix notation
Operator are functions too and follow the same rule (ie. they can be partially applied)
So here (>=) first is the operator >= with first already applied as "first" operand, and gives back a function waiting for the second operand of the operator as you noticed when rewriting that line.
This construct combines two features: operator call with prefix notation and partial function application.
First, let's look at calling operators with prefix notation.
let x = a + b
The above code calls operator + with two arguments, a and b. Since this is a functional language, everything is a function, including operators, including operator +. It's just that operators have this funny call syntax, where you put the function between the arguments instead of in front of them. But you can still treat the operator just as any other normal function. To do that, you need to enclose it on parentheses:
let x = (+) a b // same thing as a + b.
And when I say "as any other function", I totally mean it:
let f = (+)
let x = f a b // still same thing.
Next, let's look at partial function application. Consider this function:
let f x y = x + y
We can call it and get a number in return:
let a = f 5 6 // a = 11
But we can also "almost" call it by supplying only one of two arguments:
let a = f 5 // a is a function
let b = a 6 // b = 11
The result of such "almost call" (technically called "partial application") is another function that still expects the remaining arguments.
And now, let's combine the two:
let a = (+) 5 // a is a function
let b = a 6 // b = 11
In general, one can write the following equivalency:
(+) x === fun y -> x + y
Or, similarly, for your specific case:
(>=) first === fun y -> first >= y

Desugared form of "let in"

What do the let (x = 0) in x * x translate to? A function (fun x -> x * x) 0) ? - This would make sense, as let bindings are expressions - and expressions must return values (just like functions).
let result1 =
(fun n1 -> (fun n2 ->
(fun n3 -> n1 + n2 + n3 ) 3) 2) 1
let result2 =
let n1 = 1 in
let n2 = 2 in
let n3 = 3 in
n1 + n2 + n3
let result3 =
let n1 = 1
let n2 = 2
let n3 = 3
n1 + n2 + n3
Am I right to assume that result3 is a sugared form of result2, and result2 a sugared form of result1?
Short: Do let in bindings translate to functions?
You can almost see let x = e1 in e2 as a syntactic sugar for (fun x -> e2) e1.
At the basic level, the two expressions mean the same thing - the compiler will probably compile them differently (depending on optimization levels and how it inlines things), but you could often use the second notation instead of the first one.
The one case where they differ is that ML-languages (including F#) only generalize function types written explicitly using the let keyword. This means that if you use fun, the language won't treat it as a generic function. If you want a generic function, you have to use let (and this is not just a compiler artifact, this is actually part of the language).
For example, the following uses let and it works:
let id = (fun x -> x) in ignore(id 1); ignore(id "A")
But the following does not work, because id is not a generic function:
(fun id -> ignore(id 1); ignore(id "A")) (fun x -> x)
The plain old let is just the lightweight syntax form of the verbose let … in.
From MSDN: Verbose Syntax (F#):
nested let bindings:
Lightweight syntax:
let f x =
let a = 1
let b = 2
x + a + b
Verbose syntax:
let f x =
let a = 1 in
let b = 2 in
x + a + b
The let bindings within these function don't translate to functions themselves, however. Both of these translate to identical CIL code:
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldarg.0
IL_0002: ldc.i4.1
IL_0003: add
IL_0004: ldc.i4.2
IL_0005: add
IL_0006: ret
Note that the only function here is the outer function f. The variables a and b are evaluated as constants within the scope of f.
let x = <val> in <expr> is functionally equivalent to (fun x -> <expr>) <val>.
<expr> is an expression
<val> is a value
The in keyword is optional.

Pattern matching by function call

F# assigns function arguments via pattern matching. This is why
// ok: pattern matching of tuples upon function call
let g (a,b) = a + b
g (7,4)
works: The tuple is matched with (a,b) and a and b are available directly inside f.
Doing the same with discriminated unions would be equally beneficial, but I cannot get it to done:
// error: same with discriminated unions
type A =
| X of int * int
| Y of string
let f A.X(a, b) = a + b // Error: Successive patterns
// should be separated by spaces or tupled
// EDIT, integrating the answer:
let f (A.X(a, b)) = a + b // correct
f (A.X(7, 4))
Is pattern matching as part of the function call limited to tuples? Is there a way to do it with discriminated unions?
You need extra parens:
let f (A.X(a, b)) = a + b

"summing" functions in F#

I have a list of functions in F# which are all of type (float -> float -> float -> float). I want to do some kind of fold on the sequence to get a single function which returns the sum of all of the functions.
For instance, I could pass the values 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 to every function in the list, and get a return value from each one. Then I could compute the sum of all of these values. However, I want to generalize this.
I know how to do this recursively, but I feel like it should be doable in one line. Is there a concise way to accomplish this task?
The solution by #Lee is a one liner you're looking for. If you wanted to save a few characters, you can use List.sumBy which first applies a given function to an element of the list (similar to List.map) and then sums the result (just like List.sum):
let sumAll (fs:(_ -> _ -> _ -> float) list) a b c =
List.sumBy (fun f -> f a b c) fs
Both this and Lee's version uses type annotations to specify that the functions in the list return float. This is needed, because otherwise the compiler does not know what kind of numbers you want to sum using List.sum (floats, integers, etc.). This ambiguity needs to be resolved to compile the function.
Alternatively, you could mark the function as inline and then it would be inlined when you call it (and it would work for multiple different numeric types). You can also pass the fs parameter as the last one and use partial function application:
let inline sumAll a b c = List.sumBy (fun f -> f a b c)
Now you can call it using pipelining as follows: fs |> sumAll 1 2 3.
let sumAll (fs: (float -> float -> float -> float) list) a b c = List.map (fun f -> f a b c) fs |> Seq.sum
The answers by #Lee and #Tomas are great, but there is a shorter way.
If you can afford passing (a, b, c) as a triple upon invocation:
let inline sumAll() = (|||>) >> List.sumBy
// usage
let predicates =
fun a b c -> a
fun a b c -> b * 42.0 - c
let ret1 = predicates |> sumAll()(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
It will be also generic:
let predicates2 =
fun a b c -> c - 10
fun a b c -> a + c * 42
let ret2 = predicates2 |> sumAll()(1, 2, 3)
A more readable way which supports curried arguments:
let sumAllCurried a b c = (a,b,c) |> (|||>) |> List.sumBy<_, float>
// usage
let ret3 = predicates |> sumAllCurried 1.0 2.0 3.0
Note, I'm using a type parameter on List.sumBy since it looks shorter than typing an entire type specification for f.

How do you curry the 2nd (or 3rd, 4th, ...) parameter in F# or any functional language?

I'm just starting up with F# and see how you can use currying to pre-load the 1st parameter to a function. But how would one do it with the 2nd, 3rd, or whatever other parameter? Would named parameters to make this easier? Are there any other functional languages that have named parameters or some other way to make currying indifferent to parameter-order?
Typically you just use a lambda:
fun x y z -> f x y 42
is a function like 'f' but with the third parameter bound to 42.
You can also use combinators (like someone mentioned Haskell's "flip" in a comment), which reorder arguments, but I sometimes find that confusing.
Note that most curried functions are written so that the argument-most-likely-to-be-partially-applied comes first.
F# has named parameters for methods (not let-bound function values), but the names apply to 'tupled' parameters. Named curried parameters do not make much sense; if I have a two-argument curried function 'f', I would expect that given
let g = f
let h x y = f x y
then 'g' or 'h' would be substitutable for 'f', but 'named' parameters make this not necessarily true. That is to say, 'named parameters' can interact poorly with other aspects of the language design, and I personally don't know of a good design offhand for 'named parameters' that interacts well with 'first class curried function values'.
OCaml, the language that F# was based on, has labeled (and optional) arguments that can be specified in any order, and you can partially apply a function based on those arguments' names. I don't believe F# has this feature.
You might try creating something like Haskell's flip function. Creating variants that jump the argument further in the argument list shouldn't be too hard.
let flip f a b = f b a
let flip2 f a b c = f b c a
let flip3 f a b c d = f b c d a
Just for completeness - and since you asked about other functional languages - this is how you would do it in OCaml, arguably the "mother" of F#:
$ ocaml
# let foo ~x ~y = x - y ;;
val foo : x:int -> y:int -> int = <fun>
# foo 5 3;;
- : int = 2
# let bar = foo ~y:3;;
val bar : x:int -> int = <fun>
# bar 5;;
- : int = 2
So in OCaml you can hardcode any named parameter you want, just by using its name (y in the example above).
Microsoft chose not to implement this feature, as you found out... In my humble opinion, it's not about "poor interaction with other aspects of the language design"... it is more likely because of the additional effort this would require (in the language implementation) and the delay it would cause in bringing the language to the world - when in fact only few people would (a) be aware of the "stepdown" from OCaml, (b) use named function arguments anyway.
I am in the minority, and do use them - but it is indeed something easily emulated in F# with a local function binding:
let foo x y = x - y
let bar x = foo x 3
bar ...
It's possible to do this without declaring anything, but I agree with Brian that a lambda or a custom function is probably a better solution.
I find that I most frequently want this for partial application of division or subtraction.
> let halve = (/) >> (|>) 2.0;;
> let halfPi = halve System.Math.PI;;
val halve : (float -> float)
val halfPi : float = 1.570796327
To generalize, we can declare a function applySecond:
> let applySecond f arg2 = f >> (|>) arg2;;
val applySecond : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> arg2:'b -> ('a -> 'c)
To follow the logic, it might help to define the function thus:
> let applySecond f arg2 =
- let ff = (|>) arg2
- f >> ff;;
val applySecond : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> arg2:'b -> ('a -> 'c)
Now f is a function from 'a to 'b -> 'c. This is composed with ff, a function from 'b -> 'c to 'c that results from the partial application of arg2 to the forward pipeline operator. This function applies the specific 'b value passed for arg2 to its argument. So when we compose f with ff, we get a function from 'a to 'c that uses the given value for the 'b argument, which is just what we wanted.
Compare the first example above to the following:
> let halve f = f / 2.0;;
> let halfPi = halve System.Math.PI;;
val halve : f:float -> float
val halfPi : float = 1.570796327
Also compare these:
let filterTwoDigitInts = List.filter >> (|>) [10 .. 99]
let oddTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts ((&&&) 1 >> (=) 1)
let evenTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts ((&&&) 1 >> (=) 0)
let filterTwoDigitInts f = List.filter f [10 .. 99]
let oddTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts (fun i -> i &&& 1 = 1)
let evenTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts (fun i -> i &&& 1 = 0)
Alternatively, compare:
let someFloats = [0.0 .. 10.0]
let theFloatsDividedByFour1 = someFloats |> List.map ((/) >> (|>) 4.0)
let theFloatsDividedByFour2 = someFloats |> List.map (fun f -> f / 4.0)
The lambda versions seem to be easier to read.
In Python, you can use functools.partial, or a lambda. Python has named arguments.
functools.partial can be used to specify the first positional arguments as well as any named argument.
from functools import partial
def foo(a, b, bar=None):
f = partial(foo, bar='wzzz') # f(1, 2) ~ foo(1, 2, bar='wzzz')
f2 = partial(foo, 3) # f2(5) ~ foo(3, 5)
f3 = lambda a: foo(a, 7) # f3(9) ~ foo(9, 7)
