Does Microsoft Graph work without User.Read scope? - microsoft-graph-api

My question is, does Microsoft Graph work without User.Read scope ? I am not able to request the email profile openid permissions directly.
It throws AccessDenied error. So is User.Read pre requisite for email profile or openid ?

User.Read is just the delegated permission for getting the user profile using MS Graph Get User. If your app does not need to read the user profile you don't need this permission but in most cases you do because you app is acting on behalf of the user.
Does Microsoft Graph work without User.Read scope ?
No, but in most cases, you need the scope to read user profile and call /me endpoints.

You should check the api document to see if calling that api required User.Read permission.
For instance: I wanna call this api to list emails, and we can see that this api provides 2 kinds of permissions, one is for delegate, another is for application(this means client credential flow is supported). All the api permissions are listed here and we need to go to azure ad portal to add the api permission to your azure ad application which used to generate access token.
After generating the access token, you can user jwt decode tool to check if your access token contains correct scopes(for delegate permission) or roles(for application permission). Using a correct token to call the api will not lead to AccessDenied error. By the way, newly added permission may be deferrable to take effect.


Can not access other users' data using Microsoft Graph API

This is my app's api permissions
api permissions
This is my postman settings
postman settings
I can get token successfully using an AD admin account
I can get all users successfully
user list
I can create calendar event successfully using this AD admin' user id
enter image description here
I can not create calendar event using another user id
enter image description here
First, this is the document api for introducing the api permission, you can see Permission type with Delegated and Application.
The second, this is the section for introducing the request example, you can see that there are 2 types /me and /users/{id | userPrincipalName}.
The difference between the 2 kinds of api permission is that, using Delegated permission means we need to make users sign in first to generate the access token and call the api, while Application permission not. So when we use Delegated api permission, we can use api request like /me because the token contained the user information so graph api knows who is me and me is authorized to access this api. So we can also use users/user_principle_name_of_the_signed_in_user here. But it doesn't mean we can use another user principle name here, because other users aren't authorized in the access token.
How can we put any user of your tenant into the request and call the api successfully? We need to use Application permission here. When you add api permission, you may notice it and please add application api permission. Then we need to use client credential flow to generate access token with application permission. Then you may try yor failed request with the new token.
Application permission means you are calling the graph api on behalf the application, so it doesn't require users to sign in, but using delegated permission is much more safe since it will generate access token with limited scope(the api permission you defined in the token generating request), but client credential flow uses /.defalut as the scope, this means all the application api permission in the azure ad application will be added to the generated token, you can't control which application permission is allowed and which is not allowed in one token.

OAuth access to EWS on behalf of a user

I have had success using OAuth 2.0 with EWS when using admin permission. Now I am trying to set it up so that an individual user can log in and grant access for himself. So I start a browser with this URL:
The browser allows me to log in to my test account, but then this error is returned:
error=invalid client
description=AADSTS650053 The application 'my app name' asked for scope 'Calendars.ReadWrite.All' that
doesn't exist on the resource '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'
In Azure, when looking at the API permissions for my application, I have 11 Exchange permissions, including both Application and Delegated permissions for Calendars.ReadWrite.All, in addition to all of the others that I requested.
What's going on here?
Because EWS is a legacy API it doesn't implement the more restrictive permission model that the Graph and Outlook REST API uses. The only permission that will work for Delegate access is EWS.AccessAsUser.All (Scope This gives full access to every folder in a Mailbox (and any mailboxes the user has been granted access to).It looks like you application registration already includes that permission so
should work

OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant flow - Read calendar API returns 403

Can anyone help me to figure out solution for the below problem?
I am getting 403 for Microsoft Graph Calendar Read API.
I am using microsoft identity platform with implicit grant flow mechanism to log user from his microsoft account into my application.
I am requesting in scope parameter with these permissions "profile User.Read Calendars.Read Calendars.ReadWrite"
Below things works after successful login.
1) It asks for the permission to grant
2) Microsoft oauth2.0 login.
3) Profile picuture read.
But for some reason when i try to read "calendar" I get 403 for only one account in whole tenant. I have gone through below link for error description, but couldn't find out solution
can anyone point me, where i need find solution for the above issue? Is it account issue or do I need to modify api request. Below api i am using to read calendar${sd}&endDateTime=${ed}
For this problem, first you need to check if the token you got contains the correct permission, you can decode your token in this page. I test request this graph api with implicit grant flow, it works fine and I put my access token to decode we can see it contains the two calendar permissions which we expect.
Here I list some points which you need to pay attention to when you request this graph api:
1. As you mentioned in your question, you request in scope parameter with "Calendars.Read Calendars.ReadWrite" permissions, so did you add these two permissions to your AD application ? If you didn't add them, please add them in your AD application (please add them in "Delegated permissions" but not "Application permissions", I test it if we add them in "Application permissions" it will show 403 error because implicit flow requires "Delegated permissions").
2. After add the two permissions, don't forget grant admin consent for them.

Error Access Denied on mailboxSettings for users

I'm trying to hit{userId}/mailboxSettings endpoint with an auth token and in return receiving a 403 Error Access Denied response.
I have granted both application level and delegated permissions for MailboxSettings.Read, MailboxSettings.ReadWrite. I can verify that these permissions are enabled on the installed application via examination of my decoded auth token with the Here is the exert from the decoded token:
"scp": "Directory.AccessAsUser.All Files.ReadWrite.All Group.ReadWrite.All Mail.Read Mail.ReadWrite Mail.Send MailboxSettings.Read MailboxSettings.ReadWrite Sites.ReadWrite.All"
I have also verified that the user I am requesting mailboxSettings for has been granted access via Admin Consent.
I am able to return mailboxSettings if I hit the endpoint for either the admin userId or the endpoint. Any help would be much appreciated.
Quickly I tested with Microsoft Graph Explorer and it works for me. So i would request you to test the above API call with Graph Explorer and see if you can repro the issue or not.
I believe the problem is that your token was generated using Delegated scopes. The Delegated flavor of MailboxSettings.Read and MailboxSettings.ReadWrite may only access the currently authenticated user’s mailbox.
In order to access other users, you need to use Application scopes. You can read more about how these scopes work (and how to select them) in this blog post: Application vs Delegated Scopes.
As others have stated, delegated token only works for reading the mailboxSettings of the currently authenticated user. I had enabled mailboxSettings as an Application scope, yet I was getting the same error. The culprit of the issue was that I was using the Auth code grant for the token.
After switching to Client Credentials grant, I am successfully retrieving an Auth token that contains the mailboxSettings Application level scope, and am able to get 200 responses on endpoints for all users.

Use delegated permissions on a daemon using Microsoft Graph

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Graph API through the OAUTH2 Authentication however I'm struggling to work out how to use Delegated Permissions and not require a user to login.
I'm happy to authenticate the app with myself once, but this will be running on a daemon/service and won't be interacted with via a user. Because of this I can't use the way Microsoft describes Delegated Permissions as that uses /authorize first and then a call can be made to /token.
I know you can use secret keys for /token but it seems that only is using the Application Permissions and not Delegated - which is what I have access to.
Is there a way to authenticate using Delegated Permissions as if I was a user but without a user having to use a sign in page every time?
I needed to do something similar in a daemon app, but application permissions weren't available for the resource to which I needed access (Planner). I was able to accomplish it using the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow and supplying credentials for a service account instead of an actual user.
This isn't possible. The term "delegated" is very intentional here in that it means "the user has delegated their permissions to your application so you can operate on behalf of that user". Application permissions are not delegated because there is no user in context to delegate their access rights to you.
Authorization Code = Delegated Permission Scopes
Implicit Grants == Delegated Permission Scopes
Client Credential Grants == Delegated Permission Scopes
Much of the Microsoft Graph functionality works with both Application and Delegated scopes so in many cases you can still execute the same scenarios. There are some caveats such as using the shorthand /me which doesn't exist when there isn't a user authenticated (instead you need to use /users[{id}]). There are however some cases where there isn't an equivalent Application scope and these are regularly looked at in an effort to close the gap.
