nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost - ionic - ios14 - ios14

Whenever I am trying to run my app on IOS 14 simulator I am getting this error multiple times.
"nil host used in the call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost"
I have tried putting this in AppDelegate.m file also but did not work.

I had multiple instances of this warning. Removing certain Lottie animations solved most of them. However, I still had one instance of this error persist.
I found it came from an .svg file I created and imported to the Asset Catalog. I clicked on this image and unchecked 'Preserve Vector Data' from the attributes inspector section. This resolved the runtime error.


Is “NSObjCMessageLoggingEnabled” still alive?

I’m trying to see how NSObjCMessageLoggingEnabled log looks like.
I created a new single-view iOS project, set NSObjCMessageLoggingEnabled to YES:
And after running an app, viewed AppData/tmp folder inside an app’s folder:
There’re no files.
How to check if this variable is still working, or which possibility can be used now?
As is said in the link provided by #SaurabhJain, the logging is possible only on Simulator.
I've tried it, and while there still weren't files in ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/(SIMULATORID)/data/Containers/Data/Application/(APPLICATIONID), there was file like launches.2019-04- in /tmp. But this file was created also when NSObjCMessageLoggingEnabled was NO, and it's content is about the same: I don't see the names of functions called.
So I can't make it work even in Simulator.

react-native-fetch-blob IOS API openDocument not working

I require showing applications in the IOS device capable of opening various file formats.I tried using react native share to achieve the same but options of copying file to other apps did not appear.So i tried using react native fetch blob. RNFetchBlob.fs.exists(fs.dirs.DocumentDir+'/sample.pdf') return true , meaning the file does exist but when i use RNFetchBlob.ios.openDocument(fs.dirs.DocumentDir+'/sample.pdf') nothing happens, not even an error but rather the success callback is called. Appreciate any help.
I was able to resolve the issue , but i don't know why it actually happened in the first place. I used an Alert.alert to find if the file existed or not and then called the RNFetchBlob.ios.openDocument function, upon removing the alert just before the function call it started working.Posting this answer incase it does happen to anyone else.

tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb.h file not found Error for iOS TensorFlow Camera App

When I go to run the TensorFlow iOS Camera app example I receive a 'tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb.h file not found' error. I have ran the and before running compile_ios_tensorflow and I still am receiving the error. Thanksenter image description here
Sorry you're hitting problems! Could you try running tensorflow/contrib/makefile/ to make sure everything's built, and then file a github issue if it's still having issues?
You need to create the files with Google's protocol buffer application.
I copied the resource_handle.proto to the application directory.
protoc.exe resource_handle.proto --cpp_out=.
copied the resulting resource_handle.pb.[cc][h] files back.

'Could no load image...' error when not referencing image?

The nslog gives the error "Could not load the "XXX.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "XXX". However, Image.png is never referenced in IB nor in my code. Why do I still get this error (I have also cleaned the product and build folder, no luck).
I figured this out for future reference... It's the strangest thing - I wasn't referencing the image anywhere in my app, but I made a new image and named it 'XXX.png' (what the log claimed I was referencing) and added it to my project. Then I deleted it from the project, and now I don't get this error anymore. So odd...

Offline Cache Manifest Being Ignored On iPhone

I have a demo app which is supposed to be an example of creating an offline APP that works on mobile devices. I have created a manifest file and am serving it with the correct MIME type, but the main image in the app is always fetched online and if I go to airplane mode, the image doesn't load despite being in the cache.
Why is the image not in the offline cache?
I now have a valid app cache manifest, but on the iPhone I randomly don't get the main image still - even when online. I have a manual refresh button that normally gets the image on the second or third attempt, but when I open the app from the home screen it has a '?' placeholder instead.
I have simplified the example a lot and incorporated lots of suggestions, but still have the problem. Here are the steps I have tried so far.
Removed the JavaScript entirely - the page just displays a static image
Replaced all images with files less than 25kb
Added a NETWORK: * to the manifest
Moved NETWORK: * to be above the CACHE: header.
Tried renaming "manifest.appcache" to "cache.manifest"
It works in Firefox in offline mode with the disk cache empty (i.e. to ensure it can only use offline cache!) but still shows the dreaded blue question mark on IOS (tested on iPhone 4s).
It seems like your cache file is invalid due to missing files. Try making your paths relative e.g. Puzzle/page.png.
Running the validator gives the below errors:
Line 3: Resource not found
Line 4: Resource not found
Line 5: Resource not found
Line 6: Resource not found
Line 7: Resource not found
Line 10: Resource not found
After a great deal of trial and error I can confirm that I have solved the issue.
The answer is strange, but I have double checked to ensure that making this change alone causes the issue to appear / disappear.
The following meta-tag is normally recommended if your app is going to be added to the IOS home screen:
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
But actually, don't add this. Removing this tag from my demo app fixed the problem instantly on IOS 5.1.1 - so you need to decide whether you MUST have offline cache or if you MUST have full-screen style, rather than running in Safari.
