Vagrant machine increase in memory not work - memory

I'm trying to increase the size of my vagrant virtual machine allowing me to build singularity without much success... I searched on internet and applied scrupulously different config but nothing makes.
Here is my Vagrant file :
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
# Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for
# boxes at = "sylabs/singularity-3.0-ubuntu-bionic64"
... (comment code)
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = 2048
v.cpus = 2
But unfortunately it remains on the basic configuration ...
Thanking you in advance for the time you can give me.


How to make firefly docker container locally reachable using subdirs with traefik

After reading many tutorials and the official documentation, after trying to make it work by myself during 4 days, I decided to ask for your help.
I'm a beginner with docker and traefik, I'm surely doing something wrong but I can't figure what.
Currently I would like to host Firefly-III behind traefik in order to access it locally without https and if it works, I will like to access it remotely. The purpose of traefik is that if I succeed accessing it, I would like to host other services.
Here are my configuration files but, resulting in a 404 error.
docker-compose.yml :
version: "3.3"
image: "traefik:latest"
container_name: traefik
- "--log.level=DEBUG"
- "--api.insecure=true"
- "--providers.docker=true"
- "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
- "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
- traefik
- "80:80"
- "8080:8080"
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
image: fireflyiii/core:latest
container_name: firefly
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.firefly.rule=Host(`localhost`) && Path(`/firefly`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.firefly.entrypoints=web"
- ""
restart: always
- traefik
- firefly
- firefly_iii_upload:/var/www/html/storage/upload
env_file: firefly.env
- fireflydb
- 80
image: mariadb
container_name: fireflydb
restart: always
- firefly
env_file: fireflydb.env
- firefly_iii_db:/var/lib/mysql
firefly.env :
# You can leave this on "local". If you change it to production most console commands will ask for extra confirmation.
# Never set it to "testing".
# Set to true if you want to see debug information in error screens.
# This should be your email address.
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by using SITE_OWNER_FILE
# The encryption key for your sessions. Keep this very secure.
# Change it to a string of exactly 32 chars or use something like `php artisan key:generate` to generate it.
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by using APP_KEY_FILE
# Firefly III will launch using this language (for new users and unauthenticated visitors)
# For a list of available languages:
# If text is still in English, remember that not everything may have been translated.
# The locale defines how numbers are formatted.
# by default this value is the same as whatever the language is.
# Change this value to your preferred time zone.
# Example: Europe/Amsterdam
# For a list of supported time zones, see
# TRUSTED_PROXIES is a useful variable when using Docker and/or a reverse proxy.
# Set it to ** and reverse proxies work just fine.
# The log channel defines where your log entries go to.
# Several other options exist. You can use 'single' for one big fat error log (not recommended).
# Also available are 'syslog', 'errorlog' and 'stdout' which will log to the system itself.
# A rotating log option is 'daily', creates 5 files that (surprise) rotate.
# A cool option is 'papertrail' for cloud logging
# Default setting 'stack' will log to 'daily' and to 'stdout' at the same time.
# Used when logging to papertrail:
# Log level. You can set this from least severe to most severe:
# debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
# If you set it to debug your logs will grow large, and fast. If you set it to emergency probably
# nothing will get logged, ever.
# Audit log level.
# Set this to "emergency" if you dont want to store audit logs, leave on info otherwise.
# Database credentials. Make sure the database exists. I recommend a dedicated user for Firefly III
# For other database types, please see the FAQ:
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
# Use "pgsql" for PostgreSQL
# Use "mysql" for MySQL and MariaDB.
# Use "sqlite" for SQLite.
# leave empty or omit when not using a socket connection
# MySQL supports SSL. You can configure it here.
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
# You need to set at least of these options
# PostgreSQL supports SSL. You can configure it here.
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
# more PostgreSQL settings
# If you're looking for performance improvements, you could install memcached or redis
# If you set either of the options above to 'redis', you might want to update these settings too
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set REDIS_HOST_FILE, REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE or
# REDIS_PORT_FILE to set the value from a file instead of from an environment variable
# can be tcp, unix or http
# use only when using 'unix' for REDIS_SCHEME. Leave empty otherwise.
# use only when using 'tcp' or 'http' for REDIS_SCHEME. Leave empty otherwise.
# Use only with Redis 6+ with proper ACL set. Leave empty otherwise.
# always use quotes and make sure redis db "0" and "1" exists. Otherwise change accordingly.
# Cookie settings. Should not be necessary to change these.
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set COOKIE_DOMAIN_FILE to set
# the value from a file instead of from an environment variable
# Setting samesite to "strict" may give you trouble logging in.
# If you want Firefly III to email you, update these settings
# For instructions, see:
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
# Other mail drivers:
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
# If you are on EU region in mailgun, use, otherwise use
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by appending it with _FILE
# If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
# Firefly III can send you the following messages.
# These messages contain (sensitive) transaction information:
# Set this value to true if you want to set the location
# of certain things, like transactions. Since this involves an external service, it's optional
# and disabled by default.
# The map will default to this location:
# Firefly III authentication settings
# Firefly III supports a few authentication methods:
# - 'web' (default, uses built in DB)
# - 'remote_user_guard' for Authelia etc
# Read more about these settings in the documentation.
# LDAP is no longer supported :(
# Remote user guard settings
# Extra authentication settings
# You can disable the X-Frame-Options header if it interferes with tools like
# Organizr. This is at your own risk. Applications running in frames run the risk
# of leaking information to their parent frame.
# You can disable the Content Security Policy header when you're using an ancient browser
# or any version of Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer (which amounts to the same thing really)
# This leaves you with the risk of not being able to stop XSS bugs should they ever surface.
# This is at your own risk.
# If you wish to track your own behavior over Firefly III, set valid analytics tracker information here.
# Nobody uses this except for me on the demo site. But hey, feel free to use this if you want to.
# Do not prepend the TRACKER_URL with http:// or https://
# The only tracker supported is Matomo.
# You can set the following variables from a file by appending them with _FILE:
# Firefly III supports webhooks. These are security sensitive and must be enabled manually first.
# The static cron job token can be useful when you use Docker and wish to manage cron jobs.
# 1. Set this token to any 32-character value (this is important!).
# 2. Use this token in the cron URL instead of a user's command line token.
# For more info:
# You can set this variable from a file by appending it with _FILE
# You can fine tune the start-up of a Docker container by editing these environment variables.
# Use this at your own risk. Disabling certain checks and features may result in lost of inconsistent data.
# However if you know what you're doing you can significantly speed up container start times.
# Set each value to true to enable, or false to disable.
# Set this to true to build all locales supported by Firefly III.
# This may take quite some time (several minutes) and is generally not recommended.
# If you wish to change or alter the list of locales, start your Docker container with
# `docker run -v locale.gen:/etc/locale.gen -e DKR_BUILD_LOCALE=true`
# and make sure your preferred locales are in your own locale.gen.
# Check if the SQLite database exists. Can be skipped if you're not using SQLite.
# Won't significantly speed up things.
# Run database creation and migration commands. Disable this only if you're 100% sure the DB exists
# and is up to date.
# Run database upgrade commands. Disable this only when you're 100% sure your DB is up-to-date
# with the latest fixes (outside of migrations!)
# Verify database integrity. Includes all data checks and verifications.
# Disabling this makes Firefly III assume your DB is intact.
# Run database reporting commands. When disabled, Firefly III won't go over your data to report current state.
# Disabling this should have no impact on data integrity or safety but it won't warn you of possible issues.
# Generate OAuth2 keys.
# When disabled, Firefly III won't attempt to generate OAuth2 Passport keys. This won't be an issue, IFF (if and only if)
# you had previously generated keys already and they're stored in your database for restoration.
# Leave the following configuration vars as is.
# Unless you like to tinker and know what you're doing.
# If you have trouble configuring your Firefly III installation, DON'T BOTHER setting this variable.
# It won't work. It doesn't do ANYTHING. Don't believe the lies you read online. I'm not joking.
# This configuration value WILL NOT HELP.
# Notable exception to this rule is Synology, which, according to some users, will use APP_URL to rewrite stuff.
# This variable is ONLY used in some of the emails Firefly III sends around. Nowhere else.
# So when configuring anything WEB related this variable doesn't do anything. Nothing
# If you're stuck I understand you get desperate but look SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Files don't update in vagrant when saved on host computer?

I'm using Vagrant as a Rails development environment. I only use the host computer to edit the files in sublime text (i.e. Ruby, Rails, Postgres and Nginx are all on the vagrant vm).
The problem is that if I make a small change in a file (1-3 characters), refreshing the browser doesn't show the update right away. I have to either restart nginx or add a few empty lines and save again to see the update.
What might be causing this? I've tried everything under the sun to resolve this.
Here is my vagrant file:
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = ""
config.vm.box_url = "" "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => true
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.customize [
"modifyvm", :id,
"--memory", "1024",
"--natdnsproxy1", "on",
"--natdnshostresolver1", "on"
I'm on Mac OS X and using Virtual Box as the provider. The vagrant box is Ubuntu 14.04.
It turned out the problem was Sublime Text's default "atomic save" feature that was creating this problem.
Adding the following to your Sublime Text preferences file will fix this:
"atomic_save": false
This is a known problem for Apache and nginx with Virtualbox -- so also vagrant (#see this vagrant issue). The sendfile kernel mode does not refresh on the shared disk folders.
To fix it use this on nginx configuration:
sendfile off
Have you tried the "rsync" option? It shouldn't be difficult to setup and should be more reliable.
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"
This feature is available from Vagrant 1.5.
Like Jacob said, turn off atomic save. I'd like to add that it is a very buggy and dangerous feature. If you're a sublime text 3 user, the first thing you should do is turn it off.

running rails on guest linux virtualbox: a database.yml issue

a) I'm a ruby in rails beginner developer, and I use windows 7 machine as developement environment...
b) With VirtualBox I just installed, inside the Windows 7 "host", a Linux ubuntu sever "guest", just to run the rails DEVELOPMENT environment ALSO in the linux machine.
c) To do that I configured a virtualbox SHARED FOLDER:
let say I have this shared folder on the host machine (window):
and mounted it on the linux embedded server:
d) In this exptended "developement environment" I would like to edit source files with my preferred visual editor on windows (sublime text) and run rails server on linux.
The problem concern database.yml configuration file:
because on Windows I have a database (postgresql) responding port 5433, with specific username/password
but in linux database respond to port 5432, etc.
1) It's that "arcgitectural solution ok ? (I mean: developing/editing from a windows 7 host, but running rails server of the linux guest server);
2) There is a way to change/configure database.yml on the fly (I mean: using two different database.yml files: one for the linux machine and anotherone for the window machine) ?
thanks a lot
You can technically accomplish 2 if you're not afraid to play around with the guts of Rails. As with any solution that has you accessing internal rails components this may stop working at any time, but fortunately this part of the API is not likely to change often, if ever. Still, use this at your own risk.
Here's how I do it on my projects. First modify your application as follows:
# config/application.rb:
# After require 'rails/all'
require_relative 'db_override'
Then create this new file:
# config/db_override.rb:
case Socket.gethostname
when 'host1'
$db_config = 'config/host1_database.yml'
when 'host2'
$db_config = 'config/host2_database.yml'
$db_config = nil # Use the default config/database.yml
if $db_config
class DBConfigSelect < Rails::Railtie
initializer "db_config_select", before: "active_record.initialize_database" do
puts "Using custom DB configuration: #{$db_config}"
# Get the existing path configuration
cur_paths = Rails.application.config.paths['config/database'].instance_variable_get :#paths
# Override the default config sources
cur_paths.push $db_config
What you are describing is pretty much the setup that Vagrant is offering, so yeah, you are doing fine, everyone else is also doing it but they didn't set it up themselves (and by that probably get some really nice addons as well, you should take a look at Vagrant).
For your second question: no. Not on the fly. Rails loads the database.yml end then connects to the database with that. When you change it while your Rails server is running, the changes won't get noticed. What you can do however is setup a new environment for your two different machines. Then you can switch between the different environments and depending on the environment, one or the other database gets accessed.

newrelic_rpm,rails gem showing no route in development

i need to check the performance of my rails application. i installed newrelic_rpm.
In environment.rb , the following added:
config.gem "newrelic_rpm"
then, in browser i gave:
then, it shows the error message as below:
Routing Error No route matches "/newrelic" with {:method=>:get}
Can you please help me to solve this..
Thanks in advance...
I'm guessing my issue is related to running thin (and other processes) through foreman in development. I added the following to get the routing and monitoring working:
require 'new_relic/rack/developer_mode'
config.middleware.use NewRelic::Rack::DeveloperMode
Setting ENV['NEWRELIC_ENABLE'] = 'true' may monitor stuff when you would rather it didn't (rake tasks etc...)
Developer Mode has been removed from newrelic_rpm as of early 2017:
If you still want to use it, you must install an older version of the rubygem, e.g.:
gem 'newrelic_rpm', ''
I had the same issue on Rails 3.0.5, after upgrading from newrelic_rpm 2.13.4 -> 2.14.0
I followed information from here:
... I added the following at the top of the file my $RAILS_ROOT/ file
require 'new_relic/rack_app'
use NewRelic::Rack::DeveloperMode
I am expecting this issue to be fixed in a later release of newpreic_rpm
I've also notice a change in the newrelic.yaml file format that should be in the config directory. You can download this from your newrelic account homepage (account > deploy > ruby) after creating an account (there is a basic free version).
Basically, it looks like:
common: &default_settings
license_key: '[ Your unique license key ]'
app_name: My Application
# When "true", the agent collects performance data about your
# application and reports this data to the NewRelic RPM service at
# This global switch is normally overridden for each
# environment below. (formerly called 'enabled')
monitor_mode: true
# Developer mode should be off in every environment but
# development as it has very high overhead in memory.
developer_mode: false
# The newrelic agent generates its own log file to keep its logging
# information separate from that of your application. Specify its
# log level here.
log_level: info
# The newrelic agent communicates with the RPM service via http by
# default. If you want to communicate via https to increase
# security, then turn on SSL by setting this value to true. Note,
# this will result in increased CPU overhead to perform the
# encryption involved in SSL communication, but this work is done
# asynchronously to the threads that process your application code,
# so it should not impact response times.
ssl: false
# EXPERIMENTAL: enable verification of the SSL certificate sent by
# the server. This setting has no effect unless SSL is enabled
# above. This may block your application. Only enable it if the data
# you send us needs end-to-end verified certificates.
# This means we cannot cache the DNS lookup, so each request to the
# RPM service will perform a lookup. It also means that we cannot
# use a non-blocking lookup, so in a worst case, if you have DNS
# problems, your app may block indefinitely.
# verify_certificate: true
# Set your application's Apdex threshold value with the 'apdex_t'
# setting, in seconds. The apdex_t value determines the buckets used
# to compute your overall Apdex score.
# Requests that take less than apdex_t seconds to process will be
# classified as Satisfying transactions; more than apdex_t seconds
# as Tolerating transactions; and more than four times the apdex_t
# value as Frustrating transactions.
# For more about the Apdex standard, see
apdex_t: 0.5
# Proxy settings for connecting to the RPM server.
# If a proxy is used, the host setting is required. Other settings
# are optional. Default port is 8080.
# proxy_host: hostname
# proxy_port: 8080
# proxy_user:
# proxy_pass:
# Tells transaction tracer and error collector (when enabled)
# whether or not to capture HTTP params. When true, frameworks can
# exclude HTTP parameters from being captured.
# Rails: the RoR filter_parameter_logging excludes parameters
# Java: create a config setting called "ignored_params" and set it to
# a comma separated list of HTTP parameter names.
# ex: ignored_params: credit_card, ssn, password
capture_params: false
# Transaction tracer captures deep information about slow
# transactions and sends this to the RPM service once a
# minute. Included in the transaction is the exact call sequence of
# the transactions including any SQL statements issued.
# Transaction tracer is enabled by default. Set this to false to
# turn it off. This feature is only available at the Silver and
# above product levels.
enabled: true
# Threshold in seconds for when to collect a transaction
# trace. When the response time of a controller action exceeds
# this threshold, a transaction trace will be recorded and sent to
# RPM. Valid values are any float value, or (default) "apdex_f",
# which will use the threshold for an dissatisfying Apdex
# controller action - four times the Apdex T value.
transaction_threshold: apdex_f
# When transaction tracer is on, SQL statements can optionally be
# recorded. The recorder has three modes, "off" which sends no
# SQL, "raw" which sends the SQL statement in its original form,
# and "obfuscated", which strips out numeric and string literals
record_sql: obfuscated
# Threshold in seconds for when to collect stack trace for a SQL
# call. In other words, when SQL statements exceed this threshold,
# then capture and send to RPM the current stack trace. This is
# helpful for pinpointing where long SQL calls originate from
stack_trace_threshold: 0.500
# Determines whether the agent will capture query plans for slow
# SQL queries. Only supported in mysql and postgres. Should be
# set to false when using other adapters.
# explain_enabled: true
# Threshold for query execution time below which query plans will not
# not be captured. Relevant only when `explain_enabled` is true.
# explain_threshold: 0.5
# Error collector captures information about uncaught exceptions and
# sends them to RPM for viewing
# Error collector is enabled by default. Set this to false to turn
# it off. This feature is only available at the Silver and above
# product levels
enabled: true
# Rails Only - tells error collector whether or not to capture a
# source snippet around the place of the error when errors are View
# related.
capture_source: true
# To stop specific errors from reporting to RPM, set this property
# to comma separated values. Default is to ignore routing errors
# which are how 404's get triggered.
ignore_errors: ActionController::RoutingError
# (Advanced) Uncomment this to ensure the cpu and memory samplers
# won't run. Useful when you are using the agent to monitor an
# external resource
# disable_samplers: true
# If you aren't interested in visibility in these areas, you can
# disable the instrumentation to reduce overhead.
# disable_view_instrumentation: true
# disable_activerecord_instrumentation: true
# disable_memcache_instrumentation: true
# disable_dj: true
# Certain types of instrumentation such as GC stats will not work if
# you are running multi-threaded. Please let us know.
# multi_threaded = false
# Application Environments
# ------------------------------------------
# Environment specific settings are in this section.
# For Rails applications, RAILS_ENV is used to determine the environment
# For Java applications, pass -Dnewrelic.environment <environment> to set
# the environment
# NOTE if your application has other named environments, you should
# provide newrelic configuration settings for these environments here.
<<: *default_settings
# Turn off communication to RPM service in development mode (also
# 'enabled').
# NOTE: for initial evaluation purposes, you may want to temporarily
# turn the agent on in development mode.
monitor_mode: false
# Rails Only - when running in Developer Mode, the New Relic Agent will
# present performance information on the last 100 transactions you have
# executed since starting the mongrel.
# NOTE: There is substantial overhead when running in developer mode.
# Do not use for production or load testing.
developer_mode: true
# Enable textmate links
# textmate: true
<<: *default_settings
# It almost never makes sense to turn on the agent when running
# unit, functional or integration tests or the like.
monitor_mode: false
# Turn on the agent in production for 24x7 monitoring. NewRelic
# testing shows an average performance impact of < 5 ms per
# transaction, you you can leave this on all the time without
# incurring any user-visible performance degradation.
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: true
# Many applications have a staging environment which behaves
# identically to production. Support for that environment is provided
# here. By default, the staging environment has the agent turned on.
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: true
app_name: My Application (Staging)

What is the significance of the dispatch.fcgi file in Rails

There is a file under public folder in Rails environment called dispatch.fcgi. What is the significance of this particular file?
I opened that file and it has this
# # Default log path, 50 requests between GC.
# RailsFCGIHandler.process! nil, 50
# # Custom log path, normal GC behavior.
# RailsFCGIHandler.process! '/var/log/myapp_fcgi_crash.log'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment"
require 'fcgi_handler'
Cannot understand what this does. Can someone please explain?
That must be an old version of rails, because this file is a relic for servers which start the rails app with fcgi in your http server.
Apache and Nginx are now supported via passenger, or you can use a proxy with a mongrels cluster, all these solutions don't need a dispatch.fcgi.
