GeoGebra - X and Y orientation - geogebra

Trying to use GeoGebra for the first time. Currently it shows the x and y as in the below image
but I prefer the x and y orientation as below as it would be easy to visualise with x-axis popping out of the board
what settings need to be changed?

I am afraid you cannot specify the default settings, but you can change the view orientation with the following command.
SetViewDirection(Vector((1, 1, 1)))


TChart in C++Builder 6.0 rotate chart

Can I rotate a chart? I need x on vertical axis and y on horizontal axis.
Can I change x value to vertical axis and y value to horizontal axis?
Or can I rotate of the component TChart (xy values stay standard and I flip component 90)?
Thank you.
The easiest solution would probably be to use swap your values or add your X values as YValues and add your y values as XValues.
Ie, let's say you have your X values in an array called Xdata and your Y values in an array called Ydata. You could add your values with this:
Series1->AddXY(Ydata, Xdata);
Maybe I can write - i used a line(fast line) chart.
is Classical graph and image if I rotate it. If I change x-y values as You wrote I get wrong image.
y = f(x) so it paint for x=1, x=2, ... but i need paint x = f(y) for y=1, y=2, y=3
I need something as is point chart - connect handly in paint
I'm not sure if it is possible change axis or rotate component teeChart.
I probably use TImage and will paint it into image.
today i find that teechart have a series "horiz line" (
But licence is expensive for our company ( We need only one chart with this axes.
Do you know if can I install only some update into BCB 6?

iOS-charts bar chart with negative values

I am using the great iOS-charts pod for doing my graphics. Now I have to display a bar chart with y-value in a range from -120 to 0. When I add those values, I get the bars displays from the top - 0 - to the bottom.
What I am looking for is a way to let the bar be drawn from the bottom of the chart up to it's value, because 0 means a lot for the application while -120 means nothing. So I would like to get a big bar for 0 and nothing for -120 like this.
-120 x X X
Any idea how I can achieve this behavior?
Thanks a lot
You need to set logical values for the correct visibility - and the use a formatter for showing the values as negative values.
In Charts 3.0 it is easier to format the values.

Convert Scene's (x, y) to screen's (x, y)

I have an application built with SceneKit that is currently displaying several nodes. I can figure out which node is pressed and want to use that to make a label appear below the Node that was touched. Now, when I set the label's center the following way... = CGPointMake(CGFloat(result.node.position.x), CGFloat(result.node.position.y+20)
…it appears in the upper left corner since the node is on (1, 0). What I figured is that the sceneView's (0, 0) is in the center of the screen while the actual physical display's (0, 0) is in the top left corner.
Is there a way to convert the two different numbers into each other? (I could hardcode since I know where the Node's are or create a separate label for each Node but that is not really a perfect solution.)
Thanks in advance :)
You can use the projectPoint: method:
var projected = view.projectPoint(result.node.position))
//projected is an SCNVector3
//projected.x and y are the node's position in screen coordinates
//projected.z is its depth relative to the near and far clipping planes = CGPointMake(CGFloat(projected.x), CGFloat(projected.y+20)

Why does copy/paste put the x and y at a negative value?

I often do a screen capture and paste it into Fireworks.
I always have to change the x and y values to 0 because they're always negative.
I find this happens if the image is larger than my window. If you make sure you're zoomed out until you can see the whole canvas first, the item should paste into the correct position.

Move Images in the same axis Xcode-IOS

I'm trying to move an image on the same axis,according to data obtained by the device I want the image to move up or down while keeping the center on the Y axis. Thanks.
I used this and it worked:
imattitude.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(imattitude.transform, 0, accel[2]*75);
Where 0 is the value in x axis to move and accel[2]*75 is the value in axis y for move.
Here is a tutorial to help you:
The big change is:
CGContextMoveToPoint(context,fromPoint.x , fromPoint.y);
Do not change both, only change one, and used a fixed Y.
CGContextMoveToPoint(context,fromPoint.x , 160);
