Word formula field not displaying correctly in header - field

I am using formula fields in a document header to calculate and display the page numbering (current internal page count and total pages) for a section of the document. When the section is more than 100 pages long, the formula cuts off part of the page number starting around page 99 or 100 (see second table in screen shot below should be "Page 99 of 123"). The first and second table use the same formula. Notice when I remove the "current page" formula (as shown in the first table), the total pages displays correctly. Sometimes the "total pages" formula displays correct but when I run the "Update All Fields" macro in the document, the formula reverts back to cutting off part of the page number. I am using Word version 2102 (Build 13801.20864) - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel. When I use Word version 2108 (Build 14326.20238), the "total pages" field displays the correct value. Is there a bug in Word version 2102 causing this issue?
Here is a link to the test document I created to demonstrate the problem.

This was an issue with Word version 2102 (Build 13801.20864) - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel. It has been fixed with release of Version 2102: September 14 (Build 13801.20960).


Row and column integer error when calling load

I have a simple spreadsheet in Excel 97-2003 format, extension is XLS, that is throwing the following error when trying to load it with PHPSpreadSheet.
Error 0 on line 49 in \PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\CellAddress.php -> Row and Column Ids must be positive integer values
The spreadsheet has 14 columns with no formulas or external references. Similar spreadsheets in the same format load and process without error.
require 'PHPSpreadsheet/autoload.php';
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xlsx;
$reader = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xls();
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($inputfile); // <-- this is where the failure happens
If I create a new spreadsheet and copy the rows from the one that fails into the new one the load works just fine. The header row and 1 row of data are shown below. I have tried removing the header row and manually entering a single row but get the same failure.
It seems to be related to the file itself but the error message isn't helping to determine exactly what the problem is.
DATE Course ID Title of Class StartTime PGH Location Address City State Zip Code Sponsor/Vendor Instructor if Known Contact Information Telephone
1/10/2023 7280801 Dual Credit Water & Wastewater Workshop 08:00 6 Anywhere Fire Department 123 Main St Any Town NC 28580 NC Statewide Safety Conference, Inc. Sam Smith Joe Smith 252-555-1212
This was caused by a bug in PHPSpreadsheet that was revealed by having a vertical break in row H0 for some reason.
Removing the breaks in the spreadsheet manually would also correct the problem but the latest version of PHPSpreadsheet has been fixed so it will not thrown an error if there is a vertical break in the first row.

Using RegexReplace with query

So i have the following Formula :
=QUERY({'All Report Sheet'!$B$1:B,'All Report Sheet'!$C$1:$C},"select count(Col1) where (Col1 matches '"&JOIN("|",{$S$2:$S$80})&"') and Col2='"&$A2&"' label count(Col1)''")
The Purpose of this is to Count instances where individual text in $S$2:$S$80 occurs on 'All Report Sheet'!$B$1:B where A2 Occurs in 'All Report Sheet'!$C$1:$C, And all instances of the individual text are counted back in to 1 Cell.
I'm currently having getting N/A for an Empty output, i'm not sure what the issue is, my only idea is that the text it is looking for is complicated for example : Client [XCX] Text Name, GB
Is there a better way of doing what i am attempting to do, as the only idea i have now is to RegexReplace all symbols so only plain text is left but i am unsure where to add that in to the formula above.

OLEDB not reading all rows from XLSX under Windows 10 and Microsoft office 2013

I have XLSX file with 243k rows.
Same program gives different result on diffrent computers.
If i open it on Windows 8.1 + Office 2010, program reads all of 243k Rows and all works fine.
Under Windows 10+Office 2013 it reads only first 237k Rows, truncating last 6k rows.
Im using Delphi, with following connection string
ADOConnection1.ConnectionString:='Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\File.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1"';
ADOQuery1.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM Sheet1$'
Problem was with table indexies and i messed up with code a bit.
Query text was taking first table name from table list instead of constant.
ADOQuery1.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM '
However, table indexes are different from version to version.
So selection was from different tables
Windows 8.1+Office2010 table list:
Windows 10+Office2013 table list
But if i open file in Excel, there are only 2 sheets named : "Instruction" and "Catalog".
I dont know where the 237k rows are came from.

Need a google sheets script to sort data by column value

I have a spreadsheet of my department's priorities and initiatives for the year, it has about 10-15 columns. I'd like to create a series of executable buttons to place at the top of the report for easy access to filtering the sheet by certain values. For example, one button may say "show completed items" and when clicked the script would sort the "Status" column show only the rows with completed as the value in that column. The trick here is that I want these filters to run by clicking on the image so they would need to be done in script. I'm a beginning user of scripts so any help would be much appreciated.
In my sheet these are the column headers
Col 1 Pillar
Col 2 Strategy
Col 3 Initiative
Col 4 Priority
Col 5 Quarter Delivered*
Col 6 P&C Owner
Col 7 Partners
Col 8 Current Status
Col 9 Start Date
Col 10 End Date
Col 11 Status Notes
Thank you
The best way is to save your filters. Saved filters are accessible by all viewers.
For steps on how to do this, go to Filter your data, scroll down so you see "Create, name, and save a filter view", then select "Create and save filter view"
After you saved your filter views, you can access them from the drop down menu on the filter button.
Google has some great documentation for their Apps Script, which includes help with writing scripts for Google Sheets. Just go here and click "Build an add-on", and I'm sure SO would be glad to help once you come up with some more specific programming questions.

UltraEdit: How to search only in the first line

I have a DAT file with multiple lines and I want to search only on the first line.
For example, my DAT file contains this text:
I want to search how many fields I have (in this case, there are 4). If I search for þ, the search is executed across all rows and I get 12 for this example.
Select the first line in the file (SHIFT+END if your cursor is at start of file). You can then go to the Find dialog box and you should see an option to only search "Selected text".
Update: I'm using UltraEdit version
