How to improve accuracy of camera extrinsics calibration - opencv

I have a multi-camera system where the field of views are mostly non-overlapping. I have been researching on methods to calibrate the camera extrinsics and the first thing I'm going to try is to take a picture of a chessboard at a known location and use solvePnP from OpenCV to find the extrinsic rotation and translation vectors for each camera separately (following the method described in the answer here).
My problem is, this method uses only one measurement and as every measurement it is prone to errors. I assume that by taking multiple measurements, either by changing the position or the orientation of the chessboard, the accuracy can be improved. But what would be the best way to combine the rotation and translation obtained from the different measurements? A simple average?
In theory I would think that an option could be using solvePnP on all the points at the same time. Since I am calculating extrinsics the camera can't be moved so I would have to change to position and/or orientation of the board for each picture and measure the 3D points positions as accurately as possible each time.
I'm also wondering if using two chessboards in the same picture would be a possible solution, even if OpenCV doesn't seem to support multiple chessboard detection.
Is there a better way to measure extrinsics or anything that I'm missing?


Reconstruct 3D points from two images, given camera movement

I am trying to reconstruct the real-world coordinates of 3D points from two images taken from the same camera. The camera is not calibrated, but the movement (translation and rotation) is known. In short:
No calibration
Extra constraints other than image point correspondences:
Known camera translation and rotation
Same camera used in all views
I understand that, from image point correspondences alone, a scene can be reconstructed only up to a projective transformation. With more constraints, an affine or similarity reconstruction may be done. In my case, I need a similarity reconstruction.
Given the above constraints, is a similarity reconstruction possible? If possible, how should I go about doing it?
I have tried to attack the problem from a few angles. Since I am not mathematically fluent, I try to use opencv as much as possible.
findFundamentalMat() from the two images, hopefully extract the two camera matrices somehow, then triangulatePoints(). As you could have guessed, I got stuck in the middle, unable to obtain camera matrices from fundamental matrix.
The textbook "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" (by Hartley and Zisserman) gives an expression (p.256, Result 9.14) that expresses the camera matrices in terms of fundamental matrix and one of the epipoles. However, without knowing the camera's intrinsic parameters (requirement: no calibration), I don't see how I can get the epipole.
I also try to treat my problem as a stereo system and use opencv's stereo*** functions. But they all seem to require human intervention to calibrate, which violates my requirement.
So, that's why I ask the question here today. The key is still, given those extra constraints, is a similarity reconstruction possible? I am not smart enough to understand the wealth of knowledge out there, and not able to come up with my own solution. Any help is appreciated.

Relative camera pose estimation: obtaining metric translation using noisy estimate

I am currently working on pose estimation of one camera with respect to another using opencv, in a setup where camera1 is fixed and camera2 is free to move. I know the intrinsics of both the cameras. I have the pose estimation module using epipolar geometry and computing essential matrix using the five-point algorithm to figure out the R and t of camera2 with respect to camera1; but I would like to get the metric translation. To help achieve this, I have two GPS modules, one on camera1 and one on camera2. For now, if we assume camera1's GPS is flawless and accurate; camera2's GPS exhibits some XY noise, I would need a way to use the opencv pose estimate on top of this noisy GPS to get the final accurate translation.
Given that info, my question has two parts:
Because the extrinsics between the cameras keep changing, would it be possible to use bundle adjustment to refine my pose?
And can I somehow incorporate my (noisy) GPS measurements in a bundle adjustment framework as an initial estimate, and obtain a more accurate estimate of metric translation as my end result?
1) No, bundle adjustment has another function and you would not be able to work with it anyway because you would have an unknown scale for every pair you use with 5-point. You should instead use a perspective-n-point algorithm after the first pair of images.
2) Yes, it's called sensor fusion and you need to first calibrate (or know) the transformation between your GPS sensor coordinates and your camera coordinates. There is an open source framework you can use.

Estimate pose of moving camera from a stationary camera, both looking at the same scene

Assume I have two independent cameras looking at the same scene (there are features that are visible from both) and that I know the calibration parameters of both the cameras individually (I can also perform stereo calibration at a certain baseline but I don't know if that would be useful). One of the cameras is fixed and stable, the other is noisy in terms of its pose (translation and rotation). As the pose keeps changing over time, is it possible to accurately estimate the pose of the moving camera with respect to the stationary one using image data from both cameras (in opencv)?
I've been doing a little bit of reading, and this is what I've gathered so far:
Find features using SIFT and the point correspondences.
Find the fundamental matrix.
Find essential matrix and perform SVD to obtain the R and t values between the cameras.
Does this approach work on a frame-by-frame basis? And how does the setup help in getting the scale factor? Pointers and suggestions would be very helpful.

Estimating pose of one camera given another with known baseline

I am a beginner when it comes to computer vision so I apologize in advance. Basically, the idea I am trying to code is that given two cameras that can simulate a multiple baseline stereo system; I am trying to estimate the pose of one camera given the other.
Looking at the same scene, I would incorporate some noise in the pose of the second camera, and given the clean image from camera 1, and slightly distorted/skewed image from camera 2, I would like to estimate the pose of camera 2 from this data as well as the known baseline between the cameras. I have been reading up about homography matrices and related implementation in opencv, but I am just trying to get some suggestions about possible approaches. Most of the applications of the homography matrix that I have seen talk about stitching or overlaying images, but here I am looking for a six degrees of freedom attitude of the camera from that.
It'd be great if someone can shed some light on these questions too: Can an approach used for this be extended to more than two cameras? And is it also possible for both the cameras to have some 'noise' in their pose, and yet recover the 6dof attitude at every instant?
Let's clear up your question first. I guess You are looking for the pose of the camera relative to another camera location. This is described by Homography only for pure camera rotations. For General motion that includes translation this is described by rotation and translation matrices. If the fields of view of the cameras overlap the task can be solved with structure from motion which still estimates only 5 dof. This means that translation is estimated up to scale. If there is a chessboard with known dimensions in the cameras' field of view you can easily solve for 6dof by running a PnP algorithm. Of course, cameras should be calibrated first. Finally, in 2008 Marc Pollefeys came up with an idea how to estimate 6 dof from two moving cameras with non-overlapping fields of view without using any chess boards. To give you more detail please tell a bit for the intended appljcation you are looking for.

Camera Calibration in Natural Marker tracking

Is it necessary to calibrate the camera if I were to implement a natural marker tracker?
Actually I don't quite get the idea of camera calibration although I have read that it is required for augmenting 3d/2d objects onto the image feed.
Camera-calibration means finding intrinsic parameters of the camera. It is necessary, of course, if you want to detect natural features sucessfully, and here I explain why.
Then you only have to look for extrinsic parameters. You only have to do calibration once, as the camera is always the same (considering you cannot zoom in/out, change focal length, etc). Without camera calibration you will have many problems for the natural features tracking task, as it is more challenging than fiducials tracking.
In the link I passed you, you will also find how to calculate the pose from a planar marker. It is theoretical, but you can find a lot of code in the web. If you need more help tell me, I can explain in more detail if necessary.
Strictly speaking, you could detect features, do pattern matching to recognize the marker and then track those features without camera calibration. Calibration allows us to determine both intrinsic (e.g. distortion coefficients) and extrinsic (e.g. rotation) camera parameters, which are required when someone is to determine marker boundaries or perform 3D pose estimation.
Is it necessary? No.
Is it useful? You bet. The rule of thumb is ALWAYS, if you can perform camera calibration for your stationary camera, do it.
You can do many things with such information: remove distortion, get distance in some type of metric space, ... Most trackers have an underlying assumption/models, these models are best fit when the data is in a space where the model makes sense. Camera calibration is one easy way to achieve this.
