Retrieve Shifts Unpaid Breaks using Graph API - microsoft-graph-api

When you create a Shift via Microsoft Teams, there is a field for an Unpaid Break in minutes, as shown here:
Shifts UI
When this shift is retrieved via Microsoft Graph API, the Unpaid Break field is nowhere to be found.
"#odata.etag": "\"350013f7-0000-0400-0000-60d4e66a0000\"",
"id": "SHFT_273d6cb6-8a97-4e56-9012-41902a8904d6",
"createdDateTime": "2021-06-24T20:09:14.58Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-06-24T20:09:14.58Z",
"schedulingGroupId": "TAG_28cc22dd-65df-4f3f-86aa-f5fcff11da80",
"userId": "fd4be5ff-ceeb-4f6c-8331-4324573d37f8",
"draftShift": null,
"lastModifiedBy": {
"application": null,
"device": null,
"user": {
"id": "fd4be5ff-ceeb-4f6c-8331-4324573d37f8",
"displayName": "",
"userIdentityType": "aadUser"
"sharedShift": {
"displayName": "Sleep Shift",
"notes": null,
"startDateTime": "2021-06-15T12:00:00Z",
"endDateTime": "2021-06-15T21:00:00Z",
"theme": "blue",
"activities": []
I've tried the /teams/{teamId}/schedule/shifts and /teams/{teamId}/schedule/timesOff endpoints.
How do you retrieve the Unpaid Break value via Microsoft Graph? Is there a different endpoint I should be using?

Currently, there is no way to get 'Unpaid Break field' in response using Graph API. This will only be available in UI.


Graph API - Security eDiscovery API Export Questions

We have an application that uses the Security eDiscovery Graph API URLs to create exports based on a Case/Review Set that already exists within the Microsoft Compliance solution. The solution is correctly exporting to the Storage Account container we select, but we do not have a way to determine which folder in the container the export was sent to. See below for example flow/output.
Create Export call ({CASE_ID}/reviewSets/{REVIEW_SET}/export
Payload sent:
"outputName": "{OUTPUT}",
"description": "",
"exportOptions": "originalFiles",
"exportStructure": "directory",
"azureBlobContainer": "{REDACTED}",
"azureBlobToken": "{REDACTED}"
First Response from URL in Location Header:{CASE_ID})/operations({OPERATION_ID})
"#odata.context": "$metadata#security/cases/ediscoveryCases({CASE_ID})/operations/$entity",
"#odata.type": "",
"createdDateTime": "2023-02-16T15:16:12.2704755Z",
"completedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"percentProgress": 0,
"status": "running",
"action": "contentExport",
"id": "86b2309224dd42ccb79271245ea542b6",
"outputName": "{REDACTED}",
"description": "",
"outputFolderId": null,
"azureBlobContainer": null,
"azureBlobToken": null,
"exportOptions": null,
"exportStructure": "none",
"createdBy": {
"application": null,
"user": {
"id": null,
"displayName": null,
"userPrincipalName": "{REDACTED}"
Response when progress hits 100%
"#odata.context": "$metadata#security/cases/ediscoveryCases({CASE_ID})/operations/$entity",
"#odata.type": "",
"createdDateTime": "2023-02-16T15:16:12.2704755Z",
"completedDateTime": "2023-02-16T15:28:16.438Z",
"percentProgress": 100,
"status": "succeeded",
"action": "contentExport",
"id": "86b2309224dd42ccb79271245ea542b6",
"outputName": "{REDACTED}",
"description": "",
"outputFolderId": null,
"azureBlobContainer": null,
"azureBlobToken": null,
"exportOptions": null,
"exportStructure": "none",
"createdBy": {
"application": null,
"user": {
"id": null,
"displayName": null,
"userPrincipalName": "{REDACTED}"
Notice that several fields from the Operations call ( are set to null including exportOptions, azureBlobContainer, azureBlobToken, and exportOptions. Then exportStructure is set incorrectly to none.
The exported folder looks like below in the Azure Storage account. That GUID is not surfaced anywhere in the API calls we are getting and makes it very difficult to download the exported files programatically. Is this possible currently?

Enumerate DriveItem resources of a specific Drive given SharePoint URL and using Graph API

I have a SharePoint URL of the form
I want to use the Graph API to get a list of all resources in this drive. Reading the API documentation it appears that I require the drive-id of this drive in order to perform this request.
Also, according to the answer to a similar stackoverflow question it appears there are no APIs to convert SharePoint URL to OneDrive driveId. Is there a possible workaround? Is there any way to programmatically get a list of resources from a SharePoint URL?
If your SharePoint URL is, then you can issue a request like this via the Graph API (scope Sites.Read.All might be required):
That request will return something like this:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#drives",
"value": [
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-24T23:35:00Z",
"description": "",
"id": "b!A1234567-ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA9876543210",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-08-12T16:39:23Z",
"name": "Dokumente",
"webUrl": "",
"driveType": "documentLibrary",
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"displayName": "abc"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"id": "12345678-4321-4321-4321-012345678901",
"displayName": "zz"
"owner": {
"group": {
"email": "",
"id": "09876543-1234-1234-1234-012345678901",
"displayName": "Owner of something"
"quota": {
"deleted": 345678,
"remaining": 27487788453406,
"state": "normal",
"total": 27487790694400,
"used": 96120
The id under description is the drive-id. With that you can get /root/children like so:
While there is no single API or algorithm that allows you to programmatically get a list of resources from a SharePoint URL, you can achieve the same with two Graph API requests.

Microsoft Graph API - Odata Filter

I am using Microsoft Graph API to select a list of drives (used the following end point
This returns the following response
"#odata.context": "$metadata#drives",
"value": [
"createdDateTime": "2020-08-04T02:41:25Z",
"description": "",
"id": "b!cMaCrLYg0Eebp_dXxJrwY",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-08-05T11:45:01Z",
"name": "DocLibrary1"
"createdDateTime": "2020-08-04T02:41:25Z",
"description": "",
"id": "b!cMaCu321321jJDASJA",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-08-05T11:45:01Z",
"name": "DocLibrary2"
} ]}
Now how can I change the URL request to only fetch attibutes where name = 'DocLibrary1'?
This seems to be a limitation. I have added this as a request for Microsoft Graph API (as it works with eh other endpoints of the Graph API)
Please go and vote!

Unable to retrieve event details using Microsoft Graph API 1.0

Has anyone got Microsoft Graph API working for EventMessage? i.e reading email content of EventMessage using Graph API.
Looks like it has actionable card and graph API 1.0 is not able to read it.
Provided delegate access to user for a room resource.
On event creation for that room, mail is received by the delegated user in inbox. The mail type is eventMessage ("#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.eventMessage").
On fetching the mail through GraphAPI v1.0, the event values are not visible in the response.
Also on setting the Expand property for the mail in graph API as per docs, results in below error.
{ "error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Parsing Select and Expand failed.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "310bbcce-bdd8-4cb6-890c-035243a5ab6d",
"date": "2020-01-21T09:18:10"
I'm unable to repro your issue. The Microsoft Graph API returns details for event messages. Can you provide repro steps, request/response capture, and the values that you'd expect to see?
I used v1.0/me/messagesto get all of the messages to find an eventMessage. I then perform the following to get details on the eventMessage:
Response body:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users('d09-94-498-a9777d4b')/messages/$entity",
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.eventMessage",
"#odata.etag": "W/\"DAA2pU9s\"",
"id": "AAMkADEzOTExYjJkAAA=",
"createdDateTime": "2020-01-24T14:47:24Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-01-24T21:08:07Z",
"changeKey": "DApU9s",
"categories": [],
"receivedDateTime": "2020-01-24T14:47:25Z",
"sentDateTime": "2020-01-24T14:47:11Z",
"hasAttachments": false,
"internetMessageId": "<>",
"subject": "Accepted: Microsoft Graph DevX Roadmap",
"bodyPreview": "",
"importance": "normal",
"parentFolderId": "AAMk3AAA=",
"conversationId": "AAQkADEzOU4=",
"conversationIndex": "AdXReVPepTg==",
"isDeliveryReceiptRequested": null,
"isReadReceiptRequested": false,
"isRead": true,
"isDraft": false,
"webLink": "",
"inferenceClassification": "focused",
"meetingMessageType": "meetingAccepted",
"body": {
"contentType": "text",
"content": ""
"sender": {
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Nicole",
"address": ""
"from": {
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Nicole",
"address": ""
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Michael Mainer",
"address": ""
"ccRecipients": [],
"bccRecipients": [],
"replyTo": [],
"flag": {
"flagStatus": "notFlagged"

personal onedrive is returning same id for drive and user?

When reviewing some example OneDrive Items using Graph Explorer, it appears that the and the parentReference.driveId are identical. Is MSFT re-using one Id to identify both the user and drive object?
I have been testing my app against a number of OneDrive Business accounts and I do not believe I have seen this scenario. I would like to understand if this is something specific to OneDrive Personal and/or what implications it might have...
I am not sure this will cause any issues, but my understanding was that all "IDs" were generally unique.
Here's a redacted snippet of JSON returned from Graph Explorer to illustrate what I am seeing:
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "https://xxx.yyy",
"createdDateTime": "2018-12-04T19:02:41.173Z",
"eTag": "aQ0IwQjE3NERCRUVGNkU1OCEzMTcxLjk",
"id": "<MY_USER_ID>!3171",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-12-04T19:10:36.83Z",
"name": "blah-2018.docx",
"size": 250538,
"webUrl": "",
"createdBy": {
"application": {
"displayName": "MSOffice15",
"id": "480728c5"
"device": {
"id": "188000899fbcaf"
"user": {
"displayName": "My Name",
"id": "<MY_USER_ID>"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"application": {
"displayName": "MSOffice15",
"id": "480728c5"
"device": {
"id": "188000899fbcaf"
"user": {
"displayName": "My Name",
"id": "<MY_USER_ID>"
"parentReference": {
"driveId": "<MY_USER_ID>",
"driveType": "personal",
"id": "<MY_USER_ID>!109",
"path": "/drive/root:"
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"hashes": {
"sha1Hash": "F0370F54348ED81F421EB036868AEBE5253AF58A"
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2018-12-04T19:02:41.173Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-12-04T19:02:38.633Z"
Note that MY_USER_ID is all uppercase in the prefix of the driveItem.Id. It is all lowercase as my driveId and my userId.
OneDrive Personal isn't reusing the same id, it's using the User's Id as a prefix for Drive and DriveItem ids:
{User Id}!{OneDrive ID}
Since there is a 1:1 relationship between an MSA and it's Drive, there isn't much call for a more complex mechanism. OneDrive for Business, on the other hand, is hosted in SharePoint and, as such, use's SharePoint's identifiers.
