DXL showing output but not reflecting in column - ibm-doors

I am using this script to get inlink modules info the script is working fine but its displaying output only in dxl window I want it also to reflect in a column when added as a attribute dxl can anyone help. Thanks in advance.
Object o = current
string srcModName
for srcModName in each (o<-"*") do print srcModName "\n"

print goes to the DXL window. display is for DXL Layout columns.
In DXL Layout columns there is a predefined variable obj which points to the object which is currently being calculated. This is not the current object, which is the one that the user has clicked on.
Create a DXL Layout column with the following code
string srcModName
for srcModName in each (obj<-"*") do display srcModName "\n"
Edit: code for a DXL attribute would be different. For this you would use obj.attrDXLName = "value"


How to use Split array of a single cell for data validation dropdown?

I am trying to create data validation dropdown from a single cell which has all , separated values and I am splitting them using SPLIT(K4,","). But when I apply the formula drop-down just goes away. Here is how it looks:
And here is where I have applied validation:
It just happens and I can't see any drop-down here. Even validation doesn't work as I type a value from given values, it still identifies it as invalid:
Here it says that it is actually not possible, but otherwise, my data column will grow very big, that's why I wanted to keep it in a single cell.
Method to reproduce: Just make a copy of this sheet and experiment on your own whatever you want it to be like:
It is not possible to do this from the sheets editor, but you could use Google Apps Script to accomplish this:
Open the script editor by selecting Tools > Script editor.
Copy and run this function:
function createDataValidation() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const values = sheet.getRange("A1").getValue().split(","); // Get array with values from A1
const rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(values); // Create DV
sheet.getRange("F8").setDataValidation(rule); // Set DV to F8
Class DataValidationBuilder

Replacing empty string cells with specific value

as you can see I have a database in SPSS and I encountered a problem where one of the columns has empty cells. Now the problem is that the type of data in that column is string. If it was numeric/integer there are tons of videos showing how to do it but none for string cells. I want to fill the empty string cells with the word "null" or "none" but I can't find a way to do it. Help!
You can use the following syntax:
IF V13 = '' V13 = 'Null'.
This syntax translates to something like: "If V13 is blank, make V13 equal to the string value 'Null'.
Just run the below syntax:
IF S="" S="none"
Store in S all your string variables. only V13 and V16 are visible on screen, so my example is built around them. But you can put as many as you need.

Apply 3-color scale to an entire row in Excel 2010.

I have an table in an MS Excel 2010. The table has two columns. The first column is a name of a person (Col A), the second column is the marks that the person secured in an exam (Col B).
I am applying conditional formatting. If I choose the following wizard
Home > Conditional Formatting > Format all cells based on their values
I can color the Col B on a 3-color scale. This is exactly what I want. However, I want it for the entire row and not only the cell in Col B. I want the name also to be formatted in the same color as the marks.
Anyone knows how to do this?
I have already looked around a bit. The following came close to did not solve the particular problem that I am trying to.
Conditional Formatting Rows Based on Date
You're probably going to have to use VBA code for this.
Right click the worksheet label and select 'View Code'
Inside the code window, paste in the following code:
Sub RunMe()
Dim xRng As Range, xCell As Range
With Me
Set xRng = .Range(.Cells(2, 2), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
' Change the first '2' above to reflect the starting row of your data
For Each xCell In xRng
xCell.Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = xCell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
Next xCell
End With
End Sub
Now every time you run the macro (Alt-F8, select macro), column A will be formatted with the conditional formatting assigned to column B.
If you want this process to be automatic, change:
Sub RunMe()
to something like:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
' This will run the macro whenever the worksheet is selected
or you could assign the code to a keyboard shortcut or a command button etc.
If you would like the code to run every time the file is opened, saved closed etc, add the code instead to the ThisWorkbook code window (although you'd have to alter the code slightly as 'Me' is referencing the particular worksheet in which the code is placed).

Invoicing period in Crystal Report

I am new to Crystal Report (version:xi). I have a Crystal Report consisting with a subreport to print the Invoicing Period. What I want to do it print the Invoicing period inside a paragraph in the Main Report. The Subreport has following codes.
Report Header: GetData
Details: #GetData
Report Footer: {#ShowData}
There are two formula fields
(1). GetData
global strPeriodBegin as string
global strPeriodEnd as string
strPeriodBegin= totext(cdate({REPORT_REQUEST_TMP.RRT_DATE}))
end if
strPeriodEnd= totext(cdate({REPORT_REQUEST_TMP.RRT_DATE}))
end if
(2). ShowData
global strPeriodBegin as string
global strPeriodEnd as string
shared sh_strInvoicingPeriodHTML as string
sh_strInvoicingPeriodHTML= "Period : " & strPeriodBegin & " - " & strPeriodEnd
formula = strPeriodBegin & " - " & strPeriodEnd
Can anyone help me to Print this Invoicing Period inside a paragraph in Main Report.
what you can do is create a formula with a shared variable in the main report, then put that formula in the sub-report and store the value that the sub-report is returning in the shared variable that the formula has, then create another formula with that shared variable in the main report and put it in the paragraph. Notice that the formulas in the main report must be in different sections, for instance {#formula1} in the page header and {#formula2} in the report footer.

Reportviewer regular expression check

In my report viewer i have a table displaying data in different columns. I wanted to have a regular expression to check the content in a textbox of a table to see if it is NULL to place a 0 in the textbox. Currently if there is returned data it is displayed and if not then there is empty space which i would like to replace it with a 0
here is what i had for a regular expression for the textbox:
=IIf(Fields!FirstAmount.Value = " ","0",Fields!FirstAmount.Value)
Any ideas or other ways to resolve this issue.
I resolved my issue using the following expression:
=IIF(Fields!FirstAmount.Value Is Nothing, "0", Fields!FirstAmount.Value)
depending if the First Amount field is null or not it will be replaced by 0 if it is empty and if not it will show its data.
