How do I make a script to run another program after a file is created in a specific folder? - monitor

How do I make a script to run another program after a file is created in a specific folder? Could be Windows or Linux. To be specific, I want to use rclone to move file to remote folder right after it is created. The program itself doesnt have built-in monitoring function

Could be Windows or Linux.
Linux: It's easy with inotifywait.
cd "a specific folder"
inotifywait -me close_write --format %f . | while read file
do rclone move "$file" …
Unfortunately this doesn't work with the Ubuntu Linux app from the Windows Store for files on mounted Windows filesystems.


Docker Desktop on Hyper-V - bind mount do not propagate inotify on file copy

I have a Docker Desktop installed on my dev machine, with WSL 2 disabled. I have shared my entire C:/ drive:
Then I have a container that inside has a .net 6 (Core) application that uses the FileSystemWatcher to observe one directory, and when a file is pasted inside to read it.
I red in several articles in the internet that WSL2 do not support notification to propagate from the Windows file system to the underlying Linux distribution that docker is running on, hence there is no way that I can bind the directory that I have to "watch" with the app in the container. So I swithed to the old Hyper-V support of docker.
I run the container with the following command:
docker run `
--name mlc-importer `
-v C:/temp/DZBank:/opt/docker/mlc_importer/dfs/DZBank `
-v C:\temp\appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json `
-v C:\temp\log4net.config:/app/log4net.config `
The container starts and starts "watching" for new files. The strange thing is, that when I cut a file and paste it in the directory, the app in the container registers the new file and reads it, but when I copy the file and paste in in the directory, the app in teh container do not register it and read it.
Can someone help me because I can't find out what the problem might comes from.
Thanks in advance,
I managed to solve mu problem, and I'll post it here if somebody encounters the same problem.
The problem was in teh file itself. This I found out when I started a new container with only debian, and installed inotify-tools, and binded the same path. When I tried to copy the file and paste it in the binded dir the output was:
Three times MODIFY event.
When I tried to cut the file and paste in in the new dir the events were:
So with copy - three times MODIFY, with cut one CREATE and two MODIFY.
Then I inspected the copied file and saw this:
When I checked the checkbox and hit ok, everything is ok. And since in the container app (from the post), I hook to only "File created" callback, it not triggers when the file is only modified.
Hope this helps someone with a similar problem

Can I run scripts from a docker build context without a copy?

I want to build on top of a windows docker container by installing a couple programs. The files total .5 GB and I want to keep the layers as small as possible. I am hoping I can run the setup files from the build-context, and then have the build-context swept away at the end so I don't have a needless copy of the source files for the setup.exe embedded in my container layers. However, I have not found an example where this is the case. Instead I mostly see people run a COPY command to a temporary build folder, run their setup, then remove the folder. Won't those files still be in the container layers because the COPY command creates a new layer when it's done?
I don't know if the container can see the build-context directly. I was hoping for some magical folder filled with the build-context files so I could run a script using it, but haven't found anything.
It seems like the alternative is to create a private file-server and perform a RUN that can download them from that private server and unpack them, run the install, and remove them (all as 1 docker step). I understand this would make it more available to others who need to rerun the build, but I'm not convinced we'll need to rerun it. It's not likely to change as the container will build patches for a legacy application. Just seems like a lot to host files on a private, public-facing server for something that will get called once every couple years if ever.
So are these my two options?
Make a container with needless copies of source files embedded within
Host the files on a private file server and download/install/remove them
Or am I missing another option or point about how the containers work?
It's a long shot as Windows is a tricky thing with file system, but you could do this way:
In your Dockerfile use a COPY command, install then RUN del ... to remove the installation files
Build your image docker build -t my-large-image:latest .
Run your image docker run --name my-large-container my-large-image:latest
Stop the container
Export your container filesystem docker export my-large-container > my-large-container.tar
Import the filesystem to a new image cat my-large-container.tar | docker import - my-small-image
Caveat is you need to run the container once which might not be what you want. And also I haven't tested with windows container, sorry.
I usually do the download or copy in one step, then in the next step I do the silent installation and remove the installer.
# escape=`
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
ADD VS_RemoteTools_x64.exe
RUN Start-Process .\\VS_RemoteTools_x64.exe -ArgumentList #('/install','/quiet','/norestart') -NoNewWindow -Wait; `
Remove-Item -Path C:/VS_RemoteTools_x64.exe -Force;
But otherwise, I don't think you can mount a custom volume while it's being built.
I didn't find a satisfactory answer to this. Docker seems designed for only the modern era and assumes you'll be able to download what you need via scripts and tools hitting APIs and file servers. The easiest option I found that I eventually went with was to host the files on a private file server or service (in my case, AWS S3).
I really wish there was a way to have files hosted by the docker daemon in some way, eg. if it acted like a temporary server that you could get data from via http instead of needing to COPY the files and create a layer. Alas, I found no such feature.
Taking this route made my container about a GB smaller.

Alternative to using --squash when building docker images on Windows using local files

We have some local installers and zip files that we use to build our docker images. It is easy to get this to work in a Dockerfile:
COPY myinstaller.exe .
RUN myinstaller.exe; \
del myinstaller.exe
The problem here is that it produces a layer for the COPY line, which increases the size of the image. A common work-around for this is to have one RUN line, that downloads the file from the Internet, runs commands, and then deletes the installation file. The problem, as written above, is that the installers are on the local filesystem.
I found that there is a --squash command for docker:
docker build --squash -t mytestimage .
This does exactly what I want: It gives me an image without this extra installer file that is not necessary. To run this command, you need to enable experimental features though. There is also an open issue to simply remove this feature:
Is there some alternative way of using local installers in a Dockerfile when running on Windows, that doesn't involve setting up a server to provide the files?
We ended up setting up nginx to provide files when building. On our build server, the machine building our docker images and the server that has the installer files have a very good connection between them, so downloading huge files is not a real problem.
When it comes to --squash, it is bugged for Docker on Windows. Here is the relevant issue for it:
There is an issue to move --squash out of experimental, but it doesn't seem to have a lot of support:
The alternative that some people propose instead of --squash is multi stage build, discussion here:
There is an alternative to --squash, if you have local installer files, you don't want to set up a web server, and you would like your docker image to be small, and you are running Windows: Use mapped drives.
In Windows, you can share folders with other users on your network. Docker containers are like another computer that is running on your physical machine, and it can access these network drives.
First set up a new user, for example username share and password password1. Create a folder somewhere on your computer. Then right click it, click properties, and then go to the Sharing tab and click "Share". Find the user that you have just created, using the little dropdown menu and Find people ..., and share the folder with this user.
Create a folder somewhere for your test project. Create a batch file setupshare.bat that looks like this:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('ipconfig ^| findstr "Default Gateway"') do (
set hostip=%%i
goto :end
set hostip=%hostip: =%
net use O: \\%hostip%\vms /USER:share password1
The first part of this file is only to find the ip address that the docker container can use to access its host computer. It is not the most pretty thing I've ever put together, so let me know if there's a better way!
It uses a for-loop, as that is the way to save the output of a command to a variable in batch files. The command is ipconfig, and we pipe it to findstr and searches for Default Gateway. We need to use ^| instead of just | because it is in a for-loop. The first part of the for-loop divides each line from the command on the delimiter, which is : in this case, and we only take the second token. The for-loop only handles the first line, if there are multiple entries with a Default Gateway. This script doesn't work if there are multiple entries and the first one is not the correct one.
The line set hostip=%hostip: =% is to remove a space at the start of the string.
We then have the IP address that we want to use stored in hostip. We use this in the net use command, which will map O:\ to shared folder vms on the machine with IP hostip. We use the username share and the password password1. Note that this is a very bad way of handling passwords, as they kind of should be secret!
With a batch file like this, we can set up a Dockerfile in this way:
# escape=`
COPY setupshare.bat .
RUN setupshare.bat && `
copy O:\file.txt file.txt
The RUN command will first call setupshare.bat that sets up the network share properly. We can then use any file that we shared, for example a huge installer, and install the things that we want. In this case I have only shared a test file file.txt to see that it works, so just change that line.
I would still advice everyone to just set up a little web server, for example nginx, and use the standard way of writing Dockerfiles, with downloading files and running it in the same RUN command. That's what people expect when they see a Dockerfile, and it should be a more robust solution.
We can also hope that the Docker people either makes a COPY command that can copy, run, and delete installers in the same layer, or that --squash is implemented properly.

Copying an exe and composing it as a docker image and making it platform independent

I need to create a Docker image, which when run, should install an exe in the specified directory that mentioned in my docker file.
Basically, I need ImageMagick application. The docker file created should be platform independent, say if I ran in windows it should use windows distribution, Linux means Linux distribution. It would be great if it adds an environmental variable in the system. I browsed for the solution, but I couldn't find an appropriate solution.
I know it's a bit late but maybe someone (like me) was still searching.
I ended up using a java-imagemagick docker version from
You can run docker pull cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick to get this docker image to your docker machine.
Now comes the tricky part: as I needed to run the imagemagick inside a docker container for my main app. Now you can COPY the files from cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick to your custom container. Example :
COPY --from=cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick:latest . ./some/dir/imagemagick
now you should have the docker file structure for your custom app and also under some/dir/imagemagick/ the file structure for imagemagick. Here are all ImageMagick relative files (also convert, magic, the libraries etc).
Now if you want to use ImageMagick in your Code you need to setup some ENV variables to your docker container with the "new" path to the ImageMagick directory. Example:
IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/bin \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/lib \
MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/etc/ImageMagick-7 \
MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.5/modules-Q16HDRI/coders \
Now delete (in Java Code) ProcessStarter.setGlobalSearchPath(imPath); this part if it is set. So you can use the IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH.
Now the ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd(); and; should be working.
Maybe it's not the best way but worked for me and I was struggling a lot.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to correct or add additional info.
You can install (extract files) to the external hosting system using docker mount or volumes -
however you can not change system setting by updating environment variables of the hosting system from inside of the containers.

Unable to read file from mounted directory in docker

I'm developing a project which accepts image (photos) as a input from user, perform OCR on it using command-line Tesseract-OCR, store result in text file as "input.txt", then perform stopword-removal on this file using java program. All this should be done inside docker container. I have created docker image with Tesseract OCR installed within it. I have working StopWord-Removal Java code.
In my project, I have mounted host-os directory as "/work" directory inside docker image, so that I can get "image (photos)" directly from users home directory as,
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/work -w /work ocr
here "ocr" is my docker image. I have created bash script, which calls Tessract-OCR and then calls StopWordRemoval java code, as
tesseract sample.jpg input
java StopWords
Problem is, output of "tesseract sample.jpg input" is saved as "input.txt", but it is not accessible inside java program, whereas if I try to open other files from given directory using same code it's working.
Is the file "input.txt" written to host mounted directory or to container filesystem? I assume that "input.txt" is successfully written. It will be good if you can try accessing the file "input.txt" outside Java to narrow down the issue.
