I'm struggling with mapping non trivial function to be tail recursive.
take even the simple rosetree
type Tree<'a> =
| Leaf of 'a
| Branch of List<Tree<'a>>
with map
let rec map : ('a -> 'b) -> Tree<'a> -> Tree<'b> =
fun f ->
| Leaf a ->
f a
|> Leaf
| Branch xs ->
|> List.map (map f)
|> Branch
(let alone bind)
making this tail recursive seems quite painful, I've looked at examples in things like FSharpx, but they arent tail recursive.
I have found this
but the leap from the final example based on continuities seems quite bespoke to their example (of max), I can't seem to get my head around it.
is there an example implementation of this pretty canonical example somewhere?
so the simple bit would be something like this
let map2 : ('a -> 'b) -> Tree<'a> -> Tree<'b> =
fun f ta ->
let rec innerMap : Tree<'a> -> (Tree<'b> -> Tree<'b>) -> Tree<'b> =
fun ta cont ->
match ta with
| Leaf a ->
f a |> Leaf |> cont
innerMap ta id
but I'm missing the hard bit with branch
If you use the suggestion from your link the implementation is as follows:
let rec mapB : ('a -> 'b) -> Tree<'a> -> (Tree<'b>-> Tree<'b>) -> Tree<'b> =
fun f ta k ->
match ta with
| Leaf a -> k (Leaf (f a))
| Branch ys ->
let continuations = ys |> List.map (mapB f)
let final (list:List<Tree<'b>>) = k (Branch list)
Continuation.sequence continuations final
As you've noticed the case for the leaf is straightforward: apply F, wrap it back into a Leaf and apply the continuation.
As for the Branch, we generate a number of partial functions that map the children in the branch. We leverage Continuation.sequence which executes these partial functions for us. We then take the result, wrap it in a Branch and apply the (final) continuation.
A basic test:
let t = Branch ([Leaf 3; Leaf 4;Leaf 5;Branch([Leaf 6])])
let t4 = mapB (fun x->x+1) t id
printfn "%A" t4
Branch [Leaf 4; Leaf 5; Leaf 6; Branch [Leaf 7]]
On a side note what are you trying to do? run Montecarlo simulations with thousands of scenarios? I have yet to run into a stack overflow error even with your original implementation.
I'm looking for a standard F# function that takes a sequence of 2-choices and returns a pair of sequences:
let separate (choices : seq<Choice<'T1, 'T2>>) : seq<'T1> * seq<'T2> = ...
A naive implementation is pretty simple:
let separate choices =
let ones =
|> Seq.choose (function
| Choice1Of2 one -> Some one
| _ -> None)
let twos =
|> Seq.choose (function
| Choice2Of2 two -> Some two
| _ -> None)
ones, twos
This works fine, but iterates the sequence twice, which is less than ideal. Is this function defined in one of the semi-standard libraries? I looked around, but couldn't find it. (If it exists, I'm sure it goes by some other name.)
For bonus points, versions that work with 3-choices, 4-choices, and so on, would also be nice, as would versions for List, Array, etc. Thanks.
I can't find builtin implementation but can write my own.
It uses IEnumerator<> based approach, so it will work with any collection type but it's not optimal (e.g. arrays will work slower than could be). Order is reversed (easy to fix with ResizeArray but more code). Also this version is not lazy, but can be easily adapted to work with Choice<'a, 'b, 'c> and others
let splitChoices2 (choices: Choice<'a, 'b> seq) =
let rec inner (it: IEnumerator<_>) acc1 acc2 =
if it.MoveNext() then
match it.Current with
| Choice1Of2 c1 -> inner it (c1 :: acc1) acc2
| Choice2Of2 c2 -> inner it acc1 (c2 :: acc2)
acc1, acc2
inner (choices.GetEnumerator()) [] []
let choices = [
Choice1Of2 11
Choice2Of2 "12"
Choice1Of2 21
Choice2Of2 "22"
choices |> splitChoices2 |> printfn "%A"
Update: ResizeArray based approach without reversed order and potentially less expensive enumeration
let splitChoices2 (choices: Choice<'a, 'b> seq) =
let acc1 = ResizeArray()
let acc2 = ResizeArray()
for el in choices do
match el with
| Choice1Of2 c1 -> acc1.Add c1
| Choice2Of2 c2 -> acc2.Add c2
acc1, acc2
This is sort of inspired by TraverseA but has come out quite different. Here is a single pass solution (UPDATE: however while the core algorithm might be single pass from List to List, but getting it to match your type signature, and ordering the result the same way makes it 3*O(n), it depends how important the ordering and type signature are to you)
let choices = seq {Choice1Of2(1) ; Choice2Of2(2) ; Choice2Of2(3) ; Choice1Of2(4)}
let seperate' choices =
let rec traverse2ChoicesA tupleSeq choices =
match choices with
| [] -> fst tupleSeq |> List.rev |>Seq.ofList , snd tupleSeq |> List.rev |> Seq.ofList
| (Choice1Of2 f)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (f::fst tupleSeq, snd tupleSeq) tl
| (Choice2Of2 s)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (fst tupleSeq, s::snd tupleSeq) tl
traverse2ChoicesA ([],[]) <| List.ofSeq choices
seperate' choices;;
val seperate' : choices:seq<Choice<'a,'b>> -> seq<'a> * seq<'b>
val it : seq<int> * seq<int> = ([1; 4], [2; 3])
Update: To be clear, if ordering and List instead of Seq are ok then this is a single pass:
let choices = [Choice1Of2(1) ; Choice2Of2(2) ; Choice2Of2(3) ; Choice1Of2(4)]
let seperate' choices =
let rec traverse2ChoicesA (tupleSeq) choices =
match choices with
| [] -> tupleSeq
| (Choice1Of2 f)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (f :: fst tupleSeq, snd tupleSeq) tl
| (Choice2Of2 s)::tl -> traverse2ChoicesA (fst tupleSeq, s:: snd tupleSeq) tl
traverse2ChoicesA ([],[]) choices
seperate' choices;;
val choices : Choice<int,int> list =
[Choice1Of2 1; Choice2Of2 2; Choice2Of2 3; Choice1Of2 4]
val seperate' : choices:Choice<'a,'b> list -> 'a list * 'b list
val it : int list * int list = ([4; 1], [3; 2])
You might find something more general, performant and with appropriate type signature in the FSharpPlus "semi-standard" library using TraverseA?
Please, I need some help with creating an insert function for a tree. The value in a given string list should be inserted to every branch and leaf in a tree. I have tried to solve this issue and have a very close answer but I am not able to write the function correctly to insert all the string values.
type Tree = Leaf of string | Branch of (string * Tree) list
let rec insertTree (lst : string list) (tree : Tree) : Tree =
match lst, tree with
| a::b::c::[], y ->
match y with
| Leaf(n) -> Branch[(a, Branch[(n, Leaf(c))])]
| Branch[(x, p)] -> Branch[(x, Branch[(a, Branch[(b, insertTree (c::[]) p)])])]
| _ -> insertTree (b::c::[]) y
| _ , y -> tree
Test: insertTree ["4"; "5";"6"] (Branch [("1", (Branch[("2", Leaf("3"))]))])
Gives: Branch [("1", Branch [("4", Branch [("5", Branch [("2", Leaf "3")])])])]
I want this instead:
(Branch [("1", (Branch[("2", (Branch[("3",(Branch[("4",(Branch[("5", Leaf("6"))]))]))]))]))])
I'm going to assume you just want to append the list in order to the final leaf and that all branches will have at most a single element in its list.
let insertTree (lst : string list) (tree : Tree) : Tree =
let rec insertSingleIntotree x t =
match t with
| Leaf(n) -> Branch[(n,Leaf x)]
| Branch[(n,p)] -> Branch[(n, insertSingleIntotree x p)]
| _ -> failwith "no idea what should happen here!"
|> List.fold (fun acc x -> insertSingleIntotree x acc) tree
I recently started to learn F#, I have learnt about the fslab for data science, however I cannot seem to find any function similar to the PolynomialFeatures from Scikit-Learn (http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures.html)
A simple example for this function is
f [x;y] 2 -> [1;x;y;x**2;x*y;y**2]
I wonder if anyone has written a general function like PolynomialFeatures for F#, thanks.
I guess not many people use F# nowsaday, I figured out the answer by looking at the PolynomialFeatures source code in scikit-learn (https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/master/sklearn/preprocessing/data.py).
However, F# does not have the "combinations_w_r" (or any equivalent) as in Python, I then looked at the Rosettacode (http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Combinations_with_repetitions) and luckily their OCAML code is exactly same as F#, I combined them all to the following code
let PolyFeature ndgree (x:float list) =
let rec combsWithRep xxs k =
match k, xxs with
| 0, _ -> [[]]
| _, [] -> []
| k, x::xs ->
List.map (fun ys -> x::ys) (combsWithRep xxs (k-1))
# combsWithRep xs k
let rec genCombtill n xlen =
match n with
| 0 -> List.empty
| n -> (genCombtill (n-1) xlen) # combsWithRep [0..(xlen-1)] n
let rec mulList list1 =
match list1 with
| head :: tail -> head * (mulList tail)
| [] -> 1.0
let mul2List (b:float list) (a:int list) = [for i in a -> b.[i]] |> mulList
1.0 :: ((genCombtill ndgree x.Length) |> List.map (mul2List x))
> PolyFeature 2 [2.0;3.0];;
val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 6.0; 9.0]
The code works as expected, however I believe my code is not optimized and probably will be slow with large list and high order of polynomial.
It is powerful technique using recursion because its strong describable feature. Tail recursion provides more powerful computation than normal recursion because it changes recursion into iteration. Continuation-Passing Style (CPS) can change lots of loop codes into tail recursion. Continuation Monad provides recursion syntax but in essence it is tail recursion, which is iteration. It is supposed to reasonable use Continuation Monad for 100000 factorial. Here is the code.
type ContinuationBuilder() =
member b.Bind(x, f) = fun k -> x (fun x -> f x k)
member b.Return x = fun k -> k x
member b.ReturnFrom x = x
type ContinuationBuilder =
new : unit -> ContinuationBuilder
member Bind : x:(('d -> 'e) -> 'f) * f:('d -> 'g -> 'e) -> ('g -> 'f)
member Return : x:'b -> (('b -> 'c) -> 'c)
member ReturnFrom : x:'a -> 'a
let cont = ContinuationBuilder()
//val cont : ContinuationBuilder
let fac n =
let rec loop n =
cont {
match n with
| n when n = 0I -> return 1I
| _ -> let! x = fun f -> f n
let! y = loop (n - 1I)
return x * y
loop n (fun x -> x)
let x2 = fac 100000I
There is wrong message: "Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException."
What is wrong with 100000 factorial using ContinuationMonad?
You need to compile the project in Release mode or check the "Generate tail calls" option in project properties (or use --tailcalls+ if you're running the compiler via command line).
By default, tail call optimization is not enabled in Debug mode. The reason is that, if tail-calls are enabled, you will not see as useful information about stack traces. So, disabling them by default gives you more pleasant debugging experience (even in Debug mode, the compiler optimizes tail-recursive functions that call themselves, which handles most situations).
You probably need to add this memeber to your monad builder:
member this.Delay(mk) = fun c -> mk () c
I've been working with FParsec lately and I found that the lack of generic parsers is a major stopping point for me. My goal for this little library is simplicity as well as support for generic input. Can you think of any additions that would improve this or is anything particularly bad?
open LazyList
type State<'a, 'b> (input:LazyList<'a>, data:'b) =
member this.Input = input
member this.Data = data
type Result<'a, 'b, 'c> =
| Success of 'c * State<'a, 'b>
| Failure of string * State<'a, 'b>
type Parser<'a,'b, 'c> = State<'a, 'b> -> Result<'a, 'b, 'c>
let (>>=) left right state =
match left state with
| Success (result, state) -> (right result) state
| Failure (message, _) -> Result<'a, 'b, 'd>.Failure (message, state)
let (<|>) left right state =
match left state with
| Success (_, _) as result -> result
| Failure (_, _) -> right state
let (|>>) parser transform state =
match parser state with
| Success (result, state) -> Success (transform result, state)
| Failure (message, _) -> Failure (message, state)
let (<?>) parser errorMessage state =
match parser state with
| Success (_, _) as result -> result
| Failure (_, _) -> Failure (errorMessage, state)
type ParseMonad() =
member this.Bind (f, g) = f >>= g
member this.Return x s = Success(x, s)
member this.Zero () s = Failure("", s)
member this.Delay (f:unit -> Parser<_,_,_>) = f()
let parse = ParseMonad()
Surprisingly it didn't take too much code to implement what you describe. It is a bit sloppy but seems to work quite well.
let (>>=) left right state =
seq {
for res in left state do
match res with
| Success(v, s) ->
let v =
right v s
|> List.tryFind (
fun res ->
match res with
| Success (_, _) -> true
| _ -> false
match v with
| Some v -> yield v
| None -> ()
} |> Seq.toList
let (<|>) left right state =
left state # right state
Backtracking Part 2
Switched around the code to use lazy lists and tail-call optimized recursion.
let (>>=) left right state =
let rec readRight lst =
match lst with
| Cons (x, xs) ->
match x with
| Success (r, s) as q -> LazyList.ofList [q]
| Failure (m, s) -> readRight xs
| Nil -> LazyList.empty<Result<'a, 'b, 'd>>
let rec readLeft lst =
match lst with
| Cons (x, xs) ->
match x with
| Success (r, s) ->
match readRight (right r s) with
| Cons (x, xs) ->
match x with
| Success (r, s) as q -> LazyList.ofList [q]
| Failure (m, s) -> readRight xs
| Nil -> readLeft xs
| Failure (m, s) -> readLeft xs
| Nil -> LazyList.empty<Result<'a, 'b, 'd>>
readLeft (left state)
let (<|>) (left:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (right:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) state =
LazyList.delayed (fun () -> left state)
|> LazyList.append
<| LazyList.delayed (fun () -> right state)
I think that one important design decision that you'll need to make is whether you want to support backtracking in your parsers or not (I don't remember much about parsing theory, but this probably specifies the types of languages that your parser can handle).
Backtracking. In your implementation, a parser can either fail (the Failure case) or produce exactly one result (the Success case). An alternative option is to generate zero or more results (for example, represent results as seq<'c>). Sorry if this is something you already considered :-), but anyway...
The difference is that your parser always follows the first possible option. For example, if you write something like the following:
let! s1 = (str "ab" <|> str "a")
let! s2 = str "bcd"
Using your implementation, this will fail for input "abcd". It will choose the first branch of the <|> operator, which will then process first two characters and the next parser in the sequence will fail. An implementation based on sequences would be able to backtrack and follow the second path in <|> and parse the input.
Combine. Another idea that occurs to me is that you could also add Combine member to your parser computation builder. This is a bit subtle (because you need to understand how computation expressions are translated), but it can be sometimes useful. If you add:
member x.Combine(a, b) = a <|> b
member x.ReturnFrom(p) = p
You can then write recursive parsers nicely:
let rec many p acc =
parser { let! r = p // Parse 'p' at least once
return! many p (r::acc) // Try parsing 'p' multiple times
return r::acc |> List.rev } // If fails, return the result