Importing a project into Visual Studio - visual-studio-2019

I have a WinForms project with certain NuGet package dependencies that don't seem to be recognized even after using the NuGet restore option. I've received this project from a colleague and am trying to set it up so I can compile and work on it on my own machine.
Things I've tried:
Uninstalling and reinstalling Accord and OpenTK to no avail.
Adding references in the reference manager to everything that is giving me a warning and also listed in the reference manager (not all things issuing a warning are listed there). This resulted in additional warnings...
Updating the reference path to include the bin\debug directory of my project.
NuGet restore command in the package manager console. I had seen this references in a previous post while searching for solutions, but I guess these commands don't work on my installation?
Deleting the entire project and unzipping it again and praying it just works.

I had the same issue when I moved project files from a folder inside of the solution. Some reference file paths were still pointing to the old location and I went thgouth all the steps you did without solution.
The way I solved the issue is to manually edit (open in a text editor outside of VS2019) the paths in .sln and .csproj files. If you see any broken or wrong paths, do a search in files (I use grep) on the entire project directory.
Your colleague could have had paths specific to his environment left over in the project. I've seen this before numerous times.
Also, does your nuget console work with other projects?
This or this might help.


I get a Can't load package error although the BPL is there

This issue is driving me crazy. I'm trying to compile and install The QR Designer from QuickReports 6. I have an issue just with the one package. When I right the package in the IDE > Install the IDE gives me:
Can't load package C:\xe10_3\QRDesign\Win32\Debug\dclqrd_DXE10_3.bpl.
The specified module could not be found.
But the exact file is there.
I've also tried installing it via the menu under Components > Install Packages and then choosing the BPL from there, with the same issue.
I've tried to use Process Monitor as on this post here to find the issue:
Delphi Can't load package the specified module cannot be found
I couldn't fix the issue, but what I did pick up from Process Monitor was that some process was looking for the package here:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\21.0\Package Cache\dclqrd_DXE10_3.bpl
That key didn't exists. I tried manually creating the key, but that didn't do a thing.
Any ideas?
Here is the list of packages:
As you can see, dclqrd_DXE10_3 is dependant on two others. Which I already built and installed. I removed its references and re-added them again now, to make sure the references are sound. I guess its like Remy said, the Specified module not found is probably not referring to dclqrd_DXE10_3 although I don't know what other module it could be referring to.
To install a package successfully in IDE, follow the steps:
Open the dpk/dproj/groupproj file in IDE
Build the package(s) for Windows 32-bit platform.
IDE itself is a 32-bit applicaton, so it should match.
Normally, it will build all dependent/required packages
Check if all chain of BPL & DCP files are generated in package Output directory.
It defaults to $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Bpl & Dcp folders, but can be changed individually for each Package in Settings.
PBL packages are like DLL files. In order to load them, it requires all dependent BPLs.
If you have custom package output paths:
Check if your DCP output path is included in Tools\Options\Language\Delphi\Library Library Path for Windows 32-bit platform
Check if no duplicates of outdated compiled packages in default $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Bpl & Dcp directories
Add the paths to library source pas files in Tools\Options\Language\Delphi\Library Browsing path or Library path
In some specific cases, if the package requires some extra dll-s like DB Client libraries, check if these dlls are 32-bit and are loadable, like included in %path% environement variable.
Note, some libraries offers package installer tools, that automagically do all mentioned things for you.
Also, there are universal package installer tools for quick working environement setup in one click.
I don't know why this fixed my issue, but it did.
The output directories for the bpl and dcp was set to be $(Platform)\$(Config)
The project files for the different packages exists in the same folder so the above config was supposed to be the debug folder or the release folder. Why only this package was thrown off I still don't know, but since changing the above packages to have a fixed path suddenly I could now install dclqrd_DXE10_3.bpl.
Thank you all for helping.

How to make TFS include bin and debug folders by default

I recently started working on a project that is using .Net Core & React. Our shop is using TFS for a version control and this is where I encountered a problem.
When React project is created it uses NPM that loads up a bunch of files in "node_modules" folder as dependencies. Some of these modules have "bin" and "debug" folders in them, but TFS naturally ignores them causing compilation issues for other developers.
Is there a way to add something like "!\ClientApp\node_modules*" to ".tfignore" file to eliminate this behavior on certain paths?
Remove all folders generated by package managers from source control entirely. Restoring packages should be part of your build process, both on your desktop and during CI.

Umbraco: How do I include the generated files after install?

I have installed Umbraco via nuget to empty project. I then ran the project so the installation started.
After installation ran there was lots of generated files so I have included them in project so that I can use source control.
I then ran project again and got the error:
Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json'
There is the dll file for this in bin folder and also a reference.
I think this might be because the "packages" folder created by nuget installation is not included in project. I do not know how to include this.
Does anyone know what I should do?
It turns out problem was in the Newtonsoft.Json file in nuget package. I downloaded latest dll from codeplex and it fixed the problem.

visual studio 2012 ,tfs project loading failed

My admin of the TFS rename the project name and when i get the latest version all other projects are loaded to my local visual studio but the project which have been renamed is not loading . I tried to delete the solution from the local mapped path and then got again latest version but still the problem is same and its give me a message that the Project file .csproj has been moved ,rename or not in you computer. I also tried to delete the .SUO file and get specific and latest version restart visual studio added the existing project to solution . I spent many days to resolve the issue but I am not able to do so , can any one help me in this Problem ,
Check the solution file when it comes our of TFS. I have had an issue similar to this, and I could see the correct files comin out of TFS into my local workspace, but the minute I loaded it it VS, all of the old code came back.
Eventually I discovered the solution file still referenced my old code, which caused it to be loaded in from the TFS profile.
See if the admin physically renamed the files in TFS but didnt change the details in the soluton and project files.

Visual Studio - could no resolve this reference

I created an ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio 2012 on my laptop, did a bit of work on it without issues, then checked it into source control. I've checked it out on my main desktop machine (a completely fresh Git clone), and it won't compile stating that various references are missing (one of which being entityframework.dll). Looking back on my laptop, those DLLs are in my project's "bin" folder (which I didn't add to source control for obvious reasons). On my laptop, if I rename my bin folder, then I get the same compile errors. Am I incorrect in not committing certain DLL files that are in my bin folder? Surely those DLLs should be copied into the bin directory at compile time?
The desktop probably can't find the folder to copy from.
You should add the references using NuGet (if you aren't already) and include the packages folder in source control. (or enable package restore)
You should look as to where the library references are stored in your project file. If the project is referencing copies in your bin directory then you have your project setup incorrectly.
You should maintain a libraries directory in your source control tree that id checked in like any other dependency.
The bin directory should be output only.
