can't open source file "sys/reent.h" (dependency of freertos/FreeRTOS.h) - iot

I'm using visual studio code version(1.59.1) for ESP-IDF version (4.3).I have added in c_cpp_properties.json file all paths in includepath but I still have the same all error gone except this one:
(can't open source file "sys/reent.h" (dependency of freertos/FreeRTOS.h)).
In visual studio terminal it gives me error when I try to use ( command)
'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, and sometimes it give me python can't open the file where the script exist.

First open esp-idf terminal then execute " build" or other idf commands.
Once build success "sys/reent.h" error will gone


Command Not Found for Addon in G1ANT Studio

So I was able to create an addon using the Selenium drivers and packages. However, even after successful loading of the addon in the Studio, when I try to run my command, I am getting an error mentioning that the command was not found.
Here's the error Image:
The command is clearly showing in the addon information window, however when I try running it I'm getting this error.
When you write the name of your command in visual studio, try to write it in small letters.

Delphi 10 dcc32 command line error "file not found: myApp.res"

I build my app and i copied the commandline from the output window to one batch file.
it looks like :
"c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\17.0\bin\cgrc.exe" -c65001 myApp.vrc -fomyApp.res
"c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\17.0\bin\dcc32.exe" -$J+ -$D0 -$L- -$C- -$Y-................
It executes well except the mentioned error.
I noticed that the myApp.res that the IDE creates, the commandline execution deletes it.
What's wrong ?
PS. the same error occurs even i erase the first line (...\cgrc.exe ...)

javafx native package error invoking method

I'm developing a desktop application using javafx v8.0.60. I have created an exe package with ant in netbeans 8. When I run exe file in my computer, it is installed and run without any problem.
On the other hand, when I try to install and run it on some other computer, at the end of installation, window dialog pops up:
"Error invoking method"
I click Ok. Another window pop up saying:
"Failed to launch jvm"
Davood, greetings! I had this same problem and I, like you, found no help anywhere.
I submit to you a solution, which miraculously worked for me and helped me make sense of those blasted "Error invoking method." and "Failed to launch JVM" dialogs:
Find your .jar file
It has the same name as your Project and it's in your application's installation directory under AppData\Local\{ApplicationTitle}\app (shortcut: type %appdata% into explorer); if your project was named HelloWorld, there you will find HelloWorld.jar
Navigate to it's directory in command prompt
shift+Right Click any blank spot in the Explorer window and choose "Open command window here" (that's a fancy trick I recently learned; alternatively you would cd to the same directory using the command prompt)
Run your .jar via the command line
type java -jar "HelloWorld.jar" and hit Enter
Tadah! Behold your hidden exceptions (the existence of which "Error invoking method." so vaguely tries to communicate to you). *
If your problem is similar to mine it stems from a file structure difference between the project out folder and the installation directory, and that's why the program compiles just fine in the editor and builds just fine—there isn't a problem until it's built out, and the file structure is a little different.
*If you didn't get anything when you ran it via the command line, look for any errors that could be happening during that initialize() method; that's where your problem likely is. You can expose any exceptions during runtime by using a Popup Exception Dialog like shown in a similar problem, here.

Msbuild error: failed to start monitoring file changes

when i run Msbuild web.csproj i get the following error:
AfterBuild target> -> C:..\web\obj\debug\csautoparameterize\original\web.config
: error ASPconfig: an error occurred
loading a configuration file:
Directory C:..\web\obj\debug\csautoparameterize\original\Configs'
does not exist. Fail to start
monitoring file changes.
if i open visual studio (2010)..clean solution and rebuild, its fine. if i try to do publish via visual studio, this error returns and i cant build again (until i clean solution).
any ideas?
Is that a network drive? I was getting a similar error when I had my SVN working copy on a network drive, apparently the folder monitoring service for the test server completely freaks out when it's not a physical drive.

SharpDevelop: "Could not find fsi.exe" even when f# is installed

I installed a copy of f# on my machine (on a secondary drive), and when i try to start the F# interactive prompt, it says it could not find fsi.exe. Do i need to copy some files somewhere or something?
You could try to look here:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\F#\<fsharp_version>\Framework\<dotnet_version>\Fsi.exe"
With the VS 15.8 update it appears to have been moved. I found it in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\FSharp\fsi.exe
Could you be more specific with your repro steps? I assume you are using the latest, May 2009 CTP? Also, when you say 'start the F# Interactive prompt' are you talking about launching it from the start menu?
On most machines it will be exactly:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\FSharp-\bin\fsi.exe"
If you did something non-standard it could just be a bug in the installer. E.g., did you override the Program Files folder for your F# installation by passing in a command line parameter to msiexec?
Do a quick search for fsi.exe on your machine (the console F# interactive window) and point your shortcut there.
