Cannot connect to Jenkins - jenkins

I installed Jenkins on my windows server and it works when accessing it from localhost:8080.
When I try to access it from outside the server like serveripaddress:8080 it's not accessible.
There is a inbound rule in firewall to named Jenkins for port 8080 for java.
running netstat:
Any idea what can I do in order to be able to access it from outside the server?
Browsing to localhost:8080/manage there is an alert:
It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken.

It's a bit unclear in your question whether you had set up a firewall rule on your local computer or the server.
Make sure you have opened inbound port 8080 on TCP on your servers firewall.
To make sure the firewall is not the issue, you could test by turning off the firewall completley, assuming the server is not exposed to the web.


How can I access my local development server over the internet?

I have Wamp 3.1.7 running on a Windows 10 machine. The goal is to have the projects on this server accessible via the internet.
The server is available and working as expected over LAN when accessed with the LAN IP, e.g.
The server runs behind my router, which has its web interface running on port 80, so when I access my public IP, traffic on port 80 goes to the router login page.
Steps taken to try and solve the issue:
change the port my server is listening to from 80 to 8080. (this is working, both locally and over LAN, accessed with
Add inbound rules on windows firewall for port 8080, set to allow all.
Add port forwarding on the router settings (forward incoming traffic on port 8080 to local IP as per
Using PFPortChecker, it says that port 8080 on public_ip is open and able to send data.
I remain unable to access my server. When I go to public_ip:8080, I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.
As stated above, going to public_ip just displays the router login page.
So as far as I can tell: port 8080 is open, my server is accessible over LAN on port 8080.
What am I missing? Where else could my traffic be blocked?
Stupid mistake on my side.
Answer found here: Public IP Web Page "Connection Timed Out" When Connected To
The issue was that you cannot access the server with the public_ip if connected the LAN the server is running on.

Install Jenkins on windows server and access it using VM's external ip [google-compute-engine]

I have created a VM instance with windows OS (windows-server-2019-dc-v20200211) in Google cloud.Established RDP connection and installed Jenkins on the VM, but how can I access it from other networks using the VM's external ip?
Could someone help me on this!!
Note: I want to install Jenkins in windows server and not on Linux.
I'll suggest you should check the following:
First, make sure your local firewall on windows server is enabled and allows connections on port 8080. Secondly, Network ACL for both incoming traffic on TCP 8080 and outcoming traffic on TCP port 8080 should be allowed.
Also check some of these stackoverflow use cases for more help: [1] [2] [3] Jenkins server is not accessible by host name (ip address)

How do I set up confluent docker to be accessed externally, based on confluent docker quickstart

the following is based on this quickstart guide here:
In there they demonstrate various kafka/confluent components in their own docker containers, each started with the
flag and accessed via
No matter what I do, I am unable to access this from outside the ubuntu server itself, neither via ip nor domain, which they state should work e.g. for the control center.
But on the same host, my ubuntu box, everything works fine.
Any idea what the issue could be here? Stuck on this for hours already
Is the problem that you can't access the port (ie telnet not possible) or that you can't make the server works (ie no request are answered by the server)?
There is the -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://localhost:29092 \, this is the address kafka broker communicates to client for communication (and except on localhost, this obviously won't work...) after initial connexion. You can replace localhost with the ip of your server, it should work properly.
To be more specific, there is listeners config (default and advertised.listeners (default PLAINTEXT://locahost:9092)
The client initialize connexion on (bootstrap-server or broker-list) via the listener binding. Once this initial connexion is done, the broker will return all advertised.listeners from all brokers in cluster, and this is what is used for later exchanges)
From github repo, confluent assign to listener the value of advertised listener, changing the host to (so it will be accessible from remote sure)
You can't set to advertised.listeners though, it must be a unique reachable interface
Answering myself now, a stupidly simple firewall / docker thing:
careful when using UFW (firewall) and docker
I used a simple nodeJS hello world example on port 3000 and was able to connect to it from the outside as long as I used default/bridge networking and published the port (-p 3000:3000).
Using the host network I was not able to connect at all.
In both cases the firewall (UFW on ubuntu) did not explicitly allow port 3000 so Docker must be doing some hidden magic here of rewriting iptables without UFW noticing to allow bridged and published ports to go through.
=> solved by explicitly opening kafka ports in UFW

What is my web service ports to be allowed in the firewall?

Due to a virus in the system, one of our clients have made access to internet restricted in their server. We use two web services data on this server (both use a SOAP API).
The client company is asking me for the ports on the firewall they should leave open so we could be able to use those web services only. I'm not good at networks. So how can I get those information?
I need the port or any address from my two services so that they let them pass through the firewall.
I'm not sure I understand the question, but most web services receive connections on one of:
80 (http)
443 (https)
8080 (http)
Most firewalls client should be configured to allow outbound connections to these.
Server firewall MUST be configured to allow inbound connections on one of these (or some other pre-arranged non-standard port).
To work out what ports your existing web server is actually using:
how to investigate ports opened by a certain process in linux?
Its most likely, 80, 443, or 8080.

Port 8082 not available

I installed a Jenkins server on port 8080.
Then I installed GitBlit, which usually takes port 8080 too, so that I changed to port 8082.
On the machine I can call localhost:8082, but from remote is not available.
Jenkins response works on
I opened the port on the hardware firewall. Still no response.
The last thing I could image is the Windows firewall, but even after opening the port for TCP for in and out its not working?
Or where do you think the problem is?
If you are using Gitblit GO, the default config for Gitblit GO will bind to localhost and will be unreachable from another machine. Check out server.httpBindInterface and server.httpsBindInterface.
Perhaps you need to do any port forwarding on your hardware firewall?
If you suspect Windows, you can add your program/service to the exception list in you Win Firewall settings. You can make this by going to:
START->Control Panel->Windows Firewall->Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
and modify Inbound and Outbound rules.
