Video as attachment in email - microsoft-graph-api

I use graph api to send emails to users. Is it possible to add video as attachment to email ? I converted .mp4 to binary string, set contentType to video/mp4, id to new Guid.
I created a request to send email, got correct response, but I don't recieve email (emails without videos works fine).
Documentation is not really helpful.

If the file size is between 3MB and 150MB, create an upload session, and iteratively use PUT to upload ranges of bytes of the file until you have uploaded the entire file. A header in the final successful PUT response includes a URL with the attachment ID.
There is a one limitation. An app with delegated permissions returns HTTP 403 Forbidden when attempting to attach large files to an Outlook message that is in a shared or delegated mailbox. With delegated permissions, createUploadSession succeeds only if the message is in the signed-in user's mailbox.
Atttach large file


Uploading a large attachment using Microsoft Graph

I am trying to upload a large (> 4mb) attachment to an existing message in Office 365. I am following these instructions:
I have successfully created the upload session, and obtained a uploadUrl value that looks legitimate, it roughly matches the example in the documentation. Then I start my PUT to this url, for the first byte range that I've selected. I'm sure I'm setting the Content-Type, Content-Length and Contact-Range headers correctly. My problem is that I get http 401 (Unauthorized) in response. The error header returned is "The audience claim value is invalid for current resource..." and it regurgitates my url and it looks intact.
My theory is that I need to add another API permission to my application. I already have mail read.write, and that allows me to create a < 4mb attachment. If I need another permission, which one? Or do I have some other problem?
According to this documentation page on Resumable Uploads, you'll need any of Files.ReadWrite, Files.ReadWrite.All or Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions for a Delegated Work account.
If you're using an Application token, then you need Sites.ReadWrite.All permission.
What were the permissions you were missing that you had to add out of interest? Was the docs clear from our perspective? I can see the Resumable file upload permissions is specific to SharePoint and can use "Files.ReadWrite, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All".
For mail message you'd need Mail.ReadWrite as per this doc for large file upload
I've created a feedback item on the doc to get this updated.

MS Graph put on uploadUrl created from createUploadSession results in a 404

When doing a resumable upload to a file that was shared the url returned from createUploadSession can not be used.
Uploading directly with /content works but has a limit of 4MB
Scenario UserA shares a file with edit permissions to UserB
Using the ms graph javascript sdk
const { uploadUrl } = await this.client.api(`/drives/${driveId}/items/${id}/createUploadSession`).post({});
trying to use uploadUrl results in a 404 {"error":{"code":"itemNotFound","message":"The resource could not be found."}}
Interestingly the uploadUrl looks something like this
Not sure if its related to UserA being embedded in the url or not.
If UserA accesses the same file and does a similar upload everything works fine on the file.
All of the following requests work fine for either User:
await this.client.api(`/drives/${driveId}/items/${id}/checkout`).post({});
await this.client.api(`/drives/${driveId}/items/${id}/content`).putStream(fs.createReadStream(filePath));
await this.client.api(`/drives/${driveId}/items/${id}/checkin`).post({});
uploadUrl returned from createUploadSession should be valid for any user that had access to create an upload session.
You cannot upload/replace files shared from another user's OneDrive. Creating an upload session creates a temporary file in the Drive for writing each chunk. Since User B doesn't have read/write access to User A's OneDrive, they cannot create that temporary file (thus the 404 - Not Found).

Graph API - Unable to Use Valid Access Token to Upload file

I am unable to upload a file using a valid access token (the token allows me to list groups, drive items etc.). The error that appears is:
invalidRequest: One of the provided arguments is not acceptable.
Using the following PUT request:{my group id}/drive/items/{my item(folder) id}:/test.txt:/content
using content type: text/plain
I tested this exact same request using the graph explorer and my office 365 user account and the upload worked, so I though it might be an app permissions thing, however this did not work even after granting absolutely every permission to the app and regenerating the access tokem.
Please help as I would rather use an access token than my user account to perform the uploads.
Just add a worked endpoint on my side:
Request body: The contents of the file goes here.
The content type of request header does not need to be configured.
You need to check your folder path too.
I managed to resolve by creating a new app definition in Azure AD with the same permissions and it worked! Perhaps there was some corruption in my original Azure application - maybe the manifest was corrupt (due to a bug)?

Upload file using slackbot as Direct message

I am created slack bot, is there is any possible way send reply message as file? (I need to sent some file as reply message based on input). I tried using api file.upload it make the file as private not able access using url, but if i am upload to channel using sampe api, file is public, is there any way to send direct message as file by bot)
Yes. You can share a file directly and privately with a user by sharing it in a direct message channel with the user.
Just put the {user-id} of the user you want to share the file with in the channels parameter of the files.upload API method and you are all set.
Your slack app will need the files:write:user scope. This also works with bots.
Example for user with ID U12345678:
curl -F content="Hello" -F channels=U12345678 -F token=xoxp-your-token-here

Slack image url asks for login

I have integrated slack in my custom application using the API provided by Slack.
I am able to fetch the post from Slack and able to display it in my application. I am able to fetch the image that was uploaded with the post (Few days back) but today when I added a post with the image. The image is not being displayed in the application, when I am trying to access the image URL in the browser it is asking for Authentication.
I am accessing the slack rest API to fetch the post from slack. from the response I am taking the "thumb_64" parameter from the "file" object.
I am able to access the below image URL, this image was uploaded on 2016-01-11
But I am not able to access the below mentioned URL ,this image is uploaded on 2016-02-16
Thanks & Regards,
Have you seen the update where #slackapi announced about accessing files using the Web API?
Essentially, you now need to provide authentication to access file assets, by specifying an HTTP Authorization header with an OAuth token that has the correct scopes to access that kind of data for a team.
For example, you'd send a header like this with your GET request:
The File type documentation goes into further detail.
