Not able to retrieve the spreadsheet id from workspace add-on - google-workspace-add-ons

I'm developing a workspace add-on with alternate runtime; I configured the add-on to work with spreadsheets and I need to retrieve the spreadsheet id when the user opens the add-on. For test purposes I created a cloud function that contains the business logic.
My deployment.json file is the following:
"oauthScopes": ["", ""],
"addOns": {
"common": {
"name": "My Spreadsheet Add-on",
"logoUrl": ""
"sheets": {
"homepageTrigger": {
"runFunction": "cloudFunctionUrl"
However, the request I receive seems to be empty and without the id of the spreadsheet in which I am, while I was expecting to have the spreadsheet id as per documentation
Is there anything else I need to configure?
The relevant code is quite easy, I'm just printing the request:
exports.getSpreadsheetId = function addonsHomePage (req, res) { console.log('called', req.method); console.log('body', req.body); res.send(createAction()); };
the information showed in the log is:
sheets: {}
Thank you
UPDATE It's a known issue of the engineering team, here you can find the ticket

The information around Workspace Add-ons is pretty new and the documentation is pretty sparse.
In case anyone else comes across this issue ... I solved it in python using CloudRun by creating a button that checks for for the object then if there is no object it requests access to the sheet in question.
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def test_addon_homepage():
req_body = request.get_json()
sheet_info = req_body.get('sheets')
card = {
"action": {
"navigations": [
"pushCard": {
"sections": [
"widgets": [
"textParagraph": {
"text": f"Hello {sheet_info.get('title','Auth Needed')}!"
if not sheet_info:
card = create_file_auth_button(card)
return card
def create_file_auth_button(self, card):
card['action']['navigations'][0]['pushCard']['fixedFooter'] = {
'primaryButton': {
'text': 'Authorize file access',
'onClick': {
'action': {
'function': ''
return card
#app.route('/authorize_sheet', methods=['POST'])
def authorize_sheet():
payload = {
'renderActions': {
'hostAppAction': {
'editorAction': {
'requestFileScopeForActiveDocument': {}
return payload


How to get Sender IP using Microsoft Graph API?

I have been trying to get Sender IP from the response provided by the following :-
The response which I get has multiple Receiver tags as shown below :-
How do I get the actual origin Sender IP of the Mail using Graph API?
Is there any other way of getting the Sender IP using Graph API apart from the method mentioned above?
The Graph API response looks something similar to the following and the Authentication-Results gives me the relevant origin Sender IP -
"value":"spf=pass (sender ip is <some-ip>)...,"
Now, all you need is a regex to extract -
Get the value present in Authentication-Results
Use the Regex - \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} to extract IP, use the first occurence of the match with regex.

Combining Multiple Falcor Data Sources into Single Model

Modified the question to explain better:
I have two Falcor models from two different HttpDataSource, like below:
First model (User model):
const user_model = new falcor.Model(
source: new HttpDataSource('http://localhost:3000/api/userManagement')
user_model.get(['user', 'list'])
"jsonGraph": {
"user": {
"list": {
"$type": "atom",
"value": {
"users": [...]
Second model (Role model):
const role_model = new falcor.Model(
source: new HttpDataSource('http://localhost:3000/api/roleManagement')
role_model.get(['role', 'list'])
"jsonGraph": {
"role": {
"list": {
"$type": "atom",
"value": {
"roles": [...]
Is there a way to combine all these Falcor models into a single model?
The purpose is, if I try to do user_model.get(['user', 'list']) more than once it would get the data from Falcor-Model-Cache (after the first fetch from DB).
But if I try to do role_model.get(['user', 'list']), then I have to hit the DB again to get the data (inorder to store the same User list in role_model cache).
So instead if there is a way like below:
all_model = user_model + role_model
then I can do all_model.get(['user', 'list']) (or) all_model.get(['role', 'list']). So basically I would have only one combined Falcor-Model-Cache at the browser end.
Hope the question is more clear now.
You must use forkJoin
//in res[0] you have the response of model1.source
//in res[1] you have the response of model2.source
let data={...res[0],...res[1]}
//in data you have all the properties

Listing All JIRA Transitions via API

I'm looking to set up smart commits in JIRA, but my developers want to know all the options for their transitions. In order to help them, I'd like to print a cheat-sheet of all transition names (I trust they are smart enough to figure out what does what from there).
But when I look through the REST API documentation, I can only find a way to get the list of transitions for a particular issue (presumably via its status). Is there a way to get the list of all transitions that any ticket can take at any point in its workflow?
You can list the transitions of a given ticket via this endpoint:
For a more in depth explanation take a look here:
Does the JIRA REST API require submitting a transition ID when transitioning an issue?
You can get all transitions for project with /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/statuses endpoint. Here is response example, look at "statuses" array:
"self": "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/issueType/3",
"id": "3",
"name": "Task",
"subtask": false,
"statuses": [
"self": "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/status/10000",
"description": "The issue is currently being worked on.",
"iconUrl": "http://localhost:8090/jira/images/icons/progress.gif",
"name": "In Progress",
"id": "10000"
"self": "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/status/5",
"description": "The issue is closed.",
"iconUrl": "http://localhost:8090/jira/images/icons/closed.gif",
"name": "Closed",
"id": "5"
But it doesn't give you exactly list of transitions that any issue can take at any time, and I'm not sure that such method exist in API.
public void changeStatus(IssueRestClient iRestClient,
List<Statuses> JiraStatuses, String key) {
String status = "To Do";
for (Statuses statuses : vOneToJiraStatuses) {
if (1 == statuses.compareTo(status)) {
try {
String _transition = statuses.getTransition();
Issue issue = iRestClient.getIssue(key).get();
Transition transition = getTransition(iRestClient, issue,
if (!(isBlankOrNull(transition))) {
if (!(issue.getStatus().getName()
transition(transition, issue, null, iRestClient,
} catch (Exception e) {, e);
List is a pojo implementation where statuses and transitions defined in xml are injected through setter/constructor.
private void transition(Transition transition, Issue issue,
FieldInput fieldInput, IssueRestClient issueRestClient,
String status) throws Exception {
if (isBlankOrNull(fieldInput)) {
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transitionInput).claim();"Status Updated for : " + issue.getKey());
} else {
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transitionInput).claim();"Status Updated for : " + issue.getKey());
public Transition getTransition(IssueRestClient issueRestClient,
Issue issue, String _transition) {
Promise<Iterable<Transition>> ptransitions = issueRestClient
Iterable<Transition> transitions = ptransitions.claim();
for (Transition transition : transitions) {
if (transition.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(_transition)) {
return transition;
return null;
In Short using Transition API of JIRA we can fetch all the transitions to set statuses

What am I doing wrong in this QBO v3 Reports API query?

When I use the following query, I get a good response (with only the first 5 days of May, so apparently the default is not 'This Fiscal Year-to-date' as the documentation suggests, but I digress):
When I add parameters, I get an oauth exception. For example:'2013-01-01'&end_date='2014-05-06'
Gives me this:
"Fault": {
"Error": [
"Message": "message=Exception authenticating OAuth; errorCode=003200; statusCode=401",
"code": "3200"
"requestId": "[redacted]",
"time": "[redacted]"
This gives me the same result:'This Fiscal Year'
So does this:'Accrual'
I figure I'm missing something small. I'm not changing any of the headers or any of the other request details...just the url.
I tried without the single quotes around the dates and other params too.
What am I breaking?
Are you including the data to the right of the ? in the URL in the "base" string and are you sorting it with the other parameters?
I've tried this report using java devkit.
It worked fine for me. PFB details.
Request URI -
My test company file is empty.. That's why got the following JSON response.
JAVA code
void testCustomerSalesReport(Context context) {
Config.setProperty(Config.SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE_FORMAT, "json");
ReportService service = new ReportService(context);
Report report = null;
try {
report = service.executeReport(ReportName.CUSTOMERSALES.toString());
} catch (FMSException e) {
API Doc Ref -
Hope it will be useful.

Grails - ElasticSearch - QueryParsingException[[index] No query registered for [query]]; with elasticSearchHelper; JSON via curl works fine though

I have been working on a Grails project, clubbed with ElasticSearch ( v 20.6 ), with a custom build of elasticsearch-grails-plugin(to support geo_point indexing : v.20.6)
have been trying to do a filtered Search, while using script_fields (to calculate distance). Following is Closure & the generated JSON from the GXContentBuilder :
records ='dfs_query_and_fetch'){
query {
filtered = {
query = {
query_string(query: queryTxt)
match_all {}
filter = {
geo_distance = {
distance = "${userDistance}km"
lat = latlon[0]?:0.00
lon = latlon[1]?:0.00
script_fields = {
distance = {
script = "doc['location'].arcDistanceInKm($latlon)"
fields = ["_source"]
GXContentBuilder generated query JSON :
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "5km",
"location": {
"lat": "37.752258",
"lon": "-121.949886"
"script_fields": {
"distance": {
"script": "doc['location'].arcDistanceInKm(37.752258, -121.949886)"
"fields": ["_source"]
The JSON query, using curl-way, works perfectly fine. But when I try to execute it from Groovy Code, I mean with this (taken from ElasticSearchService.groovy) where request is SearchRequest instance :
elasticSearchHelper.withElasticSearch { Client client ->
def response =
It throws following error :
Failed to execute phase [dfs], total failure; shardFailures {[1][index][3]: SearchParseException[[index][3]: from[0],size[60]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{"from":0,"size":60,"query_binary":"eyJxdWVyeSI6eyJmaWx0ZXJlZCI6eyJxdWVyeSI6eyJtYXRjaF9hbGwiOnt9fSwiZmlsdGVyIjp7Imdlb19kaXN0YW5jZSI6eyJkaXN0YW5jZSI6IjVrbSIsImNvbXBhbnkuYWRkcmVzcy5sb2NhdGlvbiI6eyJsYXQiOiIzNy43NTIyNTgiLCJsb24iOiItMTIxLjk0OTg4NiJ9fX19fSwic2NyaXB0X2ZpZWxkcyI6eyJkaXN0YW5jZSI6eyJzY3JpcHQiOiJkb2NbJ2NvbXBhbnkuYWRkcmVzcy5sb2NhdGlvbiddLmFyY0Rpc3RhbmNlSW5LbSgzNy43NTIyNTgsIC0xMjEuOTQ5ODg2KSJ9fSwiZmllbGRzIjpbIl9zb3VyY2UiXX0=","explain":true}]]]; nested: QueryParsingException[[index] No query registered for [query]]; }
The above Closure works if I only use filtered = { ... } script_fields = { ... } but it doesn't return the calculated distance.
Anyone had any similar problem ?
Thanks in advance :)
It's possible that I might have been dim to point out the obvious here :P
