Rails Api Save MiniMagick Image to Active Storage - ruby-on-rails

I'm using MiniMagick to resize my image. My method looks something like that:
def resize
mini_img = MiniMagick::Image.new(img.tempfile.path)
mini_img.combine_options do |c|
c.resize '50x50^'
c.gravity 'center'
c.extent '50x50'
Resize works, but the problem is when I try save mini_img to Active Storage, because I get error Could not find or build blob: expected attachable, got #<MiniMagick::Image. Can I somehow convert MiniMagick::Image (mini_img) to normal image and save it into Active Storage?

Yes, you can. Currently you are trying to save an instance of MiniMagick::Image to ActiveStorage, and that's why you receive that error. Instead you should attach the :io directly to ActiveStorage.
Using your example, if you wanted to attach mini_img to a hypothetical User, that's how you would do it:
User.first.attach io: StringIO.open(mini_img.to_blob), filename: "filename.extension"
In this example I am calling to_blob on mini_img, which is an instance of MiniMagick::Image, and passing it as argument to StringIO#open. Make sure to include the :filename option when attaching to ActiveStorage this way.
Since you already have the content_type when using MiniMagick you might want to provide it to ActiveStorage directly.
metadata = mini_img.data
User.first.attach io: StringIO.open(mini_img.to_blob), filename: metadata["baseName"], content_type: metadata["mimeType"], identify: false

For someone who will have a similar problem. I just changed method to:
def resize
MiniMagick::Image.new(img.tempfile.path).combine_options do |c|
c.resize '50x50^'
c.gravity 'center'
c.extent '50x50'
In this solution, MiniMagick only resized the photo and did nothing else with it, so I didn't have to convert it again.


Carrierwave: convert an uploaded PNG to JPG by replacing the original version (or: having versions with a different file format than original file)

I have the following model:
class ScreenshotUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
storage :file
convert :jpg
version :thumb do
process resize_to_fill: [50, 50]
def extension_whitelist
%w(jpg jpeg gif png)
version :print do
process border: ['black']
process quality: 80
The upload of the image happens via pasting an image from the clipboard via https://github.com/layerssss/paste.js and is saved as a base64 encoded string into a <textarea>, then uploaded using the https://github.com/y9v/carrierwave-base64 gem:
class Finding < ApplicationRecord
mount_base64_uploader :screenshot, ScreenshotUploader
In the HTML form, it looks like this:
After uploading, the result is the following files:
screenshot.png it's a PNG, not a JPG!
But I need the original file to be also converted to JPG, as I need to save disk space. How can I achieve this?
You can do it like it written on the carrier wave documentation
Just replace system("mogrify -resize '1200\>' #{file.file}") with system("mogrify -format jpg #{file.file}") and then remove original file.
Adding to Vasiliy's answer, I came up with the following:
after :store, :convert_original_to_jpg
def convert_original_to_jpg(new_file)
if version_name.nil?
system("mogrify -format jpg -quality 80 #{file.file}")
system("unlink #{file.file}") # Remove the old PNG file
model.update_column mounted_as, "#{mounted_as}.jpg" # The filename in the DB also needs to be manually set to .jpg!
While this works for creating the file, it does not when updating the file, as the new_file parameter then is nil, and thus all images are removed.
I think this is some quirk that has to do with the carrierwave-base64 gem, and I don't have any motivation to dig into this any further. So the proposed solution might not be too useful, but for the sake of documentation I wanted to post it here.
In my special case, I decided to let go of the idea of saving disk space by converting PNG to JPG. Instead, I simply set process quality: 80 to save at least some space on the versions.
For the original PNG (which is saved in lossless state by carrierwave-base64 gem), I simply use the following code to shrink its quality:
after :store, :optimise_images
def optimise_images(new_file)
return if Rails.env.test? # Optimising consumes quite some time, so let's disable it for tests
if version_name.nil?
image_optim = ImageOptim.new pngout: false,
svgo: false,
pngcrush: false,
optipng: false,
pngquant: {allow_lossy: true}, # Everything disabled except pngquant, to keep the performance at a good level
advpng: false

Is there a way to convert binary data into a data type that will allow ActiveStorage to attach it as an image to my User model

I am hitting an api to get an image that they have stored and use it as the profile pic for our application's users. I'm using Ruby on Rails and ActiveStorage with AWS to attach and store the image. What they send back is this:
{"status"=>"shared", "values"=>[{"$objectType"=>"BinaryData", "data"=>"/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAASABIAAD/4QBMRXhpZgAAT.....KK5tT/9k=", "mime_type"=>"image/jpeg", "metadata"=>{"cropped"=>false}}]}
I tried a lot of different ways to attach it and manipulate the data such as just attaching it as it is, Base64.decode64, Base64.encode64. I also tried creating a new file and then attaching that. Here are some examples:
data = Base64.decode64(Base64.encode64(response[:selfie_image]["values"][0]["data"]))
io: StringIO.new(open(data).read),
filename: "#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}_#{user.id}.jpg",
content_type: "image/jpeg"
data = Base64.decode64(Base64.encode64(response[:selfie_image]["values"][0]["data"]))
out_file = File.new("#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}_# . {user.id}.jpg", "w")
io: StringIO.new(open(out_file).read),
filename: "#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}_#{user.id}.jpg",
content_type: "image/jpeg"
I also tried:
It keeps either saying attachment is nil or depending on how I manipulate the data it will say not a jpeg file content header type wrong and throw that as an image magick error.
How can I manipulate this data to be able to attach it as an image for our users with ActiveStorage?
To get this to work I had to add gem "mini_magick" to my gemfile and then use it to decode the image data I was receiving from the api call and then turn it into a blob so that ActiveStorage could handle it.
data = response[:selfie_image]["values"][0]["data"]
decoded_data = Base64.decode64(data)
image = MiniMagick::Image.read(decoded_data)
io: StringIO.new(image.to_blob),
filename: "#{user.id}_#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}.png",
content_type: "image/jpeg"
In command line ImageMagick you can use the inline: feature to decode base64 data into a gif or jpg. The base64 image here has transparency, it is most proper to save to gif or png.
convert 'inline:data:image/gif;base64,
' b64_noseguy.gif
But you can still save it to jpg. The transparency will be lost and the background will be black.
convert 'inline:data:image/jpeg;base64,
' b64_noseguy.jpg
See https://imagemagick.org/Usage/files/#inline
Sorry, I do not know the equivalent in RMagick

How to save a copy of image after using variant option in ActiveStorage.

I am facing this issue with ActiveStorage where I need to process an image, my requirement is to save the processed image and attach it to a new model after crop and other transformations.
ActiveStorage::Blob#variant accommodates a different use case, so deal with ActiveStorage::Variation directly. The following assumes latest Rails master rather than Rails 5.2:
variation = ActiveStorage::Variation.new(resize_to_fit: [100, 100], crop: true)
message.header_image.open do |input|
variation.transform(input, format: "png") do |output|
message.cropped_header_image.attach \
io: output,
filename: "#{message.header_image.filename.base}.png",
content_type: "image/png"
#George has a great answer, still I would mention mine,which should work with rails 5.2 as per my understanding of your question,
Create a temporary file, and fetch the file first, if it is in your cloud storage, if not then you don't need this part, just get the path using blob in that case.
path = Rails.root.join('tmp', ModelVariable.main_image.blob.filename.to_s).to_s
File.open(path, 'wb') do |file|
Do your customization
customize_image = MiniMagick::Image.open(path)
Attach it to the different model you wanted to
file = File.open(customize_image.path)
filename = Time.zone.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ModelVariable.main_image.blob.filename.to_s
NewModelVaribale.customized_image.attach(io: file, filename: filename)
Save it
Hope this works for you :)
I would like to add this to Faizaan's answer
If you are storing locally use
path = ActiveStorage::Blob.service.send(:path_for, ModelVariable.main_image.blob.key)

Process `auto_orient` with Cloudinary upload

I had a regular file upload that I now changed to using Cloudinary.
Upon upload I did the following to prevent orientation glitches when uploading images from a mobile device (See exif image rotation issue using carrierwave and rmagick to upload to s3 for details):
process :rotate
process :store_dimensions
def rotate
manipulate! do |image|
def store_dimensions
# This does not work with cloudinary #18
if file && model
model.width, model.height = ::MiniMagick::Image.open(file.file)[:dimensions]
Neither rotation nor storing the dimensions work, since I switched to cloudinary.
Now Cloudinary has an official tutuorial that shows how to do this but it simply does not work and other people seem to have the same issue and neither of the provided options worked for me:
I was able to get it working using a variation of the first option:
after_save :update_dimensions
def update_dimensions
if self.image != nil && self.image.metadata.present?
width = self.image.metadata["width"]
height = self.image.metadata["height"]
self.update_column(:width, width)
self.update_column(:height, height)
Important: since we're inside a after_save callback here it's crucial to use update_column so that we don't trigger another callback and end up in an infinite loop.
Fix for the provided solution:
self.image.present? returned false but self.image != nil returend true.

How come files uploaded to S3 via URL have no extension?

I've got picture uploads working with s3 on heroku no problem.
I also have a method that enables users to upload from a web-address.
Unfortunately, it seems as though when pictures are uploaded using this method they are saved without their file extension.
So I get this sort of link for image urls...
If the same image had been uploaded locally it would look like this:
In my pic model this is the code I'm using to allow uploads via web addresses:
def download_remote_image
self.image = open(URI.parse(self.pic_url))
errors.add_to_base("- something is wrong with the image url.")
return false
return true
Any ideas?
Change with this:
def download_remote_image
io = open(URI.parse(pic_url))
def io.original_filename; base_uri.path.split('/').last; end
io.original_filename.blank? ? nil : io
Careful, recent versions of Paperclip throw errors when encountering a io object instead of File, not sure if they fixed that.
since you are using paperclip the picture url should be generated with paperclip such as:
