Ruby array reject elements based on condition - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to reject array items based on multiple conditions.
The code is as follows
def fetch_items
items= line_items.reject(&driving?)
if new_order_history_enabled?
items = items.reject{ |li| li.expenses == 0 }
def driving?
proc { |line_item|, segment).drive? }
Is there a one liner or a more cleaner way to write this?
Something like
items= line_items.reject { |li| li.driving? && ( new_order_history_enabled? && li.expenses == 0)}

items= line_items.reject { |li| li.driving? || (new_order_history_enabled? && li.expenses == 0)}
Since you want both to apply here, I think you should use || instead of &&
That way, you are actually doing what you describe in your method. (and you only iterate once over the array, which is cool :) )
Although, and this is stylistic preference. I would prefer to do:
items = line_items.reject do |li|
li.driving? ||
(new_order_history_enabled? && li.expenses == 0)
since it might be clearer at a glance what we are doing

Personally I don't think a one-liner is always cleaner, especially when it's a long one-liner. The style that (to me) is cleaner, is to write:
def fetch_items
items= line_items.reject(&:driving?)
items= items.reject(&:zero_expenses?) if new_order_history_enabled?
def driving?
proc { |line_item|, segment).drive? }
# in the LineItem class, define the zero_expenses? method:
def zero_expenses?


Simplifying method

I have this method which works fine but I'm thinking that it may be improved, either for readability and/or efficience.
def default_something
something =
Legal::Something.find_for_A_in_placea('xx', claim.blabla.identifier) ||
Legal::Something.find_for_B_in_placeb('xx', claim.eligible.first.bleble.indivcode) ||
Legal::Something.find_for_B_in_placeb('xx', claim.eligible.last.blublu.indivcode) ||
Legal::Something.find_by(id: DEFAULT_SOMETHING_ID)
'name' =>,
'day' => something.meta_data[:day],
'hour' => something.meta_data[:hour],
I can "beautify it" by creating some more methods like:
def default_something
something = def A || def B || (etc)
def A
Legal::Something.find_for_A_in_placea('xx', claim.blabla.identifier)
def B
Legal::Something.find_for_B_in_placeb('xx', claim.eligible.first.bleble.indivcode) ||
Legal::Something.find_for_B_in_placeb('xx', claim.eligible.last.blublu.indivcode)
In addition I should say:
find_for_B part only retrieves a value when claim.eligible.first.bleble.indivcode || claim.eligible.last.blublu.indivcode = 'ASL'
Is the "beautified" version the way to go?
And/or should I add an if statement regarding
Legal::Something.find_for_B_in_placeb('xx', claim.eligible.first.bleble.indivcode) ||
Legal::Something.find_for_B_in_placeb('xx', claim.eligible.last.blublu.indivcode)
to improve efficiency and readability, stating it happens only when "indivcode" = "ASL"?
What else can I do?

Sort membership tiers by names on index page

So I have a drivers (user table) which has a relationship with the subscriptions table. There are 3 different tiers available: Gold, Silver and a Free tier. What i want to do is group and order by tiers, so I'd have the golds together, silvers together etc in descending order.
What i have now in my controller:
class DriversController < ApplicationController
def index
order_subs = Driver.order_by_subs.all
def gold_drivers { |driver| driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx' || driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'}
def silver_drivers { |driver| driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx' || driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'}
def free_drivers { |driver| driver.subscriptions == 'null' || driver.subscriptions == ''}
#pagy, #drivers = pagy(
'(profiles.no_races + profiles.no_poles + profiles.no_podiums + profiles.no_wins) AS score'
).reorder(gold_drivers, silver_drivers, free_drivers, score),
page: params[:page],
items: 16
So my thoughts were I could select the records under a variable i.e gold_drivers and then add them as I would in the reorder section in the #pagy pagination section .reorder(gold_drivers, silver_drivers, free_drivers, score) At the moment when i run the page I get the error undefined method stripe_plan' for nil:NilClass` so i'm guessing it can't find the column. If it's a free user, they won't have a record in the subscription table. Thanks
EDIT: driver model
scope :is_gold, -> { where("drivers.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'") || where("drivers.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'") }
scope :is_silver, -> { where("drivers.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'") || where("drivers.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'") }
scope :is_null, -> { where("drivers.subscriptions.stripe_plan == ''") || where("drivers.subscriptions.stripe_plan" == null) }
scope :order_by_subs, -> { reorder(:is_gold, :is_silver, :is_null) }
I have to be honest your code is incredibly confusing. It looks like you can order by subs, but I guess you can't, I'm not sure what is working and what isn't looking at your code. I see what you are doing from our previous conversation and this is off. Like I said in my comment, I would focus on understanding the basics here before you dive into some of this stuff. I'm going to fix your method and explain along the way so it hopefully makes some more sense and either works, or shows you a path to getting it to work.
class DriversController < ApplicationController
def index
# because there is no # on this it is a local variable, it will not be available in the view. Wondering also why you didn't just use this for the select below. Also, if you can already order by subs why would you even need to select them, wasn't that the reason for selecting them like this in the first place?
order_subs = Driver.order_by_subs.all
# it is my understanding you want these in the view so we add the # symbol which makes it an instance variable and you access those variables in the view now
#gold_drivers = { |driver| driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx' || driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'}
#silver_drivers = { |driver| driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx' || driver.subscriptions.stripe_plan == 'price_xxx'}
#free_drivers = { |driver| driver.subscriptions == 'null' || driver.subscriptions == ''}
# Not sure where your local variable 'score' is coming from, do you need to set that first?
#pagy, #drivers = pagy(
'(profiles.no_races + profiles.no_poles + profiles.no_podiums + profiles.no_wins) AS score'
).reorder(#gold_drivers, #silver_drivers, #free_drivers, score),
page: params[:page],
items: 16
O.k so now you are setting the drivers values as instance variables which can be accessed in your view.

less than or greater than query in RoR

Is there a way to generate a less than or greater than query in rails like the between range query. I have multiple query params and hence I do not want to use string literal for comparison.
if params["end_time"]
if params["start_time"]
params["end_time"] = params["end_time"].to_datetime
query[:created_at] = ((params["start_time"])..params["end_time"])
query[:created_at] = #Need help with this
def with_duration
if(params['start_time'] && params['end_time'])
{created_at: params['start_time']..params['end_time']}
return ["created_at > ?", "#{params['start_time']}"]
return ["created_at < ?", "#{params['end_time']}"]
return {}
As I understood you need to do nothing if params empty. So you can try this implementation.
def query_method(scope)
return scope unless params["end_time"] && params["start_time"]
scope.where.not(created_at: (params["start_time"]..params["end_time"]))

Filter an array with many parameters "like an SQL query"

I need to filter objects in array.
It works with one parameters
#usersc = { |user| user.need_appartment? }
but i would like use more parameters than in SQL/ActiveRecord :
(need_bedrooms_min >= :nb_bedrooms_min) AND (budget_amount BETWEEN :budget_min AND :budget_max) AND ((need_surface_min BETWEEN :surface_min AND :surface_max) OR (need_surface_max BETWEEN :surface_min AND :surface_max))"+req,{nb_bedrooms_min: params[:nb_bedrooms_min], budget_min: params[:budget_min], budget_max: params[:budget_max],surface_min: params[:surface_min], surface_max: params[:surface_max]}).paginate(:page => params[:page])
I dont find the solution... Anyone can help me ?
select does exactly what you need with as many parameters as you might want: do |user|
user.need_bedrooms_min >= params[:nb_bedrooms_min].to_i &&
(params[:budget_min].to_i..params[:budget_max].to_i).include? user.budget_amount &&
((params[:surface_min].to_i..params[:surface_max].to_i).include? user.need_surface_min ||
(params[:surface_min].to_i..params[:surface_max].to_i).include? user.need_surface_max)
Or, more cleanly:
class User
def needs_apartment?(params)
budget_min, budget_max, surface_min, surface_max, nb_bedrooms_min =
%w{budget_min budget_max surface_min surface_max nb_bedrooms_min}.map{|k| params[k.to_sym].to_i}
budget_range = budget_min..budget_max
surface_range = surface_min..surface_max
need_bedrooms_min >= nb_bedrooms_min &&
budget_range.include? budget_amount &&
(surface_range.include?(need_surface_min) || surface_range.include?(need_surface_max))
end{|user| user.needs_apartment?(params)}

get models name and count

I have this in models_name:
model_names = Object.constants.collect { |sym| Object.const_get(sym) }.select { |constant| constant.class == Class && constant.include?(Mongoid::Document) }.collect { |klass| }
the result is:
I need something like:
I need show in a chart all models and object counter inside each model is working with morris.js
You can see the example:,live
Thank you very much!
that last one:
collect { |klass| }
rewrite it as
collect { |klass| [, klass.count] }
this should return an array of arrays of 2 elements (classname and count). If the variable to which this is assigned is called a, just do this:
now you have a hash at your disposal. Now you can do this:
Hash[a].map do |k, v|
{k => v}
and now you have an array of hashes of only one key-value assoc each. Which I think it is what you want.
module Foo
class Bar
include Foo
1.upto(5) { }
model_names = Object.constants.collect { |sym| Object.const_get(sym) }.
select { |constant| constant.class == Class && constant.include?(Foo) }.
inject({}) do |m,klass|
m.update => ObjectSpace.each_object(klass).to_a.size
p model_names
Will work only on MRI based rubies, so no jRuby nor Runbinius.
Here is a live demo
