Multiline command-line editing in Gforth console - forth

I have just started learning the Forth programming language.
I'm using Gforth on Ubuntu. In Gforth interactive console, I want to do indentation but it requires changing line. Enter key didn't work, it executed code. For comparison, for example, when one tests JavaScript code in web browser console, shift+enter change line without executing code. I want something like that. What key should I press? Is there a way other than using text editors like vim?

Gforth doesn't support multiline editing (see the manual).
A workaround is to edit a file in your favorite editor in another window and reload this file in Gforth console as:
include /tmp/scratch.fs
An external file can be also edited in Gforth console via a command like:
"vim /tmp/scratch.fs" system
So a one-liner for that is:
"vim /tmp/scratch.fs" system "/tmp/scratch.fs" included
That can be wrapped into a definition as:
: scratch "vim /tmp/scratch.fs" system "/tmp/scratch.fs" included ;
So the word scratch will open an editor and than load the edited file.
NB: if you use a quite old build of Gforth, you have to use s" ccc" instead of "ccc" for string literals.
To conditionally include/exclude some parts in a file the words [defined] and [if] can be used; to erase the previous instance of the loaded definitions the word marker can be used as:
[defined] _clear [if] _clear [then]
marker _clear
\ some definitions
\ ...
Take into account that usual control-flow words can be used in definitions only.


SciTE can not find user defined function. The editor executes "/bin/sh" for some reason

So, this is my first attempt to make my source code editing more comfortable. I follow the SciTE scripting guide.
ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteDefaultHome)/startup.lua*= Programmer's Manual (selected text)
command.subsystem.1.*= 3
Above is the user properties file. It binds F1 key to user defined Lua function.
The problem is, that insteed of starting the function, man_select in my case, the SciTE editor output gives me
/bin/sh: man_select: not found
>Exit code: 127
So, the editor runs a shell with my function name as a argument. I can't find no SciTE logs, or console, to see what the cause is.
I define man_select as a simple Lua function, without arguments:
function man_select()
local sel = editor:GetSelText()
What should I do to make my own Lua functions visible to SciTE editor? Is there a way to ask SciTE for more information on its scripting system flow?

Running spss syntax file on multiple data files automatically

I have a spss syntax file that I need to run on multiple files each in a different directory with the same name as the file, and I am trying to too do this automatically. So far I have tried doing it with syntax code and am trying to avoid doing python is spss, but all I have been able to get is the code bellow which does not work.
VECTOR v = key.
LOOP #i = 1 to 41.
*Do stuff to the opened file
key is the only column in a file that contains all the names of the files.
I am having trouble debugging since I don't know how to print to the screen if it is possible. So my question is: is there a way to get the code above to work, or another option that accomplishes the same thing?
You can't use an expression like that on a GET command. There are two choices. Use the macro language to put this together (see DEFINE in the Command Syntax Reference via the Help menu) or use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES extension command or your own Python code to select the files with a wildcard.
The extension command or a Python program require the free Python Essentials available from the SPSS Community website or available with your Statistics version.

Change format of inline code evaluation in org-mode's LaTeX-export

I have a code block in an org document
#+NAME: result_whatever
#+BEGIN_SRC python :session data :results value :exports none
return(8.1 - 5)
which I evaluate inline:
Now, does this work? Let's see: call_result_whatever(). I'd be surprised ...
When exporting to LaTeX, this generates the following:
Now, does this work? Let's see: \texttt{3.1}. I'd be surprised \ldots{}
However, I don't want the results to be displayed in monospace. I want it to be formatted in "normal" upright font, without any special markup.
How can I achieve this?
You should be able to get it work using the optional header arguments which can be added to call_function().
I don't have LaTeX installed on this system so can't fully test the outputs to ensure they come out exactly as desired, I'm using the plain text output to compare instead. However you can use the following syntax as part of your call to modify the results.
Now, does this work? Let's see call_results_whatever()[:results raw].
I'd be surprised ...
Without the [:results raw] the output to Plain Text (Ascii buffer) is Let's see `3.0999999999999996'.. With the added results it becomes Let's see 3.0999999999999996.
For full details of the available results keywords as well as other optional header arguments for the inline blocks please see Evaluation Code Blocks and Results arguments.
this is 5 years later. apparently in org-mode 8.2 or so, a new variable was introduced (documenting in "Evaluating Code Blocks" in the org-mode manual, but this from etc/ORG-NEWS in the source tree):
*** New option: org-babel-inline-result-wrap
If you set this to the following
: (setq org-babel-inline-result-wrap "$%s$")
then inline code snippets will be wrapped into the formatting string.
so, to eliminate \texttt{}
(setq org-babel-inline-result-wrap "%s")
The problem of this type can be solved in two ways:
1: Easy does it:
A plain query-replace on the exported buffer.
Once you're in the LaTeX buffer,
beginning-of-buffer or M-<
query-replace or M-%
enter \texttt as the string that you want to replace
enter nothing as the replacement
continue to replace each match interactively
with y/n or just replace everything with !
2: But I wanna!
The second way is to nag the org-mode mailing list into
implementing a switch or an option for your specific case.
While it's necessary sometimes, it also produces a system
with thousands of switches, which can become unwieldy.
You can try, but I don't recommend.

Don't make me manually abort a LaTeX compile when there's an error

As suggested here, latexmk is a handy way to continually compile your document whenever the source changes. But often when you're working on a document you'll end up with errors and then latex will panic and wait for user input before continuing. That can get very annoying, especially recently when I hacked up something to compile latex directly from an etherpad document, which saves continuously as you type.
Is there a setting for latex or latexmk to make it just abort with an error message if it can't compile? Or, if necessary, how would I set up some kind of Expect script to auto-dismiss LaTeX's complaints?
(I had thought pdflatex's option -halt-on-error would do the trick but apparently not.)
Bonus question: Skim on Mac OSX is a nice pdf viewer that autorefreshes when the pdf changes (unlike Preview), except that whenever there's a latex error it makes you reconfirm that you want autorefreshing. Texniscope doesn't have this problem, but I had to ditch Texniscope for other reasons. Is there a way to make Skim always autorefresh, or is there another viewer that gets this right?
ADDED: Mini-tutorial on latexmk based on the answer to this question:
Get latexmk here:
Add the following to your ~/.latexmkrc file:
$pdflatex = 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode';
(For OS X with Skim)
$pdf_previewer = "open -a /Applications/";
While editing your source file, foo.tex, run the following in a terminal:
latexmk -pvc -pdf foo.tex
Use Skim or another realtime pdf viewer to view foo.pdf. For Skim, just look at the “Sync” tab in Skim’s preferences and set it up for your editor.
Voila! Hitting save on foo.tex will now cause foo.pdf to refresh without touching a thing.
With MikTeX, pdflatex has this command-line option:
-interaction=MODE Set the interaction mode; MODE must be one
of: batchmode, nonstopmode, scrollmode,
Edit suggested by #9999years:
Those values are equivalent to a set of LaTeX \commands that provide the same functionality.
From TeX usage tips:
The modes make TeX behave in the following way:
errorstopmode stops on all errors, whether they are about errors in the
source code or non-existent files.
scrollmode doesn't stop on errors in the source but requests input when a
more serious error like like a missing file occurs.
In the somewhat misnamed nonstopmode, TeX does not request input after
serious errors but stops altogether.
batchmode prevents all output in addition to that (intended for use in
automated scripts). In all cases, all errors are written to the log file
You can also put \nonstopmode or \batchmode at the very beginning of your tex file; then it'll work with any TeX version, not just pdflatex. For more info on these and related commands see the very good reference on (raw) TeX commands by David Bausum. Especially the command from the debugging family could be of interest here.
Another possible hack is simply to use:
yes x | latexmk source.tex
You could always create an alias for 'yes x | latexmk' if you're going to use this option lots. The main advantage of this that I can see above the other suggestions is that it is very quick for when you occasionally want latexmk to behave like this.
There is also a \batchmode command may do the work.

Komodo Edit: How to do some of these basic Macro and Snippet operations?

I am wondering how to do (or where to find documentation) on these basic
macro and snippet operations in Komodo Edit.
1) FILE/IO: write a string to a temporary file from within a komodo javascript macro
2) FILE/IO: read the content of a text file into a string within a komodo javascript macro
3) INCLUDES: cross-reference local javascript "include" libraries within a macro,
or something equivalent to #script src="~/mylocal_javascript_addons.js" So I can consolidate macro code.
4) SNIPPET_OUTPUT: create a snippet interpolation placeholder that returns the output of a
user-defined javascript function or macro.
For example:
5) MACRO_OUTPUT: macro that takes a multiple-line selection in the current buffer and passes
it to a local script or batch file, and then replaces the selection with the output
result. (Need a way to do this in MSFT Windows, not just linux).
If you can answer one or more of these using Python instead of Javascript, that's great, but please include sample code or a link to it, because the Python documentation seems to be extremely TODO.
Don't have your answers, but you might have more luck asking here:
