is docker-py/dockerpy secure to use? - docker

I've been reading about security issues with building docker images within a docker container by mounting the docker socket.
In my case, I am accessing docker via an API , docker-py.
Now I am wondering, are there security issues with building images using docker-py on a plain ubuntu host (not in a docker container) since it also communicates on the docker socket?
I'm also confused as to why there would be security differences between running docker from the command line vs this sdk, since they both go through the socket?
Any help is appreciated.

There is no difference, if you have access to the socket, you can send a request to run a container with access matching that of the dockerd engine. That engine is typically running directly on the host as root, so you can use the API to get root access directly on the host.
Methods to lock this down include running the dockerd daemon inside of a container, however that container is typically privileged which itself is not secure, so you can gain root in the other container and use the privileged access to gain root on the host.
The best options I've seen include running the engine rootless, and an escape from the container would only get you access to the user the daemon is running as. However, realize rootless has it's drawbacks, including needing to pre-configure the host to support this, and networking and filesystem configuration being done at the user level which has functionality and performance implications. And the second good option is to run the build without a container runtime at all, however this has it's own drawbacks, like not having a 1-for-1 replacement of the Dockerfile RUN syntax, so your image is built mainly from the equivalent of COPY steps plus commands run on the host outside of any container.


Scenarios for Docker daemon and client / CLI on separate boxes?

What would be some use case for keeping Docker clients or CLI and Docker daemon on separate machines?
Why would you keep the two separate?
You should never run the two separately. The only exception is with very heavily managed docker-machine setups where you're confident that Docker has set up all of the required security controls. Even then, I'd only use that for a local VM when necessary (as part of Docker Toolbox; to demonstrate a Swarm setup) and use more purpose-built tools to provision cloud resources.
Consider this Docker command:
docker run --rm -v /:/host busybox vi /host/etc/shadow
Anyone who can run this command can change any host user's password to anything of their choosing, and easily take over the whole system. There are probably more direct ways to root the host. The only requirement to run this command is that you have access and permissions to access the Docker socket.
This means: anyone who can access the Docker socket can trivially root the host. If it's network accessible, anyone who can reach port 2375 on your system can take it over.
This isn't an acceptable security position for the mild convenience of not needing to ssh to a remote server to run docker commands. The various common system-automation tools (Ansible, Chef, Salt Stack) all can invoke Docker as required, and using one of these tools is almost certainly preferable to trying to configure TLS for Docker.
If you run into a tutorial or other setup advising you to start the Docker daemon with a -H option to publish the Docker socket over the network (even just to the local system) be aware that it's a massive security vulnerability, equivalent to disabling your root password.
(I hinted above that it's possible to use TLS encryption on the network socket. This is a tricky setup, and it involves sharing around a TLS client certificate that has root-equivalent power over the host. I wouldn't recommend trying it; ssh to the target system or use an automation tool to manage it instead.)

Access Docker daemon on Host without knowing Host OS

I use docker-compose to spin up a few containers as part of an application I'm developing. One of the containers needs to start a docker swarm service on the host machine. On Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac, I can connect to the host docker daemon using the REST Api by using the "host.docker.internal" DNS name and this works great. However, if I run the same compose file on linux, "host.docker.internal" does not work (yet, seems it may be coming in the next version of docker). To make matters worse, on Linux I can use network mode of "host" to work around the issue but that isn't supported on Windows or Mac.
How can I either:
Create a docker-compose file or structure a containerized application to be slightly different based on the host platform (windows|mac|linux) without having to create multiple docker-compose.yml files or different application code?
Access the host docker daemon in a consistent way regardless of the host OS?
If it matters, the container that is accessing the docker daemon of the host is using the docker python sdk and making api calls to docker over tcp without TLS (this is used for development only).
Update w/ Solution Detail
For a little more background, there's a web application (aspnet core/C#) that allows users to upload a zip file. The zip file contains, among other things, an exported docker image file. There's also an nginx container in front of all of this to allow for ssl termination and load balancing. The web application pulls out the docker image, then using the docker daemon's http api, loads the image, re-tags the image, then pushes it to a private docker repository (which is running somewhere on the developer's network, external to docker). After that, it posts a message to a message queue where a separate python application uses the python docker library to deploy the docker image to a docker swarm.
For development purposes, the applications all run as containers and thus need to interact with docker running on the host machine as a stand alone swarm node. SoftwareEngineer's answer lead me down the right path. I mapped the docker socket from the host into the web application container at first but ran into a limitation of .net core that won't be resolved until .net 5 which is that there's no clean way of doing http over a unix socket.
I worked around that issue by eventually realizing that nginx can reverse proxy http traffic to a unix socket. I setup all containers (including the dynamically loaded swarm service from the zips) to be part of an overlay network to give them all access to each other and allowing me to hit an http endpoint to control the host machine's docker/swarm daemon over http.
The last hurdle I ran into was that nginx couldn't write to the mapped in /var/run/docker.sock file so I modified nginx.conf to allow it to run as root within the container.
As far as I can tell, the docker socket is available at the path /var/run/docker.sock on all systems. I have personally verified this with a recent Linux distro (Ubuntu), Windows 10 Pro running Docker for Windows (2.2.0) with both WSL2 (Ubuntu and Alpine) and the windows cmd (cli) and powershell. From memory, it works with OSX too, and I used to do the same thing in WSL1.
Mapping this into a container is achieved on any terminal with the -v, --volume, or --mount flags. So,
docker container run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Mounts the socket into an identical path within the container. This means that you can access the socket using the standard docker client (docker) from within the container with no extra configuration. Using this path inside a Linux container is recommended because the standard location and is likely to be less confusing to anyone maintaining your code in the future (including yourself).

Protecting Docker daemon

Am I understanding correctly that the docs discuss how to protect the Docker daemon when commands are issued (docker run,...) with a remote machine as the target? When controlling docker locally this does not concern me.
Running Docker swarm does not require this step either as the security between the nodes is handled by Docker automatically. For example, using Portainer in a swarm with multiple agents does not require extra security steps due to overlay network in a swarm being encrypted by default.
Basically, when my target machine will always be localhost there are no extra security steps to be taken, correct?
Remember that anyone who can run any Docker command can almost trivially get unrestricted root-level access on the host:
docker run -v/:/host busybox sh
# vi /host/etc/passwd
So yes, if you're using a remote Docker daemon, you must run through every step in that document, correctly, or your system will get rooted.
If you're using a local Docker daemon and you haven't enabled the extremely dangerous -H option, then security is entirely controlled by Unix permissions on the /var/run/docker.sock special file. It's common for that socket to be owned by a docker group, and to add local users to that group; again, anyone who can run docker ps can also trivially edit the host's /etc/sudoers file and grant themselves whatever permissions they want.
So: accessing docker.sock implies trust with unrestricted root on the host. If you're passing the socket into a Docker container that you're trusting to launch other containers, you're implicitly also trusting it to not mount system directories off the host when it does. If you're trying to launch containers in response to network requests, you need to be insanely careful about argument handling lest a shell-injection attack compromise your system; you are almost always better off finding some other way to run your workload.
In short, just running Docker isn't a free pass on security concerns. A lot of common practices, if convenient, are actually quite insecure. A quick Web search for "Docker cryptojacking" can very quickly find you the consequences.

Is it safe to run docker in docker on Openshift?

I built Docker image on server that can run CI-CD for Jenkins. Because some builds use Docker, I installed Docker inside my image, and in order to allow the inside Docker to run, I had to give it --privilege.
All works good, but I would like to run the docker in docker, on Openshift (or Kubernetes). The problem is with getting the --privilege permissions.
Is running privilege container on Openshift is dangerous, and if so why and how much?
A privileged container can reboot the host, replace the host's kernel, access arbitrary host devices (like the raw disk device), and reconfigure the host's network stack, among other things. I'd consider it extremely dangerous, and not really any safer than running a process as root on the host.
I'd suggest that using --privileged at all is probably a mistake. If you really need a process to administer the host, you should run it directly (as root) on the host and not inside an isolation layer that blocks the things it's trying to do. There are some limited escalated-privilege things that are useful, but if e.g. your container needs to mlock(2) you should --cap-add IPC_LOCK for the specific privilege you need, instead of opening up the whole world.
(My understanding is still that trying to run Docker inside Docker is generally considered a mistake and using the host's Docker daemon is preferable. Of course, this also gives unlimited control over the host...)
In short, the answer is no, it's not safe. Docker-in-Docker in particular is far from safe due to potential memory and file system corruption, and even mounting the host's docker socket is unsafe in effectively any environment as it effectively gives the build pipeline root privileges. This is why tools like Buildah and Kaniko were made, as well as build images like S2I.
Buildah in particular is Red Hat's own tool for building inside containers but as of now I believe they still can't run completely privilege-less.
Additionally, on Openshift 4, you cannot run Docker-in-Docker at all since the runtime was changed to CRI-O.

Sensu-Client inside Docker container

I created a customize Docker image based on ubuntu 14.04 with the Sensu-Client package inside.
Everything's went fine but now I'm wondering how can I trigger the checks to run from the hosts machine.
For example, I want to be able to check the processes that are running on the host machine and not only the ones running inside the container.
It depends on what checks you want to run. A lot of system-level checks work fine if you run sensu container with --net=host and --privileged flags.
--net=host not just allows you to see the same hostname and IP as host system, but also all the tcp connections and interface metric will match for container and host.
--privileged gives container full access to system metrics like hdd, memory, cpu.
Tricky thing is checking external process metrics, as docker isolates it even from privileged container, but you can share host's root filesystem as docker volume ( -v /:/host) and patch check to use chroot or use /host/proc instead of /proc.
Long story short, some checks will just work, for others you need to patch or develop your own way, but sensu in docker is one possible way.
an unprivileged docker container cannot check processes outside of it's container because docker uses kernel namespaces to isolate it from all other processes running on the host. This is by design: docker security documentation
If you would like to run a super privileged docker container that has this namespace disabled you can run:
docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host alpine /bin/sh
Doing so removes an important security layer that docker provides and should be avoided if possible. Once in the container, try running ps auxf and you will see all processes on the host.
I don't think this is possible right now.
If the processes in the host instance are running inside docker, you can mount the socket and get the status from the sensu container
Add a sensu-client to the host machine? You might want to split it out so you have granulation between problems in the containers VS problems with your hosts
Else - You would have to set up some way to report from the inside - Either using something low level (system calls etc) or set up something from outside to catch the the calls and report back status.
Most if not all sensu plugins hardcode the path to the proc files. One option is to mount the host proc files to a different path inside of the docker container and modify the sensu plugins to support this other location.
This is my base docker container that supports modifying the sensu plugins proc file location.
