Spring Rabbit - How to recover rabbit topology for Declarables (queues/bindings/exchanges) that are not beans (when rabbit server restarts) - spring-amqp

I use a Spring Boot application with spring-rabbit (version 2.2.2). Since the nature of my application is very dynamic, the queues and bindings are declared dynamically using RabbitAdmin.declareXXX methods, so they are not declared as Spring Beans.
From my understanding (and testing), the RabbitAdmin's functionality for auto-recovery the topology when rabbitmq server restarts is only for exchanges/queues/bindings that were declared as Spring Beans (am I correct?).
I tried to use the underlying Rabbit client's auto recovery feature using the following methods:
However, after the rabbitmq server restart, the spring application fails with:
One org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.AutoRecoverConnectionNotCurrentlyOpenException
And multiple continuous com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: channel error; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reploy-code=404, reply-text=NOT_FOUND - no queue 'recovery-q1' in host '/'
and nothing is getting recovered.
Note that a test without Spring, where the queue is created directly through the channel, the queue is recovered properly with its consumers.
Is there anything else I can configure to make this work?

Currently, spring only recovers Declarables that are defined as beans in the application context.
Based on your user name, I assume you opened this feature request: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-amqp/issues/1365
Posting this here in case people come across this question.


Spring SessionRegistry provides empty session lists when #EnableJdbcHttpSession is used

Since I persisted the session information of resilient and load balanced spring-boot based microservices to PostgreSQL DB by adding #EnableJdbcHttpSession to our config, the SessionRegistry provides no information at all anymore (e.g. SessionRegistry::getAllPrincipals() empty list).
Also HttpSessionListener is not getting fired anymore.
Grateful for any hint

What is a Grails "transactional" service?

I'm reading the Grails docs on services which make numerous mention of transactions/transactionality, but without really defining what a transactional service method really is.
Given the nature of services, they frequently require transactional behaviour.
What exactly does this mean? Are transactional methods only those that use JPA/JDBC to communicate with a relational DB, or do they apply to anything covered by JTA?
Is there any reason why I just wouldn't make a service class #Transactional in case it evolves to some day use a transaction? In other words, are there performance concerns to making all service methods transactional?
Grails services are transactional by default - if you don't want a service to be transactional, you need to remove all #Transactional annotations (both Grails' #grails.transaction.Transactional and Spring's #org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional) and add
static transactional = false
If you haven't disabled transactions with the transactional property and have no annotations, the service works the same as if it were annotated with Spring's annotation. That is, at runtime Spring creates a CGLIB proxy of your class and registers an instance of the proxy as the Spring bean, and it delegates to an instance of your actual class to do the database access and your business logic. This lets the proxy intercept all public method calls and start a new transaction, join an existing one, create a new one, etc.
The newer Grails annotation has all of the same settings as the Spring annotation, but it works a bit differently. Instead of triggering the creation of a single proxy, each method is rewritten by an AST transform during compilation, essentially creating a mini proxy for each method (this is obviously a simplification). This is better because the database access and transaction semantics are the same, but if you call one annotated method from another annotated with different settings, the different settings will be respected. But with a proxy, it's a direct call inside the delegate instance, and the proxy is bypassed. Since the proxy has all of the logic to create a new transaction or use other different settings, the two methods will use the first method's settings. With the Grails annotation every method works as expected.
There is a small performance hit involved for transactional methods, and this can accumulate if there are a lot of calls and/or a lot of traffic. Before your code runs, a transaction is started (assuming one isn't active) and to do this, a connection must be retrieved from the pool (DataSource) and configured to turn off autocommit, and make the various transaction settings (isolation, timeout, readonly, etc.) have to be made. But the Grails DataSource is actually a smart wrapper around the "real" one. It doesn't get a real JDBC Connection until you start a query, so all of the configuration settings are cached until then, and then "replayed" on the real connection. If the method doesn't do any database work (either because it never does, or because it exits early based on some condition before the db access code fires), then there's basically no database cost. But if it does, then things work as expected.
Don't rely on this DataSource proxying logic though - it's best to be explicit about which services are transactional and which aren't, and within each service which methods are transactional and which aren't. The best way to do this is by annotating methods as needed, or adding a single annotation at the class level if all methods use the same settings.
You can get more info in this talk I did about transactions in Grails.
First, if your performance concerns are due to the fact your services are transactional then you have reached nirvana. I say this because there are going to be plenty of other bottle necks in your application long before this is a major (or even minor) concern. So, don't fret about that.
Typically in Grails a transaction relates to the transactional state of a database connection or hibernate session. Though it could be anything managed by the JTA with the proper Spring configuration.
In simple terms, it's usually means (by default) a database transaction.

Using JMS to persist data in Grails

I have JMS plugin installed in Grails 2.2.0. It works famously. However, I now want to extend the functionality to all my domain objects to persist them across a JMS ActiveMQ connection.
The database is on the remote system which has an ActiveMQ broker on it. I can talk to it fine. But, I'm unclear on how to implement the code to save(), search(), update(), etc from my controller using JMS rather than a local DB. I think I have save() figured out but not for sure. Then how do I hook into the dynamic finders and such to supply the needed service so the actual search criteria is sent over a queue and the response is sent back on another queue and populates the correct Grails results for display? My head hurts from reading so much and getting no where fast.

How to use Struts 2 Token Tag correctly in a distributed Java environment?

Struts 2 support stop double-submission of forms by generate a unique random token and store it in the session, and use token tag pass the token to the client form then verify the tokens from session and form.
As far as i know, this solution can only work in a single JVM because the session is separated from each other. I cannot find something useful about how to use this solution in a distributed Java environment. We use Nginx proxy HTTP requests to multiple JVMs and Nginx does not guarantee to proxy the same request to the same JVM every time.
Can someone give me some help?
BTW, i am trying to use this solution to stop CSRF attack.
You have two choices (neither of which really has anything to do with Struts 2, but has everything to do with session management in a distributed environment):
Use Session Affinity - so when a user creates a session, Nginx remembers which backend server the user went to, and that session is bound to that server for all subsequent requests. (This is the more typical solution). might get you started.
Depending on your application server, there may be the possibility of sharing the session data between servers. For example, in Tomcat 6, the configuration directions are.

CXF client loads wsdl for both service and port?

In a java web app, I need to call a remote soap service, and I'm trying to use a CXF 2.5.0-generated client. The soap service is provided by a particular ERP vendor, and its wsdl is monstrous, thousands of types, dozens of xsd imports, etc. wsdl2java generates the client ok, thanks to the -autoNameResolution flag. But at runtime it retrieves the remote wsdl twice, once when I create the service object, and again when I create a port object.
MyService_Service myService = new MyService_Service(giantWsdlUrl); // fetches giantWsdl
MyService myPort = myService.getMyServicePort(); // fetches giantWsdl again
Why is that? I can understand retrieving it when creating myService, you want to see that it matches the client I'm currently using, or let a runtime wsdl location dictate the endpoint address, etc. But I don't understand why asking for the port would reload everything it just went out on the wire for. Am I missing something?
Since this is in a web application, and I can't be sure that myPort is threadsafe, then I'd have to create a port for each thread, except that's way too slow, 6 to 8 seconds thanks to the monstrous wsdl. Or add my own pooling, create a bunch in advance, and do check-outs and check-ins. Yuck.
For the record, the JaxWsProxyFactoryBean creation route does not ever fetch the wsdl, and that's good for my situation. It still takes a long time on the first create(), then about a quarter second on subsequent create()s, and even that's less than desirable. And I dunno... it sorta feels like I'm under the hood hotwiring the thing rather than turning the key. :)
Well, you have actually answered the question yourself. Each time you invoke service.getPort() the WSDL is loaded from remote site and parsed. JaxWsProxyFactoryBean goes absolutely the same way, but once the proxy is obtained it is re-used for further invocations. That is why the 1st run is slow (because of "warming up"), but subsequent are fast.
And yes, JaxWsProxyFactoryBean is not thread-safe. Pooling client proxies is an option, but unfortunately will eat a lot of memory, as JAX-WS runtime model is not shared among client proxies; synchronization is perhaps better way to follow.
