Keep Docker running Azure CI/CD Pipeline - docker

I have a release pipeline with 2 steps, the first one copies a .jar file into a server through SSH, the second step runs a shell script with the following commands:
docker container stop $(sudo docker ps -aqf "name=crmbackend")
docker rm crmbackend
cd /home/artotor/crmbackend
docker build -t crmbackend .
docker run -d --name crmbackend -p 9090:8888 crmbackend:latest &
exit 0
And this is the stage in azure devops:
What i am trying to achieve is to keep running the docker (step 5) without killing it, and also tell the pipeline that everything went ok. What could be the way to achieve it?, i've tried to add the options -t -i to docker run without success.
This is the Dockerfile that i am using:
FROM openjdk:11
ADD target/crm-backend.jar crm-backend.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "crm-backend.jar"]


testing tkinter-based function on jenkins in a docker container on AWS

I have a python code that passes all the test on my local machine. The code uses tkinter and provides a GUI. However, none of the test functions actually open the GUI. (They call tk.Tk() though).
I created a docker container locally and could use X11 forwarding to pass the tests on the "local" container as well.
Now, I'm trying to run the tests on Jenkins that I have set up on an EC2 instance. Jenkins is supposed to create a docker container using the Dockerfile that is on my repository. And then call "docker run -e ... -v ..." (similar to what I had in my local computer) to check the tests. I understand my ec2 instance does not have a gui and therefore x11 forwarding is not as simple as it was on my computer. There should be a way for tests using a gui to be checked through Jenkins setup on AWS. Any help is appreciated.
Here is the build script that I have on AWS, it creates the docker container using the Dockerfile:
echo "Check current working directory"
echo "Build docker image and run container"
docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME .
docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY $IMAGE_NAME bash -c "cd /$CONTAINER_NAME;make test"
echo "Copy coverage.xml into Jenkins container"
rm -rf reports; mkdir reports
docker cp $CONTAINER_NAME:/deidentifier_clinical/htmlcov/* reports/.
echo "Cleanup"
docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME
docker rmi $IMAGE_NAME
This fails on the docker run line. This same script runs with no problem on my local computer after setting up the X11-forwarding.

re-running a script in a docker container

I have created a docker image that includes some python code and a shell script that can execute it. It is going to process a bunch of images from the host system.
This command should create a new contaier and run it.
sudo docker run -v /host/folder:/container/folder opencv:latest bash /
At the end, the container exits. If I type the same command, then another container is created and exited at completion. But how is the correct usage of containers? Should I use restart, start or run (and then clean up exited containers after)? It just seems unnessary to create a new container each time.
I basically just want a docker image containing some code and 3-4 different commands I can execute whenever needed.
And the docker start command doesn't seem to accept "bash /" as parameters, instead things bash and are containers. So maybe I am misunderstanding the lifecycle of containers or the usage.
Got it to work with:
docker run -t -d --name opencv -v /host/folder:/container/folder
docker exec -it opencv bash /
You can write the Dockerfile to create your docker image and keep the scripts into it-
FROM opencv:latest
COPY ./your-script /some_folder
Create image:
docker build -t my_image .
Run your container:
docker run -d --name my_container
Run the script inside the container:
docker exec -it <container_id_or_name> bash /some_folder/your-script
Build your own docker image that starts with opencv:latest and give the command you run as the entrypoint. Dockerfile could be like
FROM opencv:latest
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/"]
Use docker create to create a named container.
sudo docker create --name=processmyimage -v /host/folder:/container/folder myopencv:latest
Then use docker start each time you want to run it.
sudo docker start processmyimage
This works well if there is only one command you want to run. If there is more than one command, I would take the approach of building an image that runs unrelated command forever (like a tail -f < /dev/null). Then you can use
sudo docker exec -d /bin/bash < cmd-to-run >
for each command

Printing output of shell script running inside a docker container

I have a Dockerfile in which I have specified an ENTRYPOINT "".In,I am exe.cuting a CURL command.When the docker image with this Dockerfile is built.How should I run it so that output of will be printed on my host.
Dockerfile -
FROM my-company-repo-java-base-image
ADD /root
ENTRYPOINT bash "/root/
echo "Hello My Script"
curl -x POST "some_api_which_returns_json"
I have built the image using command
docker build
I want to run this image and see output of on my dockerhost.
Given a Docker image whose tag is $DOCKER_IMAGE:
docker container run -it --rm $DOCKER_IMAGE
-i keeps STDIN open
-t allocates a pseudo-TTY
--rm automatically removes the container when it exits
See docker container run for all the options.
Of course you can see the output of shell script. Make sure you delete the old image before building new one when you change the script. Else, your container will keep using the old script over and over. Here's an example
FROM alpine:3.7
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/"]
COPY /usr/bin/
#!/usr/bin/env sh
echo "Hello there"
commands to run:
docker image rm testdocker
docker build --tag testdocker .
docker run testdocker
You should see the line Hello there appears on the terminal

Using docker pull & run to build dockerfile

I'm learning how to use docker.
I want to deploy a microservice for swagger. I can do
docker pull schickling/swagger-ui
docker run -p 80:8080 -e API_URL=http://myapiurl/api.json swaggerapi/swagger-ui
To deploy it, I need a dockerfile i can run.
How do i generate the dockerfile in a way I can run it with docker build ?
The original question asks for a Dockerfile, perhaps for some CI/CD workflow, so this answer addresses that requirement:
Create a very simple Dockerfile beginning with
FROM schickling/swagger-ui
Then from that directory run
$ docker build -t mycontainername .
Which can then be run:
$ docker run -p 80:8080 -e API_URL=http://myapiurl/api.json mycontainername
Usually the docker pull pulls the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile for swagger is on the docker repo for it if you wanted to edit it or customize it.
That one should work with the build command. The build command builds the image, the run command turns the image into a container. The docker pull command should pull the image in. You don't need to run docker build for it as you should already have the image from the pull. You only need to do docker run.

How to continue running scripts when exiting docker containers

My script is as follows:
# start a ubuntu container in the background
docker run -it --name ub -d ubuntu /bin/bash
sleep 1
# run a command in the container
docker exec -it ub bash
echo 234
# exit the container
sleep 1
# do something else
echo 123
But the script would just stop right after exit and hang there. Does anyone know why is that?
p.s: My Docker version is: 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb22
You have given -it during the run command. which opens up the /bin/bash of your container and waits there. The next command wont get executed until the first command execution is completed.
It's better to create a script file and move it inside the container while making the docker. and run the script on starting the docker. You may specify that using a CMD in the docker file.
You won't be needing an additional exec command.
The corresponding Dockerfile would be
FROM ubuntu:latest
COPY <path-to-script> <dest>
CMD [" <path-to-script> "]
You have to create the script file along with the Dockerfile. Build the docker using the command
docker build -t <image-name> <location of Dockerfile>
The execution command would be
docker run -d --name <name> -d ubuntu <path-to-script>
