This is specific to Jenkins but hoping there is a generic groovy feature that can help me here.
I have a groovy script (myCustomStep.grooy) I want to unit test. It MUST be written like it is below (it cannot be a class). It will include methods that are available during Jenkins run time but not locally and I want to mock them out.
Here is one of these scripts and a corresponding test. How do I mock out echo without modifying myCustomStep.groovy?
# vars/myCustomStep.grooy
def call(Map config) {
def paramOne = config.paramOne
echo paramOne
class MyCustomStepTest {
// I tried to define it here but I get "No signature of method: myCustomStep.echo()"
def echo(message) {
println "$message"
public void "sdfsdfsdf"() throws Exception {
def aaa = new GroovyShell().parse( new File( 'vars/myCustomStep.groovy' ) )
aaa deployment: "sdlfsdfdsf"
I can't have myCustomStep.grooy accept echo as an argument. Is there a way to monkey patch echo into the myCustomStep namespace?
EDIT: I found a simple solution but now I want to know how I can attach methods to myCustomStep for all tests instead of having to redefine for every test. I tried to do this in a #Before method (using junit) but the myCustomStep obj wasn't available to the tests.
class MyCustomStepTest {
def myCustomStep = new GroovyShell().parse( new File( 'vars/myCustomStep.groovy' ) )
public void "sdfsdfsdf"() throws Exception {
// how can I attach this once for use by all my tests?
myCustomStep.echo = { String message -> println "$message" }
myCustomStep deployment: "sdlfsdfdsf"
I was just confused about where to instantiate the object. Looks like I just need to create the object outside of the #before method and then update it inside of it.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
myCustomStep.echo = { String message -> println "$message" }
def myCustomStep = new GroovyShell().parse( new File( 'vars/myCustomStep.groovy' ) )
You could put echo in the binding using something like this:
Binding b = new Binding()
b.echo = { println "Hello There" }
def shell = new GroovyShell(b)
def aaa = shell.parse( new File( 'ars/myCustomStep.groovy' ) )
aaa deployment: "sdlfsdfdsf"
Somewhere in my shared library I got a helper class like this:
class Helper {
def script
Helper(script) {
this.script = script
void sendTemplate(String webhook, String template, Map<String, String> values, TemplateMapper mapper) {
def body =, values)
def resp = script.httpRequest(contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', httpMode: 'POST',
requestBody: body, url: webhook)
if (resp.status != 200) {
throw new UnableToNotifyException()
I'm trying to test said class like so:
class HelperSpec extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
def helper
def setup() {
helper = new Helper(this)
def "a test"() {
def webhook = 'aWebhook'
def template = '%replaceMe'
def values = ['%replaceMe': 'hello world!']
def mapper = new SimpleTemplateMapper()
getPipelineMock('httpRequest')(_) >> [status: 200]
helper.sendTemplate(webhook, template, values, mapper)
1 * getPipelineMock('httpRequest')(_)
I'm using gradle and my build.gradle file has
testImplementation 'org.jenkins-ci.plugins:http_request:1.10#jar'
Other steps' tests run perfectly but with this one I always get
java.lang.IllegalStateException: There is no pipeline step mock for [httpRequest].
1. Is the name correct?
2. Does the pipeline step have a descriptor with that name?
3. Does that step come from a plugin? If so, is that plugin listed as a dependency in your pom.xml?
4. If not, you may need to call explicitlyMockPipelineStep('httpRequest') in your test's setup: block.
And when I use explicitlyMockPipelineStep('httpRequest') I get a null pointer exception, because, I presume, the default mock returns a null.
Is there anything I'm missing in the test to get it working? Thanks in advance!!!
I just asked about how to mock jenkins step/global vars for testing a custom step and got help here
This is how I'm doing that now:
// vars/myCustomStep.groovy
def call(Map config) {
def paramOne = config.paramOne
container('my-container') {
echo paramOne
sh 'printenv'
// test/vars/myCustomStep.groovy
class myCustomStepTest {
Binding binding
def shell
def myCustomStep
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Instantiate shell object and attach methods for mocking jenkins steps
binding = new Binding()
binding.echo = { String message -> println "$message" } = { String command -> println "sh step: $message" }
// How do I mock this??? this returns "No signature of method: myCustomStep.container() is applicable for argument types..."
binding.container = { Closure closure -> closure }
shell = new GroovyShell(binding)
// Instantiate groovy script
myCustomStep = shell.parse( new File( 'vars/myCustomStep.groovy' ) )
public void "sdfsdfsdf"() throws Exception {
myCustomStep paramOne: "sdlfsdfdsf"
My current challenge is figuring out how to mock things like script{} and container{} closures. I can't modify the structure of myCustomStep.groovy because this is jenkins specific. The behavior I want is for the test to essentially just ignore the container('xxx'){} method and only execute what is inside it.
I am working on a scripted Jenkins-Pipeline that needs to write a String with a certain encoding to a file as in the following example:
class Logger implements Closeable {
private final PrintWriter writer
Logger() {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true)
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)
this.writer = new PrintWriter(bw)
def log(String msg) {
try {
} catch (e) {
The above code doesn't work since PrintWriter ist not serializable so I know I got to prevent some of the code from being CPS-transformed. I don't have an idea on how to do so, though, since as far as I know the #NonCPS annotation can only be applied to methods.
I know that one solution would be to move all output-related code to log(msg) and annotate the method but this way I would have to create a new writer every time the method gets called.
Does someone have an idea on how I could fix my code instead?
Thanks in advance!
Here is a way to make this work using a log function that is defined in a shared library in vars\log.groovy:
// The annotated variable will become a private field of the script class.
PrintWriter writer = null
void call( String msg ) {
if( ! writer ) {
def fw = new FileWriter(file, true)
def bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)
writer = new PrintWriter(bw)
try {
} catch (e) {
After all, scripts in the vars folder are instanciated as singleton classes, which is perfectly suited for a logger. This works even without #NonCPS annotation.
Usage in pipeline is as simple as:
log 'some message'
Based on this:
println in "call" method of "vars/foo.groovy" works, but not in method in class
I am trying to get my head around printing to the console from classes created in a Jenkins pipeline using jenkins shared libraries. I have the following:
node("test") {
stage("Test") {
def a = new A(script:this)
echo "Calling A.a()"
class A {
Script script;
public void a() {
script.echo("Hello from A")
def b = new B(script)
echo "Calling B.b()"
class B {
Script script;
public void b() {
script.echo("Hello from B")
When I run that I get:
"Hello from A"
but then I get the error from B:
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: samples.B(samples.MyPipeline)
How do I make it possible to print to console/build log in my classes also when delegating to other classes - like B in the above case?
As suggested by below answer I have now tried to update A.groovy to:
class A {
Script script;
public void a() {
script.echo("Hello from A")
def b = new B()
b.script = script
//def b = new B(script)
echo "Calling B.b()"
But that just gives a new error:
hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: samples.A.echo() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [Calling B.b()]
Possible solutions: each(groovy.lang.Closure), getAt(java.lang.String), wait(), a(), every(), grep()
As per groovy's Initializing beans with named parameters and the default constructor
Just call empty constructor and set the parameter script
def b = new B()
b.script = script
With a bean like:
class Server {
String name
Cluster cluster }
Instead of setting each setter in subsequent statements as follows:
def server = new Server() = "Obelix"
server.cluster = aCluster
Also replace the following echo
echo "Calling B.b()"
To using script.echo method:
script.echo("Calling B.b()")
I have my GParsPool.withPool implemented in 'PreVerifymanager.groovy' as below.
import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool
public class PreVerifyManager {
static final THREADS = 3;
public void callMe() {
PreVerifyManager pf = new PreVerifyManager()
def apps = ["App1","App2","App3"]
GParsPool.withPool(PreVerifyManager.THREADS) {
apps.eachParallel {
public void CreateFile(String path){
path = "D:\\"+path+".txt";
File file = new File(path)
file.write("Some text")
This works fine in my IDE with main method of PreVerifyManager. But when I remove the main method and call the method callMe on the object of PreVerifyManager created in Pipeline script, its not working.
Pipeline script as below:
node {
def PreVerifyManagerObj
stage 'TibcoConfig'
echo 'Reading Tibco configuration!'
println "****************INSIDE PIPELINE****************"
def parent = getClass().getClassLoader()
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent)
PreVerifyManagerObj = loader.parseClass(new File("D://Tibco_Automation//src//com//meet//PreVerifyManager.groovy")).newInstance()
Its basically, I'm integrating the GParsPool.withPool implementation with Pipeline scripting. Any input is appreciated.
The issue got resolved. You have to load all objects referred in your class into Pipeline script box, before you call your actual method.