This is my Dockerfile.
FROM python:3.8.12-slim-bullseye as prod-env
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install unzip vim -y
COPY requirements.txt /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
USER nobody:nogroup
This is how docker-compose.yml looks like.
context: .
target: prod-env
image: company/server
- ./shared/model_server/models:/models
- ./static/images:/images
- 8200:8200
command: gunicorn -b --threads "8" --log-level info --reload "server:gunicorn_app(command='start', project='app_server')"
I want to add permissions read, write and execute permissions on shared directories.
And also need to run couple of other coommands as root.
So I have to execute this command with root every time after image is built.
docker exec -it -u root api_server_1 bash -c "python; chmod -R a+rwx models; chmod -R a+rwx /images"
Now, I want docker-compose to execute these lines.
But as you can see, user in docker-compose has to be nobody as specified by Dockerfile. So how can I execute root commands in docker-compose file?
Option that I've been thinking:
Install sudo command from Dockerfile and use sudo
Is there any better way ?
In docker-compose.yml create another service using same image and volumes.
Override user with user: root:root, command: your_command_to_run_as_root, for this new service and add dependency to run this new service before starting regular working container.
context: .
target: prod-env
image: company/server
- ./shared/model_server/models:/models
- ./static/images:/images
- 8200:8200
command: gunicorn -b --threads "8" --log-level info --reload "server:gunicorn_app(command='start', project='app_server')"
# This make sure that startup order is correct and api_server_decorator service is starting first
- api_server_decorator
context: .
target: prod-env
image: company/server
- ./shared/model_server/models:/models
- ./static/images:/images
# No ports needed - it is only decorator
# Overriding USER with root:root
user: "root:root"
# Overriding command
command: python; chmod -R a+rwx models; chmod -R a+rwx /images
There are other possibilities like changing Dockerfile by removing USER restriction and then you can use entrypoint script doing as root what you want as privileged user and running su - nobody or better exec gosu to retain PID=1 and proper signal handling.
In my eyes the approach giving a container root rights is quite hacky and dangerous.
If you want to e.g. remove the files written by container you need root rights on host as well.
If you want to allow a container to access files on host filesystem just run the container with appropriate user.
user: my_docker_user:my_docker_group
then give on host the rights to that group
sudo chown -R my_docker_user:my_docker_group models
You should build all of the content you need into the image itself, especially if you have this use case of occasionally needing to run a process to update it (you are not trying to use an isolation tool like Docker to simulate a local development environment). In your Dockerfile, COPY these directories into the image
COPY shared/model_server/models /models
COPY static/images /images
Do not make these directories writeable, and do not make the individual files in the directories executable. The directories will generally be mode 0755 and the files mode 0644, owned by root, and that's fine.
In the Compose setup, do not mount host content over these directories either. You should just have:
build: . # use the same image in all environments
image: company/server
- 8200:8200
# no volumes:, do not override the image's command:
Now when you want to update the files, you can rebuild the image (without interrupting the running application, without docker exec, and without an alternate user)
docker-compose build api_server
and then do a relatively quick restart, running a new container on the updated image
docker-compose up -d
I'm trying to containerize two services an socket service and a django application
My file structure is
\main file {docker-compose file}
\ django application {Dockerfile}
\ socket app {Dockerfile}
When I run docker build . it build the image
then when I run docker-compose build,
I notice that the socket app and django app are copied to the container instead of only the django application as specified by the Dockerfile.
I get the idea that the Dockerfile is executed in the main directory instead of the django directory?
Here is Dockerfile that is inside the django app application
# Pull base image
FROM python:3
# Set environment varibles
# Set work directory
# Install dependencies
COPY requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Copy project
COPY . /code/
RUN ls
And here is the docker-compose file.
With the usage of the ls command I tried to figure out what happend and the output is that the applications in the main folder are copied instead of the django application.
version: '3'
image: postgres:10.1-alpine
- postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
build: ./django_app
command: ls /code/
- .:/code
- 8000:8000
- db
is this intended use or am I doing something wrong?
The volumes: directive in your docker-compose.yml file is hiding literally everything your Dockerfile does. You'll solve your immediate problem by changing the two directories to match: in the volumes: directive, bind-mount ./django_app:/code.
In a more production-oriented workflow, I'd recommend making your Docker image totally self-contained: make sure it has a CMD that runs your application, and do not use volumes: to inject your code. Delete command: and volumes: from the docker-compose.yml and let the image provide its own code and default command. (To do development, use a Python virtual environment for local code isolation, and make sure all of your tests and a basic hand-run workflow pass before using Docker for anything.)
I have the problem with installing node_modules inside the Docker container and synchronize them with the host. My Docker's version is 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40 and Docker Compose's version is 1.21.2, build a133471.
My docker-compose.yml looks like:
# Frontend Container.
build: ./app/frontend
- ./app/frontend:/usr/src/app
- frontend-node-modules:/usr/src/app/node_modules
- 3000:3000
command: npm start
# Define all the external volumes.
frontend-node-modules: ~
My Dockerfile:
# Set the base image.
FROM node:10
# Create and define the working directory.
RUN mkdir /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install the application's dependencies.
COPY package.json ./
COPY package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install
The trick with the external volume is described in a lot of blog posts and Stack Overflow answers. For example, this one.
The application works great. The source code is synchronized. The hot reloading works great too.
The only problem that I have is that node_modules folder is empty on the host. Is it possible to synchronize the node_modules folder that is inside Docker container with the host?
I've already read these answers:
docker-compose volume on node_modules but is empty
Accessing node_modules after npm install inside Docker
Unfortunately, they didn't help me a lot. I don't like the first one, because I don't want to run npm install on my host because of the possible cross-platform issues (e.g. the host is Windows or Mac and the Docker container is Debian 8 or Ubuntu 16.04). The second one is not good for me too, because I'd like to run npm install in my Dockerfile instead of running it after the Docker container is started.
Also, I've found this blog post. The author tries to solve the same problem I am faced with. The problem is that node_modules won't be synchronized because we're just copying them from the Docker container to the host.
I'd like my node_modules inside the Docker container to be synchronized with the host. Please, take into account that I want:
to install node_modules automatically instead of manually
to install node_modules inside the Docker container instead of the host
to have node_modules synchronized with the host (if I install some new package inside the Docker container, it should be synchronized with the host automatically without any manual actions)
I need to have node_modules on the host, because:
possibility to read the source code when I need
the IDE needs node_modules to be installed locally so that it could have access to the devDependencies such as eslint or prettier. I don't want to install these devDependencies globally.
At first, I would like to thank David Maze and trust512 for posting their answers. Unfortunately, they didn't help me to solve my problem.
I would like to post my answer to this question.
My docker-compose.yml:
# Define Docker Compose version.
version: "3"
# Define all the containers.
# Frontend Container.
build: ./app/frontend
- ./app/frontend:/usr/src/app
- 3000:3000
NODE_ENV: development
command: /usr/src/app/
My Dockerfile:
# Set the base image.
FROM node:10
# Create and define the node_modules's cache directory.
RUN mkdir /usr/src/cache
WORKDIR /usr/src/cache
# Install the application's dependencies into the node_modules's cache directory.
COPY package.json ./
COPY package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install
# Create and define the application's working directory.
RUN mkdir /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
And last but not least
cp -r /usr/src/cache/node_modules/. /usr/src/app/node_modules/
exec npm start
The trickiest part here is to install the node_modules into the node_module's cache directory (/usr/src/cache) which is defined in our Dockerfile. After that, will move the node_modules from the cache directory (/usr/src/cache) to our application directory (/usr/src/app). Thanks to this the entire node_modules directory will appear on our host machine.
Looking at my question above I wanted:
to install node_modules automatically instead of manually
to install node_modules inside the Docker container instead of the host
to have node_modules synchronized with the host (if I install some new package inside the Docker container, it should be
synchronized with the host automatically without any manual actions
The first thing is done: node_modules are installed automatically. The second thing is done too: node_modules are installed inside the Docker container (so, there will be no cross-platform issues). And the third thing is done too: node_modules that were installed inside the Docker container will be visible on our host machine and they will be synchronized! If we install some new package inside the Docker container, it will be synchronized with our host machine at once.
The important thing to note: truly speaking, the new package installed inside the Docker container, will appear in /usr/src/app/node_modules. As this directory is synchronized with our host machine, this new package will appear on our host machine's node_modules directory too. But the /usr/src/cache/node_modules will have the old build at this point (without this new package). Anyway, it is not a problem for us. During next docker-compose up --build (--build is required) the Docker will re-install the node_modules (because package.json was changed) and the file will move them to our /usr/src/app/node_modules.
You should take into account one more important thing. If you git pull the code from the remote repository or git checkout your-teammate-branch when Docker is running, there may be some new packages added to the package.json file. In this case, you should stop the Docker with CTRL + C and up it again with docker-compose up --build (--build is required). If your containers are running as a daemon, you should just execute docker-compose stop to stop the containers and up it again with docker-compose up --build (--build is required).
If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments.
Having run into this issue and finding the accepted answer pretty slow to copy all node_modules to the host in every container run, I managed to solve it by installing the dependencies in the container, mirror the host volume, and skip installing again if a node_modules folder is present:
FROM node:12-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
CMD [ -d "node_modules" ] && npm run start || npm ci && npm run start
version: '3.8'
build: ./
- ./:/usr/src/app
When you need to reinstall the dependencies just delete node_modules.
A Simple, Complete Solution
You can install node_modules in the container using the external named volume trick and synchronize it with the host by configuring the volume's storage location to point to your host's node_modules directory. This can be done with a named volume using the local driver and a bind mount, as seen in the example below.
The volume's data is stored on your host anyway, in something like /var/lib/docker/volumes/, so we're just storing it inside your project instead.
To do this in Docker Compose, just add your node_modules volume to your front-end service, and then configure the volume in the named volumes section, where "device" is the relative path (from the location of docker-compose.yml) to your local (host) node_modules directory.
version: '3.9'
# Your service options...
- node_modules:/path/to/node_modules
driver: local
type: none
o: bind
device: ./local/path/to/node_modules
The key with this solution is to never make changes directly in your host node_modules, but always install, update, or remove Node packages in the container.
Version Control Tip:
When your Node package.json/package-lock.json files change, either when pulling, or switching branches, in addition to rebuilding the Image, you have to remove the Volume, and delete its contents:
docker volume rm example_node_modules
rm -rf local/path/to/node_modules
mkdir local/path/to/node_modules
There's three things going on here:
When you run docker build or docker-compose build, your Dockerfile builds a new image containing a /usr/src/app/node_modules directory and a Node installation, but nothing else. In particular, your application isn't in the built image.
When you docker-compose up, the volumes: ['./app/frontend:/usr/src/app'] directive hides whatever was in /usr/src/app and mounts host system content on top of it.
Then the volumes: ['frontend-node-modules:/usr/src/app/node_modules'] directive mounts the named volume on top of the node_modules tree, hiding the corresponding host system directory.
If you were to launch another container and attach the named volume to it, I expect you'd see the node_modules tree there. For what you're describing you just don't want the named volume: delete the second line from the volumes: block and the volumes: section at the end of the docker-compose.yml file.
No one has mentioned solution with actually using docker's entrypoint feature.
Here is my working solution:
Dockerfile (multistage build, so it is both production and local dev ready):
FROM node:10.15.3 as production
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install && npm install --only=dev
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
CMD ["npm", "start"]
FROM production as dev
COPY docker/ /usr/local/bin/
CMD ["npm", "run", "watch"]
set -e
npm install && npm install --only=dev ## Note this line, rest is copy+paste from original entrypoint
if [ "${1#-}" != "${1}" ] || [ -z "$(command -v "${1}")" ]; then
set -- node "$#"
exec "$#"
version: "3.7"
target: dev
context: .
- .:/app:delegated
- "3000:3000"
restart: always
With this approach you achieve all 3 points you required and imho it is much cleaner way - not need to move files around.
Binding your host node_modules folder with your container node_modules is not a good practice as you mention. I have seen the solution of creating an internal volume for this folder quite often. Not doing so will cause problems during the building stage.
I ran into this problem when I was trying to build a docker development environment for an angular app, that shows tslib errors when I was editing the files within my host folder cause my host's node_modules folder was empty (as expected).
The cheap solution that helps me, in this case, was to use the Visual Studio Code Extension called "Remote-Containers".
This extension will allow you to attach your Visual Studio Code to your container and edit transparently your files within your container folders. To do so, it will install an internal vscode server within your development container. For more information check this link.
Ensure, however, that your volumes are still created in your docker-compose.yml file.
I hope it helps :D!
I wouldn't suggest overlapping volumes, although I haven't seen any official docs ban it, I've had some issues with it in the past. How I do it is:
Get rid of the external volume as you are not planning on actually using it how it's meant to be used - respawning the container with its data created specifically in the container after stopping+removing it.
The above might be achieved by shortening your compose file a bit:
build: ./app/frontend
- ./app/frontend:/usr/src/app
- 3000:3000
command: npm start
Avoid overlapping volume data with Dockerfile instructions when not necessary.
That means you might need two Dockerfiles - one for local development and one for deploying a fat image with all the application dist files layered inside.
That said, consider a development Dockerfile:
FROM node:10
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install
The above makes the application create a full node_modules installation and map it to your host location, while the docker-compose specified command would start your application off.
I'm not sure to understand why you want your source code to live inside the container and host and bind mount each others during development. Usually, you want your source code to live inside the container for deployments, not development since the code is available on your host and bind mounted.
Your docker-compose.yml
- ./app/frontend:/usr/src/app
Your Dockerfile
FROM node:10
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
Of course you must run npm install first time and everytime package.json changes, but you run it inside the container so there is no cross-platform issue: docker-compose exec frontend npm install
Finally start your server docker-compose exec frontend npm start
And then later, usually in a CI pipeline targetting a deployment, you build your final image with the whole source code copied and node_modules reinstalled, but of course at this point you don't need anymore the bind mount and "synchronization", so your setup could look like :
context: ./app/frontend
target: dev
- ./app/frontend:/usr/src/app
FROM node:10 as dev
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
FROM dev as build
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . ./
CMD ["npm", "start"]
And you target the build stage of your Dockerfile later, either manually or during a pipeline, to build your deployment-ready image.
I know it's not the exact answer to your questions since you have to run npm install and nothing lives inside the container during development, but it solves your node_modules issue, and I feel like your questions are mixing development and deployment considerations, so maybe you thought about this problem in the wrong way.
The best for development
build: ./app/frontend
- 3000:3000
- ./app/frontend:/usr/src/app
FROM node:lts
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install -g react-scripts
RUN chown -Rh node:node /usr/src/app
USER node
CMD [ "sh", "-c", "npm install && npm run start" ]
# CMD [ "sh", "-c", "npm install && npm run build" ]
The user node will help you with the rights of host<->guest
The folder node_modules will be accessible from the host and synchronize host<->guest
Thanks Vladyslav Turak for answer with where we copy node_modules from container to host.
I implemented the similar thing but I run into the issue with husky, #commitlint, tslint npm packages.
I can't push anything into repository.
Reason: I copied node_modules from Linux to Windows. In my case <5% of files are different (.bin and most of package.json) and 95% are the same. example: image with diff
So I returned to solution with npm install of node_modules for Windows first (for IDE and debugging). And Docker image will contain Linux version of node_modules.
I know that this was resolved, but what about:
FROM node
# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Your other staffs
version: '3.2'
build: ./path/to/folder/with/a/dockerfile
- "./volumes/app:/usr/src/app"
command: "npm start"
... ,
"scripts": {
"start": "npm install && node server.js"
"dependencies": {
After run, node_modules will be present in your volumes, but its contents are generated within the container so no cross platform problems.
My workaround is to install dependencies when the container is starting instead of during build-time.
# We're using a multi-stage build so that we can install dependencies during build-time only for production.
# dev-stage
FROM node:14-alpine AS dev-stage
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json ./
COPY . .
# `yarn install` will run every time we start the container. We're using yarn because it's much faster than npm when there's nothing new to install
CMD ["sh", "-c", "yarn install && yarn run start"]
# production-stage
FROM node:14-alpine AS production-stage
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json ./
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
Add node_modules to .dockerignore to prevent it from being copied when the Dockerfile runs COPY . .. We use volumes to bring in node_modules.
container_name: node_app
context: ./node_app
target: dev-stage # `production-stage` for production
# For development:
# If node_modules already exists on the host, they will be copied
# into the container here. Since `yarn install` runs after the
# container starts, this volume won't override the node_modules.
- ./node_app:/usr/src/app
# For production:
- ./node_app:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
You could also use dockerized npm install. This is the same as npm install but it runs on a docker container.
The node_modules will be written to the host. It should work out of the box and you can specify which npm version to use. If needed, the container can be extended or customized.
Be aware that some npm packages may require compilation, and the generated binaries may not be compatible with your host machine. If you just need the source code or dist files, this is not an issue.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of Dockerized.
TL;DR - yarn install installs node_modules in an 'intermediate container' and the packages disappear after the build step.
I'm trying to get webpacker going with our dockerized rails 5.0 app.
FROM our_company_centos_image:latest
RUN yum install wget -y
RUN wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
RUN yum install sqlite-devel yarn -y
RUN mkdir -p $APP_HOME/node_modules
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock package.json yarn.lock $APP_HOME/
RUN bundle install --path /bundle
RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile
When yarn install runs, it installs the packages, followed immediately by
Removing intermediate container 67bcd62926d2
Outside of the container, running ls node_modules shows an empty directory, and the docker-compose up process will eventually fail when running webpack_dev_server exits due to the modules not being present.
I've done various things link adding node_modules as a volume in docker-compose.yml to no effect.
The only thing that HAS worked is running yarn install locally to build the directory and then doing it again in the directory, but then I've got OS X versions of the packages which may eventually cause a problem.
What am I doing wrong here?
version: '2'
build: .
network_mode: bridge
WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_HOST: webpack_dev_server
- webpack_dev_server
command: bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b ''
- ./node_modules:/app/node_modules
- .:/app
- "3000:3000"
tty: true
stdin_open: true
image: myapp_web
network_mode: bridge
command: bin/webpack-dev-server
NODE_ENV: development
RAILS_ENV: development
- .:/app
- "3035:3035"
The last step is to ADD . $APP_HOME. You also mention that node_modules folder is empty in your local tree. Does that mean node_modules exists still as an empty folder?
If this is true, then the node_modules empty folder is likely getting copied over during the ADD step and overwriting everything that was done in the previous yarn step.
One solution I found, is to add the node_modules as a volume.
For example, if you node_modules directory is located at /usr/src/app/node_modules, just add:
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
I have a Rails 5.2.0.rc1 app with webpacker working at It's not 100% right yet but I've found that running docker-compose webpacker yarn install --pure-lockfile gets things up and running on a new environment before docker-compose up --build. I'm not entirely sure yet why that's required since it's in the Dockerfile.
Also as far as I know your volume for web should just be - '.:/app' and the statement with node_modules is redundant.