Foundation Tooltip data-allow-html not working - tooltip

I need tooltips in Foundation to accept html. The html in the title tag is not being read as html. Here is a simple example:
Here's the code:
<h3 data-tooltip data-allow-html="true" class="has-tip" title="<p>This is the description</p>">This is a tooltip</h3>

I'm not sure how to do it directly, but you can use javascript to adjust it. I did this in the console in Google's inspector (with code cobbled together from other places):
Select the tooltip by role (assuming you only have one tooltip on the page):
tooltip = document.querySelectorAll('[role="tooltip"]')[0]
Create the html element you want to append:
var a = document.createElement('a');
var linkText = document.createTextNode("my title text");
a.title = "my title text";
a.href = "";
Append the html element to the tooltip:
Hope that helps!


set cursor position in contenteditable div in uiwebview

I am loading UIWebView with html file. the html file contains some text in Div tags. I need to set cursor position in a div tag. the html file contains different div tags.based on some condition i need to locate cursor position.
This is helpful for setting the caret position.
Suppose my html is like this:
<div id="editable" contenteditable="true">
text text text<br>text text text<br>text text text<br>
<button id="button" onclick="setCaret()">focus</button>
and my javascript method is:
function setCaret() {
var el = document.getElementById("editable");
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
range.setStart(el.childNodes[2], 5);

Display ASP.MVC view in CKEditor dialog window

I created a plugin with a custom dialog window.
init: function (editor) {
var pluginName = 'imggallery';
label: 'Add image',
command: 'OpenWindow',
icon: CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('imggallery') + 'lightbulb.gif'
editor.addCommand('OpenWindow', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('simpleLinkDialog'));
var html2 = "<h1>This is a heading</h1>";
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('simpleLinkDialog', function (editor) {
return {
title: 'LinkProperties',
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 200,
id: 'general',
label: 'Settings',
type: 'html',
html: html2
My question is: Is it possible to somehow display ASP.MVC view in window content?
When I assign html2 to elements property the text is shown without formatting (plain text).
Are you sure it's plain text and not a H1 tag that is formatted to look like plain text? There's a big difference :). The CKE dialogs reset most of the standard browser styles so that elements appear like plain text, even though they are not.
As for the MVC view, I would recommend that you add an iframe within the CKE dialog and display the page normally there. Then you can control or get/set values from the iframe using JavaScript. It will be a bit tricky, but should work.
var html2 = '<iframe id="DialogIframe" src="/MyController/MyView?foo=bar"></iframe>';
The other option is to use something like jQuery to $.get() the HTML and then use it, should be relatively simple if you have worked with ajax before. If not, here's a good chance to start! :)

Tooltips (Titles) in XUL browser content are not working?

I'm developing an extension for FireFox. I use a XUL deck element that contains a XUL browser element. Unfortunately, whenever the page displayed in the browser has an HTML title attribute, the value of this title attribute will not show up as a tooltip.
How can I get tooltips to display correctly?
There is no mechanism to automatically display title attributes in tooltips - the browser window has special code for that and you need to replicate this code in your extension. This means that you need to define a <tooltip> element, e.g.:
<tooltip id="browserTooltip" onpopupshowing="return fillTooltip(this);"/>
You should use this tooltip in your <browser> element, like this:
<browser tooltip="browserTooltip"/>
And you should create a fillTooltip() function that will be called whenever your tooltip shows up. It will need to look at the HTML element that the mouse pointer hovers over, check its title attribute and put the value of the attribute into the tooltip. The function performing this job in Firefox is FillInHTMLTooltip() though you might want to go with a simpler variant like this (untested code):
function fillTooltip(tooltip)
// Walk up the DOM hierarchy until we find something with a title attribute
var node = document.tooltipNode;
while (node && !node.hasAttribute("title"))
node = node.parentNode;
// Don't show tooltip if we didn't find anything
if (!node)
return false;
// Fill in tooltip text and show it
tooltip.setAttribute("label", node.getAttribute("title"));
return true;
I found the solution for those who are interested, it's by adding a tooltip property to the XUL browser element with the following value:
Or adding it programmatically using javascript like this:
for more details check:
Working example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<window id="mainWindow" xmlns="" title="NanoFL" width="800" height="600" persist="screenX screenY width height sizemode">
function fillTooltip(tooltip)
var nodes = document.getElementById("browser").contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll(":hover");
for (var i=nodes.length-1; i>=0; i--)
if (nodes[i].hasAttribute("title"))
tooltip.setAttribute("label", nodes[i].getAttribute("title"));
return true;
return false;
<browser id="browser" src="chrome://nanofl/content/index.html" flex="1" disablehistory="true" tooltip="browserTooltip" />
<tooltip id="browserTooltip" onpopupshowing="return fillTooltip(this)"/>

Add dynamically TinyMCE Textarea on Newly tabs

I using tab's JQuery plugin UI each tab contains TextArea then are manage by TinyMCE librarie.
I want to do : When you click on tab "+" , that add new tab which contains textarea too.
To create new tab with textearea , it's good. The problem is : I can't edit textarea value and if i click on TinyMCE 's option ( like Bold ) : J is null error on Javascript console
My JS Code :
$('li > a.moretxt').click(function(){
// Number of element in tabs
var size = $( "#tabs" ).tabs("length");
// Content to add on new tab
var content = "<div id='divcontent"+size+"'><textarea id=\'txtcontent"+size+"'\' cols=\'60\' rows=\'5\'></textarea></div>";
// Some variable
var path = '#divcontent'+size;
var title = 'content'+size;
var idtxt = 'txtcontent'+size;
// Add new div Textarea before the end
//Add control ?
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, idtxt);
// Add new TAB
$( "#tabs" ).tabs("add",path,title,(size));
var index = $( "#tabs" ).tabs("option", "selected");
The follow code , well add tab with tiny TextArea but it doesn't works ...
TinyMCE needs to have the object in the DOM to apply itself. I'm not sure why TinyMCE isn't working as you appear to be are adding the container prior to adding TinyMCE, however if you move the "addControl" to after you've added the new Tab it should work.

Buttons in Jquery Ui having some problem with the change of a Label

I have a little problem, and I can't figure out where does it come from.
I'm using jQuery UI (and of course jQuery)
I have the following HTML:
<input type="checkbox" id="test" value="test"/>
<label for="test">Show Test</label>
<div id="checkedDiv"></div>
and the following JS:
function clickChange() {
var currentText = this.nextSibling.innerHTML;
this.nextSibling.innerHTML =
(this.checked) ? currentText.replace("Show","Hide") :
currentText.replace("Hide", "Show");
var test=document.getElementById("test")
The problem is that on the first click, the innerHTML doesn't change. After that it works.
And to be a little more disappointed, the nextSibling seems to change (at least from what is seen in the #checkedDiv), but doesn't appear on the DOM Tree on firefox/firebug.
Am I missing something ?
(if you want to try it yourself, it's here: )
The (or at least one) solution is to use label as suggested by Aziz Shaikh:
function clickChange() {
var currentText = $(this).button( "option","label");
$(this).button( "option","label",(this.checked)? currentText.replace("Show","Hide") : currentText.replace("Hide", "Show"));
And there is no need to change the html or the button initialisation.
Try setting the label using $("#test").button({ label: newText }); instead of this.nextSibling.innerHTML
Edit: So your fixed JS function would be:
function clickChange() {
var currentText = this.nextSibling.firstChild.innerHTML;
var newText = (this.checked) ? currentText.replace("Show","Hide") : currentText.replace("Hide", "Show");
$("#test").button("option", "label", newText);
It's because nextSibling() also returns text nodes. You are changing the blank empty space after the input, not the next tag.
jQuery makes it easy, do
