linux hdf5 build exceptionally noisy -- reasonable? - hdf5

I recently downloaded the source for HDF5 (hdf5-1.12.1) and am building it on Ubuntu 20.04. The number of compiler warnings is remarkable ---the messages reference -Wnull-dereference, -stringop-truncation, -Wcast-qual, -Wstrict-overflow ....
It's possible my system is configured by default to have more warnings than usual, but even so, I wouldn't expect something with this wide a distribution to fail so many warning checks. Any thoughts, beyond "don't run with strict checking"? If anyone is on the source side of HDF5, is this something you are aware of?


With bazel how do I be/make sure objects taken from cache have been build for the right system/libraries?

I got some strange glibc-related linker errors for builds with distributed build cache configured on build nodes running different Linux distributions.
Now I somehow suspect build artifacts from those machines with different glibc versions getting mixed up, but I don't know how to investigate this.
How do I find out what Bazel takes into account when building the hash for a certain build artifact?
I know I can explicitly set environment variables which then will affect the hash. But how can I be sure a given compiler, a certain version of glibc, etc. will lead to different hashes for built artifacts?
And how do I check/compare what's been taken into account?
This is a complex topic and a multi-facet question. I am going to answer in the following order:
How do I check/compare what's been taken into account?
How to investigate against which glibc a build linked?
How can I be sure a given compiler, a certain version of glibc, etc. will lead to different hashes for built artifacts?
How do I check/compare what's been taken into account?
To answer this, you should look into the the execution look, specifically you can read up on The *.json execution log should contain everything you need to know (granted, it might be a bit verbose) and is a little easier to process with shell-magic/your editor.
How to investigate against which glibc a build linked?
From the execution log, you can get all the required hashes to retrieve cached artifacts/binaries from your remote cache. Given these files, you should be able to use standard tools to get to the glibc version (ldd -r -v binary | grep GLIBC).
How can I be sure a given compiler, a certain version of glibc, etc. will lead to different hashes for built artifacts?
This depends on the way you have setup for compilation toolchain. The best case would be a fully hermetic compilation toolchain, where all necessary files are declared using attributes like
But this would also mean to lock-down the compiler sysroot. This should include all libraries you are linking against if you want full hermeticity. If you want to use some system libraries, you need to tell bazel where to find them and to factor in their hash: or
If you use the auto-detected compiler toolchain, some tricks are used to lock-down the sysroot paths, but expect some non-hermiticity. is a nice write-up how to move from the auto-detected toolchain to something more hermetic.
The hack
Of course, you can hack around this. Note, this is inherently a bad idea:
create a script that inspects the system, determines everything important like the glibc version, maybe the linux distribution (flavor)
creates a string describing this variation and hash-summing it
use that as the instance key/name for your remote cache

Can the same code and same compiler produce a different binary on different machines?

The idea of Nixos binary caches led me to considering this question.
In nix, every compiled binary is associated with a hash key which is obtained from hashing all the dependencies and build script, i.e. a 'derivation' in nix-speak. That is my understanding, anyway.
But couldn't the same derivation lead to different binaries, when compiled on different machines?
If machine A's processor has a slightly different instruction set than machine B's processor, and the compiler took this different instruction set into account, wouldn't the binary produced by compiling the derivation on machine A be distinguishable from the binary produced by compiling the derivation on machine B? If so, then couldn't different binaries could have the same derivation and thus the same nix hash?
Does the same derivation built on machines with different instruction sets always produce the same binary?
This depends on the compiler implementation and options passed to it. For example, GCC by default does not seems to pay attention to the specifics of the current processor, unless you specify -march=native or -mtune=native.
So yes, if you use flags like these or a compiler with default behavior like these flags, you will get a different output on a machine with a different model of cpu.
A build can be non-reproducible for other reasons as well, such as inappropriate use of clock values or random values or even counters that are accessed in non-deterministically interleaved patterns by threads.
Nix does provide a sandbox that removes some sources of entropy; primarily the supposedly unrelated software that may be present on a machine. It does not remove all of these sources for practical reasons.
For these reasons, reproducibility will have to be a consideration, even when packaging with Nix; not something that is solved completely by it.
I'll quote the menu "Achieve deterministic builds
" from and annotate it with the effect of Nix to the best of my knowledge. Don't quote me on this.
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: solved; set by Nixpkgs
Deterministic build systems: partially solved; Nixpkgs may include patches
Volatile inputs can disappear: solvable with Nix if you upload sources to the (binary) cache. Hercules CI does this.
Stable order for inputs: mostly solved. Nix language preserves source order and sorts attributes.
Value initialization: low-level problem not solved by Nix
Version information: not solved; clock is accessible in sandbox
Timestamps: same as above
Timezones: solved by sandbox
Locales: solved by sandbox
Archive metadata: not solved
Stable order for outputs: use of randomness not solvable by sandbox
Randomness: same
Build path: partially; linux uses /build; macOS may differ depending on installation method
System images: broad issue taking elements from previous items
JVM: same

Why are Docker multi-architecture needed (instead of the Docker Engine abstracting the differences)

Short version
I would like to know the technical reasons why do Docker images need to be created for multiple architectures. Also, it is not clear whether the point here is creating an image for each CPU architecture or for an OS. Shouldn't the OS abstract the architecture?
Long version
I can understand why the Docker Engine must be ported to multiple architectures. It is a piece of software that will interact with the OS, make system calls, and ultimately it is just code that is represented as a sequence of instructions within a particular instruction set, for a particular architecture. So the Docker Engine must be ported to multiple OS/architectures much like, let's say, Microsoft Word would have to be ported.
The same thing would occur to - let's say - the JVM, or to VirtualBox.
But, different than with Docker, software written for the JVM on Windows would run on Linux. The JVM would abstract the differences of the underlying OS/architectures, and run the same code on both platforms.
Why isn't that the case with Docker images? Why can't the Docker Engine just abstract the differences, and provide a common interface, so the image itself wouldn't need to be compatible with a specific OS/architecture?
Is this a decision (like "let's make different images per architecture because it is better for reason X"), or a consequence of how Docker works (like "we need to do it this way because Docker requires Y")?
I'm not crying "omg, why??". This is not a rant or criticism, I'm just looking for a technical explanation for the need of different images for different architectures.
I'm not asking how to create a multi-architecture image.
I'm not looking for an answer like "multi-architecture images are needed so you can run your images on various platforms", which answers "what for?", but not "why is that needed?" (which is my question).
Besides that, when you see an image, it usually has an os/arch in the digest, like this:
What exactly the image is targeting? The OS, the architecture, or both? Shouldn't the OS abstract the underlying architecture?
edit: I'm starting to assume that the need for different images per architecture is on the lines of: the image will contain applications inside it. Let's say, it will contain the Go compiler. The Go compiler itself is a binary that must have been complied to different architectures. The image for x86-64 will contain the Go compiler compiled to x86-64, and so on. Is this correct? If this is correct, is this the only reason?
Why can't the Docker Engine just abstract the differences, and provide a common interface
Performance would be a major factor. Consider how slow Cygwin is for some things when providing a POSIX API on top of Windows by emulating some POSIX things that don't map directly to the Windows API. (e.g. fork() / exec separately, instead of CreateProcess).
And that's just source compatibility; the resulting binaries are specific to Cygwin on Windows. It's even worse if you want to do that at runtime (binary compat instead of source compat).
There's also the amount of complexity Docker would need to provide an efficient portable JIT-compiling VM on top of various OSes, especially across various CPU ISAs like x86-64 vs. AArch64 that don't even share common machine code.
If Docker had gone this route, it would really just be re-inventing a JVM or .NET CLR bytecode-based VM.
Or more likely, instead of reinventing that wheel, it would just use an existing VM and add image management on top of that. But then it couldn't work with native programs written in C, unless it transpiled them to Java or CLR bytecode.
All tough the promise of Docker is the elimination of differences when moving software between machines, you'll still face the problem that Docker runs with the host machine's CPU architecture, which can't be crossed in Docker.
Neither Docker, nor a virtual machine, abstract a CPU to enable full cross compatibility.
Emulators do. If both Docker and VM's would run on Emulators, they would be less performant as they are today.
The docker buildx command and --build-arg ARCH flag leverages the advantage of the qemu emulator, emulating the full system with an architecture during a build. The downside of emulation is that it runs much slower than normal builds.

Detailed Explanation on "Re-Hosting" and "Retargeting" both for compilers and binary data (such as .exe or .obj)

Sometimes in s/w companies, customers provide data in multiple formats. There are linkable and executable data that are said to be "Rehosted" and compiled object files that are said to be "Retargeted". I am trying to understand what rehosting and retargeting mean in this area. Is it similar to the Bootstrap theory in computer science? I have the understanding of the following process (if not incorrect):
I need to write a compiler for a new language called "MyLang" to run on PowerPC
1. I need to write a compiler for a language "MyLang-Mini"; a subset of "MyLang" to run on PowerPC.
2. I need to write a compiler for "MyLang" using "MyLang-Mini" to run on PowerPC.
3. I run the compiler obtained from no. 1 through the compiler obtained from no. 2 to
obtain the compiler for MyLang to run on PowerPC.
MyLang PowerPC MyLang PowerPC
MyLangMini MyLangMini PowerPC PowerPC(instr.)
What I am getting confused about is rehosting and retargeting. How are they coonected to this concept? What am I rehosting and retargeting if I have some binary data such as .exe or .obj? I would appreciate some detailed explanation if possible please!
I know that this will embark onto "CROSS-COMPILERS", but would prefer expert opinions to be sure.
Thanks in advance.
I now know that in s/w engineering:
REHOSTING - If you have a third-party application linkable/executable that requires usage on your host machine, you do rehosting. The target in this case are most often the same (OS platform, processor, etc.). In worst case, there is a virtualisation required. The rehosted application will run as if it was one of the application running in the host machine
RETARGETTING - If you have a third-party source code, you might need to recompile that to match with your target environment. It may also be that you have third-party .o or .obj compiled models and you want to link them with your source code (retargeted) in order to host it on a host machine. Just like REHOSTED application, it will be as if the application was installed on the host machine.
It will be good to know how this is similar to the compiler rehosting and retargeting. Sorry, I am a newbee is this area and will appreciate even a slap on the wrist.

Cross compiling for several systems at once

Question: How do make a single make file to compile several different systems, environments, and sets of libraries at once?
I'm a student and as such most of my work is done for the sake of learning how these things work. Right now I'm building a game engine from the ground up. I'd like to be able to make it cross platform in terms of OS, but also for different environments. My target environments are both 32 and 64 bit (my desktop as well as my netbook), with a graphics card and with mesa, and linux and windows. so overall it should out put 8 binaries.
I'm still very new to make, as well as the whole concept of cross compiling. I imagine that the process of compiling more than 1 binary isn't hard. but where I'm kind of stuck is how do i get it to attach the right libraries? The Ubuntu Linux vs the WinAPI libraries, 32bit vs 64bit libraries. etc etc. Is it even possible to get libraries in such a manner?
If you need me to clarify further I can. Thanks.
Addendum: Basically I want to know how to compile headers for drivers i may not have. for example. I want to compile all the files on my netbook, including the ones for openCL, I don't want to run them, as my netbook has no GPU, I just want to compile. conversely, I want to use my desktop compile for my netbook which uses ocelot and mesa for its gpu dealings, but my desktop does not have mesa or ocelot on it. that sort of thing. Thanks.
