IOS 14.7.1 and WordPress Drop Down - ios

I am supporting a website that has a drop down menu ( and it was brought to my attention that the dropdown menu for the states on the front page does not work on iOS 14.7.1 so I am testing with an emulator and I tried this setting safari to block cookies and the drop down works but when I set to unblock cookies the dropdown does not direct me to the page in question it does nothing. This works perfectly fine in Chrome, so I am curious if this may be device specific as it does not make much sense that it works when I block cookies?


AngularJS data-binding not working on iOS Safari Only for Heroku App

In my current MEAN stack project, everything functions fine on desktop Safari, Chrome, and mobile Chrome, but in mobile Safari for iOS, data-binding shows as text (e.g. {{}} as opposed to $25). To make matters worse, when I open the app from iOS Safari served from localhost, it also works properly.
I've tried rolling back my Heroku app and the problem persists, even when I go back to a version from when I'm sure it looked good on an iPhone. I've checked it out on others' iPhones, and gotten the same negative result. I can't find this problem elsewhere on the internet, nor am I sure what I should be looking for as the problem seems to be with Heroku or iOS.
Here's the live page: This has me very much stumped, but I'm pretty green. If you find it not working on other platforms, I'd love to know about that as well.
(Naturally, I can't well spin up a CodePen example as the problem is only occurring in the wild.)
A friend introduced me to the Safari Web Inspector for mobile which allwed me to see warnings, alerts, etc.
It turns out that my Google Maps API call, via http://, was causing the page to break on mobile Safari. When I changed it to https:// everything worked! Thanks go to Bonus Kun whose answer to another question helped expedite my solution.

iOS Guided Access mode breaks HTML <select>

I have a web site built as a web app that contains a single 'select' menu. The menu works fine and the options are displayed when viewed in a browser including Mobile Safari on an iPad.
However viewing the web app with Guided Mode enabled ( which prevents access to some iPad features, the tag stops working and won't open. A regular link using the 'a href' tag still works though.
Does anyone know why this particular tag is not working?
I've run into this same issue. It appears to be an iOS bug.
jQuery Mobile had a bug reported for this issue here:
They solved it by coding around it, using hidden divs that are enabled by Javascript (See their custom select menu examples).

IOS Web App open links within web app

I am in the mist of creating a mobile web app and have both meta tags
I have an iphone 5 on 7.0.4
When I click on a regular link like the one below it, opens up a mobile safari window and leaves the webapp. I also tried setting the target to _self and same behavior.
Sign in
I then used my ipad which was on 7.0.3 and it worked as should, not opening mobile safari on links. I think proceeded to update my ipad to 7.0.4 and the same issue as I had on my ipad.
Anyone ran into this issue and or knows a fix ?
Since iOS 7.0.4 all links in WebApps open in Safari. As a workaround you can use Javascript:
But remember that these steps will not be captured in history (so there is no ability to use Javascript like history.back() ..).
Alternatively, if you are using a menu in your web app, try to combine iframe and Javascript, you can change the content of your iframe with this Javascipt:
document.getElementById("frame").src = new_content.html
This will prevent your WebApp to open up links in Safari and stay in WebApp view.

Page Renders in Safari but not in Chrome on iPad

PC OS: Windows 8
iPad OS: iOS 7.0.2 (11A5901)
Chrome: 30.0.1599.16
ExtJS 3.4.0
I have a web application that relies heavily on Javascript (using the ExtJS framework). It all seems to work as I expect except one page. When browsing this page on my iPad using Safari, the page renders correctly. When in Chrome, I only get the part of the page that doesn't need javascript. However, if I click on the chrome menu and request desktop site then the page loads as intended.
Things I have tried / searched for:
How to debug this page in Chrome on the iPad. All the articles are either old or say to use Safari (because Chrome and Safari use the same engine?), but the page works in Safari.
Setting the agent string in my desktop version of Chrome. The page still loaded correctly.
I turned off Javascript in Safari (just to see). Safari then behaved like Chrome.
I'm just looking for a direction to go or something to try. I'm pretty new when it comes to iPad development. But I think that if I could just see what the developer tools show, I can work it out from there. I can't post a link because the site is behind a login.
Any help is appreciated!
One approach might be to load Firebug Lite on your page. This would allow you to log errors and print JavaScript values to the console.

Does IE 6.0 support maintaining the session when opening a new browser using a link?

I have a page on which is a link. This link opens a second page (on the same server/application) in a new window. The second page uses Session variables.
My application works fine with IE 9.0 that I have but it has to work with IE 6.0 as well.
My concern is it may loose session with IE 6.0; not 100% sure.
How could I test my app with IE 6.0? is it possible to install IE 6.0 with IE 9.0 side by side?
I'm using IETester tool but it doesn't support popup window scenarios.
Any thoughts?
I happen to have one of those Virtual PC images thirtydot mentioned.
Just tried it to be sure and YES, session is carried across links.
However I do remember a bug from a long long time ago which related to pop-ups opened from modal dialogs which DO NOT carry forward session - it was a known IE bug at the time.
