How to buy a domain name starting with one.***.com - url

Recently many websites are hosted and have domain names of format ( on URL's such as
Are these registered as ***.com and then one subdomain is added to create (
If not then how can i buy these or register?

Are these registered as ***.com and then one subdomain is added to create (
The short answer is yes. Here is the long answer,
This is a very fundamental question about how domains work. Don't think about the one part. That is the sub domain. You can create any subdomain you want under your primary domain name. You just have to buy the *.com domain.
Later you have to add an A type dns record to point one.*.com to your desired server.


How to create an URL with variable subdomain like

I have noticed many websites (e.g. quora) create URL in which there is a userspecific part before the domain name. For example is Quora blog -
I know that I can add a fixed subdomain in the DNS CNAME as shown here
My question is how do I make it variable for different users? The BLOGNAME part of the quora url id different for differnt blogs.

How to configure custom domain for links in

How do I set up the custom subdomain for my branch links? Currently I have pointed the cname records to and (I have added 2 CNAME records)
I get the following error when I try to add the sudomain in the dashboard – “Domain not properly configured; please CNAME your domain to ‘’. If you’ve already done this, note that it can take up to several hours to propagate”
Do I have to point the subdoiman to “” If yes, then how will the live and test environment urls be different? Do I have to setup 2 different CNAME records - one for the live version and one for the test version?
It has been several hours since I set up the CNAME records. A simple dig <my custom subdomain> gives the correct result.
Alex from Branch here: You should use as the CNAME for your subdomain(s). The Live and Test environments can use the same URL or can be set separately — completely up to you, since our backend takes care of all the routing details. Our guide for this is here, which you might find useful for reference.

How to set up a custom domain prefix for my website's url

I just need to know what the name for the mail in:
would be named
I thought 'custom domain prefix' made sense, but that doesn't seem to be it.
Please provide a link to documentation if possible, or just a proper search query.
Also, would it be a good idea to use these prefixes? Basically I have a site called and I want to make a prefix for the city (Ann Arbor, Michigan) since this is a localized website.
Eventually I want to add other cities in Michigan, but I'm just starting with this one.
Not surprisingly there's a plethora of rfc's (rfc1591 rfc2606 and rfc2181 to name just a few) that talk about the structure of domain names, and this quote from rfc2181 stresses the hierarchical nature of DNS
Occasionally it is assumed that the Domain Name System serves only the
purpose of mapping Internet host names to data, and mapping Internet
addresses to host names. This is not correct, the DNS is a general
(if somewhat limited) hierarchical database, and can store almost any
kind of data, for almost any purpose.
So, to the left of your Top Level Domain (.com in your example) and what's quite often called second level domain (also used in the aforementioned rfc2606 and also in rfc920) or in short domain, you can still have a whole hierarchy of names. Personally I like to think of the leftmost one as the host name, because if you're addressing a service chances are that the most specific one represents a computer. The "intermediate ones" are commonly called subdomains.

URL for the user profile? to be a subdomain or text after the slash?

I'm creating an online based system that has public user profiles for all users..
I'm wondering how to organize the URLs for these public user profiles? What could be better for the SEO and of course for the user friendliness?
or maybe even{username}
Thanks in advance!
Definitely not a subdomain for SEO Purposes.
I personally prefer the last option{username} as it gives a level of separation from the rest of the application.
This of course requires that {username} is always unique in the database. If it is not (see StackOverflow and the ability to have whatever username you like even if it's taken), then you need to add a Unique Identifier in the url string as well{userID}/{username}
Lastly, if the site ENTIRELY revolves around the user (IE: a blogsite), then you can remove the users from the url string and just go with {username} again providing "username" is unique{username}
One consideration for SEO is "do the users benefit financially if their profiles get search traffic?"
If the answer is yes, then users have an incentive to build links to their profiles. You won't have any control over the types of links they create. Consequently algorithmic penalties could be applied to your website because one bad egg is trying to increase search traffic.
If you put their profiles on sub domains, then any negative SEO will only affect the sub domain and not the test of the website.

Serving different pages as different Domain Names in IIS (6 or 7)

I have a ASP.Net MVC application which serves user pages with URL like -,
now I want this one application to serve pages to two different domains from outside. Like -
what kind of setup / redirects / proxies I will need to setup so when user types the published domain name ( it translates internally to my app as ( I want to keep the url in the browser the same what they typed, while just query string parameters changes.
Thanks and Regards,
Each users' domain name will need a CNAME record in their DNS that points to (Google uses CNAME records to point custom domain names to blogs, so that seems like a good way to go.)
Then your code needs to look at the Request object to identify which domain name is being used and do a lookup to find which user the domain belongs to. This wouldn't really be translating to It would be using the domain name to determine the user instead of the route parsing that you would normally do with MVC.
I'm not 100% sure that the Request object will give you the right domain name. You'll have to try it out.
You could also just setup your code so that your urls specify relative paths rather than absolute URLs. This will keep the domain name the same in the browser and improve performance.
