while using Workers, I have a switch/case to match request.cf.region.
I cannot find the list of 21 names that Cloudflare uses for the regions of Italy.
I created my own, here below.
Can anybody confirm the list I'm providing matches Cloudflare's names?
As a reference I'm using the names from the wikipedia "Economy of regions" section: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_Italy
A first discrepancy I've found, Cloudflare defines 'Lazio' as 'Latium'.
I'm trying to find if there's other names that don't match the names from Wikipedia.
I share the list for public use and maintenance.
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Aosta Valley
request.cf.region represents the ISO 3166-2 name for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request. This is documented at this page
For localisation inconsistencies I'd recommend to reach out to Cloudflare Support to have it reviewed.
I have a specific scenario:
There are 2 paths leading to a given OSPF prefix:
-Both of the paths are learnt via OSPF
-Prefix CIDRs are the same size
-Both OSPF "preference" value is unchanged (so is the default: 10)
My problem is that only a single Path is put inside my routing-table
( I would assume it is because one of the OSPF path's cost was lower than the other's).
I got 2 questions:
-What command do I need to put into Juniper CLI in order to see the "not-so-best" OSPF paths (that actually didnt make it into the routing table)
-How do I see the metric of each individual path toward a given prefix.
Thanks in advance.
OSPF does not advertise routes, it advertises LSAs. You need look at the OSPF "database" to see the different LSAs, and you need to understand the LSA types and the Djikstra algorithm.
I'm trying to get a deeper view on my dataflow jobs by measuring parts of it using Metrics.counter & Metrics.gauge but I cannot find them on Stackdriver.
I have a premium Stackdriver account and I can see those counters under the Custom Counters section on the Dataflow UI.
I can see droppedDueToLateness 'custom' counter though on Stackdriver that seems to be created via Metrics.counter as well...
Aside from that, there's something that could be helpful that is that when I navigate https://app.google.stackdriver.com/services/dataflow the message I get is this:
"You do not have any resources of this type being monitored by Stackdriver." and that's weird as well. As if our Cloud Dataflow wasn't properly connected to Stackdriver, but, on the other hand. Some metrics are displayed and can be monitored such as System Lag, Watermark age, Elapsed time, Element count, etc...
What am I missing?
Custom metric naming conventions
When defining custom metrics in Dataflow, you have to adhere to the custom metric naming conventions, or they won't show up in Stackdriver.
Relevant snippet:
You must adhere to the following spelling rules for metric label
You can use upper and lower-case letters, digits, underscores (_) in
the names.
You can start names with a letter or digit.
The maximum length of a metric label name is 100 characters.
If you create a metric with
Metrics.counter('namespace', 'name')
The metric shows up in stackdriver as custom.googleapis.com/dataflow/name, so 'name' should adhere to the rules mentioned above. The namespace does not seem to be used by Stackdriver.
Additional: labels
It doesn't seem possible to add labels to the metrics when defined this way. However, the full description of each time series of a metric is a string with the format
'name' job_name job_id transform
So you can aggregate by these 4 properties (+ region and project).
I am currently learning about UUID in iOS, and of course I'm trying to make sense of them. From what I can gather, when you call NSUUID(), it returns a 128 bit string that is completely unique (though I'm not currently interested in how it can ensure a completely unique string, I figure it takes into account the date, time, and device identity). To make use of this string, you can append it to the end of the Document Directory (which I believe is unique to each application) to ensure a unique file path that can be used to access files later. Is this a correct understanding of the concept?
Globally Unique Identifiers are 128-bit binary strings.
Microsoft COM uses them to prevent "name collisions" between components without needing some "central naming authority" (like we have for DNS names, IP addresses, broadcast frequencies, etc etc).
GUIDs are likely to be unique ... but it's not guaranteed.
Here is a good article explaining more:
And yes, your understanding of iOS NSUUIDs is exactly right:
It depends on the version of Universally unique identifier. Version 4 is almost guaranteed to be unique but not completely. Wikipedia states the following:
"Out of a total of 128 bits, two bits indicate an RFC 4122 ("Leach-Salz") UUID and four bits the version (0100 indicating "randomly generated"), so randomly generated UUIDs have 122 random bits. The chance of two such UUIDs having the same value can be calculated using probability theory (birthday paradox). Using the approximation"
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Version_4_.28random.29
I've been researching CLDR and IANA in order to find a centralized mapping of UN/LOCODEs to Olsen Timezones.
Ideally I would like to have for example:
|un_locode |timezone |
|USLAX | America/Los_Angeles|
for every UN/LOCODE.
Are my nube skills failing me in understanding how to use these sources to reach my goal? (If so please help point me towards the scripting that would allow me to automate providing these mappings).
Or, do these sources fail to have the data correlation that I'm looking for? (If so please let me know if you have a reliable source).
We faced the exact same problem and hence had to provide a solution.
This solution involves linking the UN/LOCODES database with a geolocation/timezone database.
There are a few caveats to this approach that were captured by Matt Johnson's answer and the accompanying comments.
the UN/LOCODE database of coordinates is not complete[1] and sometime has inaccurate data[2]
in some cases, a 1 to 1 mapping between the UN/LOCODE and a timezone is impossible due to the political nature of the timezones.
the two points above are worsened by the inaccuracy of free coordinates-to-timezone databases. It is helpful to get a dataset that also includes territorial waters so that ports timezones can be properly linked to the country they belong.
The following repository https://github.com/Portchain/un_locodes_sql contains the code to extract and link the data. It outputs a SQL file that can be imported into a PostgreSQL DB.
The geolocation/timezone data is based on the geo-tz[3] module which seems to source its data from timezone-boundary-builder[4].
Again, the list provided by our repository is of course incomplete and inaccurate. If you see any error in the data, please open a github issue and let's make an accurate, open source list of UN/LOCODE, coordinates and timezone information.
[1] For example, both Los Angeles and San Francisco, USA (USLAX & USSFO) are missing coordinates in the UN/LOCODE database.
[2] The petroleum port of Abu al Bukhoosh (AEABU) is situated in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Its coordinates in the UN/LOCODE database position the port right in the middle of the Persian Gulf (https://www.port-directory.com/ports/abu_al_bukhoosh/). When resolved, this causes the timezone to be unknown.
[3] https://github.com/evansiroky/node-geo-tz
[4] https://github.com/evansiroky/timezone-boundary-builder
The GeoNames free database of cities (which is available to download) provides: city names, latitude/longitude and, most importantly, timezone information. You can fairly quickly make your own database connecting this information with the UN/LOCODE code lists based on the name/country/coordinates.
I've not seen such a source. You could try to create one by mapping the lat/lon coordinates for those entries that have them, and correlating to IANA time zone by one of the methods listed here.
However, be sure to read Wikipedia's article about UN/LOCODE, especially describing errors with coordinates. Also note that many of the coordinates simply not in the data - why? I don't know.
The list of UN/LOCODE for the US is here, and show Los Angeles to be US LAX (not UNLAX). Its coordinates field is blank.
If you can find some other reliable source of UN/LOCODE to lat/lon, then you are in business. A quick search found that GeoNames claims to have this in their premium data subscription, but I haven't investigated further.
CLDR's map is here: https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Time_Zone_Identifiers
I saw CLDR tagged but not mentioned.
I'm interested in the Btdigg.org which is called a "DHT search engine". According to this article, it doesn't store any content and even has no database. Then how does it work? Doesn't it need to gather meta infos and store them in database like other normal search engines? After a user submit a query, it scans the DHT network and return the results in "real time"? Is this possible?
I don't have specific insight into BTDigg, but I believe the claim that there is not database (or something that acts like a database) is a false statement. The author of that article might have been referring to something more specific that you might encounter in a traditional torrent site, where actual .torrent files are stored for instance.
This is how a BTDigg-like site works:
You run a bunch of DHT nodes, specifically with the purpose of "eaves dropping" on DHT traffic, to be introduced to info-hashes that people talk about.
join those swarms and download the metadata (.torrent file) by using the ut_metadata extension
index the information you find in there, map it to the info-hash
Provide a front-end for that index
If you want to luxury it up a bit you can also periodically scrape the info-hashes you know about to gather stats over time and maybe also figure out when swarms die out and should be removed from the index.
So, the claim that you don't store .torrent files nor any content is true.
It is not realistic to search the DHT in real-time, because the DHT is not organized around keyword searches, you need to build and maintain the index continuously, "in the background".
Since this answer, an optimization (BEP 51) has been implemented in some DHT clients that lets you query which info-hashes they are hosting, significantly reducing the cost of indexing.
For a deep understanding of DHT and its applications, see Scott Wolchok's paper and presentation "Crawling BitTorrent DHTs for Fun and Profit". He presents the autonomous search engine idea as a sidenote to his study of DHT's security:
PDF of his paper:
His presentation at DEFCON 18 (parts 1 & 2)
The method used in Section 3 seems to suggest a database to store all the torrent data is required. While performance is better, it may not be a true DHT search engine.
Section 8, while less efficient, seems to be a DHT search engine as long as the keywords are the store values.
From Section 3, Bootstrapping Bittorent Search:
"The system handles user queries by treating the
concatenation of each torrent's filenames and description as a
document in the typical information retrieval model and using an
inverted index to match keywords to torrents. This has the advantage
of being well supported by popular open-source relational DBMSs. We
rank the search results according to the popularity of the torrent,
which we can infer from the number of peers listed in the DHT"
From Section 8, Related Work:
the usual approach to distributing search using a DHT is
with an inverted index, by storing each (keyword, list of matching
documents) pair as a key-value pair in the DHT. Joung et al. [17]
describe this approach and point out its performance problems: the
Zipf distribution of keywords among files results in very skewed load
balance, document information is replicated once for each keyword in
the document, and it is difficult to rank documents in a distributed
It is divided into two steps.
To achieve bep_0005 protocol got infohash, you do not need to implement all protocol requires only now find_node (request), get_peers (response), announce_peer (response). Here's one of my open source dhtspider.
To achieve bep_0009 protocol got metainfo index it, here are my own a bittorrent search engine, every day can get unique infohash 300w +, effective metainfo 50w +.