how to write complex matrix into file? - printing

i am having a problem with writing a complex matrix into a text file. The matrix looks ok in matlab but in text file it is strange. The sign of the imaginary part is not correctly printed.
In Notepad:
here is the code for writing:
for i=1:18550
and here you can find the matrix.

it seems there is a bug, but you can convert your matrix to string then write it using writematrix, suppose you want to write matrix A in text file:
>> A=(rand(5,3)-0.5)+(rand(5,3)-0.5)*i
A =
-0.0495 + 0.3687i 0.3258 - 0.0686i -0.3933 - 0.3639i
-0.4162 - 0.4156i 0.0383 + 0.4106i 0.4619 + 0.3693i
-0.2710 - 0.1002i 0.4961 - 0.3182i -0.4954 + 0.0797i
0.4133 - 0.2401i -0.4218 - 0.2362i 0.2749 + 0.0499i
-0.3476 + 0.3001i -0.0573 - 0.3545i 0.3173 - 0.3550i
>> writematrix(string(A))


Neovim lua how to use mutable variables in keymappings

I'm using neovide (a graphical interface for nvim), so I lost ctrl+[-+] to change the font size. I'm trying to rewrite it in my lua config but I'm pretty new to lua so I'm struggling to implement the function. Here's my code :
vim.g.font_size = 11
vim.o.guifont='FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font Mono:h'..vim.g.font_size
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-->',
':let g:font_size = (g:font_size - 1)<CR>:let &guifont = \'FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font Mono:h'..vim.g.font_size..'\'<CR>')
What I'm trying to do, is to have a variable font_size that I can increment or decrement, then use the new value to update the size of the font. The first two lines work perfectly, they always set the correct font size when launching a new instance of neovide. The keymap on the other hand will decrement / increment font_size like intended but the second command of the mapping will always use the value written at line 1.
For instance, if I start neovide and press ctrl+-, the status line will show :let &guifont = 'FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font Mono:h11', but if I enter the following command : echo g:font_size, I get 10. Is there a way to fix this problem ? (or a more elegant way to fix it haha)
This line:
':let g:font_size = (g:font_size - 1)<CR>:let &guifont = \'Consolas:h'..vim.g.font_size..'\'<CR>'
Is building a string that uses the current version of vim.g.font_size at the time the string is built. That ends up being this string:
':let g:font_size = (g:font_size - 1)<CR>:let &guifont = \'Consolas:h11\'<CR>'
So your mapping looks like this:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-->', ':let g:font_size = (g:font_size - 1)<CR>:let &guifont = \'Consolas:h11\'<CR>'
See what's happening now?
Side note, Lua supports several string delimeters ("x", 'x', or [[x]]), so you don't have to escape your internal strings if you use a different outer delimeter, like this:
":let g:font_size = (g:font_size - 1)<CR>:let &guifont = 'Consolas:h11'<CR>"
The binding yoiu really want is this:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-->', ":let g:font_size = (g:font_size - 1)<CR>:let &guifont = 'Consolas:h'.g:font_size<CR>"
But if you really want the binding to be Lua, you'd dot his:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-->', ":luado vim.g.font_size = vim.g.font_size - 1; vim.o.guifont='Consolas:h'..vim.g.font_size<CR>")

Barcode4j - Generate check digit in an EAN13 barcode

When yo generate a barcode with Barcode4j as an image, you could obtain the human readable text, too, for instance:
EAN13 barcode example
In this picture we can see that the human readable text is: 1000000012026
In this example the barcode has been generated with the code 100000001202 and the number 6 is the check digit added by Barcode4j generator.
So, my question is: Is possible obtain the check digit of an EAN13 generated barcode with Barcode4j? Because I know how to render this as a image, but I don't know how to obtain the human readable text, as a plain text.
Thanks to Barcode4j plugin, you can calculate the checksum with the barcode format you need. In Java 7, you can calculate the checkSum as this way:
private String calculateCodeWithcheckSum(String codigo){
EAN13Bean generator = new EAN13Bean();
UPCEANLogicImpl impl = generator.createLogicImpl();
codigo += impl.calcChecksum(codigo);
return codigo;
First, you need the EAN13 barcode format, so you can get the class that the plugin provides you, and call its only method: createLogicImpl().
This method is used to give you a class of type UPCEANLogicImpl.
This is the class you need, because you can find in it the method to calculate the checkSum. So, you only have to call the method calcChecksum giving your code (100000001202), and will give you the checkSum value (6).
You can check it in the next web:
Adding your code and the checkSum value will give you the value you need (1000000012026)
In case you what to compute the check digit without importing a java library here's the code:
public static String ean13CheckDigit(String barcode) {
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
int c = Character.getNumericValue(barcode.charAt(i));
s += c * ( i%2 == 0? 1: 3);
s = (10 - s % 10) % 10;
barcode += s;
return barcode;

addFeatures doesn't seem to be taken in my code

I'm working on openlayers 3 and ExtJS 6. I have a vector who is loaded with a GeoJson. I clear it and I want to add some new features once it's cleared.
My new data are provided by a store. So this is what I want to add in my vector :
[{"type":"Feature","properties":{"SCALERANK":6,"NATSCALE":30,"LABELRANK":5,"FEATURECLA":"Populated place","NAME":"Marsabit","NAMEPAR":null,"NAMEALT":null,"DIFFASCII":0,"NAMEASCII":"Marsabit","ADM0CAP":0,"CAPALT":0,"CAPIN":null,"WORLDCITY":0,"MEGACITY":0,"SOV0NAME":"Kenya","SOV_A3":"KEN","ADM0NAME":"Kenya","ADM0_A3":"KEN","ADM1NAME":"Eastern","ISO_A2":"KE","NOTE":null,"LATITUDE":2.329999,"LONGITUDE":37.979997,"CHANGED":1,"NAMEDIFF":0,"DIFFNOTE":"Changed scale rank.","POP_MAX":16460,"POP_MIN":15361,"POP_OTHER":16460,"RANK_MAX":6,"RANK_MIN":6,"GEONAMEID":187585,"MEGANAME":null,"LS_NAME":"Marsabit","LS_MATCH":1,"CHECKME":0,"MAX_POP10":16460,"MAX_POP20":16460,"MAX_POP50":0,"MAX_POP300":0,"MAX_POP310":0,"MAX_NATSCA":20,"MIN_AREAKM":12,"MAX_AREAKM":12,"MIN_AREAMI":5,"MAX_AREAMI":5,"MIN_PERKM":17,"MAX_PERKM":17,"MIN_PERMI":10,"MAX_PERMI":10,"MIN_BBXMIN":37.975,"MAX_BBXMIN":37.975,"MIN_BBXMAX":38.033333,"MAX_BBXMAX":38.033333,"MIN_BBYMIN":2.325,"MAX_BBYMIN":2.325,"MIN_BBYMAX":2.341667,"MAX_BBYMAX":2.341667,"MEAN_BBXC":38.004167,"MEAN_BBYC":2.333333,"COMPARE":0,"GN_ASCII":"Marsabit","FEATURE_CL":"P","FEATURE_CO":"PPL","ADMIN1_COD":3,"GN_POP":15361,"ELEVATION":0,"GTOPO30":1344,"TIMEZONE":"Africa/Nairobi","GEONAMESNO":"Geonames ascii name + lat.d + long.d matching.","UN_FID":0,"UN_ADM0":null,"UN_LAT":0,"UN_LONG":0,"POP1950":0,"POP1955":0,"POP1960":0,"POP1965":0,"POP1970":0,"POP1975":0,"POP1980":0,"POP1985":0,"POP1990":0,"POP1995":0,"POP2000":0,"POP2005":0,"POP2010":0,"POP2015":0,"POP2020":0,"POP2025":0,"POP2050":0,"CITYALT":null},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[37.979996702838946,2.329998595077768]},"NAME":"Marsabit","id":"AIS_LIVE.model.PlacesModel-13153"},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"SCALERANK":7,"NATSCALE":20,"LABELRANK":3,"FEATURECLA":"Populated place","NAME":"Marsala","NAMEPAR":null,"NAMEALT":null,"DIFFASCII":0,"NAMEASCII":"Marsala","ADM0CAP":0,"CAPALT":0,"CAPIN":null,"WORLDCITY":0,"MEGACITY":0,"SOV0NAME":"Italy","SOV_A3":"ITA","ADM0NAME":"Italy","ADM0_A3":"ITA","ADM1NAME":"Sicily","ISO_A2":"IT","NOTE":null,"LATITUDE":37.805404,"LONGITUDE":12.438662,"CHANGED":0,"NAMEDIFF":0,"DIFFNOTE":null,"POP_MAX":77784,"POP_MIN":43179,"POP_OTHER":42587,"RANK_MAX":8,"RANK_MIN":7,"GEONAMEID":2524245,"MEGANAME":null,"LS_NAME":"Marsala","LS_MATCH":1,"CHECKME":0,"MAX_POP10":43179,"MAX_POP20":43179,"MAX_POP50":0,"MAX_POP300":0,"MAX_POP310":0,"MAX_NATSCA":20,"MIN_AREAKM":19,"MAX_AREAKM":19,"MIN_AREAMI":7,"MAX_AREAMI":7,"MIN_PERKM":25,"MAX_PERKM":25,"MIN_PERMI":16,"MAX_PERMI":16,"MIN_BBXMIN":12.425,"MAX_BBXMIN":12.425,"MIN_BBXMAX":12.491667,"MAX_BBXMAX":12.491667,"MIN_BBYMIN":37.766667,"MAX_BBYMIN":37.766667,"MIN_BBYMAX":37.816667,"MAX_BBYMAX":37.816667,"MEAN_BBXC":12.458631,"MEAN_BBYC":37.794643,"COMPARE":0,"GN_ASCII":"Marsala","FEATURE_CL":"P","FEATURE_CO":"PPL","ADMIN1_COD":15,"GN_POP":77784,"ELEVATION":0,"GTOPO30":7,"TIMEZONE":"Europe/Rome","GEONAMESNO":"Geonames ascii name + lat.d + long.d matching.","UN_FID":0,"UN_ADM0":null,"UN_LAT":0,"UN_LONG":0,"POP1950":0,"POP1955":0,"POP1960":0,"POP1965":0,"POP1970":0,"POP1975":0,"POP1980":0,"POP1985":0,"POP1990":0,"POP1995":0,"POP2000":0,"POP2005":0,"POP2010":0,"POP2015":0,"POP2020":0,"POP2025":0,"POP2050":0,"CITYALT":null},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[12.43866166041903,37.805404275558374]},"NAME":"Marsala","id":"AIS_LIVE.model.PlacesModel-10722"},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"SCALERANK":4,"NATSCALE":50,"LABELRANK":3,"FEATURECLA":"Admin-1 region capital","NAME":"Marseille","NAMEPAR":null,"NAMEALT":"Marseille-Aix-en-Provence","DIFFASCII":0,"NAMEASCII":"Marseille","ADM0CAP":0,"CAPALT":0,"CAPIN":null,"WORLDCITY":0,"MEGACITY":1,"SOV0NAME":"French Republic","SOV_A3":"FRA","ADM0NAME":"France","ADM0_A3":"FRA","ADM1NAME":"Provence-Alpes-C-te-d'Azur","ISO_A2":"FR","NOTE":null,"LATITUDE":43.289979,"LONGITUDE":5.37501,"CHANGED":4,"NAMEDIFF":0,"DIFFNOTE":"Changed feature class.","POP_MAX":1400000,"POP_MIN":794811,"POP_OTHER":813666,"RANK_MAX":12,"RANK_MIN":11,"GEONAMEID":2995469,"MEGANAME":"Marseille-Aix-en-Provence","LS_NAME":"Marseille","LS_MATCH":1,"CHECKME":0,"MAX_POP10":946129,"MAX_POP20":1034294,"MAX_POP50":1034294,"MAX_POP300":0,"MAX_POP310":0,"MAX_NATSCA":50,"MIN_AREAKM":285,"MAX_AREAKM":361,"MIN_AREAMI":110,"MAX_AREAMI":140,"MIN_PERKM":237,"MAX_PERKM":327,"MIN_PERMI":147,"MAX_PERMI":203,"MIN_BBXMIN":5.158333,"MAX_BBXMIN":5.183333,"MIN_BBXMAX":5.633333,"MAX_BBXMAX":5.633333,"MIN_BBYMIN":43.216667,"MAX_BBYMIN":43.216667,"MIN_BBYMAX":43.466123,"MAX_BBYMAX":43.525,"MEAN_BBXC":5.397504,"MEAN_BBYC":43.351337,"COMPARE":0,"GN_ASCII":"Marseille","FEATURE_CL":"P","FEATURE_CO":"PPLA","ADMIN1_COD":0,"GN_POP":794811,"ELEVATION":0,"GTOPO30":54,"TIMEZONE":"Europe/Paris","GEONAMESNO":"Geonames ascii name + lat.d + long.d matching.","UN_FID":187,"UN_ADM0":"France","UN_LAT":43.28,"UN_LONG":5.38,"POP1950":756,"POP1955":798,"POP1960":929,"POP1965":1069,"POP1970":1182,"POP1975":1253,"POP1980":1295,"POP1985":1307,"POP1990":1305,"POP1995":1331,"POP2000":1357,"POP2005":1386,"POP2010":1400,"POP2015":1418,"POP2020":1445,"POP2025":1469,"POP2050":1490,"CITYALT":"Marseille"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.37306427182989,43.29192492260455]},"NAME":"Marseille","id":"AIS_LIVE.model.PlacesModel-13925"}]
But if I execute: me.getData('myVector').getSource().addFeatures(myData)
I've got an error.
I also tried
var format = new ol.format.GeoJSON();
me.getData('myVector').addFeatures(format.readFeatures( myData, {
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
} ) );
It gives me 0 error but I when I want to display all my features there is nothing in my vector.
How can I do?

How do I parse a string at compile time in Nimrod?

Going through the second part of Nimrod's tutorial I've reached the part were macros are explained. The documentation says they run at compile time, so I thought I could do some parsing of strings to create myself a domain specific language. However, there are no examples of how to do this, the debug macro example doesn't display how one deals with a string parameter.
I want to convert code like:
…into something which by hand I would write like:
var height: float = 132.4
var weight: float = 75.0
var age: int = 25
Obviously this example is not very useful, but I want to look at something simple (multiline/comma splitting, then transformation) which could help me implement something more complex.
My issue here is how does the macro obtain the input string, parse it (at compile time!), and what kind of code can run at compile time (is it just a subset of a languaje? can I use macros/code from other imported modules)?
EDIT: Based on the answer here's a possible code solution to the question:
import macros, strutils
# Helper proc, macro inline lambdas don't seem to compile.
proc cleaner(x: var string) = x = x.strip()
macro declare(s: string): stmt =
# First split all the input into separate lines.
rawLines = split(s.strVal, {char(0x0A), char(0x0D)})
buf = ""
for rawLine in rawLines:
# Split the input line into three columns, stripped, and parse.
var chunks = split(rawLine, ',')
map(chunks, cleaner)
if chunks.len != 3:
error("Declare macro syntax is 3 comma separated values:\n" &
"Got: '" & rawLine & "'")
# Add the statement, preppending a block if the buffer is empty.
if buf.len < 1: buf = "var\n"
buf &= " " & chunks[0] & ": "
# Parse the input type, which is an abbreviation.
case chunks[1]
of "i": buf &= "int = "
of "f": buf &= "float = "
else: error("Unexpected type '" & chunks[1] & "'")
buf &= chunks[2] & "\n"
# Finally, check if we did add any variable!
if buf.len > 0:
result = parseStmt(buf)
error("Didn't find any input values!")
x, i, 314
y, f, 3.14
echo x
echo y
Macros can, by and large, utilize all pure Nimrod code that a procedure in the same place could see, too. E.g., you can import strutils or peg to parse your string, then construct output from that. Example:
import macros, strutils
macro declare(s: string): stmt =
var parts = split(s.strVal, {' ', ','})
if len(parts) != 3:
error("declare macro requires three parts")
result = parseStmt("var $1: $2 = $3" % parts)
declare("x, int, 314")
echo x
"Calling" a macro will basically evaluate it at compile time as though it were a procedure (with the caveat that the macro arguments will actually be ASTs, hence the need to use s.strVal above instead of s), then insert the AST that it returns at the position of the macro call.
The macro code is evaluated by the compiler's internal virtual machine.

OpenCV Hough strongest lines

Do the HoughLines or HoughLinesP functions in OpenCV return the list of lines in accumulator order like the HoughCircles function does? I would like to know the ordering of lines. It would also be very handy to get a the accumulator value for the lines so an intelligent and adaptive threshold could be used instead of a fixed one. Are either the ordering or the accumulator value available without rewriting OpenCV myself?
HoughTransform orders lines descending by number of votes. You can see the code here
However, the vote count is lost as the function returns - the only way to have it is to modify OpenCV.
The good news is that is not very complicated - I did it myself once. It's a metter of minutes to change the output from vector< Vec2f > to vector< Vec3f > and populate the last param with vote count.
Also, you have to modify CvLinePolar to add the third parameter - hough is implemented in C, and there is a wrapper over it in C++, so you have to modify both the implementation and the wrapper.
The main code to modify is here
for( i = 0; i < linesMax; i++ )
CvLinePolar line;
int idx = sort_buf[i];
int n = cvFloor(idx*scale) - 1;
int r = idx - (n+1)*(numrho+2) - 1;
line.rho = (r - (numrho - 1)*0.5f) * rho;
line.angle = n * theta;
// add this line, and a field voteCount to CvLinePolar
line.voteCount = accum[idx];
cvSeqPush( lines, &line );
