If I can change or set animation duration for Quasar notify plugin? - quasar-framework

Becuase the default animation looks a little slowly in my scenario.
From the official documents, https://quasar.dev/quasar-plugins/notify, I only found timeout parameter, and it means
Amount of time to display (in milliseconds)
That's not what I means, does anybody has similar requirements? Thank you for your any advice.

You can assign your own class to notification in config:
config: {
notify: {
classes: 'mynotification',
and then change transition property in css:
.mynotification {
transition: 0.4s ease all;


Highcharts - SetState (inactive) not working after redraw

Consider the following toy example: jsfiddle
chart: {
events: {
render: myfunc
function myfunc() {
var chart = this;
chart.series.forEach(function(s) {
s.setState('inactive', true);
The intended behavior is to set the state of the first series as hover while setting all other series as inactive after load and redraw events.
The code works as intended after load
However, it doesn't work after redraw (via the select box). After selecting an option in the box, the series are rendered as normal instead of as inactive UNLESS any series had been previously hovered. That is, the code works if you interact with any series AND THEN select an option in the box, but it doesn't work if you select an option in the box immediately after the loading without interacting on the series.
Surprisingly, after some inspection in the console, I noted that in any case the intended states are properly passed to the series object. So, why the states are not properly rendered?
*NOTE: In my actual application the hovered series is not necessarily the first one, but it varies depending on the output of other function. I'm aware that "myfunc" could be simplified in the current example, but for general purposes please suggest an answer keeping the basic structure if possible.
This seems to be related to this issue from HighChart's GitHub. In your case, HighCharts is correctly updating the series' state. However, while rendering it fails to set the proper opacity value associated with the 'inactive' state. The workaround is to explicitly set the opacity of the series to the same value it should have in the 'inactive' state.
// F U N C T I O N S E T S T A T E
function myfunc() {
var chart = this;
chart.series.forEach(function(s) {
//explicit opacity
s.opacity = 0.2;
s.setState('inactive', true);
Thank you for sharing this issue, it seems that it is a regression after the last release.
In the previous version it used to work fine: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/Lbpvdwam/
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/8.1.0/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/8.1.0/highcharts-more.js"></script>
I reported it on Highcharts Github issue channel where you can follow this thread: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/13719
If you don't need any new features/bugfixes use the previous version as a temporary workaround.

How to use CDK overlay while leaving an existing component in the foreground?

The Angular Material CDK library provides various features including overlays. All the examples I can find show how to display a new component on top of the overlay. My goal is a little different. I want to display an existing component (one of several on the screen) on top of the overlay.
The behavior I have in mind is that when the user goes into a kind of editing mode on a particular object, the component representing that object would sort of "float" on top of an overlay, until editing is done or cancelled.
Is there any straightforward way to do that? It seems that the cdkConnectedOverlay directive might be useful, but I can't figure out how to make it work.
Angular CDK Provides you two ways to achieve that (Directives and Services).
Using the Overlay service you will need to call the create method passing the positionStrategy prop:
class AppComponent {
#ViewChild('button') buttonRef: ElementREf;
ngOnInit() {
const overlayRef = overlay.create({
positionStrategy: getOverlayPosition(),
height: '400px',
width: '600px',
const userProfilePortal = new ComponentPortal(UserProfile);
getOverlayPosition(): PositionStrategy {
this.overlayPosition = this.overlay.position()
{originX: 'start', originY: 'bottom'},
{overlayX: 'start', overlayY: 'top'}
return this.overlayPosition;
I made an example to show you how to use the CDK overlays services and classes.
Overlay demo
If you prefer the directive way Look at this medium article and check the examples applying the directive way:
Material CDK Overlay with RxJS

How to set start time for primefaces clock widget?

Is it possible to set start time for PrimeFaces clock widget?
I know about Analog Clock from PrimeFaces Extensions, but I need digital clock with this option.
I have tried to override javascript method for this clock, but it doesn't work.
PrimeFaces.widget.Clock = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
init: function(cfg) {
this.cfg.value = 1430304817141;
this.current = this.isClient() ? new Date() : new Date(this.cfg.value);
var $this = this;
isClient: function() {
return this.cfg.mode === 'client';
The first problem was that you were overriding the widget too late, after PrimeFaces has instantiated its original unmodified widget. According to PrimeFaces Customizable Resource Ordering the right place to override would be in h:head.
The second problem is that you're overriding the widget with a crippled version, that doesn't contain many necessary functions that were present in the original widget.
I wouldn't recommend this approach at all - to basically break the whole PrimeFaces widget like that. What if you'd want to use the normal unchanged clock? Copy-pasted code is harder to maintain too. I advise going the more localized approach: tweak only a single widget instance.
<p:clock id="my_clock" />
// get widgetVar via EL function, since p:clock doesn't have the widgetVar attribute
var myClockVar = #{p:widgetVar('my_clock')};
myClockVar.current = new Date(1430304817141);
Just be careful not to update the clock with AJAX requests, or it will to reset to showing client time; and not to update the script, or the clock will reset to the specified time again.

Open Layers 3: How to create listener for a modify interaction

I have managed to set up a modify interaction.
The docs for ol.interaction.Modify (http://ol3js.org/en/master/apidoc/ol.interaction.Modify.html) don't metion a single event that is fired when a feature is modified.
Unlike for instance for ol.interaction.Draw (http://ol3js.org/en/master/apidoc/ol.interaction.Draw.html) which works nicely.
I need to update the coordinates in the database when a feature has been modified.
How can I set up a listener?
I found a solution.
The high-level-explanation is here: http://boundlessgeo.com/2014/06/openlayers-editing-wfs-t/
Basically you don't listen to changes in the modify-interaction (like you do in the draw-interaction). Instead, you listen to changes in the selected features themselves.
Here's a short extract:
// get the features from the select interaction
var selected_features = select_interaction.getFeatures();
// when a feature is selected...
selected_features.on('add', function(event) {
// get the feature
var feature = event.element;
// ...listen for changes on it
feature.on('change', function(event) {
// got it!
Here is a complete working example: http://codepen.io/barbalex/pen/fBpyb
for this, you have to use like following :
feature.once('change', function(bool) {if (bool) {document.getElementById('my_input_text').value='feature changed'}})
you have to use 'once' instead of 'on' to avoid multiple check and use boolean variable to check if feature is changed or not.
Hope this help

How to register map move / map pan events in OpenLayers 3

I'm looking for OpenLayer 3 map event for map move/map pan, something like:
map.on('move', function(){
Does anyone know how to implement?
The moveend event might be the one you search for - it detects any move made, even those not invoked by dragging.
map.on('moveend', function (e) {
See http://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_Map-Map.html
These events are no longer present in recent versions. Please refer to the more recent answer for an up-to-date information.
Names of the events you're looking for are drag and/or dragend (it's probably a better idea to depend on properties names, though: ol.MapBrowserEvent.EventType.DRAG but it didn't work on the demo page):
map.on('drag', function() {
map.on('dragend', function() {
console.log('Dragging ended.');
Reverse-engineered by looking inside mapbrowserevent.js, the documentation explicitly mentions events are not documented yet.
MoveEnd trigger if u move the map with a script.
I have use that in OpenLayers 6:
map.on('pointerdrag', function (event) {
is_map_center = false;
hf gl!
I believe this functionality exists in 2 functions within the View of a map, not the map itself. You can monitor the center property of the View by listening for change:center events. There is also a getInteracting() method in ol.View that will return a boolean if an interaction (zooming or panning) is occurring.
