Linking a fixed spreadsheet and a moving spreadsheet by cell value - google-sheets

I work for a small business that depends quite a lot on the weather. I’m trying to create a spreadsheet (in google sheets) to predict daily revenue. At the moment the spreadsheet simply multiplies last year’s corresponding day by the growth percentage to get this year’s daily values. I’m trying to include the weather forecast (15 days) in the calculation. I’ve managed to import the forecast successfully using an api tutorial that I found online (, and include the forecast values in the revenue calculation.
Now for the issue:
*the revenue prediction is a spreadsheet with every row being a day of the year, making the spreadsheet 365 rows long
*the imported forecast (in another tab, not sure that’s relevant) is only 15 rows long and updates every day, meaning that it remains that length. No new row is added during the update: the data just shift one row up and the first day disappears while a new day takes the bottom row.
My formula in the revenue tab identifies the weather data in the weather tab by row but when I pull the formula down for the whole year (down 365 rows, that is), only the first 15 rows refer to existing data in the weather tab. -> Not only are the results obtained based on the wrong row as soon as the weather tab updates on day 2, but they are also referring to totally empty cells from day 16 on.
So my questions are:
*is there a way to force the daily weather forecast to remain on its row and add a new row every day, or failing that,
*is there a way for the formula to recognize the matching day cells and use the value of the cell x columns to the right of it, effectively skipping the row referencing altogether
I’ve added a very simplified sketch of the spreadsheets for the more visual helpers out here
Apologies if this is unclear, I do not have a tech background but am happy to clarify anything if needed.
-- Edit: Here is a screenshot of the revenue tab. The expected output is in column K. The values in it at the moment are incorrect.

Seems like you just need a dynamic way to match the dates? I can't tell if you meant to have prior year data in other tab, but this spreadsheet matches your example and returns the value irrespective of the row order.
The formula being used (in the top row) is:


Trying to only SUM values in one column based on if the adjacent cells in another column contain a formula

So I'm creating a Google Sheets doc that contains my hours and overtime for an hourly position I have, and how much overtime I'll need to make the amount of money I need to make to survive.
In addition to this I am also trying to track my hours so I can track the actual amount of money I'm making.
So I have a projected clock out time in Column B that uses a formula to tell me what time I need to ideally clock out at based on how many hours I need and what time I clocked in at. When I clock out, I enter the actual time I clocked out at.
In Column C I have the total amount of hours I worked that day, formatted in duration based on the difference between the value in Column A and Column B. If I haven't entered in a value in Column B, it shows me the ideal amount of hours I need that day.
I want to calculate my actual hours worked per week as I'm working that week, so I need to ONLY sum the values in Column C if the adjacent value in Column B is NOT a formula. So I need it to sum the values in column C if I've entered the actual time that I clocked out at in column B.
I've looked up this question and tried multiple solutions I've found here, even tried troubleshooting with ChatGPT, but most are just trying to sum the range that contains the values/formula, and not summing a different column based on if another column has formulas or not.
There seems to be a lot of posts that come super close but don't seem to work for how I need this to work.
Edit: Here is the example sheet.
So F3:F6 are values that have been manually entered, while F:7 has been calculated by a formula.
I need H9 to sum the values of H3:H7, but only the values adjacent to the times in the F column that have been manually entered. In this example, I need it to sum H3:H6 and ignore H7 until I enter a time and remove the formula in F7.
You may filter and check if there is a formula with FORMULATEXT. If there isn't it will throw a #N/A error. Then with ISNA it will keep the values in which its adjacents did'nt have a formula:

Is there a formula for updating cells based on words or multiple words?

I have a sheet that tracks orders that we put in and we just started recently doing a breakdown on a month to month basis.
We have a main order log, main order log count, monthly order count, and a formula sheet
I currently have all my formulas for all the totals in the formula sheet and they then read into the main and monthly order log counts for a more streamlined approach so that way I can present it easier.
I have setup in my formula log a couple months already in advance the formulas to start counting each order when the new month hit but I have to go in manually each month and update where the totals will be reading from. Is there a way to automate it so instead of me going in each month and changing the locations of the formulas.
Say for instance I can type April in the heading and all my total formula cells will populate for the criteria I set for April and so on?
I would more than happy to share screenshots if needed I just cant share the sheet. But I would love to learn if possible.
I cant seem to grasp which formula I could use.

How can I count the number of items listed on a different google sheet based on dates in 2 different cells and if another cell is blank?

I have a google doc that tracks information about employee training (Example 1). I have another google doc that needs to summarize the information (Example 2) from multiple different sheets which mirror example 1 but for different teams.
Example 1: this sheet is tracking employees start dates, dates they finish training, and if they have quit. (there are multiple different docs all with the same format that I'm pulling from using importrange).
I need a formula that will count the number of employees currently in training. So count if start date is equal to or after today, end date is equal to or less than today, and the quit column is blank.
If the formula worked the way it should, and I was looking at the summary doc on 11/10/2021, it should report 4 people in the "# in Training" column on the table below (Example 2).
I have tried using an ArrayFormula with CountIfs to accomplish this, but it still pulls 0. Here is the formula I've been playing with:
=ArrayFormula(COUNTIFS('tracker'!$B$2:$B, "<="&TODAY(), 'tracker'!$C$2:$C, ">="&TODAY(), 'tracker'!$D$2:$D,""))
Give a try on below formula-
=COUNTIFS(B2:B8,"<=" & DATE(2021,11,10),C2:C8,">=" & DATE(2021,11,10),D2:D8,"")

Sum of values generated by ARRAYFORMULA() is incorrect (Google Sheet)

I have a sheet used to calculate worked time. The aim is to sum up the hours and divide them in "regular" ones (up to 8h per day) and "overtime" ones (anything more than 8h per day). Each date has to have two rows(the second one is hidden by default), as there are multiple places I can work at, but the time calculated should be summed. Also, time worked on Saturday and Sunday should always be counted as overtime.
Screencap here.
The problem I have is with calculating overtime hours.
Regular hours are generated by:
WEEKDAY(A3:A70; 1)=1;0;
WEEKDAY(A3:A70; 1)=7;0;
E3:E70+E4:E70<=8; E3:E70+E4:E70))
They are summed by =SUM(IFERROR(G3:G71;0)), which works just fine. Overtime hours are generated by:
WEEKDAY(A3:A70; 1)=1;E3:E70+E4:E70;
WEEKDAY(A3:A70; 1)=7;E3:E70+E4:E70;
E3:E70+E4:E70<=8; 0))
And summed similarly by =SUM(IFERROR(H3:H71;0)) in H72. However, it returns a wrong value - in the sample sheet, it is 57 instead of 7
If I select the summed range, the tooltip shows the correct sum (7). If I add/remove the decimal place or change the formatting in H72, it suddenly changes to the correct one, too. However, when any new data is added (i.e. hours form a new day), it goes back to showing incorrect values.
It is not a simple display error, because the values are then imported by another sheet via =IMPORTRANGE and it imports those wrong values.
Any idea how to fix it?
Sample sheet here
try in H72:
=INDEX(SUM(IFERROR(FILTER(1*H3:H71; MOD(ROW(H3:H71)-1; 2)=0); 0)))

Last row in google sheets

I'm sure this will be answered VERY quickly but its beginning to do my head in!
I have a stockcheck spreadsheet in Google Sheets. The stock check is done on a tablet and the data is sync'd with google sheets whereby the data from that stock check is appended in rows consecutively.
So week 1 would transfer to row 1, week 2 to row 2 etc etc etc.
The number of items on the stock check may decrease or increase to the length so consequently so the row length will do as well.
I want to transfer that raw data to a second sheet but only the last row, so I can in effect get the data from the most recent stock check.
I've tried numerous functions and can return both the number of the last row and the value of the first column in the last row.
I'm just at a complete loss in returning the values of the entire last row. Please help!
Without an example of your inventory sheet, I had to make one that is extremely simple (only has 3 columns). Next time, it would be helpful if you shared a link to your sheet (or at least made a copy of your sheet with insensitive data that you could share with us). Baring that data, I had to assume that you want the LATEST inventory row, and that you have a column with the date of the inventory in it...
Here's the sheet I created:
Basically, I created a filter in Cell A1 that gets all the columns in your range, and then returns that data filtered by all dates that are in the past, orders the array by date, and then limits the rows returned by 1 (and the columns by the number of columns in your range):
