Umlauts in the bibliography file of LaTeX - latex

I use Mendeley to manage my bibliography for my thesis. I add all the papers there and then I have it create a file bibtex to then use in the writing of the thesis.
One of the citation I need is Röthlisberger et al., 2000a, since I knew LaTeX would have freaked out if I dared to simply write the ö in the BibTeX file, I edited (using .tex editor on windows) the entry to be
author = {Regine R{\"{o}}thlisberger and Manuel A. Hutterli and Stefan Sommer and Eric W. Wolff and Robert Mulvaney},
doi = {10.1029/2000JD900264},
issn = {01480227},
issue = {D16},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres},
month = {8},
title = {Factors controlling nitrate in ice cores: Evidence from the Dome C deep ice core},
volume = {105},
year = {2000},
Since I'm using natbib (\usepackage[round]{natbib}), the process of citing should be quite straightforward and in the text I used \citep{Roth2000} to call the citation where I needed and...
It doesn't work.
At all.
I tried all the combination to write the ö in that name, with multiple brackets, without brackets, only on the o, all of them. The result is always an error of
!Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
l.19 R.~R<?>
<?>thlisberger, U...
which makes, to me, no sense. I tried to look around and every guide I've found seems to suggest that... this is how you should write it. Am I missing something?
The file I'm trying to make work is as follows
\author{Raffaello Nardin}
\date {October 2021}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \citep{Roth2000}
With Ref being the name of the BibTeX file


Use Biblatex to get an overview of the keywords from my sources

Hi I'm using LaTeX to write a literature review and BibLaTeX to print my sources and bibliography.
I would like to get an overview of all the keywords used in the articles I have gathered so far.
Since I have them all in a .bib file I figured that there probably is some easy way to get all the keywords from there that utilises BibLaTeX and the BibTeX-format of the file with the info.
From what I can gather BibLaTeX has the support for using keywords to sort the bibliography, or include/exclude certain sources based on keywords, but I can't find if or how I can print other information from the .bib than the full source. I've found \printfield in the documentation but it's not recognised when I use it in my document, even though the \textcite and the \printbibliography works fine so I'm guessing I'm using it wrong. Here's how I've tried to use it:
\section*{Citation examples}
I hope my question is clear enough.
Thank you.
Based on this question you could use one of the packages for index creation, e.g. imakeidx:
title={The Integrative Future Of Taxonomy},
author={Padial, J.M. and Miralles, A. and la Riva, I.D. and Vences, M.},
journal={Frontiers in Zoology},
note={Cited by 4},
publisher={Some Publishing},
keywords={biology, taxonomy},
title={The Integrative Future Of Taxonomy},
author={Padial, J.M. and Miralles, A. and la Riva, I.D. and Vences, M.},
journal={Frontiers in Zoology},
note={Cited by 4},
publisher={Some Publishing},
keywords={math, taxonomy},
\makeindex[name=keywords, title=List of Keywords]

Changing citation language in latex

I am trying to include citations APA style in my latex document which is written in dutch. However, the citations appear as
author e.a. (year)
instead of
author et al. (year)
The first is probably some translation, but in dutch is is very common to still use et al. How do I change the citations in text to et al.?
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=bibtex]{biblatex}
Dit is een test. \cite{Schleigh2015}. \cite{Slater2015}
Dit is een test. Schleigh e.a., 2015. Slater e.a., 2015
Also, i just discoverd that apperently this apa style does not print an "&" when more than three authors are present. Instead in prints the word "and", which is not apa.
Author1, Author2 AND Author3
which should be:
Author1, Author2 & Author3
Luckily you use the biblatex package, this makes it easy to adjust the string:
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}
andothers = {et\addabbrvspace al\adddot},
andmore = {et\addabbrvspace al\adddot},
Dit is een test. \cite{aksin}.
Some other comments about your code:
apa styles requires the biber backend. With your attempt to use it with biblatex, you should have gotten an error messages telling you that. Please do not ignore error messages
your are mixing syntaxes from two different bibliography tools. \addbibresource{...} and \printbibliography are correct syntax for biblatex. \bibliography{bibliography} is not.
with \usepackage[dutch]{babel} you already changed the main language of your document to dutch, \begin{otherlanguage}{dutch}...\end{otherlanguage} is not necessary

How to write footnote citation in beamer in one line?

I am using beamer latex and I need to give reference in the footnote. My reference is about 2 lines. but when I write the following code it writes it in more lines!!!
\frametitle{R: Literature Review}
Huo et al. \footfullcite{Huo, et al. ``Computerized ...''}
the output is like this:
et al. ”Prediction of clinical phenotypes in invasive breast carcinomas from the integration of radiomics and genomics data.”
no. 4 (2015): 041007-041007..
Do you know how I can do it in just 2 lines?
Thanks and regards.
I think the problem might be, that latex has problems to hyphenate the title of the article. An easy workaround is to let latex do the work and use bibtex or biblatex.
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% only for this example, otherwise in .bib file
author = {Zhimin Huo and Maryellen L. Giger and Olufunmilayo I. Olopade and Dulcy E. Wolverton and Barbara L. Weber and Charles E. Metz and Weiming Zhong and Shelly A. Cummings},
title = {Computerized Analysis of Digitized Mammograms of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Gene Mutation Carriers},
journal = {Radiology},
volume = {225},
number = {2},
pages = {519-526},
year = {2002},
doi = {10.1148/radiol.2252010845},
note ={PMID: 12409590},
\frametitle{R: Literature Review}
Huo et al. \footfullcite{Huo2002}
A little trick: do not use comma after 'Guo' (or 'Huo')!
\footfullcite{Huo et al. ``Computerized ...''}

Add journal name to biblatex references, journal names not showing up

I'm using biblatex in a beamer presentation so that I can use the \footcite command. The problem is that bibliography styles handling in biblatex don't look quite straighforward and none of the default styles will actually work for me since they do not show Journal references.
I'm looking for something similar as .bst files for Bibtex, since I can have JPC and PRL, PR bibliography styles. I surfed the internet and this stackexchange but couldn't find a proper solution. Could somebody provide me a working example with a style which shows: Authors, Year, Journal?
Best regards
The following code (authoryear style) does not show journal. Alphabetic, numeric etc only produces blank references.
\documentclass[8pt mathserif]{beamer}
\institute{MSE # NTU\\
The Zhao Research Group\\
\date[]{Thursday 31, July 2014}
\section{Review of interesting phenomenology}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks noframenumbering]{Polaron Transformation}
\item The original theory was developed by Munn-Silbey{\tiny \footcite{Silbey1980}\footcite{Munn1985}\footcite{Munn1985a}} and further refined by Zhao et al. \footcite{JCP1994OntheMunn}\footcite{Chen2011}
And the library.bib file only contains entries such as the one referenced:
author = {Silbey, R. and Munn, R. W.},
doi = {10.1063/1.439425},
file = {:Users/Caco/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/General theory of electronic transport in molecular crystals. I. Local linear electron–phonon coupling R. Silbey and R. W. Munn.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00219606},
journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
number = {4},
pages = {2763},
title = {{General theory of electronic transport in molecular crystals. I. Local linear electron–phonon coupling}},
url = {},
volume = {72},
year = {1980}

Add "Appendix" before "A" in thesis TOC

I am required to insert the word Appendix before the letter A in my dissertation Table of Contents as follows:
Appendix A (title for appendix A)
but the latex thesis cls file I use generates only the letter A followed by the appendix title:
A (title for appendix A)
The thesis cls file defines a "backmatter" command and the appendix is treated as a chapter.
\ifnum \c#secnumdepth > \m#ne \#chapapp\ \thechapter: \fi ##1}{%
\ifnum \c#secnumdepth > \m#ne \#chapapp\ \thechapter: \fi ##1}}%
Is there a simple fix to the above code that will add the word Appendix before the letter A in the TOC for Appendix A? There is a related question, How to make 'appendix' appear in toc in Latex?, but the answers did not appear to help in this case.
You can easily achieve what you want using the appendix package. Here's a sample file that shows you how. The key is the titletoc option when calling the package. It takes whatever value you've defined in \appendixname and the default value is Appendix.
\chapter{Lorem ipsum}
\section{Dolor sit amet}
\chapter{Consectetur adipiscing elit}
\chapter{Mauris euismod}
The output looks like
