Accessing choice parameter values from within Jenkins declarative pipelines - jenkins

In my declarative pipeline I have a choice parameter as follows:
parameters {
choice(name: 'sleep_time',
choices: ['2.5m', '2m', '15s', '50s', '4m', '1m', '1.5m', '1.5s', 'random'],
description: "the sleep time to execute after the command")
How can I get all the values of the parameter from within my declarative pipeline?
In this example I am expecting to get the list of 2.5m, 2m, 15s and so on.

During execution the parameter value will hold only the selected choice and not the entire list of options, however because the parameter is defined as part of the pipeline script, you can define the option list as a global parameter for your pipeline and use in in the parameter definition and in any other place in the pipeline.
Something like:
// Define the options as a global parameter
SLEEP_OPTIONS = ['2.5m', '2m', '15s', '50s', '4m', '1m', '1.5m', '1.5s', 'random']
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(name: 'sleep_time',
choices: SLEEP_OPTIONS, // Use the global parameter
description: "the sleep time to execute after the command")
stages {
stage('Use Global Parameter') {
steps {
script {
SLEEP_OPTIONS.each { // SLEEP_OPTIONS is available for all steps in the pipeline
println it


Using env variables in a Jenkinsfile function?

I'm triggering one Jenkins job from the other, all via Jenkinsfiles.
stage("Trigger another job")
build([job:"Job2", wait:true, propagate:true, parameters: [string(name:'branch_my',value:"${env.ghprbActualCommit}")]])
Note that parameter branch_my is sent to Job2. However, the pipeline Job2 needs to work even when branch_my is NOT defined, for example when it is triggered manually.
Jenkinsfile for Job2 looks like:
// ...
// etc...
def customBranches()
if ( env.branch_my != null)
sh "switch_to ${env.branch_my}"
However, the customBranches() if statement never evaluates to true. When I do
sh "echo 'Env branch_my is: ${env.branch_my} '"
I get Env branch_my is: some_value , which is OK, and if statement should evaluate to true - but it does not.
I tried adding ${} like so: if ( ${env.branch_my} != null), but that failed completely: No such DSL method "$" found.
What's wrong with my customBranches()?
Problem isn't the Jenkinsfile syntax, but the Jenkins job configuration: it must be labeled as "parametrized" in the GUI and a string parameter branch_my needs to be defined:
Note, the parameters can be added via the Jenkinsfile itself:
parameters { string(name: 'branch_my', defaultValue: 'master', description: '') }
However, this just adds the parameter to the GUI, so you end up with the same thing.

Active Choices Reactive Parameter does not gets selected when the Reference parameter is set from a parent job

I have 2 Jenkins Job, say ParentJob and ChildJob.
The ParentJob has a Active Choice Parameter, say ENV, with the below groovy script:
The ChildJob also has a similar Active Choice Parameter, say ENV, with the same groovy script. Additionally, there is also an Active Choices Reactive Parameter, say ENV_URL with ENV as the Reference Parameter and with following groovy script:
return [""]
}else if(ENV.equals("B")){
return [""]
} else {
return [""]
Now, I'm calling ChildJob from my ParentJob using a pipeline script. When I set ENV as "A" in my ParentJob, which internally calls ChildJob,
ParentJob pipeline code:
pipeline {
agent {
node {
stages {
stage('ChildJob') {
steps {
script {
def myJob=build job: "${JOB_NAME}", parameters: [
string(name: 'ENV', value:"${ENV}")
The Active Choices Parameter for ENV in the ChildJob is set to A
However, the Active Choice Reactive Parameter ENV_URL is empty and IS NOT SET with the value ""
Basically, would want the Active Choices Reactive Parameter to set a value based on the Reference Parameter which is set from a Parent job.
Any suggestions on how this can be achieved?
I don't think this is possible. The best option for you is to Pass the parameter from the parent Job.
URL = getURLByEnv("$ENV") // Retrive the URL based on the Same logic in your child job.
build job: '$JOB_NAME', parameters:[
string(name: 'ENV', value: "$ENV"),
string(name: 'url', value: "$URL")

run 2 jobs with same jenkinsfile and different parameters

I want to configure 2 jobs in Jenkins that use the same jenkinsfile but the only difference is the parameters to these jobs.
for example:
create 2 jobs named: A and B that each one of them gets param of X.
in A the job get X as 1 and in B the X is 2.
I want to create it in this way instead of one job that has multi-checkbox because the jobs are independent and I don't want to leave any option to make mistakes.
How can I achieve that only via jenkinsfile?
I read about load jenkinsfile within other jenkinsfile but can't find a way to pass parameters.
How can I achieve this?
If you use Build with Parameters you can reference these declared parameters in the Jenkinsfile with this syntax ${PARAM}.
You could also declare a Choice Parameter named CHOICE in a declaritive pipeline it would look like this:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(name: 'CHOICE', choices: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'], description: 'Pick something')
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
echo "Choice: ${params.CHOICE}"
You would not need 2 jobs this way. It is the same job but it runs with different configurations for CHOICE.
This example is directly taken from the official docs:
my solution was:
in Jenkins file to set
environment {
X= getX(env.JOB_NAME)
Y= getY(env.JOB_NAME)
and create the following functions in the end of pipeline:
def getX(jobName)
if (jobName.contains("X1"))
return "X1";
else return "X2";
def getY(jobName)
if (jobName.contains("BLA"))
return "BLA1";
return "BLA2";

Jenkins pipelineJob DSL not interpreting variables in pipeline script

I'm trying to generate Jenkins pipelines using the pipelineJob function in the jobDSL pluging, but cannot pass parameters from the DSL to the pipeline script. I have several projects that use what is essentially the same Jenkinsfile, with differences only in a few steps. I'm trying to use the JobDSL plugin to generate these pipelines on the fly, with the values I want changed in them interpreted to match the parameters to the DSL.
I've tried just about every combination of string interpretation that I can in the pipeline script, as well as in the DSL, but cannot get Jenkins/groovy to interpret variables in the pipeline script.
I'm calling the job DSL in a pipeline step:
def projectName = "myProject"
def envs = ['DEV','QA','UAT']
def repositoryURL = ''
jobDsl targets: ['jobs/*.groovy'].join('\n'),
additionalParameters: [
project: projectName,
environments: envs,
repository: repositoryURL
removedJobAction: 'DELETE',
removedViewAction: 'DELETE'
The DSL is as follows:
pipelineJob("${project} pipeline") {
definition {
cps {
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
REPO = repository
parameters {
choice name: "ENVIRONMENT", choices: environments
stages {
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
echo "Deploying ${env.REPO} to ${params.ENVIRONMENT}..."
The variables that I pass in additionalParameters are interpreted in the jobDSL script; a pipeline with the correct name does get generated. The problem is that the variables are not passed to the pipeline script read from the workspace - the Jenkins configuration for the generated pipeline looks exactly the same as the file, without any interpretation on the variables.
I've made a number of attempts at getting the string to interpret, including a lot of variations of "${environments}", ${environments}, $environments, \$environments...I can't find any that work. I've also tried reading the file as a gstringImpl:
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can make variables propagate down to the pipeline script? I know that I could just use a for loop to do string.replaceAll() on the script text, but that seems cumbersome; there's got to be a better way.
I've come up with a way to make this work. It's not what I'd prefer, which is having the string contents of the file implicitly interpreted during job creation, but it does work; it just adds an extra step.
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
def fileContents = readFileFromWorkspace "pipeline.groovy"
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
template = engine.createTemplate(fileContents).make(binding.getVariables()).toString()
pipelineJob("${project} pipeline") {
definition {
cps {
This reads a file from your workspace, then uses it as a template with the binding variables. The other changes needed to make this work are escaping any variables used in your Jenkinsfile script, like \${VARIABLE} so that they are expanded at runtime, not at the time you build the job. Any variables you want to be expanded at job creation should be referenced as ${VARIABLE}.
You could achieve what you're trying to do by defining environment variables in the pipelineJob and then using those variables in your pipeline.
They are a bit limited because environment variables are strings, but it should work for basic stuff
pipelineJob('example') {
environmentVariables {
// these vars could be specified by parameters of this job
env('repository', 'blah')
env('environments', "a,b,c"]) //comma separated string
definition {
cps {
And then in the pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
REPO = env.repository
parameters {
choice name: "ENVIRONMENT", choices: env.environments.split(',')
//note the need to split the comma separated string above
You need to use the complete job name as a variable without the quotes. E.g., if JOBNAME is a parameter containing the entire job name:
pipelineJob(JOBNAME) {
definition {
cps {

How can I parameterize Jenkinsfile jobs

I have Jenkins Pipeline jobs, where the only difference between the jobs is a parameter, a single "name" value, I could even use the multibranch job name (though not what it's passing as JOB_NAME which is the BRANCH name, sadly none of the envs look suitable without parsing). It would be great if I could set this outiside of the Jenkinsfile, since then I could reuse the same jenkinsfile for all the various jobs.
Add this to your Jenkinsfile:
string(name: 'myParam', defaultValue: '')
Then, once the build has run once, you will see the "build with parameters" button on the job UI.
There you can input the parameter value you want.
In the pipeline script you can reference it with params.myParam
Basically you need to create a jenkins shared library example name myCoolLib and have a full declarative pipeline in one file under vars, let say you call the file myFancyPipeline.groovy.
Wanted to write my examples but actually I see the docs are quite nice, so I'll copy from there. First the myFancyPipeline.groovy
def call(int buildNumber) {
if (buildNumber % 2 == 0) {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Even Stage') {
steps {
echo "The build number is even"
} else {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Odd Stage') {
steps {
echo "The build number is odd"
and then aJenkinsfile that uses it (now has 2 lines)
#Library('myCoolLib') _
Obviously parameter here is of type int, but it can be any number of parameters of any type.
I use this approach and have one of the groovy scripts that has 3 parameters (2 Strings and an int) and have 15-20 Jenkinsfiles that use that script via shared library and it's perfect. Motivation is of course one of the most basic rules in any programming (not a quote but goes something like): If you have "same code" at 2 different places, something is not right.
There is an option This project is parameterized in your pipeline job configuration. Write variable name and a default value if you wish. In pipeline access this variable with env.variable_name
