LaTeX booktabs horizontal oveflow - latex

I am new to LaTeX and I want to create a quite simple table (in german). As you can see in my code, it has to contain 5 rows and 5 columns. My problem is that the table is too large for my page and it overflows on the right side of the page. I don't want to rotate the table, so it should use hyphenation to use the given space better.
tmargin={2cm},bmargin = {2cm}]{geometry}
\caption{Übersicht aller Umfragen zur Landtagswahl in Sachsen-Anhalt im April/Mai 2021.}
\begin{tabular}{l l l l l}
Durchgeführt von:
& Erhebungszeitraum
& Datum der Veröffentlichung
& Erhebungsmethode(n)
& Veröffentlicht von:\\
infratest dimap
& 16. – 21.April 2021
& 23.April 2021
& zufallsbasierte Telefon- und Onlineinterviews
& \\
& 20. – 27.April 2021
& 29.April 2021
& k.A.
& \\
& 17. – 23.Mai 2021
& 26.Mai 2021
& k.A.
& \\
infratest dimap
& 25. – 26.Mai 2021
& 27. Mai 2021
& zufallsbasierte Telefon- und Onlineinterviews
& \\
Mannheimer Forschungsgruppe Wahlen
& 25. – 27.Mai 2021
& 28.Mai 2021
& zufallsbasierte Telefoninterviews
& \\
I think a similar problem is described here, but to be honest; my table is much simpler (no multicolumns and no math-symbols), so I have some problems to find the right code to solve my problem.
Thank you very much for reading my question! :)

To get line breaks you'll need a column type of fixed with, e.g. p{<some width>} or you can use the tabularx package to automatically determine the width of the columns.
However even with line breaks, the table will still look awfully crowded. You can safe a bit more space by giving the months as numbers instead of words and adding #{} before/after the first/last column.
tmargin={2cm},bmargin = {2cm}]{geometry}
\caption{Übersicht aller Umfragen zur Landtagswahl in Sachsen-Anhalt im April/Mai 2021.}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{#{} *5{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} #{}}
Durchgeführt von:
& Erhebungs\-zeitraum
& Datum der Veröffentlichung
& Erhebungs\-methode(n)
& Veröffentlicht von:\\
infratest dimap
& 16. – 21.4.2021
& 23.4.2021
& zufallsbasierte Telefon- und Onlineinterviews
& \\
& 20.–27.4.2021
& 29.4.2021
& k.A.
& \\
& 17.–23.5.2021
& 26.5.2021
& k.A.
& \\
infratest dimap
& 25.–26.5.2021
& 27.5.2021
& zufallsbasierte Telefon- und Onlineinterviews
& \\
Mannheimer Forschungsgruppe Wahlen
& 25.–27.5.2021
& 28.5.2021
& zufallsbasierte Telefoninterviews
& \\


How do i wrap text in next kine in order to fit this table in landscape orientation in overleaf?

How do i wrap text in next line in order to fit this table in landscape orientation in the latex document. Need to wrap text particularly in column 7, 8 and column 9.
Attached image is how I want it to look in overload....but in landscape orientation.
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
\newcommand{\remark}[1]{{\color{red} \large \bf~#1~}}
\caption{Cash Flow}
\begin{tabular}{lcc p{0.2\linewidth} p{0.3\linewidth}cccclrl}
SNo. & Funding Date & Round Name & Funding Amount (USD) & Round Post-Money Valuation (USD) & Institutional Investors & Angel Investors & Lead Investor & Total Funding (USD) & Revenue Multiple \\
1 & Jul 26, 2021 & Series A & 2,50,00,000 & 10,39,39,264 & WestBridge,Accel,Tanglin Venture Partners, Calabasas Capital,AngelList,Sparkle Fund, Konark Trust,MMPL Trust,GP Partners & Ashneer Grover,Abhimanyu Munjal,Kushal Nahata,Ashish Singhal,Ankur Ashwin Shah,Ashish Sharma,Karthik Bhat,Gautam Kumar & WestBridge,Accel, Tanglin Venture Partners & 2,85,70,159 & ~ \\
2 & Oct 29, 2020 & Seed & 33,60,820 & 1,36,14,263 & Accel,Titan Capital,QED Innovation,Blue Wolf Capital Partners,ICICI Bank,Sparkle Fund & Sumit Maniyar,Ramakanth Sharma,Gaurav Agarwal,Nitin Gupta,Akshat Sharma,Harish Kumar Goel,Akhil Paul,Pramod Kumar Saraf,Chitransh Sahai,Kunal Bahl,Viswamani Ganesh,Ashish Santhalia,Anjali Bansal,Dilip KumarKarodimal Khandelwal,Rohit Bansal & Accel & 2,85,70,159 & 30.2 \\
3 & Nov 16, 2019 & Seed & 2,09,339 & 14,86,494 & Titan Capital & Rajesh Razdan,Ajay Garg,Mitesh Damania,Bipin Kumar Shah,Sunder Nookala,Kunal Bahl,Rohit Bansal & Titan Capital & 2,85,70,159 & 68.6 \\
I think it would be better if you removed the long wordy columns and moved them to another table. Then match everything by ID. To let table contain long text, you get very tall rows. I don't think it looks correct.
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{pdflscape} % \usepackage{lscape}
\caption{Cash Flow}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lcc *2{r} *3{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} rc}
& \thead{Funding\\Date}
& \thead{Round\\Name}
& \thead{Funding\\Amount\\(USD)}
& \thead{Round\\Post-Money\\Valuation\\(USD)}
& \thead{Institutional\\Investors}
& \thead{Angel\\Investors}
& \thead{Lead\\Investor}
& \thead{Total\\Funding\\(USD)}
& \thead{Revenue\\Multiple} \\
& Jul 26, 2021
& Series A
& 2,50,00,000
& 10,39,39,264
& WestBridge, Accel, Tanglin Venture Partners, Calabasas Capital, AngelList, Sparkle Fund, Konark Trust, MMPL Trust, GP Partners
& Ashneer Grover, Abhimanyu Munjal, Kushal Nahata, Ashish Singhal, Ankur Ashwin Shah, Ashish Sharma, Karthik Bhat, Gautam Kumar
& WestBridge, Accel, Tanglin Venture Partners
& 2,85,70,159
& ~ \\
& Oct 29, 2020
& Seed
& 33,60,820
& 1,36,14,263
& Accel, Titan Capital, QED Innovation, Blue Wolf Capital Partners, ICICI Bank, Sparkle Fund
& Sumit Maniyar,Ramakanth Sharma,Gaurav Agarwal,Nitin Gupta,Akshat Sharma,Harish Kumar Goel,Akhil Paul, Pramod Kumar Saraf, Chitransh Sahai, Kunal Bahl, Viswamani Ganesh, Ashish Santhalia, Anjali Bansal, Dilip KumarKarodimal Khandelwal, Rohit Bansal
& Accel
& 2,85,70,159
& 30.2 \\
& Nov 16, 2019
& Seed
& 2,09,339
& 14,86,494
& Titan Capital
& Rajesh Razdan,Ajay Garg,Mitesh Damania,Bipin Kumar Shah,Sunder Nookala,Kunal Bahl,Rohit Bansal
& Titan Capital
& 2,85,70,159
& 68.6 \\

Overfull \hbox and Package array Errors. Latex tabular

I am getting trouble to fit my table - tabular to the paragraph width.
This is the error:
Overfull \hbox (341.06795pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 391--411
Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (M): `c' used.
Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (4cm): `c' used
I have been trying one thousand things and nothing seems to work.
I am using this template from Overleaf, where you can find the document class.
This is my code.
Bla bla
\begin{tabular}{ |M{4cm}||M{4cm}|M{4cm}|M{4cm}|}
% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Initial value parameter combinations ($t_0=1932$)} \\
Scenarios from 2020 & $\phi_{B}=\phi_{C}=0.05$ and 1932 electoral results & $\phi_{B}=0.05, \phi_{C}=0.055$ and 1932 electoral results & $\phi_{B}=\phi_{C}=0.05$ and electoral tie \\
$\phi_{D}=\phi_{E}=0.01$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.01$ & S0000 & S0100 & S1000 \\
$\phi_{D}=0.015,\phi_{E}=0.01$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.01$ & S0001 & S0101 & S1001 \\
$\phi_{D}=0.01,\phi_{E}=0.015$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.01$ & S0010 & S0110 & S1010 \\
$\phi_{D}=0.01,\phi_{E}=0.01$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.015$ & S0011 & S0111 & S1011 \\
The M column type is not defined by default. If you want to use it, you have to somehow define it. I don't know what you indent it to do, but here some dummy code:
\begin{tabular}{ |M{4cm}||M{4cm}|M{4cm}|M{4cm}|}
% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Initial value parameter combinations ($t_0=1932$)} \\
Scenarios from 2020 & $\phi_{B}=\phi_{C}=0.05$ and 1932 electoral results & $\phi_{B}=0.05, \phi_{C}=0.055$ and 1932 electoral results & $\phi_{B}=\phi_{C}=0.05$ and electoral tie \\
$\phi_{D}=\phi_{E}=0.01$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.01$ & S0000 & S0100 & S1000 \\
$\phi_{D}=0.015,\phi_{E}=0.01$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.01$ & S0001 & S0101 & S1001 \\
$\phi_{D}=0.01,\phi_{E}=0.015$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.01$ & S0010 & S0110 & S1010 \\
$\phi_{D}=0.01,\phi_{E}=0.01$, $\gamma_{B}=\gamma_{C}=\gamma_{D}=\gamma_{E}=0.015$ & S0011 & S0111 & S1011 \\

The font size of tables is way too small in Latex

I am generating tables in latex. But the text's font is way too small compared to the main text size, which is 12 pt.
Here is the Latex code
\textbf{Air pollutant} & \textbf{Detection limit} & \textbf{Concentration range to expect
by EPA} & \textbf{Concentration range in Bristol, UK} & \textbf{Range in Bristol, UK} \\[3ex]
\textbf{Ozone (O$_{3}$) } & \textbf{10 ppb} & \textbf{0--150 ppb }
& \textbf{0--100 ppb} & \\[3ex] \hline
\textbf{Nitrogen dioxide} & \textbf{10 ppb} & \textbf{0--50 ppb}
& \textbf{20--55 ppb} & \\[3ex] \hline
\textbf{PM$_{2.5}$} & \textbf{5 } & \textbf{0--40 \SI{}
{\micro\gram/m^3}} & \textbf{0--40 \SI{}{\micro\gram/m^3} }
& \\[3ex] \hline
\textbf{PM$_{10}$} & \textbf{10} & \textbf{0--100 \SI{}
{\micro\gram/m^3} } & \textbf{0--100 \SI{}{\micro\gram/m^3}}
& \\[3ex] \hline
\textbf{Temperature range} & ----- & ------ & ----
-- & \textbf{3--$ 21 ^\circ C $} \\[3ex]
\textbf{Humidity } & ----- & ----- & -----
-- & \textbf{50\%--75\% } \\[3ex] \hline
and here is a screenshot of part of PDF to compare the main text and table font
I have this issue for several tables, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can I suggest a few things?
You should avoid long headings with narrow content like numbers, unless cells contain long paragraphs, as well. Find the way to shorten the headings, e.g. by adding line breaks.
Repeated content can be grouped and move to separate cells, which can also help with excessive widths.
As you load siunitx, I would recommend to use \qtyrange{}{}{}. Typing them takes the same space and time but in case you need to make changes e.g. you have to change a range marker from -- to to you will appreciate to only have to do it in one place via siunitx. If you repeat long units, it is also possible to define your own units, for the same reason to make changes in one place. I think \SI{}{} is deprecated and should be changed to qty{}{}, although I am not entirely sure about it.
This is my personal taste but IMO tables can look much better without vertical bars. I also added booktabs for improved horizontal rules.
Here's a different version of your table
and the code
\caption{Caption of the table}
wc{2cm} #{\hspace{1em}}
& \multirow{3}*{\thead{Detection\\limit}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{Concentration range:}}
& \multirow{3}*{\thead{Range\\in Bristol, UK}} \\
& & \thead{to expect\\by EPA} & \thead{in Bristol\\UK} & \\
\thead{Ozone (O\textsubscript{3})}
& \qty{10}{\ppb} & \qtyrange{0}{150}{\ppb} & \qtyrange{0}{100}{\ppb} & \nullval \\
\thead{Nitrogen dioxide}
& \qty{10}{\ppb} & \qtyrange{0}{50}{\ppb} & \qtyrange{20}{55}{\ppb} & \nullval \\
& 5 & \qtyrange{0}{40}{\mg/m^3} & \qtyrange{0}{40}{\ug/m^3} & \nullval \\
& 10 & \qtyrange{0}{100}{\ug/m^3} & \qtyrange{0}{100}{\ug/m^3} & \nullval \\
\thead{Temperature range}
& \nullval & \nullval & \nullval & \qtyrange{3}{21}{\degreeCelsius} \\
& \nullval & \nullval & \nullval & \qtyrange{50}{75}{\%} \\
You should never use \resizebox for elements which contain text.
Instead you could save some space by using multiple lines for your header cells and restructure your table a bit:
\caption{... The temperature range in Bristol, UK was 3--\SI{21}{\degree C} and the humidity 50\%--75\% during the measurement.}
Air pollutant & Detection limit & Concentration range to expect
by EPA & Concentration range in Bristol, UK \\
Ozone (O\textsubscript{3}) & 10 ppb & 0--150 ppb & 0--100 ppb \\
Nitrogen dioxide & 10 ppb & 0--50 ppb & 20--55 ppb \\
PM\textsubscript{2.5} & 5 & 0--40 \SI{}{\micro\gram/m^3} & 0--40 \SI{}{\micro\gram/m^3} \\
PM\textsubscript{10} & 10 & 0--100 \SI{}{\micro\gram/m^3} & 0--100 \SI{}{\micro\gram/m^3} \\

Table LateX doesn't show up in the document

For some reason my code is not reproducing the table I wanted in the document. Only a bold line shows up but no cells or text. What am I doing wrong?
\usepackage[algo2e, ruled, vlined]{algorithm2e}
Date & Luis Lacalle Pou & Date & Alberto Fernandez \\ \hline
May 21 & \begin{tabular}[c]{#{}l#{}}Announces the return to in-person classes strategy... \\ “We are taking this decision because we are convinced that the risk is minimal. We wouldn’t be doing it otherwise”(Infobae, 2020)\end{tabular} & April 25 & Announcement of the extension of the lockdown... (Casa Rosada, 2020a) \\ \hline
June 25 & Press conference speech... (CED Uruguay, 2020) & June 20 & Speech during Argentina’s Flag Day... (Casa Rosada, 2020b) \\ \hline
July 12 & Lacalle Pou justified ... (Lacalle Pou, 2020a) & July 18 & Press conference along with Buenos Aires’ ... (Casa Rosada, 2020c) \\ \hline
July 22 & Press conference ... (Lacalle Pou, 2020b) & July 31 & Speech directed to ... (Casa Rosada, 2020d) \\ \hline
September 22 & \begin{tabular}[c]{#{}l#{}}Speech for the General Assembly in the UN. “Our country’s answer to the pandemic (...) \\ (Lacalle Pou, 2020c)\end{tabular} & August 28 & \begin{tabular}[c]{#{}l#{}}Announcement of the extension of the quarantine restrictions. \\ “It has been almost 100 days ... . (Casa Rosada, 2020e)\end{tabular} \\ \hline
This is how it looks in my LaTeX doc .
And this is how I would like it to look
This is how it looks in my LaTeX doc .
And this is how I would like it to look
That's not a bold line, that literarily is your table ... just scaled down sooooooo much by \resizebox that you can't see it. That's one of the many reasons you should never use \resizebox for elements which contain text. Other reasons are suboptimal choice of letter shapes and a ransom letter appearance to the final document with all the different font sizes.
Other problems:
\begin{document} is missing
By using l columns for your table and then even wrapping the verrrrrrrrrrrry long lines into additional tables with c columns, you are very efficiently telling latex to never ever break lines in your table. Instead you could use a column of fixed with, or - easier - use the tabularray package with an X column which will automatically calculate the width
no floating specifier like [htbp] is given
\usepackage[algo2e, ruled, vlined]{algorithm2e}
Date & Luis Lacalle Pou & Date & Alberto Fernandez \\ \hline
May 21 & Announces the return to in-person classes strategy... “We are taking this decision because we are convinced that the risk is minimal. We wouldn’t be doing it otherwise”(Infobae, 2020) & April 25 & Announcement of the extension of the lockdown... (Casa Rosada, 2020a) \\ \hline
June 25 & Press conference speech... (CED Uruguay, 2020) & June 20 & Speech during Argentina’s Flag Day... (Casa Rosada, 2020b) \\ \hline
July 12 & Lacalle Pou justified ... (Lacalle Pou, 2020a) & July 18 & Press conference along with Buenos Aires’ ... (Casa Rosada, 2020c) \\ \hline
July 22 & Press conference ... (Lacalle Pou, 2020b) & July 31 & Speech directed to ... (Casa Rosada, 2020d) \\ \hline
September 22 & Speech for the General Assembly in the UN. “Our country’s answer to the pandemic (...) (Lacalle Pou, 2020c) & August 28 & Announcement of the extension of the quarantine restrictions. “It has been almost 100 days ... . (Casa Rosada, 2020e) \\ \hline

Minipage in Latex failing to compile

I want to put a table and figure above/below one another in my article tex file as they are related. Until now it has worked in this document but suddenly it isn't working and I can't compile in Overleaf. Please help.
\captionof{table}{Best Case Scenario A IC values when synthesis, desiccation (and algae collection) have been excluded from the system.}
IC & Unit & Total (no collection) & Total (with collection) \\ \midrule
CC & kg CO2 eq & -1.1E+03 & -7.0E+02 \\
Ecotox & CTUe & 2.1E+02 & 1.4E+04 \\
HTnc & CTUh & 6.9E-08 & 1.4E-05 \\
PM & disease inc. & 3.7E-07 & 1.0E-05 \\
RUf & MJ & 9.3E+01 & 5.6E+03 \\
RUm & kg Sb eq & 8.0E-06 & 3.6E-02 \\ \bottomrule
\captionof{figure}{Characterisation of the sub-systems in best-case scenario A when synthesis, desiccation and algae collection have been excluded from the system boundaries. Method: EF 3.0 Method (adapted) V1.00}
The main problem is that the minipage has an mandatory argument to specify the width, so you'll need
Some other comments:
best not specify a file type for your image \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{Pictures/A_best_nosynANDnodesiccationANDnocollection}. If you have the same image in different formats latex will then include the one best suited for the engine you use to compile your document
Unless your minipage is in a float environment like figure or table you want to add \noindent before the minipage. Without this there is not enough space in your line to fit a minipage with \textwidth
if you want to have the numbers in your table nicely aligned, have a look at the siunitx package
\captionof{table}{Best Case Scenario A IC values when synthesis, desiccation (and algae collection) have been excluded from the system.}
IC & Unit & Total (no collection) & Total (with collection) \\ \midrule
CC & kg CO2 eq & -1.1E+03 & -7.0E+02 \\
Ecotox & CTUe & 2.1E+02 & 1.4E+04 \\
HTnc & CTUh & 6.9E-08 & 1.4E-05 \\
PM & disease inc. & 3.7E-07 & 1.0E-05 \\
RUf & MJ & 9.3E+01 & 5.6E+03 \\
RUm & kg Sb eq & 8.0E-06 & 3.6E-02 \\ \bottomrule
\captionof{figure}{Characterisation of the sub-systems in best-case scenario A when synthesis, desiccation and algae collection have been excluded from the system boundaries. Method: EF 3.0 Method (adapted) V1.00}
